Why did you mess up the copy again?

Chapter 354 Turning point

Normally, even if the commander goes to the front line to take charge, there will be someone in the headquarters who is capable of taking charge of his own duties to act as temporary overall command.

Generally, it is postponed according to level.

For example, if Cheng Wen leaves, deputy commanders such as Kong Ji and Da Beard will take over in order of number.

But now the situation in the Western Kingdom is somewhat special.

The commander-in-chief personally went to contain Cheng Wen, the third-ranked senior officer faced Kong Ji, and the second- and fourth-ranked figures went to the south to deal with the polar alliance's northward march.

The number five figure is named Hopkins, and he is leading the elite to fight against the masters of Dragon Kingdom 01 sequence.

So the acting commander who stays here is actually the sixth-ranked person.

In fact, he is not even within the core command level. He sits in the base camp and does not have much power. His main role is to supervise the perfect operation of various communication and logistics channels.

Of course, the person who can be left to sit behind the scenes will definitely not be a weakling. This person is also a high-risk target, and his strength is higher than Farah Landa and Dylan Hager.

But now he felt a little guilty. He had sent out several waves of troops to encircle and suppress the evil spirit in the fog, but nothing happened to him. He even passed through all the obstacles and led a group of undead to the base camp in a daze.

Isn't this a house-stealing operation that Long Guo had planned long ago?

Could it be that from the very beginning, when Dylan Hager was assassinated and most of the troops were depleted, it was because of their big move?

Even thinking about the previous intelligence that the Dragon Kingdom and the Polar Alliance were in secret contact, then the simultaneous attack in the south was also arranged in advance?

As the acting commander, he had to consider more than just himself, so at the first opportunity, he sent the Ben Shen clan to form an array in the city to hold on, and then transferred a few extraordinary people to guard the headquarters. Intercept.

He was not in a hurry to go, not because he wanted his subordinates to die for him, but mainly to delay time so that he could organize the headquarters to send out the information, and also to hide the loot that had not yet been distributed, so as to avoid being taken advantage of. Randomly snatched away.

Finally, after a series of intensive arrangements, the situation was generally in order. He climbed onto the terrace of the headquarters city lord's palace to take a look at the defenders' resistance, and then felt his eyes go dark.

The Ben Shen clan has collapsed, and a large group of undead filled with evil spirits are charging towards them on mounts with burning hooves.

The two leaders were a burly ghost general and an extraordinary person carrying a black umbrella.

"You let them rush in so quickly?"

The acting commander's head was buzzing, but he was not a fool. In the real world, he was the leader of the operations department at the headquarters of the Western Anomaly Bureau, which was equivalent to the director of the city branch.

He knew that he couldn't just run away, nor could he let the enemy do whatever they wanted here.

Central City is the information exchange center of the Western Kingdom. Once it is completely lost, the entire front will be severely hit. It may even be completely unable to maintain the stalemate with the Dragon Kingdom and turn into a rout.

"Follow me and kill them."

He tried his best to sound calm and confident, and he did it. The guards around him jumped down from the tall building with him, blocking the enemy's charge.

Li Rui recognized the person the moment he saw him.

He couldn't remember the name of the Western Kingdom, but he knew the nickname of the acting commander. When he rose to prominence, he was known as the Blood Barber in the Land of Chaos, because those who opposed him were eventually killed. When the head is cut off, blood often splatters at the scene, which is extremely bloody.

The strength of this person cannot be underestimated, and cannot be compared to that of a priestess or a cursed patient.

Li Rui knew that he was about to encounter the biggest fierce battle since entering the secret battlefield.

But there is also good news, that is, he went to the enemy's headquarters building, and the person who came to challenge was just such a person, not the more famous Simon, or a more powerful character like the opponent's commander-in-chief, which shows that It's really empty here.

If he is killed, it is likely to affect the future direction of this battle and even the entire secret battlefield.


The divine thunder on Li Rui began to beat violently.

The Dragon Kingdom's front line was a little overwhelmed. The main reason was that the people used by the Polar Alliance to deal with them in the south were more powerful. Son of God Feng Si's march north caused the defenders in the south to retreat steadily. Cheng Mingyue and the other two 01 The sequence is trying its best to defend.

The good news is that the Western Kingdom across the way isn't doing much better, and their south side is also being eaten away.

At this time, Kong Ji returned to the frontline command camp and joined Cheng Wen.

He fought another round with Drizzt, the third person sent by the Western Kingdom. His condition was originally not as good as his opponent, but he managed to severely injure the enemy with his bravery. However, he was also seriously injured and had to come back for treatment and was unable to pursue.

"We have to retreat."

Cheng Wen said calmly, "That Son of God from the Polar Alliance is stronger than expected. We suspect that he made some kind of improvement before entering the secret battlefield."

"What about Li.0109?"

Kong Ji asked, "He hasn't come out yet, isn't he going to be trapped?"

Cheng Wen said: "There is no way, we can't risk all our wealth for one person."


Kong Ji asked with a bit of luck in his heart, "He is a first-class high-risk player. If he falls, it will be a big loss for us."

"There's nothing we can do about it. I'm not a god. I can't save him even if I want to."

Cheng Wen stared at him and said, "I'm more stressed than you. Before, Mr. Song personally asked me to take care of him."

Kong Jiqian laughed: "Mr. Song is not a person who abandons public service for personal reasons."

There was a slightly awkward silence between the two.

If the large force retreats, it will basically be equivalent to giving up. It is impossible for Li Rui to think of it again. If the front line is in a stalemate, there is still some hope.

However, the battlefield is a war, not a movie. There will be no miracles if you persist without a clear goal. It is also not a game. If you can't beat it, you can turn on the modifier.

"Then I'll tell them to prepare."

Retreating also needs to be organized, and you cannot run back in a swarm.

Although Kongji had selfish motives, he still had to make judgments based on battlefield conditions.

He squeaked and walked out. Before he left the temporary position, he saw the demon clan with communication flying into the camp.

"Report!! Emergency military information, the enemy has retreated!"

The headquarters, which had been feeling a little negative at first, suddenly became energetic.

"What? Why retreat?"

How could the demon clan who just reported the news know the situation? They only had time to convey a simple message, but after a while, Duan Ling, who had been transferred to a professional correspondent, ran over.

"Hopkins and Landry led their troops to march backwards, leaving only a small number of troops to block the attack. The other troops also retreated in an orderly manner. Dong Sanchuan judged that something happened in their rear, and they went back to rush for reinforcements."

Cheng Wen collected several more forward battle reports, and after confirming that they were really charging in the opposite direction, he immediately began to deploy.

"The Polar Alliance must have penetrated their southern defense line and sent orders to all units to pursue them with the premise of protecting themselves and the goal of annihilating the enemy."

As a result, the troops of the two countries, which had been fighting fiercely, suddenly began to move toward Central City on a large scale.

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