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Chapter 334 Taking one of your own hostage

Li Rui didn't pay too much attention to the stone thorns blocking the road ahead. He opened the Shenxiao Benlei Heart Sutra and rushed forward along the stone wall.

According to the leader of the monster bandits, the wandering scholar they captured was a monster living on the Cold Wind Plateau. He wanted to travel around the world and write a travel journal, so he would carefully survey the terrain even when he went down the mountain from the trail.

Not only was this a fork in the road full of stone thorns, but he also checked many corners and nooks and crannies coming down from the mountain.

It's a pity that the demon scholar died as soon as he came down the mountain because of his lack of strength.

It only took Li Rui a few breaths to cross the rugged and difficult fork in front of him, but then there was a steep cliff with only a few stone pillars in the middle to rest on, like a plum blossom pile. .

Clouds were lingering below the stone pillar, and there was an almost 90-degree cliff below. You couldn't see the bottom at a glance. If he fell, Li Rui might not survive even if he had the fall damage reduction.

To make matters worse, the strong mountain wind blew against the cliff, making it difficult for an uncultivated little demon like Yuan Erliang to maintain balance on it.

Li Rui saw a deep and dark cave opposite the plum blossom pile of death, but it was not easy to cross this place. No wonder the traveling scholar and the ruthless demon clan at the foot of the mountain were shunned.

He used his arms to hold Yuan Erliang to his side to prevent him from accidentally falling and being shattered into pieces, and then he transformed into golden light and rushed forward.

With the speed of Shen Xiao Ben Lei Heart Sutra, he crossed half of the distance almost in an instant, but at this moment, a fierce mountain wind blew sideways, and there seemed to be the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, and he didn't know if it was the same. The ghost cave ahead has something to do with it.

Li Rui didn't care, he just used Immovable as a Mountain, and then his whole center of gravity became as stable as a rock, and then he jumped over and landed on the opposite side.

"I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death!"

Yuan Erliang had obviously been holding it in for a long time, but he was afraid that Li Rui would be distracted halfway so he didn't scream.

Li Ruidang walked into the ghost cave first, and the little monkey demon followed immediately. He knew that no matter whether it was a cliff or a cave filled with ghosts and cries, it was the safest to stay with the general of the godswood forest.

"woo woo woo woo."

As soon as I walked into the cave, I could hear the sound of sobbing like weeping. The Yin Qi in this place was deeper than imagined.

Based on the comparison of the evil spirits encountered in the ghost city and other secret realms so far, Li Rui could easily make a judgment that even if everyone was sent in to the camp of the demon bandits at the foot of the mountain, they would definitely be dead.

He took out the blue and silver light ring to light up the road ahead. It was so narrow that it was difficult for two people to pass side by side. He couldn't even take out the diamond umbrella because it couldn't be used.

Fortunately, he had two taels of ape slipping around with one hand, and the other hand was free, ready to use the Thunder Palm to fend off the enemy.

However, after walking along the narrow cave for a while, not only did I not encounter any danger, the whimpering in my ears gradually became smaller and finally disappeared.

When Li Rui was wondering, a ball of darkness suddenly passed through the light of the blue and silver lantern ring, turning into a ghostly wave and rushing over.

He didn't pay attention, and slapped a Thunder Palm on his hand.


The evil spirit dissipated immediately, leaving nothing behind.

"The evil spirit in this place is just ordinary evil spirit."

He made a judgment in his mind.

The Yin evil spirits in this place are far inferior to those in the ghost city that have been enhanced by the Great Demon Black Law Jade Ball.


Another wave of gloomy evil energy rushed towards him, even more turbulent than before. The surging darkness even turned into a physical entity, and the sound of the warriors and horses in it was murderous and fierce.

Li Rui had never seen such evil aura before. Even in the ghost town, the undead summoned by the patrol general were mainly pure and gloomy. But now, he actually felt a sense of righteousness in the evil aura.

Just when he was wondering, a sense of crisis that was more intense than the evil aura surged into his heart.


He turned around and slapped the thunder palm towards the rear where the threat appeared. There was a real feeling in his hand. This was not evil.

But it was dark all around.


Shine the light with the blue silver light ring, and you will see a shadow flashing in the darkness.

Just as Li Rui was about to pursue him, another wave of evil energy rushed from the side, blocking his pursuit.

"one two three"

Li Rui felt several different auras, some were cold and undead, but some were living creatures.

What a strange combination.

The opponent seems to be quite restrained in his attacks, mainly using evil energy to attack and kill, and then the living creatures hiding in the darkness use physical skills to sneak attack. The cooperation is quite powerful.

The terrain here is a little more open than before, but it is still quite narrow and cannot be used freely.

If you use the big fire bell curse, you might burn yourself, and if you use the thunderbolt to shake the ground, the cave will collapse.

"How about using an annealed ring to prevent fire, and then using the fire bell spell?"

Li Rui thought this was a good idea, but suddenly remembered that he still had a monkey hanging on his arm, so it was best not to use large-scale spells.

Although the opponent is very powerful, he has many trump cards, so he doesn't panic. If he can't, just run out and be done with it.

Just when he was thinking about how to defend himself against the enemy, he suddenly caught a weak aura in the corner.

This aura was much worse than the ones that had attacked him, and it had been silent, as if he was hiding.

Li Rui didn't think much at all, and rushed directly to the weak point, trying to break the situation. Sure enough, when he first started to act, the other auras became impatient. They no longer lurked for a sneak attack, but just stared blankly. Rushed over.


Li Rui definitely couldn't let them get what they wanted. He turned around and swept across with his Thunder Palm, knocking back the pursuing enemies.

At this moment, the much weaker aura suddenly attacked from behind. It was obvious that the other party also discovered his intention and did not want to sit back and wait, so he took the initiative to attack.

Li Rui had already pushed back the enemy on the other side. He turned around and saw a scimitar coming towards him in the darkness.

However, whether it is speed or strength, this guy is too weak.

Li Rui bullied him directly, bumped into the thing, grabbed its arm with a snap, and knocked the scimitar away with another slap. Then he saw clearly that the person who attacked him was not a monster, but a human being. , and also a woman.


"If you dare to touch her, you will be dead."

Two voices came from the other side, speaking the language of the real world, to be precise, the Banluo language of the chaotic land.

Li Rui felt happy. In this case, he could at least communicate, and judging from their reactions, he should be able to use them as hostages.

"who are you?"

He illuminated the front with his blue and silver light ring and saw two middle-aged men glaring at each other, but did not dare to make any move.

"Are you from the Dragon Kingdom?"

The hesitation of the two men contained a hint of surprise and joy, "We are from the Redfield family!"


Li Rui lowered his head to change the direction of the blue silver lantern ring and saw clearly the hostage he was holding in his arms.

Kavina, who was being held hostage, looked confused and obviously hadn't realized what was going on.

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