Gao Hai had thought that such a special guy would not die easily, but he really didn't expect to see him at this time.

It seems that he still has the sanity as a human being, but Gao Hai can feel through the power of blessing that the other party is no longer a complete human being, but some kind of existence between human and weird.

I don’t know if this state can last forever. Under Gao Hai’s blessing perception, the strange and malicious side of this man has a high sense of existence, and has a faint tendency to grow. The human side does not appear to be strong. The two The power of the person is in a delicate state of balance and may sway to the other side at any time. But at least now, in perception, the man in front of him should still have his own self and reason.

"before you……"

[I have been locked up in D4. The black stones you saw rolling out when the door was opened should be my corpse. As for my current state, to be honest, I'm not sure, but I think it won't last long. Don’t worry, when I really turn into that kind of thing, I will jump directly]

It's quite straightforward.

Seeing that Howard said such words without any hesitation, Gao Hai didn't know what to say. He was silent for a moment, and then made a simple judgment and chose to believe the former firefighter.

"Do you know how to kill Fornen?"

Gao Hai looked at the other party and asked directly.

[Although I would like to make a direct guarantee, I am not sure about the success rate of the method I thought of. In short, I think you'd better find a way to go back to that idiot Shegueira's office. You guys have no way to solve the current Fornen, so you can only find other ways to break through]

Howard didn't talk nonsense and put forward his ideas very simply.

"Do you mean to use the identity of [General Seguela] to issue orders to Fulneng? But it may not be possible to directly order him to have mitosis. However, maybe I can find a way to issue an order to Fulneng [with a strange identity" Fulneng will do it, but as a human, Fulneng can't accept the order, maybe he can split this guy."

Gao Hai's mind started to spin. Howard just said what he thought, and Gao Hai quickly realized what Howard wanted to express.

Fulneng, who refuses to die, is equivalent to possessing the identities of both [human] and [weird]. Now the other party uses fusion to reveal only his [weird] identity, thus ensuring that he will never be killed by Hedar. Death, but also caused his cognition and actions to be dominated by the weird side, becoming no different from the weird things in the dungeon.

But this state is just a disguise. It is certain that Foer can split again at any time and let his [human] side surface again.

So, find a way to create signs of division for this guy.

The weird ones only follow the rules, and they will do anything as long as the situation is in compliance with the rules. But humans don’t. Human beings have a tendency to choose, and there are things that they can’t stand no matter what. So when the behavioral logic of both parties cannot be reconciled, this bastard thing may be able to show its flaws.

[The office is over there. Good luck. I'll take these people out. After all, rescuing people is my specialty. If I am still awake then, I will come over to see if I can help you]

After Howard pointed out the location of the office to Gao Hai, he then turned and walked in the direction of the players.

In response, Gao Hai just nodded slightly, and then explained the situation to Zhen Fei through the spiritual link.

{Go to the office and give orders to this thing? It feels like a very dangerous idea. This place has become such a dangerous place. Can't we try throwing that Foer directly into the void below? }

{That is not a good idea. We have no idea where this darkness leads, and it is obviously impossible for the strange thing to fall to death. If it keeps falling like this forever, I will be trapped here for the rest of my life. Okay, please be careful and stay safe, I'm going}

Zhen Fei had already noticed the strange things active on those rock fragments, and she couldn't help but worry a little when she thought that Gao Hai had to pass through the layers of these things to find the office. However, her thoughts were obviously unable to deal with the current situation, so Gao Hai set off directly while communicating with the other party.

{...Okay, but Haijun, be careful}

{I will do it, don’t worry, I’ve never seen anything like this}

After leaving such a teasing remark, Gao Hai jumped suddenly and landed directly on another rock fragment five or six meters long and wide. Then he accelerated his charge and began to charge towards the one that was now mostly collapsed, but still had a bright light. Get up and set off from Shegueira's office.

With the great enhancement of Xusheng's blessing, these dangerous and rugged terrains could not stop Gao Hai's actions at all. On the contrary, he ran and jumped through it quite easily. If it weren't for those wandering monsters, this action would not even be possible. It can be described as an outing.

