Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 349 How can anyone be so reckless?

Are the evil spirits in the fog so powerful?

The killer of the Ludfield family didn't expect it, and neither did the extraordinary people of the Western Kingdom.

Their information is: A few months ago, this person showed off his skills in the level 25 arena. He was indeed very strong, but logically speaking, this person should not be at level 40 at most now. Even if he is strong, his strength is limited.

Even though the Western Kingdom Intelligence Bureau had left some more room for risk, Li Rui's intensity still far exceeded the expectations of the people who came to hunt him.

The mentality of Rossi and Vince is even more complicated.

Li Rui basically didn't take any action along the way. When he encountered enemy spies, he sent them to deal with them.

They once wondered whether their expectations for this man were too high. Perhaps he was sent by the Dragon Kingdom to perform tasks in the hinterland of the hostile forces just because of his relatively strong overall ability.

There is a reason for thinking this way. From the plateau to the center of the giant island, Li Rui did not show any force, but he did a good job in managing the team and maintaining morale. At least the two middle-aged killers felt ashamed of themselves. .

If they hadn't seen Li Rui break into a forbidden area of ​​​​the demon clan and come out intact where Shunfeng Jiuqu was, I'm afraid they would have underestimated him even more strongly.

But things are different now.

They didn't know what happened under the cliff of the plateau, but now they saw with their own eyes that he was still alive and kicking after a round of skill bombardment. No wonder his body could withstand the strong wind on the cliff.

Li Rui's skills and props were blocked, but his equipment was not.

He only opened the earth poison barrier, plus his own resistance, and at the same time used his strong body to withstand part of the close combat, and successfully passed this round of offensive.

But after that, he did not calm down. In the silenced state, he did not just delay, but stepped forward, holding the diamond umbrella and rushed towards the group of extraordinary people from the Western Kingdom.

Li Rui was silenced by his skills, but others were silenced by Li Rui's actions.

They didn't even think about how to deal with the madman in front of them.

How could someone rush forward even though their skills are locked?

Li Ruicai didn't care so much. After all, the silence was only five seconds. He was close to the target and it was difficult for others to take random shots.

Even without the Thunder Heart Sutra, he was faster than ordinary people. He found the Silent Master first, ignored the other people chasing him from behind, picked up the diamond umbrella and started smashing it.


The opponent had no choice but to use a short-handled battle ax to defend himself, but the weapon fell away with one blow, and the power gap was too big.

How could Li Rui coddle him? Even though the strong wind behind him was blowing, he continued to beat the drowned dog.

Rossi in the back was dumbfounded.

How could someone who had been silenced want to kill the Silencer in front of several people?

The most puzzling thing is not his arrogance, but that he is really going to succeed.

The Silent Master was under great pressure and had to use his escape skills, forcing him to slide backwards.

Generally speaking, professions that are not good at frontal attacks will have many life-saving means (except for prophets).

Li Rui felt a little pity. Without skills, he really couldn't catch up. At this time, the pursuit behind him had already arrived, and he could only turn around and swipe.


The power of these serious combat professions should not be underestimated. Li Rui was knocked flying by the powerful impact. Fortunately, the diamond umbrella was placed in front of him to block the weapon's slashing.

He took off in the direction of the Silent Master, so he did not hesitate, twisted his body hard, and caught up with him.


The silence masters were dumbfounded.

How much hatred and resentment?

He ran away.

Li Rui grinned, feeling that the other party's appearance of running away was cute and naive.

The other extraordinary beings certainly couldn't let him get what he wanted, so they continued to pursue him.

This scene did not last long, because the time of silence was over.

Li Rui returned to his normal state, and with a flash of golden light, he disappeared from his original position, causing another round of enemy skills to fail.

Silent Master felt his eyes blurred, and then he saw the big black umbrella dragging its afterimage towards his face.

So fast, so strong.


After dealing with one person, Li Rui turned around and blew out a big fire bell spell. Upon seeing this, the group of extraordinary people hurriedly retreated, only to find that the flames were only used to divert attention. Li Rui had already taken advantage of this opportunity and used his speed advantage to come to their side.

