He picked up the candle on his desk, then walked to a dead female student whose body had been completely broken, and placed the red candle in his hand directly on the candle on the other party's table.

The girl's candle quickly went out.

The two candles quickly merged into one at this moment, as if they were one complete candle from the beginning.

The dead girl didn't react at all, she just sat there blankly.

And Gao Hai, who relied on Hedar's blessing power to fight against the strange forces coming from all directions, continued to move forward, walked past the tables of several dead female students, and merged all their candles with his own. He didn't stop until the candles were too long and might be inconvenient to carry. Then he went to get Miiko's candle, and melted a few dead candles into her candle to ensure that her candle wouldn't go out too quickly.

Several students who realized what Gao Hai was doing looked at him with fear and pleading, worried that he would do the same thing to their candles, and hoping that he could help them fetch candles for fusion and give them Give yourself more time to survive.

But Gao Hai ignored them. He just walked into another classroom through the hole in the wall, stretched out his hand to extinguish the candle of one of the weird students, and then took the candle directly.

To be honest, it was quite risky to do so, but after Gao Hai chose to break the wall and activate the ghosts in this room in order to escape from the classroom, Gao Hai had no choice. Even if he doesn't take away these candles, based on the burning speed of these candles he saw before, basically when this place returns to the [dark night] state, all the weirdness in this classroom will be activated and rush out one by one. Looking for trouble everywhere.

So, it’s better to get rid of things first.

And these extinguished candles, well, as expected... can be stored in the watch space.

After preliminary attempts, Gao Hai confirmed that the candle itself had certain characteristics of an obsession, and seemed somewhat similar to ashes, purple talismans, and black blood bullets. This weird red candle was probably a weird thing that could be mass-produced. things.

The origin of the black-blooded bullets is the research of the upper echelons of the Ameri Kingdom. So what is the origin of this red candle that seems to be able to suppress the deformation of corpses and strengthen the concept of "living people"? Could it be a similar situation again, and what did people do when the weirdness had not yet created cognitive shielding?

Gao Hai didn't know the answer to the question.

However, this did not prevent him from speeding up, extinguishing all 25 strange candles in the classroom and taking them away. Before leaving, he also damaged both doors of the classroom, and finally pulled the podium and air conditioner until he hit it. Block the hole before it comes out.

The whole process took Gao Hai two minutes.

Returning to his seat, Gao Hai, who had not stopped reading the whole time, released the power of blessing. As the redness in his eyes faded, Gao Hai frowned and felt a strong sense of dizziness and exhaustion coming over his body. He breathed It felt a lot heavier.

Although this blessing is powerful, it does not place a slight burden on the body. After using it just now, I am afraid that I will not be able to use this blessing easily in the next few hours.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai turned to look at the window he had broken, and saw the sheep-headed ghost standing silently in the corridor, watching him motionlessly.

Didn't come in again?

Gao Hai silently thought about the possible reason why the other party stood still like this, and then saw the sheep-headed ghost standing there for a while, then suddenly turned around and left.

At the same time that the thing disappeared from the side of the corridor, Gao Hai heard the "ding-a-ling" ringing on the radio.

The lights in the classroom went out in an instant, leaving only candlelight to illuminate the dark classroom.

Behind the hole in the wall, there was the sound of tables and chairs being pushed, followed by the sound of dense footsteps approaching.

The dead students whose candles were taken away by Gao Hai fell on the table one after another, and then their bodies twitched slightly. Some students who still retained their heads widened their eyes. Although they were obviously dead, those students who were still alive could feel it. Until he was stared at fiercely.

"Don't stand there, leave quickly and remember to keep quiet."

Gao Hai reached out and pulled up Mian Zi, who nodded hurriedly and followed Gao Hai quickly towards the window that was broken by Gao Hai.

The group of ghosts that blocked the door were no longer in the hallway.