If it weren't for these damn things...

【Please...take me away...】

The tourist who made a low cry grew bigger and bigger and stretched out his hand towards Gao Hai.

【Where is the heart...】

The explorer, who had several stalactites embedded in his body, whispered and rushed directly towards the high sea at an astonishing speed.

[Please show...your ticket...]

The swollen and shrunken staff member howled as he rushed forward, narrowly brushing past Gao Hai's side.

"No, are you ghosts or zombies? You can run and jump. Am I in Harlan?"

Gao Hai, who couldn't help but complain, ducked his head to avoid a strange attack, rolled on the ground and passed under the railing, then jumped up suddenly, grabbed the protruding rock and climbed up suddenly, avoiding an almost completely broken arm sticking out of the rock, then kicked the rock and jumped back, stretched out his hand to grab another rock fragment, and a steel bar protruding diagonally in the concrete wall, then used the steel bar to rotate, and rotated twice in a row, as if half of it was flying, and jumped up to a height of seven or eight meters, and grabbed another rock, climbed up to the flat ground, and then rolled suddenly to avoid an explorer who rushed to him head-on.

The disappearance of Andres caused the strangeness of these subsidiary existences in the Red Nut Gray Cave to basically lose the power of killing rules. They were just monsters with strength and speed far exceeding that of humans, but Gao Hai felt that these things became more aggressive and chased Gao Hai madly.

At this time, a whistling sound fell from above. It was a gorgeously decorated office building that split from the middle, and half of the building fell towards Gao Hai. He could even see the past afterimages of Welbo and Pei Di talking in the building about planning the infrastructure of the scenic area.


With a bang, a large amount of building debris had covered the ground, and Gao Hai could only speed up and rush to avoid the strange creatures that rushed out from these fragments one after another. He didn't care about the wounds on his body caused by the broken stones and broken glass, and he ran even faster.

It's bad.

In the heavy breathing, Gao Hai looked at a suspended broken platform in front of him.

The distance is too far, I'm afraid I can't jump over it.

A bloody figure chased up from the side, stretched out his hand and grabbed Gao Hai. Under the huge force, Gao Hai was thrown to the side and hit hard against the rock wall on one side, directly knocking the rock structure into a dent.

The thing came forward again, and then Gao Hai's blood scissors swung and cut his arms and abdomen, fell to the ground and twisted his body, trying to get up and chase again.

"Hu——" Gao Hai took a deep breath and suppressed the chest tightness caused by the collision just now, ran forward again, jumped up, and jumped directly over a distance of more than 12 meters with his physical fitness beyond the limit of human beings, reaching out to grab the rock wall in front.

Didn't catch it.

Is it really just a little bit short?


The blood scissors pierced the rock wall with a sudden thrust forward, and Gao Hai jumped up again, grabbed the rock wall and climbed up with force, climbing over this more than ten-meter-long rock wall and reaching the top of this building fragment.

"Hu... Hu..."

Take a breath and calm your breathing.

Gao Hai stood up on the platform full of rubble, looked in the direction of the office which was still some distance away, and then found that his position was covered by shadows.

Looking back, he saw the huge brass statue of the first director Austin falling down from behind at high speed, smashing the suspended broken platforms into pieces.

"I don't think I have ever seen this scene..."

He turned and ran away.

But it was too late to avoid it.

The heavy brass statue swept Gao Hai's body from the side at a falling speed of more than 70 meters per second, knocking him up, crashing through a piece of rock debris not far away, crashing through a wall floating in the air, and finally rolling into a broken park that was only one-third of its size.


Gao Hai was still alive, and even had the strength to struggle to get up.

Many of his bones were probably broken, but he seemed to be able to continue to move.

Reaching out to wipe the dirty blood from his nose, Gao Hai dragged his broken left leg and got up from the ground with a deep breath. Then he saw a group of tourists not far away, talking and laughing happily, walking straight towards him.

