Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 330 Buy one get one free

Li Rui didn't stay at the stronghold near the grain and water. He hurried back to Loess City and returned to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom's secret battlefield.

When I came to the room where the prophet was, I found that Chen Cheng was having a heated discussion with Cheng Wen.

"It's not an illusion or an illusion. I can guarantee that the aura is just missing."

Chen Cheng almost slammed the table, "You are not a prophet, what do you know?"

Cheng Wen did not argue with him, but responded calmly: "It doesn't make sense, there is no battle report from the grain and water stronghold."

"Then I don't know. You should take the initiative to send a correspondent to ask." Chen Cheng looked like a rogue, holding his hands on his chest and shaking his chair.

Li Rui didn't know what the two were arguing about, so he just knocked on the open door and walked into the room.

"Why are you back?!" Both people in the room were shocked.

Li Rui said strangely: "What do you mean you came back? You came back as soon as the mission was completed. Why, didn't the correspondent bring the battle report?"

Cheng Wen shook his head: "No, the last battle report was that you arrived, and then you were gone for the time being."

Li Rui thought for a moment and understood: "Oh, it seems that the giant Hercules took a shortcut too fast, and the battle report hasn't arrived yet."

Some mountains are rugged and steep, and even extraordinary people would not choose to walk in those places, but this is not a problem for an all-terrain mount like Titan, so he may return earlier than the battle report.

At this moment, a correspondent from outside happened to run in furiously: "Commander Cheng, Commander Cheng! A great victory on the food and water battlefield! 0109 Kill Farah Landa on the battlefield, the Western Kingdom retreats!"

The three people in the room were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Only the correspondent looked confused.

After the other party left, Cheng Wen got down to the topic.

"Farah Landa is dead, good, in this case, they will give up the food and water area. But have you seen their prophets, I mean, Chen Cheng said that their prophets suddenly stopped interfering, you know What's the reason, he's dead?"

Li Rui replied: "Well, I am sure that the only person who died was Farah Landa. Then while they were retreating, I followed them to find the location of the vanguard camp, and then lost a skill. I am not sure whether the prophet is dead or not."

"I'll just say it!"

Chen Cheng became excited, "Approximately how long ago did it happen?"

"Four hours?"

Li Rui made an estimate.

It takes about three hours one way from here to the Liangshui front line.

Cheng Wen looked at Chen Cheng, as if asking if it was right. The latter nodded and said, "That's right. At about that time, the pressure on my side suddenly disappeared."

Cheng Wen became excited and pressed Li Rui's shoulders: "You have made a great contribution!"

He was very excited, even a little unbelievable.

Originally I just wanted to send people to help Yi Xin finish the game, but in the end, he not only killed the enemy's main strong man, but also rushed into the enemy's formation to buy one, get one free, and lose a prophet. This was a dream start, and for the commanding staff It's like winning the lottery.

Li Rui smiled: "I'm just lucky. I just threw a skill and hit it."

"You are not lucky. Almost all prophets are equipped with separate bodyguards. Your skills are unusual, right?"

"Well, it's my most powerful ultimate move."

"That's right."

Cheng Wen hadn't calmed down yet, "Chen Cheng, what are you trying to figure out for him? I have to deploy the follow-up plan."

He left the room happily. As the commander-in-chief, since the opponent's prophet had been killed, it would be much easier to carry out a sneak attack and ambush. He wanted to arrange it immediately.

Not long after he left, a burst of cheers came from the combat command room two rooms away.

Chen Cheng shrugged: "Come on, what is that thing you want to calculate?"

Li Rui murmured to him for a while, explaining clearly the status of the Dongxuan Yin-parasol and its inlays.


Chen Cheng frowned and said nothing.

"What's wrong? Isn't it easy to calculate?" Li Rui asked with concern.

"No, I'm thinking about how to get it. Please help me get the map."

Chen Cheng pointed to a table next to him, "This prophecy is like doing a math problem. You have to do it one by one. It's not just a toothpick on the table as you think. And now there are hostile prophets interfering. I can't let him notice my intentions, otherwise you will be ambushed."

