The same retelling as the third time, the same voice as the rescuer, this is basically sending back the words spoken by the rescuer intact, just like the effect of recording and playing back by a tape recorder.

The next moment, Gao Hai lost the sense of the rescuer.

The tall figure who was originally standing at the door of the toilet has disappeared, as if an invisible force pulled it in unconsciously, and after entering the toilet, the rescuer instantly disappeared and returned to Gao Hai's watch to wait for recovery. .


The sound of water flowing in the toilet continued.

And as if seeing something very interesting, the sound of someone secretly laughing sounded from behind Gao Hai and Jianzi.

Chapter 47: Jianzi's adventurous moments and the person who was taken advantage of

Mr. Gao, he seems to be very nervous all the time?

While going down the stairs to the second floor, Yotsuya Jianzi has been secretly observing Gao Hai's reaction.

At the beginning, there seemed to be no big reaction. Although he was also alert to the surrounding situation, it was relatively normal. But with the arrival of the strange student controlled by Miss Xiong Mi, Mr. Gao suddenly became nervous for some reason, as if he had discovered something bad, but was afraid to speak out for fear of being discovered.

[…Did you see it? Did you see it? Did you see it? ]

Jianzi suddenly heard a sound.

It was the sound coming from the dormitory rooms on both sides of the corridor.

It was from those strange creatures, no, it was this place that recreated what happened at a certain moment in the past at this moment, and she heard the sound of a certain moment in the past.

[Did you see it? It was the students on the 3rd and 9th floors. It seems that these three people are the ones this time]

[I saw it, someone is finally going to be unlucky, so good]

[The teacher turned on the faucet and waited there for a long time, just waiting for someone to come over. After these three students died, the teacher should be able to calm down for a while, right? ]

[Hey, is that a student? He is obviously dressed similarly to the teacher]

[No, it’s fake, a fake teacher, a classmate saw it, he is fake! He is also a student, not a teacher! 】

That happened many times in this corridor.

There was a teacher who loved to torture students. He would come to the dormitory building every once in a while, deliberately turn on the faucet, and then wait for a student to come and turn off the water. Then he would torture the other person on the grounds that the other person violated the "Student Code".

Obviously, the teacher could torture anyone he wanted, but this teacher had to stare at the faucet, so that the students in the dormitory basically knew the style of this teacher. Every time they went to the toilet, one person had to go in first, and then the rest of the people shouted outside a few times. If they didn't get a response or the response was not right, they would run away.

The teacher naturally discovered the behavior of these students trying to survive, so he joined in with interest and let the students he caught deceive the students outside. As a result, the student group and this teacher actually fought wits and courage several times, and they fought back and forth. Of course, the students always lost in the end.

Later, these students came up with a more stable idea, which was to let students of the opposite gender to the toilet enter, such as letting girls enter the men's toilet to investigate, boys go to the women's toilet to investigate, and then people outside ask if it is the men's toilet or the women's toilet. If the investigator gives a wrong answer, it means that there is something wrong with the toilet. If the investigator gives a correct answer, then the toilet can be entered.

As for why this method works, why the teacher did not crack the method that the students came up with, Jianzi did not see anything related to it. But she seemed to be able to guess the reason, because the method summarized by the students is [regular], so the personal wishes of the teacher must give way to a greater interest. Or, this teacher did such a cruel thing for this greater interest?

In just less than a second, Jianzi [saw] the things that had happened in the moment when she looked into the eyes of a dormitory door that was slightly opened.

At this time, Gao Hai sent a rescue team to investigate the toilet, and Yotsuya Miko looked up and saw a girl and the rescue team member at the same time. The two figures overlapped and stepped into the toilet.

"...Mr. Gao."

Then, the girl reached out and gently pulled Gao Hai's sleeve, raised her head and looked at him and spoke seriously.

"To break this situation, a man must enter the toilet, and then answer "This is a men's toilet" when the men outside ask, so that the inside will return to normal."

She took a little time to explain to Gao Hai what she saw.

Kumimi, who saw Yotsuya Miko's outrageous perception for the first time, was shocked by this, while Gao Hai just frowned and thought about it, and he was used to the girl's ability.

"Are you sure this will work? Do you want me to try to give you a "can't be hurt" order as a "teacher" first?"

Gao Hai put forward his own idea.

"No, this won't work. Those students... In their eyes, Mr. Gao, you are still a [student]. I'm not sure why, but they seem to think you are a fake teacher, so the order doesn't work. ”

Yotsuya Miko shook her head slightly and said, then stepped forward directly.

She couldn't explain why she took such initiative.

It was obvious that he was extremely scared. It was obvious that he was not willing to take the initiative to contact these monsters, and would rather let Mr. Gao protect him all the time.

However, vaguely, there is always a trace of guilt in my heart.

