I couldn't hear the specific content of the conversation, and I couldn't see the specific appearance of the two people, but I could only feel a hint of emotion.

One of them was very angry, uncontrollable, extremely strong, like a magma bursting and exploding anger.

The other person was very sad, full of negative and sad emotions, as if he had sunk into a dark and dark deep sea, falling down without struggling.

Who are they?

Did they appear in this classroom to mourn the dead students?

Such strong emotions.

Moreover, this feeling is like... I...

The blurred picture was interrupted in the next moment.

Gao Hai blinked, and then immediately turned his head to look at Jianzi who was following him.

"Did you see anything?"

He looked at the girl's golden eyes and asked seriously.

"... It seems that I saw two figures?"

Jianzi, who also came back from a trance, frowned and paused for a while before speaking softly.

"Is that all?"

"Well, hey? Mr. Gao, did you see anything else?"

Unexpected situation.

This time, he seemed to have obtained more information than Jianzi.

Gao Hai observed Jianzi very carefully, and he was sure that the girl was not lying.

No, he seemed to be more than just observing carefully.

At that moment, he clearly felt that his perspective had become one of the two people, and he felt a strong sense of sadness with that person.

What on earth is going on?

"Keep going."

Gao Hai thought for a while and couldn't figure it out, so he decided not to think about this problem for the time being and focus on the current goal first.

He was getting closer and closer to the target area he was going to.

Passing through the narrow and very strangely curved corridor.

Soon, Gao Hai saw the light in front of the corridor, coming from an open elevator.

The elevator was full of dried blood, and you could see the traces of nails scratching the wall panels in the elevator. Just standing outside the elevator, you could smell a strong stench.

Next to this elevator is a utility room with mops and brooms and an activity classroom. There is nothing in it, and there is nothing special.

As they continued to move forward, they soon passed another toilet. Near this toilet, many students with their heads chopped off were lying in the corridor. In the toilet, there were constant sounds of swallowing and vomiting, accompanied by the sound of water rushing, which made people quite suspicious of what was going on inside.

Jianzi only took a look at the toilet, and saw many dirty heads strung together by chains poking out of the darkness and looking at her. Her face froze, and she quickly turned her head and pretended not to see anything. Xino Rihua and Kinoshita Yuhua did not even turn their heads, and followed Gao Hai carefully. Kobayashi Konko was a little curious, but because Gao Hai, who was walking in the front, had no intention of stopping, she did not dare to leave the team, so she had to continue moving forward with the others.

Then, the five people arrived at the location of Class 23 and Class 24 of the third grade of junior high school.

On one side of an empty hall, in the classroom covered with dark red, the fragmented remains of the body were densely spread over two classrooms.

Gao Hai did not find any fragments larger than the size of an index finger.

The thick meat paste on the ground had piled up to a height of more than ten centimeters, almost completely covering the two classrooms.


Jizi almost fainted again.

She saw what happened in these two classes.

These are two specially selected classes.

For the most distinguished and outstanding students who have spent three years in the school, Class 1 of the third grade, they were specially selected as a [toy box].

The "bad students" of the entire school can be gathered in these two classes at any time under the orders of the outstanding students. These two classes are closest to Class 1 of the third grade. Whenever any outstanding student becomes interested, he can come to this class and do whatever he wants.

This may be the place closest to hell, or perhaps it can be called one of the most terrifying areas in hell.

There was only a huge red candle in front of the two classrooms. Gao Hai could sense that there was only one strange existence in Class 23 and Class 24. Because there were too many people who died here, so many resentments had merged together. Therefore, the only strange thing here was the monster formed by the countless corpses in the classroom.

It is better not to move this candle.

Gao Hai had a feeling that if this thing was disturbed, things would become very, very troublesome.

"Keep going, we are almost at our destination."

In the end, Gao Hai chose to leave here quietly and move forward.

The last corridor in front was a continuous bend that was basically impossible to appear in the real world.

The further you go, the more blood stains there are on the walls and the ground.

Various weapons were randomly discarded on the ground, including bloody blades, sharp awls, machetes, pistols, and even American horror movie standard props such as chainsaws.

These things were stained with blood.

Gao Hai could hear the shrill screams of the victims before they died from these weapons.

Jianzi could directly see the last moments of the victims who died under these things.

Her steps became more and more staggering.

Amidst the countless wailing sounds, the girl could hardly walk normally. She could only grab Gao Hai's arm and stick to him to move forward. It was like being dragged by Gao Hai.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, they are just illusions."

Knowing that the girl's mental state was very bad at the moment, Gao Hai comforted her in a low voice, slowed down his pace slightly, and continued to move forward step by step.

A slight wetness came from her sleeves.

Under the torture of the overly brutal and bloody scenes, although Jian Zi did not cry out, tears still flowed down.

Gao Hai remained silent and continued to move forward, with no intention of stopping to adjust the other party's state.

