Although he was the first to faint because of his overly powerful perception ability, Jianzi noticed the change in the situation of one of the team members before he fainted. At this time, he grabbed Gao Hai's sleeve and pleaded with him.

"The spare room?"

Gao Hai looked at the door of the spare room and frowned slightly.

He didn't really want to go over to check the situation. Although Alice was stuck and temporarily lost the threat, Gao Hai was not sure how long this state could last and whether it would change due to external stimuli. Moreover, the three people here were in very bad conditions. If he left, once these three people encountered danger, it would be basically impossible to run away.

Well, then send Lao Guo.

So Gao Hai simply controlled another rescue team member to walk towards the door of the spare room, opened it and walked in.

About 30 seconds later, Gao Hai saw Ogawa Kyoko, whose stomach was cut open and her internal organs were taken out and hung in the depths of the spare room, and a strange student standing next to her with a broken body, through the perspective of the rescue team members.

Judging from the freshness, this place was just finished when he dragged Jianzi and the other two away.

"It's too late to save him."

Gao Hai had no interest in hiding anything, and directly told Jianzi the final fate of her classmate.

"How could it be..."

The girl who did not doubt Gao Hai was hit hard.

At this time, accompanied by a piercing bell, the classroom that was originally brightly lit became dark at this moment, and the classroom that was previously filled with various horrible exhibits directly turned into a dark ruin after the fire. It was so broken that it was impossible to see the original appearance. Even the ceiling of this classroom had collapsed. Standing in the classroom, you can look up and see the dark sky directly, and the disturbing blood-red moon in the sky.

Chapter 25: Team member replacement process and continued action

The four girls who were taken out of the classroom by Gao Hai disappeared silently.

A young girl who was still alive a few minutes ago has now become a corpse hung on an iron hook with her stomach cut open.

The blood flowed down and formed a pool of blood on the ground.

The three girls who were still alive undoubtedly received considerable mental stimulation after seeing this scene. Among them, Miko and Rika were able to remain calm, but their bodies could not help but tremble. Sanada He couldn't help vomiting again, but because she had almost vomited out the contents of her stomach before, this time she just leaned against the wall and retched for a while.


Gao Hai remained silent and stood not far away, just checking from time to time whether the rescue team continued to lock Alice, and did not express any feelings about the reactions of the girls.

However, this student Rika's ability to select and judge people seems to be average.

That Sanada He had collapsed on the ground at this time, and it seemed that it was impossible for him to continue to follow him.

Gao Hai, who was watching the other party's performance, was somewhat disappointed. Although he also knew that it was difficult to ask too much of these students, but at the moment, Sanada He's performance along the way was really unsatisfactory, so Gao Hai couldn't help but dislike the other party in his heart.

If this round is still not going to work, it is better not to let Senno Rika pick people for the next round.

As for the dead Ogawa Kyoko, although it is a pity, there is no way to save the dead. Gao Hai can only say that this guy is really unlucky. It’s okay to be killed by a human model in the first round, but she was killed by a weird in the second round, and her death was obviously more tragic than the first round. After all, it was her twice. Does this child have a special talent to attract weird to kill her?

Thinking of this, Gao Hai turned and looked at the weird standing still not far away.

The weird student with a broken body had obvious signs of intending to attack them when he saw Jianzi and others, but after Gao Hai shouted "stop", the thing immediately stopped moving. Obviously, the teacher's command to the student has not lost its effect, but this is obviously in conflict with the attack and death of Ogawa Kyoko, which is really confusing.

Let's go and confirm the situation in the classroom first.

If the teacher's order has some kind of [time limit], something might have happened in the classroom.

"Why, why do I have to go through this kind of thing... this kind of thing... oooo... this kind of thing... I want to go home, oooooo, I want to go home..."

While Gao Hai was thinking, Sanada Heichi, who had been retching for a long time, sat on the ground and broke down and cried softly.

She was too shocked and her mind was a little dazed at this time.

"It's okay, it's okay, we will be fine..."

Ino Rika squatted down and whispered to comfort Sanada Heichi, and Jianzi didn't dare to continue to look at the body of her classmate, but turned to look at Gao Hai.

Then she saw Gao Hai took out a blood-red key and inserted it into the door, and gently turned it open.


The door opened, and on the other side were the students who were still staying in the classroom obediently. They had originally been scattered in various corners of the classroom. When they saw the classroom door opened and Gao Hai stepped in, they were so scared that they quickly returned to their seats. No one dared to look Gao Hai in the eye.

The power of blessing can confirm that the students in the classroom are all human beings. Well, no problem. It seems that Ogawa Kyoko's death did not occur because of the possibility that [the teacher's order has a time limit]. So, what exactly caused her death needs to be carefully considered.

And...there are two students missing.

Gao Hai only took a brief glance and immediately noticed the change in the number of people in the classroom.

It seemed that these students managed to do something after he left.

"Where did the two missing people go?"

