Although there is a spatial distortion inside this teaching building, so that the layout inside the building seems extremely chaotic and weird, it still has some original characteristics as a building. Therefore, unless you are on the top floor or the bottom floor, there must be other floors upstairs and downstairs, and you will not find yourself in the area outside the teaching building after breaking through the ceiling or the ground.

At this moment, Gao Hai found that the corridor he was in was glass on both sides. Outside the glass, he could see a dark school ground and students hanging outside the window, staring at him. Each of them had a purple face and held a candle in his hand, holding a candle that was burning rapidly.

Damn, how many of these things are there in this place? !

Gao Hai cursed in his heart and ran forward quickly. At this time, Jianzi had been clamped by his waist with one hand and clamped on the side of his arm. He ran all the way with her. The girl was dizzy and felt that she was going to be shaken.

So scary...

Jianzi could hear more sounds.

Those rustling and whispering voices.

Accompanied by suppressed laughter, the sound of following.


It seems to be the sound of the two mannequins, no, there is only one mannequin. Obviously, there were two mannequins chasing after them at the beginning, why is there only one mannequin left now?

And the footsteps of this mannequin always feel...


There was a crack in the window glass on one side of the corridor.

It was a student hanging in the air hitting the window.


More collisions followed.

One by one, the male and female students hanging in the air hit the window continuously.

You can see their eyes.

Pale, almost invisible pupils, but it makes people feel that they are always staring at you, and they are firmly locked in your sight.

At this moment, the spirit seems to be gradually a little dazed.

She heard the footsteps of the thing wearing high heels and with a searchlight on its head.

Very quickly, the sound of running downstairs, has been closely following Gao Hai's footsteps, not being left behind at all, the speed is very amazing.

The footsteps of the mannequin are still ringing, and the movements are also very fast. It can be confirmed that the thing is downstairs at this moment, closely chasing Gao Hai's footsteps, and there is no way to get rid of it.

And... that footstep, there is no mistake, that footstep...

"Mr. Gao!"

Jianzi suddenly distinguished the abnormality from the footsteps and looked up at Gao Hai, speaking as loudly as possible.

"Footsteps, that mannequin, it is imitating your footsteps! Every step it takes is the same as yours!"

As the girl spoke, Gao Hai had already run through this corridor and came to a larger space.

The glass behind him was still breaking.

The candles of those students with purple faces had burned out in just a few seconds, so more than 20 weird things were all activated, smashed the windows and floated into the corridor, floating towards Gao Hai with an expressionless face.

Gao Hai's steps had already stopped at this moment.

The mannequin downstairs, is imitating my steps?

The moment he realized this, Gao Hai felt that his thinking began to sluggish.

His body was becoming stiff.

Unconsciously, some kind of power invaded his body, but he didn't feel anything abnormal at all.

Without any hesitation, Gao Hai took out the rescue team badge in his watch and put it on.

And just as he did this, half of his face had fallen off, and the skin on the ground turned into plastic.

But then, as Gao Hai put on the badge, his body, which had already begun to show a plastic feeling, began to recover, and the half of his face that had been peeled off instantly bleeds. Gao Hai just lost one side of his face out of thin air, his eyeballs and teeth were completely exposed, and his bloody flesh trembled with his breathing, just like the two-faced man in the Batman movie.

"Mr. Gao, Mr. Gao?!"

Because he kept looking up at Gao Hai, Jianzi was immediately splashed with blood on Gao Hai's face. But at this moment, she didn't care about being afraid at all. She just stared at Gao Hai in shock. She couldn't imagine that he would become like this.

"It seems that your classmate actually had a chance to be saved just now."

The pain of his torn face only made Gao Hai frown.

With strong willpower, he activated the power of the badge to quickly repair the wound on his face. At the same time, he kept moving forward and accelerated.

The badge was not out of control. It seemed that this obsession could still be used in this copy. Tsk, it seems that I have to find time to try to use the obsessions I brought one by one to confirm which obsessions can still be used.

The killing rules of the human model that can track living people have now been successfully cracked. It will follow the actions of living people and imitate the steps of living people. The imitated person will be cursed and gradually transformed into another human model. The only way to crack it is to stare at this thing and move backwards, so that the human model will be in a state of being watched and cannot imitate the actions. However, this method can only be used by team actions. If you are alone, you can't keep walking backwards because you have to deal with other weirdness. It can be said that as long as you are entangled by this weirdness, your life will be in danger.

"I hate games without safe time..."

Gao Hai, who was sighing like this, has already manifested the uniform of the rescue team on his body, and summoned Lao Guo at the same time, so that this rescue team member directly rushed to the students who were hanged in the back.

Then in less than a second, Gao Hai lost the sense of this rescue team member. And Jianzi looked back slightly and saw a rescue team member hanging on the ceiling surrounded by students one by one. After a while, those students dispersed and the rescue team member disappeared.

"What was that just now..."

Jianzi, who had no idea what was going on with the rescue team member who suddenly appeared and died so quickly, couldn't help but ask.

"It's a reusable cannon fodder, but I have to wait for nearly a day before I can summon it again. The cooldown time after it is killed is a bit long."

Gao Hai explained casually. At this time, he had passed through the corners of several corridors and came to a corridor with rows of student classrooms on one side and windows on the other side.

This classroom is an empty classroom with no one in it. The name "Activity Classroom" is written on the door of the classroom.

Gao Hai didn't plan to stop because he was still chasing a group of students behind him, but at this time, a loud bell suddenly rang in the corridor, and then the lights in the corridor and classroom suddenly turned on, and the students following Gao Hai disappeared directly after the lights came on.