No way, he didn't have time to adjust Jian Zi now.

[Alice] was finally restricted, and the sheep's head hood continued to erode his spirit. He must seize this opportunity, at least to reach the area indicated by the watch and get the thing that can help him pass the level.

"Wu... Wu..."

Jianzi sobbed softly.

The further she went, the more crazy and twisted pictures she could see.

Those so-called [excellent students] who could no longer be called human beings, the things that these [excellent students] who once existed in this school did, were presented in front of the girl one by one. Even if she was unwilling, even if she closed her eyes, these pictures would still appear all the time, not giving her any chance to escape.


The girl cried silently in her heart.

I don't want to...see it again...

These terrible things...These horrible things...

I don't want to see it...I really...don't want to see it again...

No matter how much she begged, everything still couldn't be changed. She didn't even know who she could beg for mercy from.

"Sorry, try to be patient and adapt."

Gao Hai's voice suddenly sounded at this time.

"Although others may not see it as clearly as you do, they all went through it in the beginning. These tortures and pains are unavoidable. As ordinary people who have been involved in such things, all we can do is force ourselves to adapt, survive, and become stronger. This is the only way."

It can't be called comforting, it's just a plain tone of stating facts.

But at this moment, it seems to have calmed Jianzi down a little.

Does he seem to have become somewhat dependent on Mr. Gao?

Jianzi was a little dazed at this moment.

And then, those images and sounds suddenly faded away.

She had walked through that terrifying corridor.

A group of five people were now standing at the door of Class 1 of the third grade.

Like Class 1 of the second grade, the decoration here is very luxurious and full of aristocratic atmosphere, and it is obviously specially distinguished.

And, like Class 1 of the second grade, there are only corpses in this classroom, no weirdness.

There are 23 students lying on the ground in the classroom with purple faces, as if they had fallen asleep.


Gao Hai pushed open the classroom door and came to the dark classroom.

He did not feel any strange breath.

On the contrary, he felt strange, as if his mood had calmed down, and even the erosion of the headgear slowed down.

This place seemed to have some traces left, as if... as if the people in this classroom died very peacefully, everyone calmly welcomed their own end, and faced their own fate calmly, so that the power of resentment could not infect this place at all.

Gao Hai walked to the seat in the middle of the classroom.

There was a flattened homework paper left here, with some neatly written words on it, which seemed to be the last message of these students.

[Those who succumb to madness cannot become true new humans]

[We stand out from animals and become civilized humans because we abandon animality and embrace humanity]

[Returning to cruel animality will never turn us into new humans, so we choose to refuse]

[We will not be your sacrifices, we will not kill each other, and we will not attack other students]

[Kill us if you want to, one day your lies will be exposed, and on that day, you will pay for your sins with your lives]

[The last words of all 23 students in Class 1, Grade 9 of the ██th Junior High School]

Below the message are the signatures of 23 students, and the last reply left, which seems to be someone from the school. The reply is very simple, with only three words [failure].

Gao Hai and Jianzi can see the scene that happened in the past. At first, it was just a child who was unwilling to go along with the crowd and became an excellent student. Finally, he insisted on growing and expanding, attracting others to join him, and using the school's reward mechanism to design and continuously expand his team. As a result, the class 1 of that year actually reached 23 people, and there were almost no cases of torture of bad students and bad students that year.

It was not an easy thing, but these children persisted to the end. Although it is very likely that the school deliberately indulged and observed and studied this, these young people did persist and were not assimilated by the madness accumulated here.

Therefore, these students were finally... locked in the classroom, and after refusing the school's order to kill each other, they were directly killed by poison gas.

Although the expressions of these corpses seem to be very peaceful, the scene at that time was probably not like this.

"So, you just watched this child gather helpers, watched him clumsily try to resist you, and then tried to destroy their beliefs in the end, and after finding that you failed, you simply killed them all and stood here watching it all?"

Put down the suicide note.

Gao Hai turned around and walked step by step to the wall on one side of the classroom.

He had found the [important place] marked on the watch.

And he had also realized what kind of place this place was.

Reach out and clench your fist.

The next moment Gao Hai punched the wall fiercely.


It was obviously a concrete wall, but the fist fell and made a sound like glass breaking.

Cracks spread in all directions.

Gao Hai just took a deep breath, clenched his fist, and hit it again.

Boom--! ! !

The whole wall of the classroom exploded.

Cold light was projected from behind the broken glass.

Gao Hai saw people wearing sheep head masks, duck head masks, and turtle head masks standing behind the wall.

Some were wearing teachers' clothes, some were wearing researchers' white coats, and they stood behind the wall with relaxed and casual movements, watching everything that happened in the classroom.

Just like in the past, standing in a place where the children could not see, standing in a place where the children could not reach, just observing them indifferently, watching them walk into a crazy dead end, again and again.

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