Gao Hai did not hesitate. He climbed over the window first and landed firmly on the ground without stepping on the broken glass. Then he turned around and picked up Miko directly. He took her a few steps away and put her down, and then stretched out his arms. He scratched the broken glass on the ground towards one side of the wall with his feet, as a courtesy to prevent the students who escaped from the window behind from stepping on the broken glass, making noise and attracting things that shouldn't be attracted, and then took Miko to the Go forward along the side of the corridor.

This corridor is long, dark, and deep.

There are classrooms on both sides of the corridor. Just in the area within sight, Gao Hai confirmed the existence of at least 6 classrooms. Of course, this included the class where he and Miko came out.

The windows of these classrooms facing the corridor have their curtains drawn, so it is not clear what is going on inside.

Gao Hai just glanced at the class number on the door of the classroom where he and Mianzi ran out together, then turned his head and looked forward, led Mianzi forward quickly, and tried his best to ensure that there would be no accidents while moving forward. Makes too obvious a sound.

Class 015, Grade 2?

He silently recited the class he had just seen in his heart.

Is there any hidden meaning in the number of this class?

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to confirm this now. I have to find a way to find the map of this floor first.

Gao Hai still remembers the information revealed by some players on the player forum.

The spatial structure of the building here is disordered, so there is no way to summarize the map for later use. However, the map found inside the building must be correct. The rooms on the floor and the situation of the floor itself shown on the map, no matter how outrageous it looks, are definitely correct and there will be no mistakes.

So the next step is to find the floor map.

According to the information given by those players, the map is in a very conspicuous place and can be found quickly...ah, found it!

Gao Hai looked forward and saw the hall in front of the corridor and the floor map on the display board separated by glass in the middle of the hall.

There is also a dummy standing in front of the glass plate, full of plastic feeling.

What is this?

Chapter 6: Moving human model and distorted floor map

That thing seems to be a human model.

After standing far away and observing carefully, Gao Hai roughly judged the situation of this thing.

One side of the plastic body seems to be a naked male, but there is nothing in the lower body that can show gender characteristics. The other half of the body is a cartoon structure of bones, internal organs and muscles. The internal organs in the chest and abdomen seem to be detachable.

It looks like it should be used in biology class. It is normal to have such a human model that is easy to use for intuitive teaching in more formal junior and senior high schools.

However, it is not a good thing for this thing to appear here.

Gao Hai guessed that this human model, which was standing stiffly at this time, might be the "Uncle Statue" in the "Alice Game", that is, the weird thing in the rule that "when you see someone, you will hug each other enthusiastically". And according to the situation described in the rule sheet, this [Uncle Statue] seems to have some kind of connection with the location of "Biology Classroom" and the thing called [Turtle Teacher], and they might be able to make use of each other.

At this time, footsteps sounded in the corridor behind the dark hall where he and Jianzi came out.

Gao Hai tilted his head slightly and saw the flickering candlelight and a young girl in a sailor suit with a terrified face.

Is it one of the girls who were still alive before, and she caught up again?

"Um, sir, can I go with you? Yotsuya-san, please, can I follow you?"

The young girl's trembling request with tears in her eyes was still very pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately, in this situation, Gao Hai really didn't want the other party to follow him. After all, he was in a state of difficulty now. Just testing the rules to investigate the situation of this school was enough to make him headache, not to mention that he was carrying a few burdens.

Jianzi suddenly reached out and grabbed the sleeve of Gao Hai's clothes forcefully.

Gao Hai, who realized something was wrong, quickly turned around and saw Jianzi looking at the mannequin with a horrified expression, so he also looked over, but found that the mannequin was still standing there motionless, without any abnormal movement.

"What did you see just now?"

Knowing that Jianzi might have seen something that he had not noticed, Gao Hai quickly asked.

"That mannequin... it, it just turned its head to look at us."

Jianzi, whose heart was beating wildly with fear, took a deep breath and then explained to Gao Hai in a low voice.

