He raised the stick, and swung it again and again, continuously swinging it down with force.

Amid the screams and cries, the bright red blood dripped onto the ground, obscured by the darkness.

And in the dim light not far away, there was a figure watching this scene.

More things were no longer clear.

But the creepy words were still ringing slowly.

[We will cultivate the future and hope of this country]

[At the end of suffering, the great victory will belong to us, and this is your honor]

[And everything we do is for your good, and you should accept it with gratitude]

[So, there will be more to come...]


The ground was smashed cleanly.

Gao Hai, whose clothes were already soaked with blood, fell into the toilet under the white light.

Jianzi's figure fell immediately, and was then hugged by Gao Hai.

The sound of broken glass rang above.

Gao Hai looked up and saw a head poking out of the window of the classroom upstairs. It was like a giraffe, poking out of the window on the 6th floor and scanning the surroundings.

Is this thing the [Giraffe Inspector]? Then where should the [Elephant Principal] be?

There was no time to think about more things.

Gao Hai held Jian Zi, who was exhausted due to injury, and glanced around. After confirming that he was in the men's bathroom, he ran out, but then stopped at the door of the bathroom.

It was Jian Zi who struggled to signal him to stop.

"Can't... go to the corridor... surveillance, those surveillance... surveillance..."

Jian Zi, who was not as strong as Gao Hai, was extremely weak at this time. The strange power of the sheep head acted on her, which was equivalent to making her bear the heavy blow of at least fifty solid iron rods. Now the skin and flesh under the girl's clothes have rotted away, so that the clothes are stained with blood. It looks quite terrible, and the breath is so weak that she can't even walk.

But even so, after feeling the sight of something, Jianzi still tried his best to reach out and grab Gao Hai's collar, signaling him to stop and signaling him not to walk out of the toilet directly now.

Outside the toilet door, in the clean corridor under the light, there are several surveillance cameras slowly rotating, ensuring that every corner of the corridor can be clearly seen at all times.

In Gao Hai's sight, those surveillance cameras have almost no sense of existence for some reason. If Jianzi hadn't specifically said it, he would not have noticed the existence of those surveillance cameras at all.

In Jianzi's sight, it was not just a surveillance camera, but a half-human head that was rolled up by something like an elephant's trunk and slowly squirming.

Cut horizontally from the trunk position, leaving only the upper half of the human head, with dull eyes and bloodstains. The elephant's trunks poked out from the hole in the ceiling, holding the human head and slowly scanning the human head as a camera.

Once you enter the corridor, you will be seen by that thing.

If you are seen, something very bad will happen.

Although there is no concrete basis, Jianzi has such a feeling, so she tried her best to stop Gao Hai's actions.

"Those two things don't seem to have any intention of following us."

Gao Hai, who stopped beside the toilet door, squatted down and laid Jianzi flat on the ground. After carefully confirming that nothing jumped down from the hole in the ceiling of the men's toilet, he spoke in a low voice and put the badge on Jianzi after the rescue team badge repaired the wound on his body.

Seeing that Jianzi felt extremely uncomfortable wearing this thing, Gao Hai warned him not to over-activate the power of the badge. Gao Hai, who holds the blessing of the virtual life, can greatly slow down the erosion of the strange power of the badge itself, but if other people use it, the side effects will be much more serious. Although it is much better than the original version of the badge in Shirakawa Apartment, Jianzi still cannot wear it for too long, so Gao Hai took off the badge after the wound on his body was almost healed.

"This thing is so magical."

Jizi looked at the badge in Gao Hai's hand with surprise. She could feel that this small badge contained a strange power, and compared with those weird things, this thing brought her much less discomfort, as if it had been purified to a certain extent.

"It is a relic left to me by a very noble person. Now that I think about it, that person really helped me a lot... No, it should be said that he would do his best for everyone he could help. Although I can't be that kind of person, I respect and admire such people from the bottom of my heart."

Gao Hai did not explain the origin of this badge in detail, but just said this to Jianzi.

"I see, that... By the way, Mr. Gao, after the goat-headed man came in, you saw something, right? In a very dark place, there was a scene of someone being chained and tortured, someone talking in the dark, and not far away there was a man whose face could not be seen sitting in front of a small table. There was a light on the table, but it was very dim, but there was a printed manuscript on the table with a lot of words written on it. Did you see that scene?"

Jianzi asked Gao Hai after taking a breath.

"I saw it... Wait a minute, you seem to see it much more clearly than me. I can only barely see someone standing in the distance watching all this. Can you remember the content of the manuscript?"

Gao Hai didn't react at first, but after listening carefully, he realized how many things Jianzi had seen clearly in the hallucination just now. He couldn't help but feel more and more how outrageous this child's talent was, and he quickly asked her road.

"Ah, how could I possibly remember so many words? Well, I still remember what is written on it."

Originally, Miko shook her head, wanting to express that she could not remember so many things, but when she tried to recall what she had just seen, the girl was shocked to find that she could actually recall all the details clearly. Remember every word above.