The thunder shook the ground!

Yin thunder lightning strike!

Dabi Kabuto!

In an instant, the few remaining extraordinary beings also died on the spot.

At this time, Juno had already led his men to charge with the enemy. There was a huge difference between the presence and absence of the commander.

After Li Rui finished dealing with the human beings, he turned to target the monsters.

If he were alone, it would take some effort to deal with hundreds of monsters, but with helpers, this problem would not exist. After a few skills, the morale of the enemy troops who could still compete with the ghost knights would be gone, and most of them would All the monsters on the plateau fled in all directions.

"Don't chase."

Li Rui stopped all the ghost riders.

Originally, he was very good at talking because of the life-saving grace, but this time it didn't work.

"Sulfur umbrella is dead!"

"And Cutting Falcon."

Jun Ye sternly stopped the ghost soldiers and said to Li Rui: "The souls of several of our brothers were scattered by them."

Although they are ghosts, strictly speaking, they have not experienced death, because when they were in the ghost cave, their souls and bodies were automatically separated when they were blown by the evil wind. Therefore, it was the first time for them that the souls of the dead were attacked and then dissipated. Parting in life and death.

Li Rui nodded and walked towards the excited ghost soldiers.

"Your enemy is a false king, and the one who sent them to sneak attack is also a false king. What's the use of killing a few unknown people? Follow me and charge into the enemy camp, and kill the evil leader!"


It's unclear whether the incoming force is evil or murderous, but this group of human-ghost alliance is ready to bring a little shock to the frontal battlefield.

Simon no longer looked like a human being.

This is Guan Gui's inner thoughts. It is not a derogation, but a simple description.

The advanced berserker on the opposite side became more and more powerful as he fought, and every injury caused his body to mutate. Gradually, the guy became more and more like a deformed monster, with only a human shape, and his body was full of ferocious muscles and beating blood vessels.

Because of the growth in size, the two-handed giant hammer has turned into a one-handed hammer, even like a hammer.

Although he looks ugly, he is very strong.

So far, the main attack method he has used is chopping, but he has many status skills, all of which revolve around enhancing his own strength and speed. With the addition of these skills, he can crack mountains and crack rocks with every strike. The power.

The four summoned resurrectors were hammered into mud.

What troubles Guan Gui the most is that this guy clearly has several skills that allow him to exchange reason for strength, but his thinking does not seem to be affected at all, and he is even getting calmer. This is not the characteristic of a berserker.

The two have been at a stalemate for a long time, and time is on Simon's side.

Because the fundamental purpose of the Western Kingdom is to stop the Dragon Kingdom so that the rear has time and energy to encircle and suppress Li Rui. Although the strategic goal is to repel the opponent, in fact, delaying it will win.

Guan Gui rarely feels anxious, but now he wants to speed up the progress.

So he had to come up with methods that he had never shown to a living person.

The method of reincarnation of a hundred ghosts.

Dong Dong Dong Dong

Countless coffins rose from the ground, and countless resurrected people emerged from them.

When Simon saw this, a vague laugh came from his twisted mouth. He felt that these things were like toys, and each individual individual was not powerful, but he soon stopped laughing.

The reincarnation of a hundred ghosts is only the first step, Guan Gui still has means.

Legendary skills.

The art of gathering energy to transform life and death.


A gust of cold wind blew by, and all the resurrected beings who had just stepped out of the coffins turned into black smoke and gathered in an open space.


A hand stretched out from the ground, and Guan Gui climbed out of it. He voluntarily left the half-earth escape space where he was hiding, letting the evil spirit wrap around him.

When he appeared again, his skin turned pale and blue, his eyes were pitch black, his hands turned into sharp claws, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura.

The essence of this skill is to refine oneself. From now on, he becomes the corpse king who gathers the energy of hundreds of ghosts.

Simon's body trembled.

"Hey hey hey"

"Okay, good."

He spoke Long Guoyu for the first time, "This is what I want to smash."

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