[12.■■Swimming pool■■■■■■……(unrecognizable garbled code)]

[14.Students in the dormitory building should abide by the basic rules of the dormitory building. They are not allowed to stay in the dormitory during the day. They must sleep in their own beds after the lights are turned off at night. They are not allowed to enter the rooftop. They must take a shower once a day. There must be no garbage on the floor of the dormitory. When leaving the dormitory, the bed sheets and quilts must be kept clean and orderly. Water resources must not be wasted. You must greet the dormitory management teacher when you see him. Those who violate any of these rules will be given a warning.]

[15.■■■■■(completely blacked out and unrecognizable)]

It didn't take Gao Hai too much time to finish reading this student code. As for the content of this code, referring to the previous [Student Grade Manual], Gao Hai can only say that this school is really far ahead in this matter of not being a human being.

Damn, let alone anything else, you must recite every word that the teacher and the outstanding students say to you, and make sure it is accurate, otherwise you will be punished. Who came up with this genius rule? This method will only make the three levels of students, good, ordinary and bad, disappear quickly, and only the two levels of excellent students and bad students will be left. In order to further intensify the confrontation in the school, this broken school really took great pains.

"Mr. Gao, this rule..."

Because it is the third round, Yotsuya Miko has not seen the student level manual this time, so she feels a little confused about this student rule and doesn't quite understand what this rule is.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems with me here."

Gao Hai said this and continued to move forward with Miko. When passing the toilet, his nerves were tense to the extreme, and he paid close attention to the movements in the toilet. Once there was a sound of dripping water or something talking inside, he would consider whether he had to go in and chop it again.

But this time, nothing happened.

The dark toilet was quiet and no sound came out.

The two passed this section smoothly and soon came to the side of rooms 312 and 313.


At this moment, several dormitory doors in the corridor suddenly opened, and one after another of the twisted monsters stepped out of the dormitory.

Gao Hai felt a strong malice.

These monsters actually had direct malice towards him, wearing a sheep head mask and possessing the identity of a teacher. What was going on?

I have been wearing this mask since I entered the dormitory building and have never taken it off. Why do these things react differently from the monsters in the teaching building?

"Be careful, hide behind me."

The bloodstained machete was held in his hand.

Although Gao Hai was surprised that these weird students suddenly became unafraid of him, it would not change the current situation. As long as he had this machete, most of the weirdness in Fujika Middle School could not do anything to Gao Hai. He could just come up and chop him all the way.

Amid the splashing blood, Gao Hai led Jianzi forward and easily chopped down more than a dozen weird students who rushed forward.

When he and Jianzi arrived at the stairs on the right side of the corridor, Gao Hai noticed that a student with only half a head left ran up from the side of the corridor, moving very quickly. He subconsciously prepared to attack, but before he could swing his knife at the student, the guy suddenly stopped and raised his hands in surrender.

Gao Hai:?

What's wrong with this guy? Is it another rational ghost? It turns out that it is very common for ghosts to retain their rationality?

[Don't shoot, it's an accomplice, I'm Xiong Mi]

The next moment, Xiong Mi's voice came from the mouth of the ghost.

Gao Hai:? ? ?

[This is one of the blessed abilities I have. I can copy a copy of my own personality and memory and make it into a template, and then implant it into any other thing with the "same structure as humans" to temporarily control the other party. I can only control this student for about 15 minutes, and then I will let it act with you two. As for me... I'm afraid I can't come for the time being. Two Alices have locked onto me at the same time. I'm having a headache just trying to avoid their tracking.

This obviously weird student spoke in a lazy tone at this moment, making Gao Hai seem to see Xiong Mi himself holding a cigarette and showing a troubled expression.

Is there such a powerful blessing that can copy one's personality and memory and implant it into the weird body, so as to temporarily occupy the other party's body to act?

Gao Hai had to admit that he was a little envious of Xiong Mi's highly operational blessing.