It's like that thing is not words.

It seemed that it was something with strange power carried by words, so after seeing it, there was no way she could forget it.

"...If I say it, it might be bad for Mr. Gao. I feel those words... are terrible..."

So after a brief hesitation, Jianzi looked at Gao Hai and spoke softly.

"No matter how scary it is, you have to tell me now. I must understand the situation as much as possible, so that I can have a chance to help you survive in this place and find a way to leave."

Gao Hai knew as soon as he heard it that it was either polluting information or something similar to weird rules. But now that he was being chased crazily by monsters and couldn't find a suitable opportunity to collect information, Gao Hai didn't care so much anymore. He had to know something in order to better decide on his next move.

"All right……"

Seeing Gao Hai's resolute attitude, Jian Zi hesitated for a while and then whispered the contents of the manuscript he saw.

[Fujihana Middle School Student Level Handbook]

This is the title of the text on the paper, and there is quite a lot in it.

[In order to better train students, manage students, and guide students, Fujika Middle School divides students into 5 levels. Please keep your level in mind and work hard towards a better level. Only by becoming the best student, You are worthy of the school’s cultivation]

[The levels of students in our school are as follows:]

【1.Excellent students】

[Only students who rank in the top 10 in the whole grade or have received more than 3 personal awards are eligible to be rated as outstanding students. You are the good children of Fujika Middle School, and you are the ones every student should respect and learn from. , you represent the most glorious side of this school]

[As an excellent student, your daily life should be spent like this:]

[(1.) Keep your appearance neat and tidy. The clothes of outstanding students must not be dirty. They must be clean and tidy at all times and wear the badge of outstanding students at all times]

[(2.) Say hello to the teacher politely, keep your eyes facing the teacher when bowing, and just bend down slightly]

[(3.) During the morning reading period, you can leave your seat to supervise the reading status of other students]

[(4.) The high-end area of ​​the canteen will be open to you, please be sure to eat in this area]

[(5.) You have the right to make demands on ordinary students, bad students, and bad students, and the other students must try their best to cooperate with you]

[(6.) Do not harm other outstanding students, good students, or ordinary students. Their safety should be guaranteed by the school]

[(7.) Requests for bad students cannot involve personal safety, and the other person’s life should be protected by the school]

[(8.) You can make any demands on bad students in school. If you have special needs, you can communicate with the management teachers on the underground floor. They will know how to cooperate with you]

【2.Good students】

[Only students who rank in the top 30% of the grade, or who have received a personal award, are qualified to be rated as good students. You are the good children of Fujika Middle School and will become the backbone of society in the future. You Represents the excellent side of this school]

[As a good student, your daily life should be spent like this:]

[(1.) Keep your appearance neat and tidy. The clothes of good students should not be dirty and must always be clean and tidy]

[(2.) Say hello to the teacher politely and keep your eyes on the teacher’s chest or abdomen when bowing. You are not qualified to look at the teacher. If you do that, you will receive a warning punishment]

[(3.) During the morning reading period, you should sit in your seat and complete the morning reading seriously. If you are judged by the teacher or outstanding student not to be serious enough, you will be given a warning]

[(4.) You can only eat in the mid-range and low-end areas of the canteen, and cannot go to the high-end areas or garbage areas, otherwise you will receive a warning]

[(5.) You have the right to make demands on bad students and bad students, and the other party must try their best to cooperate with you, but they must not conflict with the requirements of outstanding students or cause fatal danger to bad students, otherwise they will be punished with a warning]

[(6.) You can make any demands on bad students in school. If you have special needs, you can communicate with the management teachers on the underground floor. They will know how to cooperate with you]

[(7.) For you who have been rated as a good student, if you receive a total of 3 warnings, you will be downgraded to an ordinary student]

【3.Ordinary students】

[Every new student entering the school will be rated as an ordinary student. If your grades remain in the top 70% to 30% of the school after entering the school, and you are not warned and punished, then you will maintain the rating of an ordinary student. You are not flashy enough. bright, but it's not your fault. However, Fujika Middle School is a school for outstanding students. If you fail to do what you should do, then you need to be punished]

[As an ordinary student, your daily life should be spent like this:]

[(1.) Keep your appearance neat and tidy. Any teacher, outstanding student or good student is qualified to report you. If you find any stains on your clothes, you will receive a warning.]

