For Shinomiya Kaguya, who has always been accustomed to looking at problems rationally, what scares her the most is undoubtedly the kind of things that are completely unpredictable and do not follow any rules. And all the things she faced before this had such characteristics.

And now, a strange corpse of unknown identity was successfully misled by Gao Hai's words and chose 210 as the way forward.

This also means that the threats that exist in this apartment are not all unreasonable things. At least, they will also be fooled and fall into the trap, so she can use this to think of more strategies, more strategies that may work.


She heard the door to room 210 being opened.

What came out of 205 has entered 210.

Shinomiya Kaguya turned around and looked at Gao Hai who was guarding the junction of the corridor and the living room.

She stretched out one finger, then three fingers, then two fingers, and made several gestures alternately. Gao Hai on the opposite side also stretched out his hand and made several similar gestures.

This is a way that Kaguya and Gao Hai agreed to remind each other to contact each other. Every few minutes, she would turn back and have such a silent communication with Gao Hai. Although she was not sure whether it was effective, if Kaguya was attacked by something with the power of mental pollution again, Gao Hai should be able to detect it. abnormal. When the time comes, he will put on earplugs and rush to Kaguya, take her to the living room, close the door, and isolate the source of pollution in this way. If that doesn't work, he will consider using the wall clock to backtrack.

In the current situation where too much intelligence information is blank, this is the best solution that the three of them can think of at the moment.

In the kitchen, Sun Dajun and Maeda Miwa were still sitting on the floor leaning against the refrigerator. Opposite them was Green, who looked arrogant on the surface, but was so frightened that he wanted to run away on the spot after knowing that there was something in the refrigerator.

Zhen Fei, who was staying in the living room, was sorting out the letters and manuscripts she had found, trying to find valuable clues in them.

From these words, she could tell that these things all belonged to a man named [Lin Wenfu]. He seemed to be a little-known magazine contributor who wrote useless essays every day to earn a living. .

It seemed that after falling asleep one night, he woke up and found that he was already in Room 205.

According to the words recorded on these papers, his life here was helped by the survivors. Xu Sheng of 309 is the leader of the survivors. From the 1st floor to the 3rd floor, there are a total of nearly 20 people living in this apartment. , the longest among them seems to be the man named Xu Sheng, who has lived in Shirakawa Apartment for more than five years. It is thanks to Xu Sheng's efforts that this place can be transformed from a place of despair into a home where survivors can enjoy their hardships.

However, this man named Lin Wenfu has a very melancholic personality, and he cannot live like a normal person after being trapped in Shirakawa Apartment. He has to stay in Shirakawa Apartment for one night every two days, which leads to the breakdown of the relationship between his girlfriend and him. I resented this place more and more, and I became less willing to record things related to the apartment.

"What the hell? It's so hard to find some information, but this guy actually doesn't want to write it because he's in a bad mood..."

Seeing this, the real concubine was furious. She gritted her teeth and wanted to rush out and beat the corpse of the man with glasses. Well, just thinking about it, she naturally didn't dare to do it.

However, these intermittent records turned out to be different in the end.


This name appears on the last pages of the documents collected by Zhen Fei.

There are only two records about him. The first one is just a short record. The content is: [A foreigner came out of Room 109 today. He said his name was Sanchez. The place he was originally assigned to was 206, but the kitchen floor of 206 collapsed, so it was changed to 109. This person seems to be in a bad mood, I don’t think he will like this place], that’s all.

The second document mentioning Sanchez was located in the third to last document found by the true concubine.

[Sanchez opened the door to 304]

[He misses his daughter so much, but Baichuan Apartment is too far away from his hometown. Under the three-day time limit, he can only see his daughter for a short period of time despite his life. His family background is not good, and to be honest, neither are we. Ever since we were trapped in this place, those who originally had normal work income had to make choices because of the restrictions of this hellish place. Even if we were asked to take To be honest, money for financial aid can’t help me with anything.]

[Xusheng stopped Sanchez and did not let him enter 304]

[I heard that even if the person who walks in there can walk out again, he is no longer himself]

[They will break, disappear, and finally become ghosts that no one can see, wandering in the apartment forever, cycling through endless pain until they forget everything]

[But Sanchez said he must enter 304. He said the root of everything is there, he can change everything, and he can save us all]

[Is there really such an easy thing? 】

In the dots of pen and ink, there are many traces of smearing on the entire record.

