[You must study hard...]

[You can't... be a bad boy who doesn't listen...]

A dull woman's voice rang out from the sheep's hood.

Blood was dripping.

The students whose facial features had been gouged out continued to read the words in the book.

The students whose heads were smashed also sat quietly in their seats, with blood and bubbles constantly pouring out of their trachea, as if they were reading aloud.

And the head held in the hand was still sobbing until now.

[Teacher... I'm sorry...]

[I was wrong... Don't... tell mom and dad...]

[They... work very hard... Please... don't...]

In the murmuring voice, the girl's eyes, nose, mouth and ears began to bleed.

The thing wearing the sheep's head hood began to move step by step along the gap between the desks.

It walked all the way.

The head held in its hand cried and bled all the way.

The mutilated student whose body was torn into pieces also sat in his seat.

The student who was dragged out of the classroom and whose spine was broken also sat in his seat.

In this brightly lit but gloomy classroom, more than half of the students sitting in the seats were no longer human, they were all dead, but they stood up again under the light, returned to their seats and started reading.


The high heels made a crisp sound when they landed on the tile floor.

The thing holding the human head slowly walked in front of a shivering girl

[Save you... Save me...]

The head that was crying just now screamed madly at this time.

It suddenly began to struggle violently, and blood gushed out of the head, splashing on the girl's body all of a sudden.

The girl with blood splashed all over her face trembled all over, but the sound of reading was still not interrupted, and it continued to ring. Although the girl's face was pale and tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes, she still did not stop.

So after the thing slowly stopped, it continued to walk forward and then stopped in front of the next student.

It was like a conscientious teacher who was carefully checking every student to see if they were studying seriously.

Gao Hai also sat in his seat.

After seeing the sheep-head masked man appear, after realizing the strong malice that was not concealed, and after finding that the candle on the table of the weird student in the next classroom stopped burning, he quickly took Jianzi back to the classroom just now, and immediately found that the weird things that had just appeared had all disappeared, and the tables and chairs in the classroom that were originally messy had all returned to normal.

Then, he decisively sat back in his seat and found a textbook on the desk. When the other girls saw Gao Hai and Jianzi sitting in their seats honestly, they followed suit. As a result, one girl sat in the wrong seat in a panic and sat in the seat of a dead girl. As for the result...

Gao Hai turned his eyes slightly and saw the stacked things that could no longer be seen in human form.

The girl who was originally sitting in that seat was torn into seven or eight pieces by something in the corridor. The pieces of flesh were squirming on the ground, and suddenly bounced up and fell on the girl who sat in the wrong seat, and forcibly merged with her. The girl in this position now has two heads, intertwined arms and legs, and squirming internal organs hanging on her body. Its shape reminds Gao Hai of Tang Mali from a certain month plan, but judging from the reaction of the two heads of this thing, they are probably still in a stage of disharmony.

This is not the point now.

Gao Hai looked at the candle he placed on one side of the table.

At this moment, this candle is burning at a very fast speed, at least 3 times faster than the previous burning speed in the dark state.

When the lights are off, the candle of the dead burns faster, and the dead will turn into a weird after burning out.

When the lights are on, the candle of the dead stops burning, and the candle of the living burns faster. It seems that it will not last long.

Once the candle of a living person is extinguished, he will be immediately attacked by the weird thing hidden in the candle. That thing is extremely fast, and other than Jianzi, no one can see the moving track of that thing at all, so it is almost impossible to avoid the attack.

Therefore, you must find other people's candles and connect them to your own candle, otherwise you will not be able to survive.

There are two choices. One is to take away the candles of the living, take away the candles of these female students and connect them to your own candle.

If you do this, it is certain that the girl whose candle is taken away will die, and because there is no candle to maintain the burning, the dead girl will turn into a corpse at a very fast speed and become a member of the school's weirdness.

The second choice is to take away the candles of the students in the classroom. Although he only observed it briefly at the time, Gao Hai can be sure that the candles of those weird things are the same as the candles of the living, and they can overlap with each other.