[(2.) Say hello to the teacher politely and keep your eyes on the teacher’s feet when bowing. You are not qualified to look at the teacher, otherwise you will receive a warning]

[(3.) If you are found not to take the course seriously enough during morning reading and class, you will receive a warning]

[(4.) You can only eat in the low-end area of ​​the cafeteria, and you will receive a warning if you go to other areas]

[(5.) You should cooperate with the requirements of outstanding students and good students, unless the request will cause harm to you, otherwise you will be warned if you refuse to cooperate]

[(6.) You have the right to make demands on bad students and bad students, and the other party must try their best to cooperate with you, but they must not conflict with the requirements of outstanding students and good students or cause fatal danger to bad students, otherwise you will be warned]

[(7.) You can make any demands on bad students in school. You are not qualified to use special needs, but you can apply to be a spectator. After communicating with the management teacher on the underground floor, the other party will notify you when the special needs are implemented]

[(8.) For you who have been assessed as an ordinary student, if you receive a total of 3 warnings, you will be downgraded to a bad student]

[(9.) Ordinary students are not allowed to graduate from the school, and you cannot graduate before you reach a good student rating]

【4.Bad students】

[Only students who make too many mistakes will receive such a rating. If your grades are between the top 90% and 70% of the school, or you have been warned a certain number of times, you will be given this grade. It is surprising that someone like you would enter this school, but we must admit your existence. Good students also need bad students to serve as foils, but we need to ensure that you will not affect the good students, so you will be greatly affected. Strict management, and you must be punished if you let the school down]

[As a bad student, this is how you should spend your daily life:]

[(1.) Obey the requests of students who are higher than you. As long as it does not endanger your life, you should cooperate unconditionally, otherwise you will be given a warning]

[(2.) Kneel down to the teacher and keep your eyes on the teacher’s shoes. You are not qualified to look at the teacher, otherwise you will be warned]

[(3.) You can only eat in the low-end areas of the canteen, and you will be warned if you go to other areas]

[(4.) You exist only to let good students realize their own excellence, so you should cooperate with each other at all times, please each other, and show your humble side in front of students who are higher than you, otherwise warn】

[(5.) You should try your best to cooperate with special needs that do not endanger your life, such as skinning, eye-gouging, tongue pulling, bone removal, and meat cutting. Your life is protected by the school, although your presence will only make people feel Disgusted, but you should maintain your basic human rights]

[(6.) For you who have been rated as a bad student, if you receive a total of 3 warnings, you will be demoted to a bad student and will never be able to improve your level]

[(7.) Bad students are not allowed to graduate from school and can only return home once a month. You cannot graduate until you reach the good student rating]

【5.Bad students】

[Maybe you are in the bottom 10% of the school. Maybe you are too disobedient and have broken the rules too many times. You are a bad student and a bad boy. Your existence will only make people feel sick. You should die and give birth to you. Your parents and your entire family will be executed after you are rated at this level. Inferior genes cannot be inherited. But you can still live because we are humane and we think that even a bad boy like you may have hope, so we will give you a chance. This is our only kindness to you]

[The only reason you exist in this school is to let those who are better than you see how disgusting and garbage you are, and to make them realize that they can never become a rotten person like you. Your life has been given to us. pardon, but for those who are better than you, whether they want to pardon you depends on whether you have done well enough. After all, you are a bad boy and this is what you deserve]

[As a bad student, this is how you should spend your daily life:]

[(1.) Stay on all fours. You are not qualified to walk on two feet. Anyone who disobeys this order will die.]

[(2.) Kneel down and kowtow to the teacher. Do not stop kowtowing until the other person indicates that you can stop. Anyone who disobeys the order will die]

[(3.) You can only eat in the garbage area of ​​the canteen. You are not qualified to enjoy human food. Anyone who disobeys this order will die]

[(4.) Obey the orders of all those who are better than you. You only exist to please them. Those who disobey orders will die.]

[(5.) You should gratefully accept all requests for humiliation, torture, physical harm, mutilation, beheading, car-breaking, death, etc., as this is a gift to you]

[(6.) Bad students are not allowed to graduate from school, are not allowed to leave school, and you can never leave here]

[Every student must remember this grade rule. Together with the student conduct manual, this rule will become something you must abide by during your student life here. I hope you can spend an unforgettable three years here]

As a rule sheet, this thing is really long and complicated, and it is divided into five different columns.

And the content in it, Gao Hai always feels that... this rule sheet may have existed when Fujika Middle School was not a weird copy. But the content on it makes Gao Hai unbelievable. This thing once appeared in this school when it was still a normal school with students and teachers, and it may have been really implemented.

Are you kidding?

This kind of rule sheet... are Japanese people so perverted? Or did the weird power start to work at that time, causing such terrible student rules to appear in an originally normal junior high school?

Gao Hai thought a little uneasy.

Moreover, according to the content of this rule sheet, he, Jianzi, and other female students may have been rated as [ordinary students] after entering this area. But what is outrageous is that this rule table, which may represent the operating form of the Fujika Middle School dungeon itself, was discovered by Jianzi, a girl with incredible inspiration, after triggering the hallucination. Under normal circumstances, players may not have a way to obtain this rule, so they may not know that they have violated the rule.

And according to the content of this rule... I left my seat during the first morning reading, looked at the teacher and beat him, the lights were turned off during the second morning reading, I looked directly at the teacher during the second morning reading, and I looked directly at the duck-headed man in the dark before. I seem to have accumulated 5 warnings.

In other words, if I violate this rule again, will my identity... become a bad student?

Chapter 10: The next action plan and the chat time in the interval

In the strange talk about rules, the most important thing is undoubtedly the [rule] itself.

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