It was as if I had seen Mr. Gao's bruised and exhausted appearance several times, and how he was clearly dying but still struggling with all his strength.

Take courage!

Jianzi encouraged himself in his heart.

Have courage, show some courage and responsibility!

Even if I don't have the ability to fight, I will do my best at what I can do and do my best to share Mr. Gao's worries!

She saw the right way.

So there won't be any problems. As long as you don't make any mistakes, there will definitely be no problems.

At this moment, the girl's steps became more determined. While encouraging herself in her heart, she walked straight into the dark toilet.

Then I saw the man with one foot on the flushing pedal. His head had a water pipe piercing his eyes and piercing his entire head. His whole body was covered with water pipes piercing his body.

Jianzi's little face bulged up in an instant.

Didn't scream.

She managed to hold back.

Although she really wanted to scream when she was stared at by the remaining protruding eyeball of that weird thing, the girl forcefully swallowed the fear overflowing in her throat and pretended not to see the other person. turned around.

Gao Hai was stopped by Xiong Mi in the corridor. Gao Hai, who did not stop Jian Zi's actions, frowned. When he saw Zi had walked in, he immediately asked.

"Is it a men's room or a women's room?"

The moment the voice came, the strange thing dripping with blood was almost stuck to Miko's back, making an indistinct cry.

"It's the men's room."

Jianzi tried hard to stay calm and answered Gao Hai outside the toilet.

The darkness faded away in an instant, the strange thing disappeared, and the sound of flushing water also stopped.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, her racing heart calmed down a little, and then she became happy again because of a faint excitement.

So she turned her head and saw Alice standing on the ceiling, with long golden hair hanging down, staring at her unblinkingly.

【You are very brave, well done~】

With a smile, the girl was applauding and cheering for Miko.


For a moment, I saw the incomplete picture flashing by.

I saw a dirty and messy camp, and saw those sallow and skinny people being forced to work and falling down to death.

I saw dense lice crawling on people's bodies, and corpses that had been beaten with sticks to a bloody pulp.

I saw the petite girl with long blond hair holding a doll, I saw her being fixed on the iron frame bed, I saw the sharp needle pointing towards her eyeball...

"See you!"

Gao Hai's figure has already blocked Mianzi and Alice.

The trick student controlled by Xiong Mi stood in front of Alice at this moment, raised his head and looked at her.

There was some extremely gloomy and strange power coming at this moment, making the smiling Alice stiffen up and become as motionless as a statue.

[The activity time limit has been reached ahead of schedule. I have already retreated to the 7th floor. I will do my best to come down and join you. And Yotsuya, don’t bother using you as bait, I’ll apologize to you again when I get down later]

Xiong Mi said this, and the personality template implanted in this weird student collapsed in advance due to the use of weird power.

Gao Hai chopped off the trickster's head and torso with a machete, and then quickly evacuated the place with Miko.

When Gao Hai took the initiative to take risks just now, Gao Hai originally planned to stop him. But Xiong Mi gave a different opinion. After seeing with his own eyes the specialness of Yotsuya Miko and learning that she was probably the target of Alice's active search, the veteran player came up with the idea of ​​fishing. She was sure that Alice would not be able to resist showing up after seeing Mianzi alone, especially when Mianzi was doing something as eye-catching as taking risks. Therefore, she grabbed Gao Hai and pounced at the critical moment, successfully immobilizing Alice with one blow.

As for whether this is an illusion or something, there is no need to worry about this issue at all. Because the obsession of Xiong Mi's remote activation ability, that is, the bronze eye, is a red moon-level obsession at the same level as Fujika Middle School, and has the ability to eliminate hallucinations, Alice cannot hide when the eyeball activates the ability. my own.

However, although the opponent was successfully immobilized, it could only last for 3 minutes.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Gao Hai patted Miko's shoulder and suppressed the dull pain in his head.

At that moment, he used the special ability of the watch to share the mental pollution and impact that Miko suffered when she directly faced Alice.

I feel very uncomfortable. This girl has a strong sense of perception, and the pressure she bears when she encounters mental pollution seems to be extraordinary. Judging from this situation, if she and I face a thing with mental pollution at the same time, I will suffer 100 damage, and she will suffer at least 1200 damage, which is more than ten times more. This characteristic will make her unable to withstand the more dangerous and terrifying things she encounters. It is really a very dangerous talent.

Moreover, he has roughly reacted to some things.

While Gao Hai and Jianzi were walking quickly in the corridor, he stretched out his hand and took off the hood that was almost grown with his face and put it into the watch.

"Hey, why did Mr. Gao take off the hood again?"

Jianzi, who didn't quite understand what Gao Hai was doing, asked in confusion.

"Again? As expected, have you seen me take off the hood once? This ghost thing has one trick after another."

Gao Hai laughed, shook his head helplessly, and had a deeper understanding of the [rules] of Fujika Middle School in his heart.

