Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 333 Two question marks

When the fog dissipated, the leader of the two-tailed demon clan found that all of his men fell to the ground. Some were silent in a pool of blood, and some seemed to have just fainted.

Seeing his former companions being attacked by vicious hands, he was shocked and angry, and then he knelt down with a thud.

"A good man! One of our own!"

The ordinary demon clan only knows that these sparsely haired and strange-looking people are foreigners, but it is a bit difficult for him to distinguish between the Western Kingdom, the Polar Alliance and the Dragon Kingdom.

Li Rui took an umbrella and pointed at his fleshy face: "Shut up, I'll ask and you answer. If you don't answer well, you won't have to live."

Yuan Erliang swept away the previous decline and began to translate with dignity.

The leader bowed repeatedly: "Excuse me, please ask."

He was still depressed in his heart. He originally thought that joining the foreigners would be a sign of his friendship, and he might be able to develop the village from now on. He didn't know why this happened.

Li Rui asked: "Your place has already taken refuge with foreigners, right?"

The leader nodded quickly.

"How many people have you met?"


"On a?"

"There are many more in the distance, I, I didn't dare to look too much." The leader of the demon tribe was very calm when he threatened Yuan Erliang just now, but now he looks like a coward.

Li Rui said, "What's the name of the person who contacted you?"

"I, I don't know, their accent is very strange, what is their name, Xi Meng?"


Li Rui asked, "Is he a bald man with dark skin and one ear missing?"

The only information about Simon was about his appearance, which fortunately could be used to confirm his identity.

"Yes, yes! We are our own people."

The leader thought Li Rui was with them.


Li Rui asked with a half-smile, "Don't worry, I haven't finished asking yet. I came to Langya Cliff to find something."

The leader still wanted to save his life by performing meritorious service, and his attitude was very attentive: "What is it?"

"have no idea."


The leader asked: "Where, where?"

Li Rui took out the map and took a look: "Langya Cliff."


The leader laughed dryly, "Strong man, Langya Cliff stretches for hundreds of miles. You won't tell me where it is, but I really am."

Li Rui said: "Tell me all the rumors you have heard. The more detailed the better, don't let them go."

He knew that since Chen Cheng could predict it, it meant that the thing must still be there, but it was hidden and had not been discovered by the Western Kingdom.

They are now mainly engaged in "military" land grabs, fighting with both the Polar Alliance and the Dragon Kingdom, so they certainly don't have much energy to explore the areas they already control.

The leader of the demon clan asked hesitantly: "Any rumors are acceptable?"

"Anything is fine, as long as it's not public,"

The leader began to think about the rumors he had heard here over the years, from how the heir of the tribe next door was not his biological son, to how a certain demon king became famous because he practiced the Sunflower Book.

If he hadn't finally revealed a useful clue, Li Rui would have suspected that this guy was deliberately playing tricks on him.

"You said there is a cave on the side road of Youfeng Path, which is very evil, right?"


"Mark where the cave is."

Li Rui pulled out a map. It was not a guide, but one he got from the demon clan he met on the way.

After the demon leader drew the target and explained what landmarks there were, Li Rui looked at his map again and saw a small question mark with unclear meaning appearing next to the big question mark with unclear scope. question mark.

"I really don't like solving puzzles."

He still couldn't figure out what was going on. We can only talk about it after going there.

Li Rui asked again: "Do you have any treasures in your hand?"

The leader's face froze and he seemed reluctant, but for the sake of his life, he honestly took out the inventory.

Li Rui took a look and saw that there was no loot that he could obtain, but there was an empty treasure chest mark on the map. Apparently, Simon had already searched this place before.

"Okay, last question, what does your camp do for a living?"

The other party smiled flatteringly: "The west area of ​​​​this place is more than ten miles away from the Youfeng Trail. There are often weak monsters passing by, so we will plunder them. There are many traveling merchants in this land. If the king takes it, he will definitely be able to gain something. as.”

There was a hint of hospitality and pride in his words, and it seemed that he was really satisfied with the location of this place.

Li Rui asked: "You robbed passers-by, wouldn't you let them go?"

The leader glanced at the ape Erliang that he wanted to cook just now, and said with a dry smile: "If the king doesn't like it, he can let it go in the future."

Li Rui snorted, lifted the box containing the demon treasures with one hand, grabbed Ape Erliang with the other, and walked silently to the entrance of the camp.

The leader was a little embarrassed, because the other party didn't speak, and he didn't dare to move without permission.

He expected the other party to leave just like that smoothly. It would be best not to say anything more and let him go like a fart.

However, when the man stood at the door and turned around, an ultimate fear from the heart occupied his mind, because the red flames swept over him.

The Fire Bell Curse is a natural nemesis for such cruel monsters.

With a sudden explosion, the camp, which was occupied by dozens of monster bandits seeking wealth and murder, was burned to the ground.

Yuan Erliang asked: "Sir, if he is not a thug who kills people and sells goods, what would you do?"

"We will kill them too. They have defected to the Western Kingdom. If we don't kill them, we will let them know."

"Then why do you still ask them what they do on a daily basis?"

"Let me be more confident."

One man and one monkey returned to find the giant, and then according to the bandit leader's words, they found the entrance to the Youfeng Trail.

This is a winding mountain road, spiraling up between peaks as sharp as wolf teeth, and finally reaching the Cold Wind Plateau. It has to pass through countless valleys and cliffs, which is not easy to walk.

However, Li Rui's destination was not the top of the mountain, but a fork in the middle of the mountain road. According to the demon leader, that place was hidden behind the steep cliffs and was basically undiscovered.

The guy knew about it because he once robbed a traveling demon clan who came down from the mountain and learned about it from the other party's mouth.

They also tried to find the hidden treasure, but because they were not strong enough and the place was so ghostly, they gave up after much thought.

Li Rui was fortunate to have brought enough food and water, because the outside of the cliff was covered with fierce winds, and even the mountain road was often attacked, so there was almost no grass growing, making it difficult to find supplies.

After another half day of trekking, Giant Hercules stopped.

"Sir, it seems this is it."

Li Rui got up from his backpack and took a look. He saw a sunken path on the side of the road. It couldn't be called a path to be precise, because it was not a place to stay. The surface was covered with sharp stones, as if they had been pulled from the ground. Countless short spears grew out.

This kind of weird terrain is not uncommon on all the mountain roads leading to the Cold Wind Plateau, but the location of this place and the place we just passed are exactly the same as what the bandit leader down the mountain described, so they should be right.

Li Rui said, "You wait here while Yuan Erliang and I go over to investigate."

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