Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 331 Just kill someone if it’s convenient

The two chatted for a while, and after finishing the information, Li Rui left the headquarters and prepared to rest for a night before setting off. This was mainly to allow the giant to recharge his batteries. After all, this trip would require traveling a long distance. road.

The next day, Li Rui got up and prepared to carry military supplies alone.

This time is not like running north from the sacred forest. There is a cave of the Wenque tribe where you can rest, so you need to bring dry food made by the local demon tribe as a reserve.

Li Rui turned on the monkey, sat on the shoulders of the giant, threw Erliang, who was still lying in bed, into the basket, and let him lie on the pile of water bladders made of animal skins.

As long as there is food and drink, the rest is just a matter of ensuring safety.

After getting ready, the two monkeys will head northwest, passing through the newly captured food and water area. The Western Kingdom has completely withdrawn from that area, revealing a gap leading westward to Langya Cliff.

But before he set off, he saw Duan Ling rushing in from outside Loess City. When he saw Li Rui, he said hello and rushed to the headquarters.

Li Rui continued to walk out. Within a few hundred meters, before the giant man could even start running, he saw Duan Ling chasing after him from behind.

"Wait a minute, Commander Cheng is looking for you."

So Li Rui turned back again.

"We received a tip."

Cheng Wen took him to the terrace outside the window, "There is a high-risk target in the Western Kingdom. His name is Dylan Hagrid. He is about the same strength as the priestess you killed. He was originally fighting against the Polar Alliance in the south."

"But there is also a difficult character on the Polar Alliance side, whose name is unknown, codenamed Plague Priest. He has a curse skill that can have a long-term negative impact on the target and is difficult to dispel."

"The information we have received is that Dylan Hagrid is recuperating in Feihong Town, southeast of Langya Cliff. He should be weak for about five days."

Hearing this, Li Rui chuckled: "Kill him, right?"

"That's right."

Cheng Wen also smiled, "Feihong Town is a transportation hub after Nanzhang Yezhou enters Xihanfengzhou. It is not the territory of a specific demon clan. They should control that place."

Li Rui said: "How is the preparedness situation?"

Cheng Wen said: "This is what I want to say. The main elites of the Western Kingdom are placed at the junction of Hanfeng State and the other two states. Feihong Town in the rear is a weak node, and there are no experts in charge."

He walked into the room, called several staff officers, and asked them to point to the map and analyze the defense situation around the Feihong Formation in detail.

After finishing, he continued: "So I think that if you try to infiltrate Langya Cliff according to the previous route, then when you come back, you can go to Feihong Town and leave with one strike. They will not have time to react and return from the original route. "

"Lao Cheng, I still think this plan is too risky."

The bearded man in charge of intelligence said next to him, "Is it so easy to escape with one strike? What if they close the hole?"

He glanced at Li Rui and said, "Xiao Li, it's not that I don't believe you. It's mainly because you are alone behind enemy lines and the uncertainty is too high."

Li Rui nodded: "I also think the uncertainty is a bit high. Maybe more than one Dylan Hagrid will be killed by then."

"." The bearded man fell silent as he was being fucked.

Cheng Wen coughed: "In this way, after you pass through Langya Cliff, take a look at the situation. If their defense is lax, take action. If there is no chance, forget it."

Li Rui said: "I have a question. If they have a prophet, will they predict my actions?"

"Their number of prophets will not be too many, and the prediction range is limited. We speculate that such limited resources will not be used to observe safe areas in the rear."

Big Beard said that although he believed that such an action should not be planned, he was generally stating the facts and being reasonable.

Cheng Wen also added: "I asked Chen Cheng to apply a buff to you. As long as they don't focus on you, they can't predict it."

"That's no problem." Li Rui smiled, "Just wait for my good news."

Under the worried eyes of the bearded man, Cheng Wen took him to find the prophet, and then he got a long-lasting buff that lasted for seven days.

[Obscure: You cannot be caught by range-type prophecy. ]

Cheng Wen finally explained: "The reason why I chose you to take action is because you had very little information before entering the secret battlefield. They don't know your name, abilities, skills, and profession. It is impossible for them to make targeted predictions." .”

"There is no requirement to complete it, and your own safety is the first priority."

"Understood, just wait for my good news."

Li Rui confessed and then set off from Huangtucheng again.

Most of the West Cold Wind State is a plateau, where the temperature is very low and it is isolated, with little contact with the outside world.

Langya Cliff is a large barrier under the plateau. As long as you climb the high cliff that stretches across the land, you can enter the real plateau.

However, it is impossible to climb with brute strength. There is a biting wind everywhere on the outside of the cliff. Apes cannot climb and birds cannot pass. They can only go up along the path hidden between the cliffs.

"Sir, are we going to the plateau?" Giant Hercules asked, looking at the cliff dozens of miles away.


Li Rui said, "We must first find a tribe that has not been recruited by the enemy, ask them for information, get information about what I am looking for, and then decide what to do."

It took the group two full days to get to this place, again because Titan was good at traveling.

In the middle, he encountered a small and impoverished demon tribe with only a few dozen demons in total. The Western Kingdom was too lazy to recruit them. Li Rui bought it with some prepared dry food and then asked about the entrance to one of the cliff paths.

Now, all you need to do is find the entrance to reach the Cold Wind Plateau.

But for Li Rui, he still has to solve a problem, that is, Chen Cheng only gave a vague language. Now he only knows that the target is in the direction of Langya Cliff, but he doesn't know what it is or where it is. That's why he said he wanted to inquire about the news.

Yuan Erliang slept all the way, but he was very energetic at this time. He volunteered: "I'll go! I'll go!"

Li Rui picked him up and said, "You go and inquire about the situation, but I'm protecting you secretly."

"Okay, okay." Yuan Erliang agreed excitedly.

Li Rui told the giant to stay here and not move around or make too much noise until he came back.

The main reason is that this place is already behind the Western Kingdom's defense circle, which is equivalent to an enemy-occupied area, so he does not want to expose himself rashly. It would be safest if he could get information by just sending two or two monkeys.

If he and Titan appeared together, they might alarm the people in the Western Kingdom.

After making the arrangements, he asked Yuan Erliang to explore the way ahead, while he used the animal instinct provided by the ranger's coat to hide, hanging far behind, approaching the continuous cliffs of Langya Cliff, and also discovered the traces of living animals. trace.

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