She was buried here and could never leave.

[We are the new era, we are the future]

[Come on, let’s drink to the future of mankind together! 】


Anger that burns away the soul, burns away all self.

Not just my own anger.

It is the anger of all those who are buried here, trapped in despair and unable to rest until death.

She felt the burning fire.

So hot, so real, just like the flames burning in her body.

So she started climbing up.

Absorbing all the restless fire.

Little by little, all the anger and despair were focused on himself.

Everyone must be killed!

This crazy obsession condensed, and the final result of the fusion was such a simple idea.

Kill everyone in that research base!

Kill them!

Kill everyone!

All these people who hurt them and brutally killed them; all these people who talk about morality and call themselves the ladder of civilization; so these people who are extremely disgusting and compare themselves to the cornerstone of mankind. Kill them all, kill them all, kill them all without leaving any one behind!


kill! !

kill! ! !

[Look at you people, to be honest, I really don’t feel anything at all]

[I am the supreme leader of the entire research base, that general is just a fool who knows nothing, and I am the one who can lead all this]

[I will move to a higher position step by step, gain more power, gain more wealth, and become a master that you will never understand in your lifetime]

[As for you, haha, the progress of human civilization does have your contribution, but so what, no one will remember your names or your experiences, you are nothing, you are nothing, the fact is That’s it, hahahaha]

[Hate as much as you want, you can't change anything. There is no heaven or hell in this world. Look, people like me should be considered heinous, right? But I will not be punished. I will not go to jail or be shot. I will not be punished by nature. I will not suffer the same suffering as you. No one will blame me, even if I commit a crime. Even if I make a mistake, I will definitely be forgiven. And one day, I will become a true god, and I will become the highest one who towers over everyone]

Darkness has enveloped the entire observation area.

The woman with disheveled hair, her white skirt stained with blood, was completely covered in red color.

The ground was shaking violently, and the ring in Gao Hai's hand had disappeared. Andres' obsession was shattered at this moment. He was satisfied with returning to Hedar's side, and began to gradually dissipate.

And Hedar's obsession, I don't know if it still exists in that obsession. The warmth and beauty of the past seem to have dissipated with Andres. What remains is even more terrifying than before. Crazy rage.

The door in Gao Hai's hand has fallen to the ground, facing Hedar in front.

In the freezing area, the moment the power was reconnected, Fujiwara Chika dragged in another door and panted as she looked at the two of them, Maifei and Kaguya, who had pressed Fulneng to the ground and almost completely broken their hands and feet. The man, without hesitation, turned around and inserted the blood key into the keyhole of the door he dragged over.

Hedahl could not wait until he arrived in the study area.

Once this core obsession enters the scope of the experimental area, as history repeats itself, the freezing area will inevitably be forced to cut off power, and the place will return to the original stage of the last day, and Fulneng will return to his half-weird, half-human form. , then everything becomes in vain. Therefore, we must find a way for Hedar to come into contact with Fornen as a human being without entering the experimental area. Only then can this core obsession be completely cracked, and only then can all this come to an end. Opportunity.

Under normal circumstances, as the top-difficulty dungeon of Dark Night Level, players who dare to challenge this level and try to pass the game perfectly must have survived multiple Dark Night Level missions and obtained at least A-level Dusk Blessing and Dark Night Blessing. , and the various obsessions such as teleportation, attack, defense, treatment, spiritual summons, etc. are very comprehensive, or simply only with a strong team, you will try to complete a task of this size. Unfortunately, Gao Hai had no way to do this, because the plug-in watch that gave him a chance to go back and start over was completely unreasonable, and he was thrown directly into such a difficult situation where only a boss can show off his skills. He is not allowed to leave unless he has a perfect ending.

But even so, he is not really helpless. Although the wonderful prop of the blood key will become ineffective and cannot be used when it is directly pointed at the core obsession, for example, the blood key cannot be used to open the door of 304. But just like how you could use the blood key to open the [door closer to 304] in Shirakawa's apartment, after tearing down the doors of Shegueira and Fornen's offices, Gao Hai and Qianhua directly used these two doors as The medium successfully connected them through the blood key.


Fornen, who was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his hands and feet were broken by Princess Kaguya, couldn't help but let out a shrill scream when he saw the door in Fujiwara Chika's hand opened.

And Hedar, who was about to execute Gao Hai immediately because of the rule of killing anyone on sight, at this moment, his eyes were frozen behind the door, in the freezing area that was still brightly lit at this moment, and that person was still there. On the body of Fornen who [exists as a human being].

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--】

The terrifying scream almost shattered Gao Hai's eardrums, causing both of his ears to bleed at the same time.

And this strange woman in blood skirt had already arrived in front of the opened door in the next moment, and then took a step forward, stepping into the freezing area illuminated by the cold light of the electric light.

The next moment, the unsolvable cycle in this copy that had lasted for who knows how many years collapsed.

After Andres's obsession dissipated, the dungeon collapsed due to the disappearance of the core obsession that maintained the [Red Nut Gray Hole] area in the dungeon, accompanied by an extremely violent earthquake that swept violently at this moment. Come.