Li Rui took a leather map from the next table: "Don't worry about ambush, you only need to think about where I should go to find the relevant loot."

Chen Cheng stared at him for a few seconds, and then said, "That's okay."

He took out a turtle shell and started burning it with the oil lamp next to it. This was not an equipment, but a rare consumable item that could increase the accuracy of his skills. .

Li Rui was watching what he was doing and was not in a hurry.

When I was in Huangliang City, I heard Wu Bing say that prophecy can be fast or slow, and it is not as instant as ordinary skills.

He took out the map he got in the godswood next to him, and while waiting, he took a look at the terrain and the distribution of some loot legends.

After about half an hour, Chen Chengcai finally finished his words.

"Langya Cliff."

He drank a large glass of water, and then continued, "There is something related to an umbrella near that cliff. It is probably another inlay."

"That place, at least from what I felt just now, contains dangerous things."

Chen Cheng said, "It's normal. Heavy treasures are usually guarded by powerful monsters. You'd better ask Commander Cheng for the rest."

Li Rui glanced at the map in his hand. Sure enough, a dim question mark appeared in the southwest direction, indicating that there was no problem with the general direction of the prediction. How to find it specifically, he had to go there and look.

He nodded and left. When he came to the combat command room, their strategic adjustment meeting had ended.

Cheng Wen said: "Wait a minute, take these things."

Li Rui took what he handed over and looked at it, only to see that it was a handful of more than a dozen fine coins.

"So much!? Give it to me for free?" He was surprised and happy. As a result, he already had more than thirty coins in his hand, which was half the required eighty-one coins to open the door.

Cheng Wen felt a little funny: "It's not a free gift. This is the headquarters' decision to let you open Nuanyang Prefecture's secrets after comprehensive consideration, combined with your contribution so far, career, strength, etc."

"If relevant clues are found later, or more fine money is collected, I will keep it for you first, and you can come back to me when you need it."

Li Rui raised his eyebrows: "How did you know I was going out?"

"Chen Cheng must have provided you with clues. Can you stop looking for them?"

"Hehe, if there is a mission, I can do it first." Li Rui smiled playfully every time he felt guilty.

Cheng Wen said seriously: "Securing the final spoils is also a task. As long as you get it, the Polar Alliance and the Western Kingdom will not get it. We fight back and forth in the secret battlefield, and the essential goal is to gain more benefits for ourselves. "


As he spoke, Li Rui told him the location of the prophecy.

Cheng Wen frowned: "Follow me."

The two entered the command room. He pointed to the sand table and said, "Look, Langya Cliff is at this location. It is the barrier to the Western Cold Wind State and the rear of the Western Kingdom."

"You can go this way. According to the intelligence we collected, there shouldn't be any enemies. You have a mount anyway."

Cheng Wen did not foreshadow any difficulties or dangers. As he said, this is a task, and people with the 01 number are used to perform difficult tasks.

Li Rui nodded: "Is there any other information?"

"Well let me think about it."

Cheng Wen thought for a while and said, "Oh, by the way, there is a digression. You may not know the current situation. According to the intelligence collected from the northern stronghold, Nuanyangzhou has a harsh environment, a vast area and sparsely populated areas. Most places are It’s a vast desert, not to mention the strength of the monsters, just finding the direction is very difficult.”

"If you want to find the secret, you need to free up a lot of manpower, so no one should go deep for the time being."

"In addition, there are rumors that there may be hundreds of fine coins in total on this island, but it only takes a few dozen to open the door, so you'd better pay attention to the progress and don't delay too long to avoid being collected by people from the other two countries first. ”

Thanks to Ni Xiaorui for the reward, thank you for the reward for betraying the laws of nature, thank you for the reward for the betrayal brother, thank you for the reward for the young girl who was miserably assigned homework in turn, thank you for the reward for the young girl! I wish the bosses good health and happiness every day, success in studies and success in work!

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