In the harsh bell sound, Gao Hai and Jianzi, who were in the corridor, felt a very bad feeling of being watched by Minzu University at this moment.

It's the "daytime" stage!

Without hesitation, Gao Hai quickly pushed open the door of the empty classroom beside him and walked in. He put Jianzi down, and the two found a seat and sat down.

The desk that seemed empty when they came in, after they sat down, there was an extra textbook.

Having experienced this kind of scene once, the two did not hesitate and took out the textbook immediately. Gao Hai opened a text at random and then read it very fluently. Although Jianzi had not completely calmed down, she still read it stumblingly and did not make any mistakes at this time.

Is it finally safe for a while?

Jianzi's heartbeat is still quite intense.

The escape just now was too exciting. For her, a girl who was not very brave and relied on willpower to support her, it was not an ordinary torture.

Especially when Gao Hai only needed to run, and while she was enduring the bumps along the way, she had to keep listening to the students chasing behind calling her name and the shrill and terrible cries they made.

Among those students who were hanged... there was one of her classmates. His clothes were different, and because he had just died, he could be seen to be different from the other weird ones. That student chased after her all the way, and kept calling Yotsuya Miko's name all the way, which made Miko feel numb.

Now that she has finally settled down, although it is painful to have to read all the time, at least she doesn't have to face those terrible things, so Miko almost continued to read while sobbing softly, which can be said to be extremely pitiful.

Gao Hai did not have the time to adjust his mood. He just thought about the situation along the way while reading. After putting on the rescue team badge, he paid attention to the sound downstairs. He was sure that although the lamp head sister was still following him downstairs, the footsteps of the mannequin did not sound again.

After putting on the rescue team badge, he had a certain degree of weird characteristics, so the mannequin could not imitate his footsteps?

Then, as for Miko, she was held by one hand throughout the whole process, and her feet did not touch the ground at all, so that thing could not imitate Miko's footsteps?

So, if there is a way to let the player walk on the ceiling or wall, or just let the player stay in the air, can we completely avoid triggering the strange power of the mannequin?

However, if the killing rule of this thing is to imitate footsteps, then what does the rule of [Hug] mean?

At this time, Gao Hai couldn't see the mannequin that stopped in the corridor downstairs.

The one who made a hugging gesture held Ogawa Kyoko, who had turned into a mannequin, in his arms. The two mannequins merged little by little, as if the mannequin was absorbing Ogawa Kyoko.

On the stiff plastic face of Ogawa Kyoko, who had turned into a mannequin, the pair of pupils that should have been lifeless now showed a clear emotion of fear.


Little by little, the girl model being hugged disappeared into the body of the mannequin.

As if it had never existed, the mannequin of Ogawa Kyoko, who had tried to catch up with Gao Hai and Jianzi at the beginning, could no longer be found.

At the same time, in the activity classroom, the two people who finally had time to take a breath, after reading for a while, found the weird thing with a rotten sheep head sewn on its neck that appeared outside the window.

The thing opened the classroom door, but did not step into it, just stood at the door motionlessly.

Gao Hai could feel the malice emanating from this thing, knowing that this thing must not be as simple as visiting, so he immediately raised his vigilance.

However, it did not move.

After opening the classroom door, this thing just stood there, without any movement.

What's going on?

Gao Hai was a little unsure of the intention of this thing.

But Jianzi, who was beside him, had already widened his eyes and saw the broken body that appeared in Gao Hai's house from behind the sheep-headed weird.

The fragmented head of the thing grinned at Jianzi, and then stretched a finger to his lips, making a gesture of silence.


Jianzi really heard such a sound ringing in his ears.

Then, she saw that thing stretched out its hand, and just stretched it directly into the classroom, pressing the switch of the indoor light on the side of the door.


A crisp sound fell.

The originally well-lit activity classroom was instantly plunged into darkness at this moment.

Chapter 9: Good students, good children; bad students, bad children

There was not even any time to breathe.

Even if you just relax a little, the danger will come suddenly, as if an invisible force is forcing yourself, forcing yourself to run around, and you can never really escape from danger.

Just like this moment.

After clearly entering the [Morning Reading Time], at this relatively safe moment when theoretically you will not be attacked by weird things, the lights in the room suddenly turned off automatically, causing the empty classroom that was originally brightly lit to fall into darkness.

The weird breath is spreading.

Strong malice is shrouding you from all directions at this moment.

The sheep-headed ghost, who was originally just standing at the door, has now stepped into the classroom.

As its footsteps fell, blood-red marks appeared on Gao Hai's body, just like being hit by a stick, and the skin and flesh were torn apart.


Jianzi fell to the ground beside him, and his clothes were stained with blood.

The strange sheep-headed man didn't even make any movements, just walked into the classroom, and wounds appeared on the bodies of the two people.

It was like a student who made a mistake and was taught a lesson.

[Why don't you abide by the classroom discipline? ]

It seems that someone's voice can be heard.

[Louder! Who are you talking to? ]

An extremely irritable voice with deep resentment.

[If you can't even do something as simple as abiding by the discipline, how can you live in this world? ]

[Did your parents give birth to you just to embarrass you here? ]

[Don't cry, this is not a place to cultivate cowards. If you cry again, your punishment will be doubled today! ]


It seems that the sound of chains colliding can be heard.

Where was that?

It was dark, with only a faint light flickering in the electric lamp.

I saw people being hung up and people holding sticks.

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