Although the content of the text seems indifferent, Zhenfei can see from these strokes that the person who wrote this note had extremely complicated inner emotions at that time.

Next, is the penultimate document, a document with only two sentences.

【Xu Sheng is dead】

[We can’t get out of the apartment]

In the messy notes, Zhen Fei could not imagine what Lin Wenfu was thinking at the time when he wrote these two sentences.

The true concubine raised her head and looked at Gao Hai who was guarding the door.

She wanted to call the other person over, and ask him to call Kaguya to come over and look at these records, and the three of them could think and analyze them together.

But soon the real concubine remembered that Kaguya and Gao Hai were now guarding the corridor outside the gate, guarding against the one who might have written these records, and who has now become the carrier of something terrible. The corpse of a man.

So after a moment of hesitation, the real concubine lowered her head again and opened the last document she found, which was a piece of letter paper stained with dark red stains that was scattered under 205's desk.

[Don’t go near the window, don’t go near the window! Don't look out the window! Don't look! Don't look! ! ! 】

The almost completely confused text made Zhen Fei feel a chill in her heart after reading the content, and she felt a little uncomfortable for some unknown reason.

【No one can believe it! Don't trust anyone! Don't go into anyone's room! 】

【Everyone is crazy! Everyone is different from before! All crazy! They are all crazy! 】

[I am a good boy, I will be obedient, I will stay at home honestly, I will not be punished, I am a good boy, I am not crazy, I am a good boy, I am not crazy, I am a good boy, I am not not I'm not, I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy, I'm a good boy, a good boy (the good boy here wrote nearly half the length of the letter, and every word was written extremely neatly)]

[Don’t believe anyone, don’t trust anyone (this is what was written at the bottom of the letter paper, the handwriting is extremely messy)]

[You can’t trust anyone, not even if you separate once, not even once]

[Don’t go to the 3rd floor, the 3rd floor is not here, don’t go]

[I can’t get out of the first floor, I can’t get out, no one can get out, we live here to begin with, why should we get out (messy handwriting is written diagonally from the bottom of the letter paper to the middle of the letter paper, part of it The handwriting overlapped with the repeated "good boy" handwriting, and it took Zhenfei a lot of effort to identify it)]

【No one can believe it】

【Don't trust anyone】

【Don't trust anyone】

【Don't trust anyone】

The handwriting began to repeat again, becoming more and more messy, almost cursive.

If Zhen Fei had not learned cursive script and had in-depth knowledge of Chinese calligraphy, to the extent that she could recognize the prescriptions of the old Chinese doctor at a glance, she might not have been able to understand what was written.

This repetition continues all the way to the bottom of the letter.

It's just that one of the sentences has not been finished, and the ink on the edge of the paper seems to extend to the back of the paper.

So the real concubine turned over the letter.

【Don't trust anyone】

The handwriting is still messy, but somehow it is easier to read than before, like a crazy person gradually calming down.

[Didn’t I tell you not to trust anyone? 】

The next sentence is not completely repetitive, but it is a bit strange. Why is it written as if it is a conversation with someone.

[I said, don’t trust anyone, everyone is untrustworthy, no one can be trusted! 】

It was as if he could really see someone yelling at him, and his handwriting gradually began to become messy again.

【No one can believe it, including me】

[You can’t believe me, you can’t believe my words, and no one can believe it]

【Why should you believe me? Why should you believe me? 】

It wasn't until she saw the last line of blood-red handwriting that the girl suddenly remembered in a daze that when she just picked up the piece of letter paper, the back was obviously empty with nothing written on it.


Some stained letters fell to the ground, revealing their empty backs.

The girl, whose forehead was soaked with cold sweat, turned her head nervously and looked around. After confirming that there was nothing else in the room, she reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief, even though her little heart was beating so fast that it was almost out of control.

In this place, things that common sense cannot explain happen one after another.

But, fortunately, I finally found some clues that were somewhat valuable.

The real concubine sighed, straightened her mood, and stood up to explain the information she had found to Kaguya Takakai.


The next moment, the whole apartment shook violently, causing Concubine Zhen, who had just stood up, Gao Hai who was guarding the door, and Kaguya in the corridor to fall to the ground.

Chapter 15: Unexpected things happen when you least expect them

"What, what's going on? Is there an earthquake?!"