Chapter 74: The Finale of the Broken World

From perfect to broken, everything happens in just a blink of an eye.

The entire institute was torn to pieces in an instant.

The ground collapsed, shattered, and split apart from each other, turning into different incomplete areas high and low.

The red nut gray hole further down completely collapsed, and was torn into large and small pieces like a naughty child's toy. They were scattered, and some fell directly and disappeared.豱uke唷 PantunMuMaogu∽Niuvinegar thornpingJixueyaпЭ晌Ashu�


In the sound of shattering, large and small gravels continued to fall, falling into the darkness below, falling into the void where nothing existed.

Just like the final stage of Shirakawa Apartment, this place has fallen into a countdown stage of destruction and collapse.

But it's not enough.

Gao Hai raised his head and looked around at the large and small rock fragments and building debris suspended in mid-air.

It has stabilized again.

Although this place was shattered into a mess, the fact was that it had stabilized again and did not continue to collapse.

Gao Hai knew why this was the case. There was no way to completely destroy this place because there were two core obsessions that supported this copy. Just freeing one of them will not completely destroy this place. You have to free the other core obsession.

Andres has been freed, but Hedar has not yet been able to free himself from this obsession.

But this shouldn't be the case. Why can't she be freed?

At that moment, when Hedar, who was wearing a bloody dress, entered the freezing zone, she should have completed the final killing, and this obsession should have been released.

Could it be that Fulneng has any backup plans?

Gao Hai stood up and stood in this dilapidated corridor, which was only half the size.

The door in her hand leads to endless void. At the moment when this place collapsed, Chika Fujiwara was naturally unable to hold the door as firmly as Gao Hai, so the door opened from where the three girls were. It fell down, and now it is repeating its endless fall in the endless void.

There is no way to continue carrying this door forward. Gao Hai has to play jumping on the large and small fragments of building rocks that are spaced apart from each other. Gao Hai cannot carry this wooden door with him.

He threw the door away with some regret and watched it fall into darkness. Gao Hai then looked upward. There was also endless darkness above the sky, but in the darkness, the fragments of these building rocks themselves seemed to be The light was emitting, allowing Gao Hai to continue to see the structure of this place clearly. Moreover, at the highest point of this broken area, Gao Hai saw a winding staircase leading to a relatively complete platform. There was no doubt that that was the exit of the Red Nut Ash Cave.

It is not easy to get to that place. Once he falls here and falls into the void, Gao Hai is sure that he will not be refreshed like Steve or die directly during the fall.

What's more, even if he could go up and reach the exit, he couldn't do that now. After all, he had to achieve a perfect clearance before he could leave this hellish place. In other words, now he had to find the reason why Hedar's obsession could not be completed, and find the person who should have died long ago, but for some reason he is not dead yet. Fournen.


Take a deep breath, jump, and land.

Gao Hai successfully crossed a platform and landed on another area.

It was also at this time that he received a communication from the True Concubine and found out the source of the problem.

"Can you actually pull off a trick like fused form? In other words, if you want to deal with him, you have to find a way to separate this guy from his fused form again?"

After understanding the root cause of the problem, Gao Hai was a little dumbfounded and couldn't help but complain.

The reason why Foer can survive and not be killed by Hedar is very simple, that is, the one who blocked the real concubine Kaguya in the prison area. The purely strange Foer can appear in the freezing area, and then the two Foer can directly merge in Together.

Weird power can split a person into two individuals, which Gao Hai has experienced as early as when he was in Baichuan Apartment. Fornen should have gotten inspiration from the human experiment on Lixer, thus splitting himself into two individuals. The purely weird Fornen was probably formed with the help of his body that was killed in the research area. , this weird thing is just a near-puppet existence, completely controlled by another Fulneng.

After the two parties merged, Fulneng gained the [Weird] identity again, and Hedar's power could not destroy him, but could only destroy his body. Even because of the collapse of the entire copy, Hedar, who was the core obsession, was unable to execute him in his complete form, so Fornen even had a way to escape.

Of course, this is not a harmless method. After becoming strange, Fornen's consciousness will also be affected by the strange power, and he will no longer be able to act according to his own thinking ability, but will tend to Weird behavior patterns are restricted by rules to a greater extent.

Now Hedar is entangled with Fornen. The two weirdos landed on the building fragments in the research area of ​​the base. Fornen insisted on conducting experiments because of the strange influence, while Hedahl was crushing and tearing him apart over and over again. Fornen's body was unable to kill him because of the complete strangeness of the other party. The scene was so bloody that Chika Fujiwara almost vomited when she saw such a terrifying scene for the first time. The expressions on the faces of Zhen Fei and Kaguya who were watching this scene from a distance were not pretty either.

After all, the image of a ball of crushed rotten flesh trying to squirm and try to do experiments is really difficult for people to face calmly.

The question at the moment is how to separate Fornen and let the [human] part of him come out and die, instead of delaying time here and trying to survive.

