Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 350 He is the protagonist

"Guan Gui and Roger Simon fought east of Liangshui."

"Kong Ji encountered an unknown high-risk target and had a stalemate."

"Dong Sanchuan's troops repelled Landry, but the high-risk target Finn took over and was unable to continue going north to support."

Communication one by one was passed to the headquarters, and Cheng Wen made arrangements one by one.

So far, the line between the Dragon Kingdom and the Western Kingdom has become a mess.

Generally speaking, the number of extraordinary beings used by the Dragon Kingdom is larger, because there are more monsters in the Wind Slave Court, and they are well-trained and more adaptable to large-scale battles than the witches around the witch city.

"Transfer 0105 over. I need him to break the balance on the Liulin battlefield."

Cheng Wen calmly controlled everyone, and someone would immediately go to convey the message.

The bearded man said, "How about I go?"

"Wait a little longer. If you show up now, it will make us appear urgent. They may turn into a delaying defense strategy. In this case, Li Rui will not be able to break out."

The bearded man hesitated to speak, but finally nodded.


At this time, Chen Cheng suddenly stopped the two of them, "Do you have any information from the south? I don't feel right about the Polar Alliance."

Although he was said to be useless before, it was just a joke between acquaintances. When they learned that he had a bad premonition, both of them took it seriously.

Big Beard immediately found a deputy and went to the reconnaissance outpost in the south to get information, but before he set off, someone came to report.

"The Polar Alliance is heading north, and it looks like it's coming towards us."

"damn it."

The bearded man started scolding her on the spot, "These bastards, we had a good conversation before, but they regretted it so quickly."

Cheng Wen immediately said: "0105 can't come, you must go south and hand over your authority to the adjutant."

"Yes." The bearded man left the command center in a hurry.

In this way, the atmosphere became a little more solemn, just a little.

Theoretically speaking, the comprehensive national strength of the three major countries is similar, and it is difficult for any one country to block the joint attack of the other two countries.

However, the Secret Realm Battlefield is not a real nationwide struggle, especially when the level cap is fixed.

This time, there are many young strong men in the Dragon Kingdom. Guan Gui can hold Simon, and Dong Sanchuan can defeat many enemies with one. There are several other 01 numbers in the south to defend. If you just want to block the enemy, maybe you can. .

The only thing Cheng Wen has to consider is Li Rui.

"Map, let's start the deduction now. If I leave Jiuqu Bay to the west, can I attract and pull away the nearby defenses of the Western Kingdom?"

The command headquarters is equipped with a very strong analyst, who is also from the Intelligence Analysis Division of the Special Abilities Department and is the general staff officer of the secret battlefield.

His deduction was not based on imagination, but on the evolution of his skills. The sandbox he was staring at was still the same as usual in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, there were already countless villains charging and killing in it.

He only needs to use the information prepared in advance to calculate the consequences, which is somewhat similar to AI. The accuracy is very high. The disadvantage is that it relies more on intelligence. If the intelligence is wrong, he will get wrong results.

A full five minutes passed, and his face turned a little flushed.

"It can distract the enemy, but if your intention is to let 0109 successfully break through the gap you pulled out, it may not achieve your goal."

"Why?" Cheng Wen looked at him.

The general staff officer smacked his lips in confusion: "There's no reason, it's just that it's very difficult. After all, you're breaking out from a defensive line carefully laid out by others."

"What other ways?"

"According to my calculation, it is a dead end. Only what you said may be possible."

The general staff secretly admired the commander's insight and selected the only possible solution based on his command experience and intuition.

"Then I'll go and you will act as commander-in-chief for the time being."

Cheng Wen ordered his men, took some of the monsters recruited from the north, and went straight to the front line.

Jiuqu Bay is part of the river upstream of Liangshui. When he crossed this big river, he quickly attracted the enemy's attention.

To be precise, there was a commotion even in the other party's headquarters.

Cheng Wen was very famous in the Land of Chaos a few years ago. He was a standard late bloomer. Before the age of thirty-five, he was an unknown secret agent and only served as the team leader of a municipal branch.

But here lies the charm of exploring the secret realm. When he changed his profession from a Taoist priest to a talisman master and accidentally obtained a legendary skill, he rose through the ranks and made great achievements quickly. In just a few years, he became a reserve member of the Department of Supernatural Powers. consultant.

Everyone knows that if Fanfan loses miserably in this secret battlefield, he will become a formal consultant after leaving and join the group of mysterious masters in the execution office who are always seen and heard.

When such a person came to the front of the battle, the Western Kingdom was very nervous. They did not expect that this person had such a bad temper and suddenly came to the front line in a menacing manner.

In fact, there was no way around it. He initially disagreed with Big Beard going to the front line because he wanted to hide his trump card, but now that the Polar Alliance was causing trouble behind the scenes, he wanted to use his thunderous power to help Li Rui break through, so that he could concentrate on defense.

No matter what, after he showed up and annihilated a group of monsters with talismans, the Western Kingdom sent out its real elites. Vast armies of the royal court began to attack from all directions, and many elite extraordinary people also appeared. This is currently So far, the highest standard of "courtesy" in the Western Kingdom.

Faced with such strong preparations, Cheng Wen remained calm, just like he always did.

Countless talismans flew out of his sleeves.

In an instant, the color of heaven and earth changed.

Some talismans fell on the ground and transformed into golden armored warriors.

Some talismans fell among the grass and trees and turned into roaring beasts;

Some drew river water and stopped the charging royal cavalry;

Turn day into night, scatter beans into soldiers, cut grass into horses, and divide the land into rivers.

This is an immortal technique that cannot be mastered by mortals. It can only be simulated with the help of talismans, but it is not as precise as the real method.

So said the old Taoist priest who taught him this skill in the secret realm.

No matter what, for Cheng Wen at that time, this legendary skill made him the master of the battlefield. No matter how many enemies there were, he could defeat them all with his own strength.

Most areas of this giant island have a warm climate, and the Nuanyang State in the north is even a sweltering desert.

The Polar Alliance entrenched in Nanzhang Yezhou is in a different environment than usual, but this does not affect their morale.

A warbler's cry came from high in the sky, and the black shadow fell along the sound and stopped on the shoulder of an armored human.

"Your Highness, the fight has begun."


The young man on the side closed the book in his hand and said gently: "Thank you for your hard work. Please tell me why the Western Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom went into full-scale war at this time."

He did not understand the current situation at all, but the hunter who controlled the beast was not surprised. The son of Ullr was the sharp sword of the Holy See. He only needed to inflict divine punishment on the enemy and did not need to worry about other things.

The hunter thought for a moment and replied: "The reason is that Bishop Noorev defeated Dylan Hagrid of the Western Kingdom. The evil ghost in the fog of the Dragon Kingdom took the opportunity to assassinate the cursed guy, but the Western Kingdom took the opportunity to kill the cursed guy in the fog. The evil ghost is trapped in Hanfeng State."

"I see."

Fons nodded, "It turns out that he is the protagonist. It just so happened that the name of the Evil Ghost in the Mist was on the list the teacher gave me. I think the situation will change. Let's go and paint a picture of this chaos in the name of Uller. Full stop."

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