Walking to a student's desk, Gao Hai knocked on her desk and asked in a cold tone.

"Hey, hey, I, I, I, I..."

Perhaps it was because the sheep-headed hood became more and more integrated with him, and because the students who stayed in the classroom did not stay with Gao Hai for a long time, when they suddenly came into contact with Gao Hai, all the girls in the class unexpectedly They all felt a strong sense of fear coming from their hearts, and they couldn't even speak straightly.

It didn't take long for Gao Hai to figure out the situation of the two missing girls. One of them wanted to try to escape by climbing out of the window to another class, and then she was trapped in the darkness after sticking her head out of the window. Something grabbed her head and dragged her down. The other girl tried to break out after discovering that the students in the corridor would not attack her, and actually passed through the human wall formed by the weird students, and then failed. No matter how far he walked, he was caught by something, which was also silent. When the girl disappeared, the other students only heard a low laughter.

It is precisely because of the lessons learned by these two students that the remaining people can stay where they are.

"It's like this and there are still people seeking death. How should I describe it? Forget it, anyway, Sanada Kai? Go back to class and rest. You can't be of any help like this. Then ...Ino, please pick two more people who are more reliable."

Gao Hai, who had no feelings for the two girls who were committing suicide, felt that their deaths had confirmed some information, so their deaths were quite valuable. He turned to Itonori, who walked in with Sanada Kai behind him. Hua spoke.

"Hey, do you still want me to choose..."

When Itono Rika heard that Takahai asked Sanada to go back to rest, she was somewhat happy in her heart, but then when she heard that she was asked to choose two more people, the expression on her face became bitter again.

I am going to become a complete villain...

When she was asked to choose Sanada Ai before, Sanada Ai was a little resentful towards her. Now that she is asked to choose someone, she can be sure that no matter who she chooses in the end, she will hate the person chosen, especially after going outside and knowing what is in this scary school, she can be sure that the person who hates her will It will become more and more.

But, that’s all it can do.

The girl thought that Gao Yanhai probably thought that she had the position of deputy squad leader and knew more about the entire class, so he asked her to choose the people who would follow the exploration. Sanada Kai's reaction obviously made Gao Hai very dissatisfied, so now he specifically emphasizes the point of "reliability". So, if the people he selected this time are still unable to help Gao Hai like Sanada Kai, but instead hinder him and he has to send people back, maybe he will start to think that everyone in this class is a burden and troublesome. Ignore them.

From Itono Sato's point of view, this idea is understandable, although in fact Gao Hai felt that these people were a burden from the beginning, even if he couldn't find anyone who could help except Miko, they were all trash , the most he can do is throw these people in the classroom and maintain the status quo. However, Norihana had no way of guessing this kind of thing, so she could only help Sanada Go back to her seat in the classroom, then took a deep breath and looked at each of her classmates in the class.

Just like the first selection, everyone had pleading looks on their faces, and no one wanted to be selected. Especially after seeing the collapse of Sanada Kai and noticing that one person was missing and not coming back, everyone was full of fear and did not want to be the chosen one.

"No, don't choose me..."

"Ikuno-san, we are friends, right? Don't choose me, don't choose me..."

"You, don't look at me, don't... please don't..."

The pleading voices of those girls and the frightened expressions on their faces put Itono Rika under considerable pressure. But under the gaze of Gao Hai behind her, she could only bite the bullet and become the villain, and quickly selected one of the girls.

"Ikuno-san, why... aren't we friends?"

The face of the selected girl was full of despair.

"Kinoshita-kun, please, you have a very stable character. You are the most suitable person I can think of."

Inotorihua gritted her teeth, looked at the girl closely and said.

" bastard..."

The girl named Kinoshita Yuka stared at Inoza with spiteful eyes. She did not dare to hate Gao Hai, so she vented all her negative emotions on this good friend Inoza with whom she went to and from school every day. Norihana could only lower her head and bear it silently, and then prepared to find the second person.

"Excuse me, can I sign up on my own initiative?"

At this time, a girl took the initiative to raise her hand and said.

Gao Hai didn't speak, but just gestured to Inoza with his eyes.

The deputy monitor then came to the girl, and she recognized him as Eiko Kobayashi, the leader of the school's [Supernatural Club]. She was usually inactive and introverted, and was very interested in various supernatural events. Curious girl. In the [Alice Game] circulated in Yotsugamiko's school this time, one of the first students to try this ritual was Eko Kobayashi.

"Xiaolin-san, are you sure?"

Someone took the initiative to sign up, Itonozato was somewhat happy, but after thinking about it, she still politely asked the other person.

"Well, anyway, even if you stay here, you are just like a prisoner. When you go out, at least you will know what kind of hellish place you are in."

Xiao Lin Ezi nodded, obviously having made up his mind.

Ai Sanada, who had suffered a mental breakdown, remained in the class, while two students, Eiko Kobayashi and Yuka Kinoshita, became new members.