[Today I finally have time to visit the Red Nut Gray Cave]

[But we don’t seem to have a tour guide. It would be great if we could have one]

[Isn’t it over there? Hello, handsome boy, can you be our tour guide? ]

The pale-faced tourists smiled and surrounded Gao Hai, with a strong sense of coldness covering them. There is no doubt that he is facing an extremely dangerous situation that must be avoided at this moment, but Gao Hai, who has a broken leg and multiple ribs and a surging blood in his chest, obviously no longer has this ability.

Is it going to reopen again?

It has obviously come to this point.

[The rescue operation begins! ]

The rescue team member who fell from the sky reached out and grabbed Gao Hai’s shoulders, then rose from the ground and pulled Gao Hai to jump upwards.

Kaguya, wearing a rescue suit, pulled the safety rope hard and pulled Gao Hai and the rescue team members up.

"You really know how to show off."

Kuguya said this and walked to the wounded Gao Hai, took off her badge and stuck it on Gao Hai's clothes. The rescue team uniform quickly emerged and Gao Hai's injuries began to heal at a very fast speed.

"Ms. Shinomiya, why are you here?"

Takahashi was a little surprised that she didn't expect to see Kaguya, and then noticed that Kaguya's clothes were also damaged in many places. I'm afraid that her process of coming here was not smooth, but she didn't have any wounds because of the badge.

"I just guessed what might happen. This place is completely different from when the Shirakawa Apartment collapsed. There are too many weird things, and the surrounding situation is constantly changing. It is unrealistic to reach a certain area safely. You must have help."

There was no expression on Shinomiya Kaguya's face, but there seemed to be a hidden light flashing in her eyes.

"My athletic ability is better than that of Maki and Fujiwara."

She said to Gao Hai seriously.

"My nerve reflexes and athletic qualities are far better than ordinary people. After receiving the blessing of the Dusk level, they have reached the limit of the human body."

"Neither Maki nor Fujiwara can keep up with you at this time, but I can, so they continue to observe and track the situation of Fornen, and I will come to find you."

"In short, I am the only one who can help you at the moment, so if we act together, we should be able to reach where you want to go faster."

Kaguya seriously listed the reasons, and her dark red eyes stared at Gao Hai, waiting for his answer.

"That's great. Let's go, partner. There's no time to waste now."

Without even a second of hesitation, Gao Hai got up from the ground, patted Kaguya's shoulder, and then ran forward quickly.


Taking the same quick steps, Kaguya followed Gao Hai in the next moment. The two of them, one tall and one short, ran forward at the same time, jumped, and landed on another rock platform. Then Gao Hai swung the bloody scissors and cut off the head of a fat tourist who rushed over from the front.

Kaguya followed closely, she cut horizontally with a scalpel, splitting a tourist who was coming towards her and a security guard who rushed towards Gao Hai in half from the abdomen, and immediately blocked these two strange actions.

The next moment, the two continued to run forward.

Kaguya jumped up first, grabbed a safety rope dangling in the air, swung it forward vigorously, and then blocked Gao Hai again.

Swollen figures appeared above and below the safety rope, groaning indistinctly while crawling towards Kaguya, and Gao Hai jumped up and grabbed the rope. The two jumped again with the help of the swinging force of the rope and landed easily on another rock platform. The swollen figures could not keep up with the speed of Gao Hai and Kaguya, and fell directly from the rope into the endless dark void.

It's already in front.

Gao Hai raised his head and looked at the office with a distance of about 30 meters and more than a dozen staggered platforms.

Chapter 76: The so-called obsession and the enemy in the dying struggle

"These platforms seem to be approaching each other little by little, and there is a tendency to gather again."

Shijo Shinki looked at the floating rock fragments around, and keenly noticed that many fragments were gradually approaching each other, and it seemed that they were about to reunite.

After the loss of Andres, the copy of the Red Nut Gray Cave was equivalent to being half destroyed. But Hedar's obsession still could not be put to rest, which made this copy unable to be completely destroyed. Everything would re-condense and restore to its original complete structure. It was just that it was difficult to tell what changes would happen in this process.