Gao Hai was jumping on various platforms while thinking about such problems. Suddenly, a rescue worker with a swollen body and dripping water appeared on a platform. He almost grabbed Gao Hai and pinned him to the ground, forcing him He ran away quickly and jumped to another platform to avoid the opponent.

I almost forgot that the destruction of the core obsession will not lead to the destruction of the subsidiary obsessions. The fuel absorbed by his watch is actually the residue of these subsidiary obsessions and the copy itself. I just don’t know why this absorption must be established when the core of the copy disappears and the copy itself gradually collapses. Now Gao Hai has only freed himself from one of the two obsessions, and has not yet reached the conditions for the dungeon to collapse, so this function cannot be activated.

{Zhenfei, you must be careful over there, other weird things are still active, and because of the collapse of this place, the weird things in every area are now mixed together, so be sure to pay attention to the surrounding situation when acting}

{Well, I understand, we will be careful, Haijun, you too, you must protect yourself}

After a short conversation, Gao Hai stopped again.

In front of a half-collapsed guard box, Shelby, Ed and Wang Gui were sizing up the surrounding situation. When they saw Gao Hai appear, Shelby walked to the front of the team.

"Mr. Gao, it's great to see you okay. Do you know what's going on now?"

It could be seen that this player had never seen a copy collapse before. Although her expression was relatively calm at this time, the slight tremor in her tone still betrayed the fear in her heart.

"Someone cracked the core obsession, causing this copy to collapse. Now it seems to be temporarily stable, but soon it will be completely destroyed. Look up, do you see the highest platform? There It’s the exit. The rules in the dungeon are now chaotic and invalid. As long as you can reach that place alive, you should be able to leave the dungeon safely. Take your time, I’ll leave first.”

After briefly explaining the situation, Gao Hai turned around and planned to leave.

"The dungeon crashed, could I actually encounter such a thing? What kind of master can do this kind of thing? This dungeon is obviously just beginning to be fixed, and there is no way to obtain information in advance on many things... No. Wait, Mr. Gao, won’t you go together? It should be very dangerous to stay here, right?”

Although Shelby had never seen the copy collapse, he had obviously heard of this situation, so he immediately understood what Gao Hai said and showed an extremely surprised expression.

But then, when the other party saw Gao Hai turning around to leave, she realized the danger here and stopped her. She didn't quite understand why Gao Hai didn't intend to leave here under such circumstances. Even those hunters who hunt obsession objects should not stay in this situation. After all, the obsession objects related to it will become invalid after the dungeon collapses. A dungeon in this collapse stage has no impact on any player. The only thing that stays true to its value.

"I still have teammates who haven't come over. I have to go with them. You should leave quickly. This place is very unsafe. All those ghosts have become active."

Gao Hai had already walked to the edge of the rock fragment and looked around for a suitable place to stay. To be honest, he didn't find a suitable place to stay, because there were strange activities on almost every piece of debris. Tourists, explorers, rescue teams, security guards, staff... This cave has swallowed up too many lives, so even though it has been broken into pieces, there are still a considerable number of strange things filling the map.

However, these strange things don't seem to have any special killing ability. Avoiding them is probably the same as avoiding zombies. As long as you don't get touched, there won't be much problem.

So the focus now is still to get to Zhenfei and the others as soon as possible, and then find a way to separate the human side and the strange side of Fornen.

Speaking of which, it may not be so easy for the three players behind me to return to the ground, but this kind of thing is not something I can help. And in this situation, I can't spare the energy to help these people, I can only wish them good luck.

[As long as you carefully avoid these self-lost weird things, the problem won't be too big. I can help you find a way out.]

A calm man's voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Gao Hai looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a beard and wearing a firefighter's uniform standing on the higher rock fragments above.

That face seemed familiar.

[Leave these three players to me to take them out safely. This is also my responsibility.]

[But their problems are small problems, Mr. Gao. The problem you need to face is the big problem. You don't know how to kill that bastard, right?]

The man who said this jumped down from above and landed beside Gao Hai.

The induction of blessing... is not a person? It seems weird, but it seems to be different from complete weirdness? What on earth is this...

Gao Hai didn't speak. He first took a step back carefully, and then because of the familiarity in his heart, he remembered where he had seen the man in front of him. He couldn't help but stand there, not knowing what to say.

[Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm really sorry]

[But don't be nervous, after all, since your people escaped from the prison area, I have been watching from the dark until now, it is not difficult to know what you want to do]

[As for my name, just call me Howard, maybe you already know who I am, that would be better. After all, this can save a lot of time. I'm not sure how long I can stay awake to help you]

The man who said this showed Gao Hai a somewhat stiff smile, and the firefighter's shoulder badges on his body seemed to be flashing a faint luster.

Chapter 75: The moment of running forward with the strong wind

Howard Smith.

One of the important participants in the Red Nut Gray Cave dungeon, his experience runs through many stages of the history of this cave. It was not until the research base was established that he was imprisoned by Fornen and his whereabouts were unknown. It is unknown what his final situation was.

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