The few blessings he had were basically auxiliary, and one of them was a teleportation blessing that he couldn't use. How could this Red Moon-level player directly use the blessing to control the weird? This is really true, people can't compare...

[I've tried it just now. There is only one staircase on each floor that can lead to the lower floor, and the other must lead to the upper floor. If you go the opposite way, you will go to a very wrong place. In other words, if we want to go down to the first floor, we must go through the corridor and change stairs once on each floor. Move faster.]

[Don’t worry about my own safety. I was caught before because I was trying to protect my companions. This time I am alone, and I have already taken precautions. Knowing how this thing’s power works, I won’t be caught so easily anymore. Stay here, your side is more dangerous in comparison]

[Okay, okay, let’s go, this is not a place to reminisce about the past, ah... I really want to have some wine and barbecue, risking one’s life is really not fun at all, and there is no salary...]

After the tricky student manipulated by Xiong Mi communicated seriously for a while, he complained like a middle-aged social animal, and then took the lead in walking in front.

The blessing from the little lolita in Baichuan Apartment clearly showed that the student in front of him was a sly but also had good intentions towards Gao Hai. This contradictory feeling was enough to explain the current situation. Therefore, Gao Hai did not hesitate at all, and followed the student downstairs with Jianzi.

Yotsuya Miko blinked. In her sight, the weird student was holding the face of Xiong Mi himself. The body was that of a male student and the face was that of a woman. This sense of dislocation made Miko feel a little novel.


The girl turned around suddenly and looked behind her.

Strange, did I hear someone’s footsteps just now?

Jianzi listened carefully again, but found that he didn't hear any sound.

Could it be my own illusion?

"Mr. Gao, I just seemed to hear someone following us, and I heard footsteps."

Although it might be an illusion, Mianzi had heard Gao Hai say before that he had to tell him whether it was an illusion or not, so after hesitating for a while, he still whispered to Gao Hai.

"Is there such a thing? Well...it should be fine. Just follow me closely and hold my hand."

Gao Hai stopped and listened carefully to what was going on behind him. Then he shook his head and expressed his opinion to continue moving forward with him.

It seemed like nothing unusual had happened.

Everything is still normal for now.

But in fact, this cunning student controlled by Xiong Mi had just spoken to Gao Hai and directly transmitted some information into his mind.

[There is an Alice following you, about 3 meters away. The specific location cannot be determined for the time being. It is actively hiding itself. I am afraid we cannot prevent it before it attacks. I guess it's probably been with one of you since you entered the dormitory building. This guy might have been directly in the same dormitory with one of you two, because I'm in the dormitory. When I woke up, there were two Alices on the bed next to me, and they were giving me a massage]

This spiritual transmission once again surprised Gao Hai, but then he almost couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth because of the heavyweight news delivered by Xiong Mi.

Have you been with us since you entered the dormitory building and woke up?

When he came up, he chopped down three students in his dormitory. At that time, he didn't feel anything unusual. It was unlikely that this thing would follow him. In other words, this Alice was directly staying in the same dormitory as Miko. From the dormitory? !

Gao Hai, who realized the current situation, couldn't help but feel a headache.

Chapter 46: Spiritual Communication and Echoes from the Dark

In the dark corridor, only the footsteps of three people could be heard at this moment, slowly advancing downwards.

Gao Hai held a red candle and looked back from time to time to observe the situation behind him, always paying attention to Yotsuya Miko who was following him.

The team maintained a quiet atmosphere.

But in fact, two of the team had been having a conversation.

[Are you sure that thing has been following us? 】

Because he had used similar mental communication, it didn't take long for Gao Hai to adapt to the mental communication Xiong Mi transmitted to him and communicate with her quickly.

[That’s right, I couldn’t misidentify anyone’s aura as that of that thing. It should be locked on you or that little girl now. “Alice” will actively select the target of interest to track after the game starts. One of you or that little girl must have become its target]

Xiong Mi on the side was holding a cigarette with a calm expression, and also spoke quickly in the spiritual channel.