We couldn't wait until this place re-condensed. We had to solve the problem of Fornen before that.

Not far away, Hedar, the weird creature in a blood skirt and full of resentment, had stopped attacking at this time and just stood there motionless. At this time, Fornen, who had been completely transformed into a weird thing, was still struggling to wriggle, trying to complete his experiment, even though he had been beaten into a pile of rotten meat.

The essential mechanization of weird things was fully demonstrated at this moment. They would only act according to fixed behavior patterns and would not consider the actual situation at all. To be honest, Zhenfei was actually very curious about these strange talks, these obsessions, these weird things. What exactly were they, why did they have such a weird and terrible power, and why were they so rigid and rigid, completely restricted by the rules, as if they were deliberately shaped like this.

Even if there are abnormal individuals, such as Xu Sheng and Li Youcai and Xu Jiazhen in Baichuan Apartment, and Forneng in Red Nut Gray Cave, these obsessions, although they retain a certain degree of humanity, cannot defy their own rules and will be completely restricted by the rules.

But who wrote this rule?

Why are these things restricted by various rules, just like the game with various weaknesses and conditions for breaking?

Besides, the Red Nut Gray Cave, a long copy spanning decades, and the [Black Blood Bullet] that is connected to this copy have proved that many years ago, the existence of strange stories can actually be recognized by everyone in the world, understood and studied by anyone.

But Zhenfei didn't know about this at all, and all the players didn't know about this. Everyone only knew that the first game appeared about two years ago. The players who survived from that period are called the first generation of players. Those who have experienced more than 20 games and are at the top level of players, the various information passed down from them, there is no content about [whether there are strange stories in the past history], and there has never been a post discussing these things on the forum.

When did this kind of thing that obscures cognition and separates ordinary people from players begin to exist? Where did it come from? Who created this phenomenon behind the scenes? And what role does this so-called [Sacrifice Game] play between players, humans and ghost stories?

And even if these distant things are not mentioned, the Red Nut Gray Cave has always been a novice copy, and the research base area has never appeared before this game. Theoretically, this part of the area should have been in a dormant sealed state before. So, how did the American players' [Black Blood Bullet] come from? Only players can enter and exit the Red Nut Gray Cave during the unfixed period. There is no way to obtain raw materials for [Black Blood Bullet], right?

Perhaps... the black blood stones in the prison area have been taken out of this copy, and they can continue to exist outside the copy, just like an obsession?

Zhenfei suddenly thought of a reasonable explanation.

That's right, just like the obsession can continue to exist outside the copy, the raw material of [Black Blood Bullet], the black blood stone transformed from living people, itself has a strange nature. When the research institute was still in normal existence, I am afraid that black blood stones had been taken away from it and studied, produced and maintained in other places. Since this thing can be mass-produced using human lives as raw materials, then those black blood stones taken from the real world may also be used in the same way, even if the user has forgotten the Red Nut Gray Cave.

If so... will the black blood stones of the American players become ineffective after this copy is cracked by Haijun and the entire copy is destroyed? If the source of [Black Blood Bullet] is the Red Nut Gray Cave, then wouldn't they who destroyed this copy become the enemy of all American players? !

This possibility shocked Zhenfei.

However, there is no way to regret now. From the moment I entered this copy, Haijun had to destroy the copy to pass the level because of the restrictions of the strange watch, and all I can do is to assist him and face the storms that may be faced later with him.

No matter how difficult things will be, Zhenfei does not intend to leave Gao Hai, but stands firmly beside him and tries her best to help him.

The turmoil in the girl's heart has quickly subsided at this moment.

She continues to hide behind this rock with Qianhua, observing the building debris not far away, where Fornen is still struggling to wriggle and try to do research, and Hedal, who is standing next to Fornen and seems to be in a dead state because he has not been able to kill him for a long time.

It seems that the situation here is relatively stable, and there should be no big problems.

"Those who want to usurp the throne of God will eventually suffer the consequences and will not rest in peace."

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