"It's okay, it's okay, everything is fine."

Green said hurriedly, smiling and shaking the hand holding the knife to indicate that everything was fine.

Gao Hai frowned and looked at Kaguya next to him. After seeing that Kaguya had recovered a little, he stood up and walked to the kitchen door. He walked past Green, who was a head taller than him, and looked into the kitchen. The two people sitting against the refrigerator.

"W-what are you doing outside?"

Maeda Miwa did not dare to speak, but Sun Dajun still had some courage and dared to ask Gao Hai.

Gao Hai didn't speak. He just stared at Sun Dajun, who was full of resentment, and Maeda Miwa, who was cowering at the side, as well as the refrigerator behind them, which had never moved. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't dare to Go ahead and confirm if it is really okay.

"In this hellish place, we only know a little more than you two fools. I don't want to embarrass anyone. I just want to leave this place alive. So as long as you don't cause trouble for me, I won't What will happen to you, can you understand this? "

With that said, Gao Hai casually threw two chocolate bars to Sun Dajun. He watched Sun Dajun subconsciously reach out to take them, and then turned to look at Green beside him.

"Keep an eye on them. If you think there are any strange changes in them, tell us immediately."

Although I have considered taking this opportunity to explain, Kaguya is not in a very good condition at the moment. In addition, her initial attitude has already formed a fixed impression, and these two people are likely to die before the wall clock goes back. In the corridor, there was no telling that they would be like a loser eating dust in the future, so in the end Gao Hai decided to maintain the current situation for the time being. After at least an hour has passed, if there is still no problem between the two people, try to communicate.

"Brother, could it be said that they..."

Green swallowed. He originally thought he was just looking after two ordinary people. Now he realized more and more that this matter was not simple. He was already a little scared and was reluctant to continue.

"If you feel something is wrong, you can switch with me and you can investigate the situation for me, okay?"

So Gao Hai just stared at the guy's deliberately embarrassed look and asked calmly. Green's face immediately turned pale, almost catching up with the white face of the old corpse of Shancun.

"Sorry, no, please don't say that, I will keep a close eye on them..."

Green behind him timidly apologized, but Gao Hai had already turned around and did not see the resentment and helplessness in this guy's eyes.

In the living room, the real concubine had already handed Kaguya the letters with important contents written on them, and then slowly sat on the stool beside her.

It seems a little strange.

Although everything seemed normal, Gao Hai felt vaguely strange when he returned to the living room.

"Sanchez... 109... In other words, the evolution of Shirakawa Apartment into what it is today is due to the chain effect of the extreme actions of a survivor?"

Kaguya frowned while looking through these things and said to herself.

"Be careful when reading. These letters seem a little strange. I saw some sentences just now, but they seem to be missing again..."

Zhen Fei seemed to be in a bad mood. She rubbed her temples and then yawned again, but her eyelids still couldn't help drooping.

Strange, I always feel... my body seems to be a little heavier...

I seem to have forgotten something... It feels like it's obviously important and I should say it right away, but I can't remember...

It wasn't like this just now. It's strange. Well, what happened...

"Is everything okay?"

A hand patted the true concubine's shoulder, making the girl wake up a little.

"Ha, what can happen to me? Are you caring about me? It's enough to take good care of yourself. We just know some basic information now. Don't think that you can sit back and relax. It's serious to work hard for me. Yes, by the way, you weren't injured just now, were you? The alcohol and disinfectant bandages in the supply box are well preserved, so they should be fine to use, but don't hold back if you are injured."

The frowning girl retorted unceremoniously, but her haughty words turned into concern halfway through.

Gao Hai didn't reply, he just frowned and stared at this girl who looked a little depressed.

Something wasn't right about her.

I can't tell you the specific reason, but I just instinctively feel that something is not right with her.

It seems that... after he touched the wall clock, and now that he can feel the gaze of the two, no, three clocks, at any time, Gao Hai found that his senses seemed to have slightly different changes, so that When looking at Zhenfei and Kaguya, you will vaguely feel that the former is abnormal.

Are you really okay? Why do I think you are mentally unwell?

Gao Hai opened his mouth and wanted to ask like this.

But before he spoke, another voice sounded first.


It was like the sound of some mechanism being activated and the mechanical structure starting to operate.

It rang from the backpack on the true concubine's back, from the clock with the head in her hand, and from the hands, it rang clearly.

The eyes of the three people were fixed on the wall clock next to Zhenfei almost at the same time, which they could directly observe.

And in their sight, the pointer on the wall clock suddenly began to accelerate, moving forward, towards the time ahead, and accelerating violently.

Chapter 16: Echoes between the present and the past

Time is accelerating.

The light outside the window, which was mostly nailed shut and only allowed a small amount of light to come in, was changing rapidly.

The originally bright room was gradually getting darker.

The damp, unpleasant smell like rotting wood spread all around.

And the time on the wall clock taken down from the corridor kept moving forward at this moment, moving, gradually approaching six o'clock, passing seven o'clock, reaching eight o'clock, and gradually approaching the position of nine o'clock.

Gao Hai fell to the ground.


His head made a harsh sound at this moment, and everything around him became dizzy and blurred.