[It sounds really bad, although I’m not surprised at all. Its target is Yotsugamiko, the little girl next to me. I have a blessing that can share the mental pollution and cognitive confusion to protect her, and Yotsuya must not be possessed, otherwise this thing will become very difficult to deal with. By the way, what was the hair style of the last girl I sent away in the teaching building? 】

Gao Hai used a blessing to fool Xiong Mi with the new ability given to him by the watch. He warned Xiong Mi seriously and observed her reaction.

[Twin ponytails, so you already know the goal of this thing? It can actually possess a living person... no wonder it's so difficult to deal with. So you had to take her with you just to prevent her from being possessed where we can't see her. Is that the reason? By the way, what is the longest time I can tell you before entering the dormitory building? 】

Xiong Mi reacted immediately when he heard this, and at the same time he was observing Gao Hai himself.

[15 minutes, you said that if you can’t reach the first floor within 15 minutes, we will temporarily separate]

Gao Hai answered very quickly.

Well, no problem. You can be sure that the current conversation is between two people, and nothing will interfere in the middle. You can relax and continue the conversation.

Although it seems that Alice does not have the ability to make small moves during mental communication, both Gao Hai and Xiong Mi are obviously frightened by Alice, so they must confirm each other's situation even when exchanging information. Only then did I dare to continue chatting.

[In short, Alice can possess and control living people, and it seems that she can also possess and carry out activities on dead people. But according to my observation, it should be difficult for ordinary people to be possessed by it, and the child Yotsugamiko has a very special visual ability. With this ability, she can even directly obtain the information of Touka Middle School decades ago from an illusion. The content of the school rules and regulations, and even every sentence was written down completely. Maybe it's for this reason that she easily sees things she shouldn't see when facing Alice, and then becomes insane due to lack of willpower and then becomes possessed]

[...This means that she is actually a time bomb? And it’s the kind of time bomb that can’t be thrown away and must be carried around? Little brother, how did you survive in the teaching building with this girl? I really don’t know whether to say I admire you or pity you]

[Anyway, if there is only one Alice following, I may still trap the other party. No... It's actually hard to say this. After all, I'm not sure about the rules of action for that thing in the dormitory building. In short, Miss Xiong Mi, if you encounter a situation that you really can’t escape, you can try to swear to it that you will kill it. Alice seems to hate good people who hate evil very much. If you do this, she may not treat you as a friend]

[Is that so? It’s a solution, but let’s talk about it now. I’ve deceived those two things for the time being. The memories between these Alices should not be shared with each other, at least between Alices in different areas. I found that Alice in the dormitory building didn't seem to know how Alice in the teaching building caught me, so I can still continue to deal with it. You must be careful next time, I will join you as soon as possible. By the way, have you ever taken off this hood? 】

[I haven’t taken it off yet, I have an obsession that can eliminate the assimilation effect of this hood on me, so I can keep wearing it until I reach the limit]

[That’s good. Don’t take it off. If you take off the hood, the authority of the hood will no longer affect the weirdness of this place. The active spooks here seem to be able to recognize people who have taken off their hoods, and will ignore the player's permissions in this situation and take the initiative to attack]

Is this still the case?

Gao Hai was a little surprised by this, but he didn't particularly care. After all, he had never taken off the hood since he woke up in the dormitory and put it on. You must know that among the game tips of Fujika Middle School recorded by the players, there is this one [after putting on the mask, it cannot be easily taken off]. Based on this content, it is impossible for Gao Hai to take off his headgear and take risks. Test. Including when he went to rescue Miko, he never took off his hood the whole time.

But having said that, it was clear that Tokimiko was still a little afraid of me wearing a hood, so why was she so much calmer this time?

And those students, their reactions to themselves are very wrong, not at all like how [students] should behave when facing [teachers]. Why is this?

While thinking, Gao Hai had already arrived at the corridor on the second floor.

Looking forward along the dirty and wet ground, in front of the dark corridor, you can vaguely hear the sound of water gushing.