At this time, Gao Hai carefully observed the movements of the mannequin and found that although the thing seemed to be standing still, one of its feet had slightly shifted away, and the whole mannequin's movements seemed to turn around and face them.

Just now, Jianzi and I were distracted by the girl who came from behind, so did this thing move?

"Keep your eyes on it, don't look away, this thing may move when we are not looking at it."

Gao Hai patted Jianzi on the shoulder and said to her seriously. The girl nodded obediently. Although her expression was still very nervous and scared, she still stood there and stared at the mannequin seriously, trying to maintain her gaze without blinking.

"Who, what's your name?"

Considering that it was not reliable for a person to stare at a mannequin, Gao Hai then looked at the girl who followed. Of course, after staring at the other person and confirming that she was still a human being and had no bad intentions through the power of blessing, Gao Hai decided to communicate with this girl.

"My name is Ogawa Kyoko. I won't cause any trouble. Can I follow you?"

The girl who called herself Ogawa Kyoko was a very short girl, about 1.45 meters tall, and looked a little malnourished and thin. Compared to Miko, who could control her expression very well, the girl's fear was completely written on her face, and her legs kept shaking, as if she would sit on the ground at any time.

"Stand next to Yotsuya and stare at the mannequin with her."

Gao Hai didn't say much to the girl. He just gave her an order and then turned away, carefully searching the hall.

There was a staircase on one side of the hall, leading to both the upper and lower floors. Gao Hai saw the sign for this floor here and confirmed that he should be on the [5th floor] of the teaching building.

There was also a corridor next to the staircase, leading to a dark place. But in the darkness, Gao Hai could vaguely see a small red glowing dot on the wall on one side, and he was not sure what was glowing.

He did not approach the staircase, but quickly walked to the other side of the hall.

In the process, Gao Hai noticed the honor wall of past principals of Fujika Middle School hanging on the wall. There were 7 principals recorded on it, which showed that the school had a long history. It was founded during the Meiji Restoration and operated for more than 200 years.

There was nothing worth noting about the information of the first five principals, but the sixth principal, a man named [Fujii Goro], made Gao Hai subconsciously pay attention to his information.

He served from the 1920s to the 1960s, and worked in this position from his 40s to his 80s before retiring. During his tenure, he organized many friendly exchanges between students and young people of the same age in Germany? A German from that era? Are you serious?

As for the seventh principal, there was no information about him on this honor wall. There was only a reserved space. Judging from the traces left, the personal introduction column of the seventh principal that was originally hung here was removed. I don’t know who did it, and I don’t know where the removed introduction column is now placed.

Gao Hai didn’t stay here. He knew that the two girls not far away were still carefully staring at the mannequin, so he quickly walked past this honor wall.

He saw the third area leading to this hall in front of him, which was also a corridor submerged in darkness. Gao Hai stood in front of the entrance of this corridor, just glanced ahead, and walked away quickly after not seeing anything unusual. Then, he finally found something that was quite handy, a mop placed on one side of the hall.

Thinking back to the time when I rolled a mop in the pit of the school toilet, and then took it to fight with a few school hooligans who wanted to bully me, it was really a passionate day.

Thinking of this in his heart, Gao Hai took the mop back to Jianzi's position, and saw that she and that Ogawa Kyoko were still staring at the human model, and the model itself stood there without any movement, so he walked up from the side, swung the mop, and knocked the human model to the ground in one fell swoop.


With a crisp sound, the human model rolling on the ground broke on the spot and scattered all over the ground.

Although Gao Hai immediately blocked it with a mop to prevent the entire model from falling directly to the ground, there was still a lot of noise in the hall. However, after waiting for a while, Gao Hai did not see anything being attracted. It seems that this level of sound does not seem to cause trouble, or are those weirdos who are attracted by the sound now attracted by other things?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai stepped back a few steps, avoiding the hand of the mannequin that rolled in front of him, and then swept it away with a mop.