So far, nearly an hour has passed since the start of the second week. Of the 24 students, 3 have lost and 1 is disabled. In addition to the 4 current teammates, there are still 16 cannon fodder that can be replaced, uh , to be polite, call the newcomer teammates.

"I only have one request, and that is to be obedient. If you obey, I will try my best to protect you to the best of my ability. If you don't, then whether you can come back here alive or not depends on your own life."

Regarding the two newly joined girls, Gao Hai just spoke in a cold tone.

"I, I know..."

"I understand, I will be obedient."

Kinoshita Yuka and Kobayashi Eko, one of them was crying, and the other was very nervous, but they could still communicate well. But no matter which one they are, they seem to understand their current situation, and they probably won't do any silly tricks.

This is good, and this is how students should be.

Students should listen to their teachers. What's the use of students who can't listen to their teachers? Only obedient students are qualified to survive.

A smile appeared on the corner of Gao Hai's mouth, and he made such a smile with a sheep's head hood. It must be said that it was quite scary, and it shocked both girls. the influence of Sheephead starting to show up again? This strange feeling of pleasure seems to be getting stronger and stronger. I have obviously pushed the power of the rescue team badge to the extreme, but can this thing still slowly erode my spirit?

Once again, Gao Hai noticed his emotional changes.

But he didn't say much. He just took the girls back to the other side of the door, closed the door and took out the key, and then returned to the art classroom.

After entering and exiting the art classroom door, [Alice] was still standing there.

At present, it seems that this thing should be able to maintain the stuck state for a long time, but just in case, Gao Hai thinks it is better not to get close to the opponent. So he walked directly to the wall on the side of the art classroom, slammed sideways, and smashed the wall into the corridor with a "boom".

"Come on, it's time to move on."

Ignoring the exaggerated expressions and O-shaped mouths of the girls behind him, Gao Hai just took the lead and stepped forward.

Yotsuya Miko, who was the first to follow, walked beside Gao Hai as always. She seemed to be used to following Gao Hai in this way.

Then walking in the middle of the team were Inotori Hana and Kobayashi Eko. The former had been observing the surroundings nervously, while the latter was more curious, following the team while looking around and observing.

Kinoshita Yuka, who was walking at the end, had a gloomy expression and was full of fear. She slightly distanced herself from the team, but she didn't dare to really stay away from the team, so she ended up hanging at the back.

The figures of the five people quickly disappeared.

Alice was still stiff at the door of the art classroom, still motionless.

But suddenly, with a crashing sound, the sticky and squirming sound of something sounded bit by bit. A disemboweled female corpse slowly crawled out of the supplies room of the art classroom with the door half open and crawled into the art classroom.

Chapter 26: The gradual emergence of dependence and the broken barriers

Pass through the corridor outside the art classroom and then pass by a mobile classroom.

This mobile classroom is empty. From the window, you can see many school uniforms piled up in the classroom. Each piece is dirty, and there are even blood stains on it.

Gao Hai found another white chrysanthemum in this classroom.

Placed on a desk in front of the pile of school uniforms, white flowers with a faint fragrance seemed to be left here specially for mourning.

These white chrysanthemums are also obsessions.

There are a total of 15 white chrysanthemums, and each one has the ability to suppress a strange behavior. According to the experience of the first week, one flower can probably barely suppress the strange behavior of a student, and it cannot completely suppress it, because it is inserted. The trick student who fell in love with White Chrysanthemum actually still has the ability to move, but his movements will become slower and the threat will be reduced.

However, if multiple white chrysanthemums are used together, perhaps even very strong weirdness can still be suppressed.

I just don’t know what the side effects of this thing are.

"Dolls, hatchets, headgear, candles, flowers... This is only one-fourth of the map of Tenghua Middle School. I have only explored less than two floors of this one-fourth of the map. Although this place is dangerous, the benefits it brings are really high."

If it is a real Red Moon-level player team, after preparing in advance, bringing enough obsession props, and having the top blessings and blessings of the Dusk-level and Dark Night-level, exploring the Red Moon-level copy, I am afraid that the gains will be quite amazing.

The more dangerous it is, the more generous rewards can be obtained?

Thinking in his heart, Gao Hai put all the fifteen white chrysanthemums into the black watch, and then returned to the corridor to continue moving forward.

In front of the corridor, in another activity classroom, there are a lot of shoes piled up here, both men's and women's. Like the previous activity classroom, they are piled up in half of the classroom.

In this room, Gao Hai did not find complete white chrysanthemums. What he found were torn white chrysanthemums that were thrown on the ground and stepped on several times. I don't know who did this. Judging from the condition of the flowers that have completely withered and dried up, this incident must have happened a long time ago.

Gao Hai picked up the remaining flowers on the ground. Faintly, he felt that he seemed to be able to see some kind of picture.

It seemed to be two figures standing in the classroom.

They looked at each other, as if they were arguing about something?

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