The weird student controlled by Xiong Mi had already fallen behind Gao Hai and Mianzi. Xiong Mi had been able to control this weird thing for a short time, so she put it behind her and used it as an active warning device. Came to use.


As the footsteps continued to advance, the sound of flushing water gradually became clearer.

Gao Hai looked to his side and saw the house number beside him, Room 212.

When he came down the stairs on the second floor, he had already seen the general map of this floor. It was not much different from the third floor, except that there was one less room and one more passage to the teaching building. If he continues to move forward from where he is at this moment, he will directly reach the entrance of the toilet, and it is time to make a decision and take action.

The next moment, a tall figure of a teammate from the rescue team appeared next to Gao Hai.

Taking steps, the rescue team member quickly walked to the door of the toilet, turned around and looked inside.

The washrooms and toilets on each floor of the dormitory building are in the same place. There is a spacious entrance directly on the wall, and you can enter directly without the obstruction of the door. To the right of the entrance is the washroom, and to the left is the toilet. At this moment, the sound of flushing water comes from the toilet on the left, which is extremely loud in the darkness.

If we walk directly from the corridor, it is very likely that Miko and I's position and the flushing position will be shortened to less than 10 meters, which may violate the rules here. Although I don't have much of a protection problem with the hood, Miko would probably be given a warning.

How about trying to break the walls in the dormitory, or just destroy the ground to advance? But if you do that, there will be a phenomenon of [garbage exists at 10 meters]. But this doesn’t seem to be a big problem. After all, there was garbage everywhere along the way. The dormitory building in the dark was an abandoned place. If we were to delve deeper into this rule, Miko would have already turned into a [bad student] .

After Gao Hai hesitated for a while, he finally chose not to do so.

Although he couldn't tell the specific reason, Gao Hai was under a lot of pressure when he accidentally entered the very strange [-1st floor] when he went downstairs. He guessed that although the [dormitory building] did not directly present a twisted and weird structure like the [teaching building], under the normal structure on the surface, there might actually be a chaotic and twisted side hidden, and any action that breaks the routine might lead the player into this twisted area.

So, let's try to act according to the rules first. Anyway, if something goes wrong, it's Lao Guo who will die.

[I am a rescuer. Are there any survivors inside? Please reply! ]

After Gao Hai made a decision, the rescuer stood at the entrance of the toilet and spoke loudly to the inside.


There seemed to be a sound coming from the toilet.

It was like someone's footsteps pacing back and forth in the dark.

It was like someone replied to the rescuer's words, but the voice was so vague that it was unrecognizable, and was almost completely covered by the flushing sound in the toilet.

[I am a rescuer. Are the survivors inside male or female? I will launch a rescue operation based on this! 】

So Gao Hai asked the rescuer to ask again.


The sound in the toilet seemed to be a little louder, but it was still difficult to identify under the cover of the flushing sound, and there was no way to confirm the other party's gender.

In the rules of Alice's puzzle game, players can only enter the toilet after asking the gender of the person in the toilet, so Gao Hai did not hesitate and immediately asked the rescuer in front to shout to the toilet for the third time.

[I am a rescuer, are you a gentleman or a lady? ]

In fact, I wanted to ask this rescuer to say GG or MM to try to liven up the atmosphere, but after thinking about it, it seemed inappropriate, and this rescuer would only listen to orders when it came to rescue-related matters, and Gao Hai really couldn't order the other party on such matters.

[I am ■……■■……asking……■or……]

This time, Gao Hai used the sensory sharing between himself and the rescuer to finally barely hear the sound in the toilet.

It seemed to be a male voice.

The voice was very powerful and full of energy, just like the voice of this rescuer.

No... the voice in the darkness is exactly the same as the voice of the rescue team members, exactly the same voice!

At the moment Gao Hai realized it, a male voice without any emotion was heard in the toilet.

[I am a rescue team member, are you a gentleman or a lady? ]

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