However, it seems that this mannequin is nothing special?

This thing clearly exudes a weird aura, but it seems to fall down as if it is a real mannequin, and it breaks directly when it falls to the ground, which is more or less beyond Gao Hai's expectations. He had already prepared to be attacked by this thing grabbing the mop, and then activated the power of blessing to throw this thing away.

Or, only when people get close to it, this thing will show its weird side?

"Look around to see if there is anything following, I will clean this thing, don't get close to the fragments on the ground."

After giving an order to Jianzi and Jingzi, Gao Hai swept all the model fragments on the ground aside with a mop, then walked to the front of the map, quickly scanned the entire map, and memorized the contents on it firmly in his heart.

Just like the information we got before, this floor map is completely messed up, and it is a form that cannot appear in a normal building.

From the map, the entire 5th floor seems to be where the second-year students take classes. There are a total of 24 classes, 3 teacher offices, two toilets, a utility room, a printing room, and a second-year archive room, as well as two staircases and an elevator. Although the floor itself is distorted and messed up, it is still possible to roughly see what this place would look like when it was normal.

To complete Alice's game, the main things you need to find are gel pens, erasers, exercise books, rulers, and compasses, which are all things used by students. From common sense, they are easiest to find in the classroom. The problem is that it seems that there are probably 25 ghosts in each classroom. If you really look for them one by one, the whole floor will become a mess soon.

Then, try the archive room.

Generally speaking, that kind of place should record the files of all students, and maybe we can figure out who that [Alice] is. But then again, this [Alice] is probably the core obsession of Fujika Middle School, right? So getting information about her will probably bring bad results, right? Tsk, then again, I don’t know if the watch will limit me in this case of accidentally entering the copy. I still have to pass the level perfectly. It’s really a headache...

"It’s time to go."

After making up his mind, Gao Hai said to Jianzi and took her to one side of the corridor.

From entering the hall to after some actions, Gao Hai silently remembered the time in his heart, and about three or four minutes had passed.

And after such a long time, except for this Ogawa Kyoko, no other female student entered the hall here. The corridor where he and Jianzi walked out was shrouded in silence and darkness at this time, and no sound could be heard.

But soon, Gao Hai heard the voices of people other than his own group.


Soon after entering the corridor, the sound of plastic parts rubbing against each other suddenly sounded behind the three people.

Ogawa Kyoko covered her mouth, almost frightened to sit on the ground.

And Jianzi turned around nervously and looked at the back of the corridor.

Gao Hai had already felt the malice directed at him before hearing the footsteps, so he already knew what was going on behind him.

The mannequin caught up.

It was clearly broken and scattered all over the ground just now, but now it has silently restored its complete state and followed Gao Hai and his group. When the three of them turned around to look at this thing, it still kept moving forward, just standing there motionless, as if it was really just a mannequin.

"So is this a low-profile version of 173 following us?"

Gao Hai, who complained in a low voice, then heard a subtle sound like water flushing. He turned his head to look in the direction of the sound and found that it was the sound coming from the toilet on one side of the corridor. And when he turned his head to look over, with the help of the candlelight, Gao Hai saw something flashing at the entrance of the toilet, as if it had deliberately hidden inside, trying to hide from him.

Chapter 7: Yotsuya Miko's senses and the sudden attacker

Like the human model in the neon urban legend, that thing seemed to have locked onto the three people on Gao Hai's side and followed them persistently. As long as they turned around, this thing would catch up with them at an extremely fast speed, and then stop when any of the three people looked back at it, and turn back into a motionless puppet.

Gao Hai tried to smash this thing with a mop twice, but it was not difficult. The mop would naturally break into pieces all over the floor, but as long as he looked away for a while, this thing would quickly return to its intact state and continue to follow them.

Maybe we can try to dismantle this thing and throw it in different places?

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