He had realized what the Alice who followed him and Jianzi had done.

It created an illusion when he entered the dormitory to protect Jianzi, creating an illusion that Gao Hai took off the hood and put it on again.

For Gao Hai himself, it was impossible for him to take off the hood casually, but for Jianzi and the weird things in the dormitory at the same time, she, they, "saw" the process of Gao Hai taking off the hood.

So, the weirdness of the entire dormitory building did not recognize Gao Hai's identity as a [teacher]. In the eyes of these things, Gao Hai had become a [fake teacher], and his authority to command students was directly lost.

Fujika Middle School is a place of strange stories created by humans.

Therefore, in this place, a person's identity must change accordingly, and it is not necessarily perfect to rely on a certain prop.

Just such a confusing trick actually directly abolished the sheep head hood in Gao Hai's hand.

But why didn't Alice in the teaching building do this before? Is it because Alice in the dormitory building is more powerful? Or...ah, could it be that Alice in the teaching building had not seen my face when I appeared wearing the hood, but Alice in the dormitory building had seen my face?

Doesn't that mean that this guy has been following me since the beginning of the game?

At this moment, Gao Hai couldn't help but recall the strange feelings he felt at the beginning of the dormitory. At that time, he didn't quite understand what was going on, and thought it was something like the opening CG, but now it seems... At the beginning, that [Alice] was sleeping on him, and when he woke up, this weird thing ran away? !

He thought this thing should chase Jianzi, but it actually found him. Was it because he took out the doll, which made him more eye-catching than Jianzi in this round? This weird thing actually took advantage of others. His chest was for Zhenfei and Qianhua to lie on. Can you, an old woman who is at least 70 or 80 years overdue, lie on it?

Gao Hai, who was complaining loudly in his heart, ran with Jianzi all the way to another staircase on the second floor, ready to move towards the first floor.

It was also at this time that the light of a flashlight lit up at the staircase, and a figure wearing a bull head mask slowly appeared in the corridor.

Chapter 48: The plan of using the power of the tiger to bully others and the change of the girl's mind

Grandpa Niu, abbreviated as a human figure wearing a rotten and smelly bull head mask and a teacher's uniform full of dust and holes.

No, it seems that the abbreviation is wrong.

This thing appeared quite suddenly. There was nothing abnormal in the corridor in the previous second, and the next second this thing was refreshed out of thin air and directly appeared in the face. However, Gao Hai was already familiar with this. He said "Grandpa Niu, you have worked hard" and then stepped forward and chopped it off with a knife, chopping off the head of this thing on the spot, and then swung it down with a few more knives, dismembering it on the spot.

Yotsuya Miko behind him looked at the weird creature that had been cut into pieces but was still struggling on the ground, and her face couldn't help but become even paler.

As for Gao Hai himself, after trying to search and confirm that there should be nothing on the thing, he simply picked up the bull head hood, dug out the festering flesh and blood inside the hood with a knife, and then tied the thing around his waist.

"Well, why do you want to bring this thing?"

Miko was very puzzled by this. She felt trembling all over just looking at this weird thing, and she couldn't understand the meaning of Gao Hai carrying this thing.

"My [teacher] identity was cracked by Alice. In this case, I can't use the identity difference to solve the problem when we are in danger. So, dismembering a [teacher] to the point where it can't produce weird characteristics for the time being, maybe we can use this to some advantage."

Speaking like this, Gao Hai held a machete in one hand, with a bull head hanging on his waist, and led Miko down to the first floor.

I always feel like I can cosplay as an old father. Hmm... if that's the case, I have to replace the knife with an axe, the bull head with a human head, and it would be best if I could wear high-heeled shoes or something. I always feel that it's quite troublesome...

Although the current situation is still full of mysteries and there are still many things that have not been figured out, Gao Hai finally began to feel relieved after getting a powerful obsession that can solve most of the troubles he encountered, and the old players who appeared to help him with the problem, and began to habitually think divergently and complain in his heart.

Of course, he didn't really lose focus and ignore the situation around him. This was just a small strategy he used to adjust his own state.

The first floor of the dormitory building is not an accommodation area, but a shower area. Just like the second floor of the teaching building is a canteen, and the first floor is a composite structure such as a conference room and an auditorium, the dormitory building of Tenghua Middle School is also a composite in structure and use.

The entire first floor is divided into four different levels of areas: high-end shower area, mid-range shower area, low-end shower area and livestock washing pool. The first three levels of areas are divided into different shower areas for men and women. Only the washing pool that looks obviously used by bad students is public, and there is no cover. Anyone passing by can see what is going on inside. In contrast, there are changing rooms in the mid-range and high-end shower areas, and only the high-end shower area has an access control system, while the mid-range and low-end shower areas can be entered and exited freely.

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