But the problem this time is even more obvious. When no one entered the previous classroom, all the monsters remained motionless, sitting in their seats with no sign of being activated. As a result, Gao Hai appeared in the classroom. After being seen by those things, they all looked at Gao Hai, and their candles burned quickly. Obviously, the red candle restricts the movement of those monsters. Only after the candle is burned out or extinguished can these monsters be free and attack living people.

Therefore, taking away the candles from these monsters will activate them all.

Gao Hai clearly felt the strong malice of this [Alice Game] at this moment. Although everything has just begun, the whole game has only been going on for about ten minutes, and he has not even left the classroom to confirm the situation outside. Totally do it.

[Daytime] has lasted for about 15 minutes, and it is not clear how long it will last. However, after roughly recalling and calculating, Gao Hai is convinced that the previous [Dark Night] lasted about 20 minutes, so according to the corresponding, [Daytime] 】It may also be 20 minutes, using lights out and on as a medium to continuously switch.

The next time [dark night] comes, they must connect new candles to the red candles of themselves and Miko. Whether they are looking for a living person or a treacherous one, they must connect one, otherwise it will be difficult for them to survive. It’s [daytime] for the next round.

Gao Hai looked towards the hole in the wall that he had just knocked out.

There were still 25 red candles in that classroom that were about half burned.

Now that I have activated the trick in that room, I just have to do it all and take away all the candles in that room. Anyway, even if I don’t do this, the trick in that classroom will soon be gone when [dark night] arrives. activation.

But even so, how long can it last?

Moreover, I just casually broke through the wall and entered the next classroom, and ended up encountering 25 weird students.

So how many classrooms and students are there in this teaching building?

Could it be that every classroom here is filled with these things, and these things in each classroom will be activated after living people enter, accelerate the burning of candles, and then swarm out and attack the living people throughout the teaching building? people?

Is it even possible that even if you don’t enter the classroom where these things exist, those candles will still burn slowly, and then at a certain point in time, all the [students] in the entire teaching building will be dispatched to deal with the activities that accidentally enter this place. People attack.

Gao Hai had a very bad feeling.

He felt that his speculation was not rigorous and the possibility of it coming true was unlikely.

But at the same time, he vaguely realized that all the situations he had guessed were probably true.

If this continues...how on earth are we going to find those five things, and how are we going to find a way to break the game without completing the game and becoming Alice's friend? Just dealing with these endless ghosts is almost impossible. You must know that he can't use almost any obsession now, which is equivalent to entering the difficult book naked.

Gao Hai frowned. He kept reading, and he was already vaguely aware that he was starting to feel anxious.

Don't panic.

It’s not time to despair yet.

Haven't you always been like this? I have been struggling in dangerous and difficult circumstances until now.

The current situation is just that the struggle may be more ugly.


While thinking about this, the high heels stopped beside Gao Hai.

Gao Hai raised his head slightly and looked at the sheep head hood.

At first, he thought the hood was just a more realistic sheep-head rag doll hood.

But now after closer inspection, he discovered that this seemed to be a real sheep head, which had been chopped off alive. The rotten head of the sheep with very uneven cuts was sewn together with the human neck using needles and threads. , using a stapler, iron wire and steel nails to forcibly sew them together to look like this.

In the eyes of the sheep head, you could vaguely see maggots crawling under the skin. The huge eyeball with a black horizontal bar protruded outward and turned towards Gao Hai himself.

The foul smell hit my nostrils.

And the bloody human head in the hand of that thing has been slowly lifted up by it.

As the voice was being recited, the girl's head had turned and was aimed at Gao Hai.

Its mouth opened slightly, and a large amount of blood poured out of it, spilling on the floor and Gao Hai's table, and also splashed on his body and face.

Chapter 5: Surface rules, hidden rules and non-conformists

Just to scare yourself? Just like the other students, just to scare them on purpose?

When he saw the head of the man with his mouth open, Gao Hai thought about what might happen next. He did not act rashly, but continued to read, pretending that nothing happened and sat motionless. .

But then, he realized that the current situation might be different from what he expected.

Strong malice emanated from the female student's head.

