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Chapter 353 Everyone is here

Rumble, rumble.

When the ghost rider runs, his feet never touch the ground, but he always creates a panic-inducing roar.

"What's ahead?" Li Rui asked.

"According to the map, it should be Central City." Kuno said.

Now, he was not only grateful but also admired Li Rui. Their team had fought all the way from the plains to the west, and was about to approach Dongwang Zezhou. They encountered four elite blocking forces in the middle. Quick, invincible.

This does not include those unscrupulous stragglers. Now, the heroic city is right in front of us, but it is a little different from what we expected.

"It looks like they are entering the city."

As the most central demon city on the giant island, Central City is quite majestic, at least it used to be.

But now, most of the west wall has collapsed, and the traces of the battlefield outside have not yet been cleaned up. There are even a large number of corpses piled up in some places.

The reason why the Western Kingdom was able to occupy this city was because they brought the steel army of the Wind Slave Tribe down the mountain. They didn't care about reputation and favor at all. They directly smashed the city wall, beheaded the city lord, and replaced him.

Now, this is not a city for trade, but a military fortress.

The reason why he came to this base camp was not because Li Rui was too crazy, but because of the delay in information.

When he set off from Loess City, the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom, the Western Kingdom's base camp was still further south. It was only a defensive link and did not have many troops.

Li Rui's original intention was not to enter the city. He just wanted to speed up his march, quickly detour from the side road and go straight to the front line of the battlefield.

As long as he reaches the area where the battle is fiercest, even if he is still surrounded by the Western Kingdom, at least the people of the Dragon Kingdom can find him, and they will no longer be a lonely group.

But now, it seems that this place has been transformed into their base camp. There are many demon troops stationed outside, but most of the camp is empty.

"So many demon clans have been transferred away. Is the fighting so fierce in front?"

Li Rui was a little moved, but he still didn't dare to be careless. If this was the enemy's base camp, there might be people inside who were no less powerful than Cheng Wen.

Jun Ye rode on the ghost war horse and looked at the majestic city from a distance.

"This is also my first time here. My benefactor, the enemy camp is empty. We can seize the opportunity to enter."

Li Rui hesitated: "I'm afraid there are experts in the city."

Jun Ye said: "Look at the flag under the broken wall, it belongs to the Ben Shen clan. This clan has a violent temper, bloodthirsty and murderous nature. Even they are huddled in defense under the city and do not dare to advance. This shows that the enemy must have a guilty conscience."

Li Rui took a look and felt it made sense.

Juno added: "Besides, when we were traveling along the way, when they saw us, they all rushed towards us as if they saw some treasure. When did they become so humble and polite?"

"If, as you said, this is the enemy's camp, once it is breached, the enemy's front line will inevitably be in chaos. Once it is in chaos, we will have a greater chance of breaking out."

Li Rui became more convinced, so he said, "In that case, try Tutu. If it doesn't work, run away."

As soon as the military order was given, all the ghost knights lined up to wait. The giant Hercules followed at the end, carrying the three members of the Redfield family like a chariot, plus two or two apes.

"Brothers, there is the enemy's camp in front of us. Follow me to charge into the formation and defeat it in one fell swoop. The enemy army will definitely be in chaos. We can break out and kill the puppet king and avenge our country. It's just around the corner!"

Jun Ye gave an order, "Heavy cavalry with divine power, charge!"

The team that had been fighting all the way started running across the land again.

After the bloody battle, everyone's mentality has become numb. Now there is only one goal, which is to break through the city that was already destroyed by the plateau monsters and paralyze the enemy's command system. Even Rossi and Vince no longer have the idea of ​​​​cowardly fighting.

After all, they encountered many obstacles along the way. In total, at least dozens of extraordinary people from the Western Kingdom either died or fled. The aura of this great country had long since dissipated.

The ghostly cavalry penetrated the Ben Shen clan's defense at the bottom of the city.

The demon clan of this tribe is slightly different from the Yanghou clan. Their skin is as red as blood, their heads have hard bristles, and their eyes have a strong fighting spirit.

Facing the menacing powerful ghost knights, the Ben Shen clan showed no signs of timidity, and roars like tiger roars erupted from the depths of their throats.

They retreated to the city, not because of fear, but because they received orders to defend the city. This warlike clan was eager for the other party to rush over and kill them happily, even if they already felt the strength of their opponent.

At this time, the eyes of Kuno and the other ghost riders were flashing with the light of revenge.

Since you don't know where the false king is, let's take action on these loyal servants first.

When the royal court suddenly changed and a new king came to power, some clans were still dissatisfied, but the Ben Shen clan clearly supported the new king, angrily scolded the previous king for being unjust, and bloody massacred several opposing tribes.

It can be said that they are the loyal hounds of the current Lord of the Royal Court.

On one side are the bloody mad dogs, and on the other are the Avengers from ten years ago. The fight between the two sides is extremely brutal.

Although the enemy was outnumbered, the giant Hercules and the two high-level killers were stronger than ordinary monsters, and the ghost knights did not retreat.

And Li Rui, like many previous battles, used the big fire bell curse to burn and kill the monsters, and then broke in to attract the masters among the enemies.

But unexpectedly, the Western Extraordinary who came to intercept him did not have much imagination. There were only four or five targets, at most dangerous level. Compared with the previous interceptions, the specifications were not much higher.

But this is the enemy's base camp.

He activated the two status skills of Shenxiao Ben Lei Heart Sutra and Iron Cavalry Outstanding. After possessing the latter epic skill, his playing style also changed.

The outstanding physical attack bonus of the iron cavalry is directly proportional to its speed, and the legendary Shenxiao Ben Lei Heart Sutra can just match it.

It's just that the former's level is too low, only lv1, so even if he comes, the bonus can only be pushed to about 70%. If you want to increase the conversion rate of speed and bonus, you have to increase the skill level.

However, 70% was enough. Li Rui held the Vajra Umbrella and struck the ground with a thunderbolt, one move at a time, one child at a time. The golden light flashed back and forth a few times, and all the extraordinary beings in the Western Kingdom were seriously injured or even killed.

Li Rui turned around again and saw Ju Ye just beheading the leader of the Ben Shen clan.

With all the top forces killed in battle, the demon clan of this tribe could no longer hold on no matter how brave they were, and their formation began to collapse.

The Ghost Cavalry seized the opportunity, kept attacking, and finally killed the guards guarding the gap in the city wall.

Li Rui has completely believed in Junye's judgment. This city looks majestic and majestic, but it is actually an empty city. He still doesn't know what happened on the front battlefield, but he can be sure that the top combat power of the Western Kingdom is not here.

As the war progresses, the momentum, mentality and even temperament will change. Now everyone has become red-eyed and found that the strength of the guards is not as strong as expected. They all look at the center of the Central City. This The center of the city, the tall building named Star Reaching, is the headquarters of the Western Kingdom.

Come all come.

Li Rui rushed forward immediately.

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