It seemed that he could see something.

Seeing that black guy, the guy who looked very normal when they parted, now fell to the ground, his eyes were dull, his face was covered with blood, and he reached out like a puppet to grab the hour hand on the wall clock and moved it forward little by little.

Next to this person, Lao Guo stood expressionlessly, holding something that looked like a human head in his hand, watching all this happen.



The wall clock in the black guy's hand gradually spread with large and small cracks.

And his body began to crack and ooze more blood.

Finally, the pointer could no longer move even a little bit.

And the black guy lying on the ground was only a pool of festering rotten flesh, and it was completely impossible to tell what he looked like originally.

"Will I be cursed after turning the pointer? Clockwise turning seems to cause more damage than counterclockwise turning."

"And even if I force it, I can only turn it to 9 o'clock at most. It seems that it can't exceed this time."

"Okay, now I roughly understand the limitations and functions of this thing. The next question is how to find 109."

Old Guo was talking to himself.

His voice was very low, as if he was deliberately avoiding being discovered by someone.

But at this moment, Gao Hai could still clearly hear what he was saying.


Why did he want to find 109?

Is there anything special about that room?


The dizzy and piercing sound was amplified.

The picture in front of him was distorted at this moment and gradually blurred.

Gao Hai thought that he would regain consciousness next, or die, or face a more tragic fate.

But at this moment, his left hand felt a sharp pain, as if someone was sawing his hand with a blunt saw, and even sawed off about half of it, the kind of severe pain of skin and flesh gradually separating.

He wanted to scream.

But he found that he could not feel anything except his left hand.

It was as if his body had disappeared.

Only the left hand that was still there for some reason felt a sharp pain.


The harsh sound sounded again, but it suddenly weakened.

Then, he heard the sound again.

[I am Xusheng...]

Like a faulty cassette played by an old projector, with obvious noise, the voice of a person has been distorted.

[Things have finally come to this point...]

[I know that there will always be people who are unwilling to change the status quo and even do irrational things for this...]

[I have done my best. I organized 18 survivors. I took everyone to explore every room outside 304, leaving supplies and rule sheets, and tried my best to help all those who were trapped here and could not escape]

[At the most, we once reached 26 people, almost filling every room]

[But in the end, destruction is always easier than construction. Just one person's action and the response of just a few people will cause all efforts to collapse and return to the starting point. No, it can't go back to the starting point. The situation here will only get worse in the future and it will not get better]

[I have a clear conscience about this. I have done my best. Maybe I am not cruel enough and can't kill decisively, but I have never hurt anyone. Since I was trapped here, everything I have done is to save and help. I choose this. I have come to the end, so even if I die, I can sleep peacefully]

Are you reciting your last words?

The voice was so calm, as calm as two acquaintances who met in the afternoon sun and greeted each other casually.

[But for the sake of those who may come later, I still have to leave something behind]

[I saw part of the truth in the end, and also touched things that should not be touched. Before my existence disappeared, I changed the layout of every room]

[Lock the front door, close the living room door, wear earplugs, and if necessary, a mask to prevent the spread of snoring, so that you can spend the night safely, provided that you stay in the room where you just woke up, otherwise you can only rely on luck]

[You can hear this sentence I left, which proves that you have touched the wall clock, and you have a strong enough spirit. Maybe you can do something, not for anything else, even if it is just to save your own life]

[Go to 206, go down from the crack in the floor of 206, that is the only way to reach the first floor normally, don't take the stairs, they all lead to the third floor]

[109 has all the information, find 109, you will understand what happened here]

[After that, how to make a choice depends on you]

The last voice seemed to be spoken next to the ear.

Gao Hai finally opened his eyes.

The time on the wall clock has reached 8:50.

The sky outside the window was completely dark, and the living room was pitch black, with only the faint light of the lighter in Kaguya's hand.

In this faint light, Gao Hai saw Zhenfei squatting on the ground with her forehead covered, and the vague, shadow-like arms extending from the darkness around her, as if they were going to grab the girl away.


The chaotic voice in his mind has not completely disappeared.

The slightly stiff body has regained its ability to move at this time.

After hesitating for less than a second between the two options of staying still and offering a helping hand, Gao Hai, who was closer, still reached out his hand and grabbed Zhenfei.

He grabbed the backpack on her back, which contained two wall clocks.

For some reason, Zhenfei, who seemed to be in a state of blurred consciousness, was indifferent and let Gao Hai take off the backpack on her back.

Without any hesitation, Gao Hai turned around and threw the backpack to Kaguya not far away.

I am really sorry for not choosing to save people, but if Zhenfei's current condition is caused by the power of ghost stories, then most of them are hopeless. In contrast, the wall clock that can dial back time is the most important life-saving item, and this thing must be preserved!

The next moment, Gao Hai felt a cold touch.

Those blurred arms grabbed him as well.


Before he could say the three words "quickly dial the clock", the next moment Gao Hai was dragged into the dark ground with Zhenfei.

Before his vision was covered by darkness, he seemed to hear the faint laughter of a child.


With another muffled sound, Gao Hai fell straight to the ground, and then the petite bodies of the four concubines fell sideways on his stomach.

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