The blood-soaked eyes were filled with resentment.

At the same time, Gao Hai also remembered that this female student was the one who first made rude remarks to him and regarded him as a kidnapper.

Because he had strong ill will towards me in life, will the weirdness he has become after death have a completely different attitude towards me?


Amidst the sharp sound of breaking the air, Gao Hai turned his head suddenly, but a long bloody gash was still drawn on his face.

The blood spat out from the head's mouth was as sharp as a sword and very fast, directly drilling a hole in the wall behind Gao Hai.

After the first attack fell, the human body opened its mouth again and was about to launch a second round of attacks on Gao Hai.


The next second, it was Gao Hai's fist that directly knocked the head away, causing it to hit the ceiling of the classroom and then fall back to the ground. The head where the girl's face could still be seen was completely dented at this moment, like a deflated rubber ball, and the bones, flesh and blood were completely shattered into pieces.

The strange body with the sheep's head sewn on it swayed slightly, and the lifeless sheep's head moved towards Gaohai.

Then Gao Hai grabbed the sheep's head and smashed it directly on the desk of a dead student on one side, completely smashing the sheep's head into the desk, and then threw the thing and the desk together. It smashed directly through the window on one side of the classroom and rolled into the corridor.

Blood-red light flickered slightly in the depths of Gao Hai's pupils.

From the beginning to the end, he did not stop reading. He just read with the book in one hand, knocked off the head with the other hand, beat up the so-called "Sheep Mother", and stood in the classroom aisle and continued reading. The contents of the book.

Jianzi on the side was completely dumbfounded, so much so that the sound of reading stopped for a second. Gao Hai turned around and pointed at the textbook in her hand before she realized what she was doing and quickly continued reading.

Gao Hai himself stood still for a while after doing all this. After confirming that he was not attacked, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He wasn't attacked. Does that mean he made the right bet?

He has been reading while doing it, maintaining a state of "participating in morning reading".

At the same time, his body was always in the classroom. He did not leave the classroom or enter the inaccessible corridor.

Therefore, according to the rules of [Alice's Game], your behavior of beating up [teacher] and throwing him out of the classroom is completely legitimate and will not be punished by the rules.

But...this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Gao Hai took a step forward, and spiderweb-like cracks spread around his feet.

He could feel an extremely powerful force restraining his body, trying to push him back into his seat.

You can't even see where this power comes from, but you feel the overwhelming power so strongly. What this invisible force has to do is to force Gao Hai back to his seat and make him return to his normal state. [Same situation as everyone else].

Are you in the same situation as everyone else?

In a moment of trance, Gao Hai seemed to hear and see something.

That's right.

That's how it should be.

Everyone is like this, isn't it?

You need to be gregarious and like everyone else, so that you can be popular with everyone.

You can't act differently from other people. That's what bad boys do. You have to be a good boy.

Therefore, under the spotlight, in everyone's sight, and under everyone's gaze, you cannot act differently from everyone else.


Gao Hai's feet had sunk slightly into the floor.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that at least two tons of force were being transmitted from all directions of his body, forcing him to return to his seat.

So that’s the case, no wonder there is no such rule as [sit in a seat to read] in the rules. Everyone present and the witches have to sit down properly. Even before, I didn’t feel anything was wrong at all, and I was also talking to other people. People look for their seats together, and there is nothing wrong with being dominated by this idea.

The hidden rules of [Classroom with lights on], that is, [Classroom during the day], are that people here must behave in a manner that is consistent with their status and is considered normal behavior by most people. So now when I stood up during morning reading time and beat up the teacher, I was an unruly person and the person who destroyed this understanding.

If they were ordinary people, such as the students around them, they would not be able to do this like themselves. First of all, their mental strength is not strong enough. It is difficult for them to react after being controlled by this hidden rule, and they are simply unable to behave contrary to it. Secondly, although I don’t know why this hidden rule will not show the power of instant death after being violated, but it is not something ordinary people can do if they want to continue to fight against this weird rule.


Gao Hai's footsteps left shallow pits one after another on the tile floor.

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