In the kitchen, the frightened Sun Dajun held his head and shouted, and Maeda Miwa, who was sitting next to him, screamed out.

"Be honest and don't run around! Brother, sister, what's going on?"

Green, who was also frightened, managed to yell at Sun Dajun and Maeda Miwa, and subconsciously wanted to run to find the three people outside.

"Don't move, the problem is not on our side! Let everyone be quiet."

Gao Hai's voice sounded at this time, and Zhen Fei quickly turned around without hesitation, got up from the ground, and then took out a wall clock in her backpack.

The source of the violent vibration was not room 208, but room 210.

Although the specific situation was unknown, it was obvious that the thing introduced into room 210 was fighting with the things that were already in the house. The battle of these two guys was much more terrifying than the previous door knocking ghost story. The violent vibrations one after another made the people in the house feel as if the whole building was about to collapse.

"This is..."

Kaguya, who was closest to the door, heard the clearest sound at this moment.

Zhenfei in the living room could only roughly determine that the source of the vibration was in room 210, but Kaguya could clearly hear that from that room, there was a suppressed cry, and a mixture of roars and screams.

Such a chaotic sound.

The glass bottle was smashed.

The bookcase was pushed to the ground.

The messy scattered things spread out.

It was as if everything had lost its original appearance and was gradually heading towards a state of collapse.

In the end...

The girl with wide eyes found that the sound in her ears became blurred the next moment.

Gao Hai rushed to her without knowing when, and rushed up with a roll and crawling under the violent vibration of the ground, and stuffed the earplugs into Kaguya's ears.

"Don't listen to it."

Gao Hai said this to Kaguya word by word. Although Kaguya couldn't hear what he said because of the blocked ears, by reading Gao Hai's mouth shape, Kaguya immediately realized what mistake she had made just now.

I listened to it unconsciously, and I didn't realize that I couldn't listen to such a potentially problematic sound for a long time. Could my reaction ability have dropped to this point?

Nodding slightly to Gao Hai, Kaguya stood up with the help of the wall. The two of them supported each other and ran quickly through the shaky corridor and rushed into the living room, and then quickly closed the door of the living room to isolate the sound outside.

It's strange. The shaking in the house was very violent just now, but since Kaguya put on the earplugs, the vibration has slowed down to a certain extent. After closing the living room door, the vibration began to weaken rapidly and stopped after a while.

"Even if it is not discovered and not chosen as the target of the attack, as long as it is exposed to the corresponding information, such as hearing, it will be affected? No, in this case, we should have been attacked when we were in 205 at the beginning, so maybe it depends on whether the opponent is in the [Active] or [Inactive] state. It's really getting more and more troublesome. In this way, once a situation occurs, can we only ensure safety if we are in the living room and close the living room door?"

Gao Hai thought about the possible situation seriously, and he still felt that there was something that could not be explained well.

If the corpse in 205 was always alive, why didn't it attack on the spot, but had to wait until they left and follow them?

It was able to go to 210 based on Gao Hai's misleading, proving that it has human sensory abilities and can recognize human language. So what is the way of thinking of this thing? What is its IQ and memory level?

That thing in 210 had a conflict with something unknown in it, at least it sounded like a conflict. Only Kaguya, who had sharp senses, heard the specific sound clearly, and he could only ask her later what happened.

Gao Hai couldn't help but think of the frozen corpse in 208 again.

Why did the thing in 205 start to move so quickly, but the thing in 208 has not moved?

And, in 204, which he and Kaguya have not completed a thorough exploration, is there something hidden in it, or even secretly observing them?

Few questions can be answered immediately.

And if you want to get the answers to these questions, whether you can save your life in the process of finding the answers is an unknown.

"Compared to puzzle games with a lot of questions, I still prefer the brainless action games after the wind spirit and moon shadow bite..."

Gao Hai could only say this with emotion in the end.

"Big, big brother, what's going on outside..."

Green, who was almost peeing his pants because of the violent shock just now, carefully poked his head out of the kitchen and asked.

"It has nothing to do with us, don't scare yourself, where are those two people?"

Kaguya hadn't taken out her earplugs yet. She didn't look very energetic at the moment, and she probably needed some time to recover. On the other side, Zhenfei sat in the same place. Although she didn't know what was going on, she seemed to be stimulated by something, so she didn't respond immediately.

The only one who was not affected was Gao Haibian, who stood up at this time and asked Green in a cold tone.

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