Chapter 25: Will the exploration of the new area be smooth sailing?

"That is to say, in the last operation, we acted together, but in the end we suffered the end of the entire army being annihilated?"

In the living room of 206, Kaguya reached out and tapped her forehead, then looked up at Gao Hai on the side of the room and asked.

"It sounds like a plot in a fantasy novel. If it weren't for what I just experienced, it would be hard to believe."

Zhen Fei, who was holding the Xusheng message she found from the supply box, sighed and took two bites of a chocolate bar. Then she couldn't help but frown because of the rather inferior taste, but she still endured it. Finished it thoroughly enjoying the taste.

Sun Dajun sat in the corner of the room, covering his head and letting out a low sigh. This man is now in a state of complete collapse of his worldview, and there is probably no way to recover for a while. Green, on the other hand, was obediently guarding the door of the living room, watching over the shivering Maeda Miwa who was sitting in the corner with a stern expression.

The teams that were in the second round of action in the previous round have now gathered together again.

However, unlike the previous situation, this time Sun Dajun was no longer a dragster that had to be looked after, but became a member of the team. Green still joined the team on this side, but this time he did not control Maeda Miwa as roughly as before. He just took her out, used lies to lure the body in her room 205 to 210, and waited there. After the fight was over, and after making sure that the outside was calm, we made sure that the main door of 206 and the living room door were locked, so that we could discuss and communicate.

Gao Hai basically told everything about his last experience, including the strange stories about knocking on the door, the head clock, the weird existence communicating through letter paper, the weird black hand that kidnapped people, the chaotic and twisted third floor, Lao Guo's own group-killing operation, etc. He told everyone except his own cheat, which had 11 remaining times, and told everyone present.

"Interaction through information can cause abnormal effects. Under this effect, we may not be able to collect intelligence at all."

Knowing that now is not the time to continue questioning the authenticity, Shinomiya Kaguya quickly entered the state and began to analyze.

"No, I carefully reviewed her experience with Miss Shijo during that operation. The reason why she saw things she shouldn't have seen was probably because she read all the clues in one go. Then if she does it again later To find text clues, all we need to do is to read them separately. For example, if we find a piece of writing paper, we will first let one person read the first half, then let the other person read the second half, and finally the two people will exchange information. Information. If it is something that is not certain, you can also ask a third or fourth person to read it, which will ensure greater safety."

Gao Hai shook his head, immediately rejected Kaguya's idea, and put forward a new suggestion.

"Then the next step is to investigate the kitchen of 206? But according to you, if the corpses in the room are not active at night, and some of the corpses may even be active during the day, then Mr. Sun may not be able to follow us. Let's go down together. After he leaves, the thing in this room may not be at peace. "

The true concubine spoke slowly at this moment, her eyes fixed on the half-burned wardrobe on the side of the living room.

At this moment, you could see from the half-open closet door that there was a mutilated and charred corpse lying inside. Because the body was mostly damaged, Sun Dajun didn't recognize what it was when he first investigated the house. However, after Gao Hai and others investigated again, they naturally quickly figured out the situation of this thing.

The final conclusion is very simple.

Gao Hai, Kaguya and Zhen Fei were responsible for investigating the kitchen to see if there was an entrance to the first floor.

Green and Sun Dajun stayed on the second floor, paying attention to the movement of the wall clock left on the second floor at all times, and keeping an eye on Maeda Miwa, who was frightened by the corpse and was still unable to move. Once there is a significant change in time, they will go to the kitchen to notify Gao Hai and others to return.

"Don't worry, I will never let this stupid woman scream like before."

Before Gao Hai and others set off, Green patted his chest confidently and then glared fiercely at Maeda Miwa, who was sitting on the ground shivering. By the way, this woman was asked to wear a sound-isolating mask at this moment. That thing can weaken a person's snoring to the point where it can hardly spread through a room. After wearing it, it can suppress her very well. Screams.

"Is all this...all true?"

Looking at Gao Hai who was about to enter the kitchen, Sun Dajun raised his head with a decadent look and murmured.

"Do you think that if you sit here and look unhappy, these things will become fake?"

Gao Hai just said this to Sun Dajun, then turned and walked into the kitchen.

It already takes too much time to get the team together.

Next, it’s time to focus on getting down to business.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai raised his head and stared at the kitchen in front of him.

To be honest, the kitchen in 206 is not much different from the 204 and 208 I have seen before. It is just as dirty, and the same water and electricity stoves are still in use. There were dusty dishes and chopsticks piled up in the sink, the light was shining through the windows that were nailed shut, and the whole house exuded a stale atmosphere. Of course, it's not completely different. For example, there is no refrigerator in the kitchen of this house, and there are several empty cardboard boxes on the floor on one side of the room.

"It looks like a packaging box used by a fruit company."

Gao Hai paid attention to the packaging on the carton, and after realizing that he couldn't recognize the brand, he whispered, then moved the box away, and soon saw a collapsed cavity hidden underneath.

As he got closer, he could feel the damp breath coming towards his face.

Under the collapsed floor, you can barely see the structure of a kitchen. It's very dark. There seems to be something else on the ground?

Behind them, Zhen Fei and Kaguya have arrived.

So Gao Hai, who was at the front, took a deep breath and jumped without hesitation.


The cold wind blew past my ears.

The falling distance seemed to be slightly longer than expected, the surrounding light quickly dimmed, and the coldness began to spread.


The sputtering sound was extremely clear at this moment.

Gao Hai's feet touched the solid ground.

But before touching the ground, the first thing he felt was a cold touch that penetrated his toes and extended all the way to his calf area.

That's the water that was deposited here.

The floor of this floor was completely submerged, enough to cover most of Gao Hai's calf area with water.

"How's the situation down there? Are you okay?"

The somewhat nervous voice of the real concubine sounded from above. Beside her, Kaguya, who was holding a wall clock, was ready to ring the clock at any time.

Since they didn't know the specific situation under the cave, the two girls lying near the crack were very vigilant. Among them, Kaguya even wore earplugs specifically to deal with unexpected situations and prepare for the worst possibility.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened this time.

"I'm fine. There doesn't seem to be much of a problem here. It's just that an area has been flooded. Come down and guard the kitchen door alone. Next, I'll go investigate the living room and the corridor outside the living room. The water here is very cold. Come down. Be careful when doing so.”

Gao Hai looked up at the two people above him and replied, then slowly walked to the direction of the kitchen door.

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

The cold water covering his calves rippled with his movements.

The surroundings have become extremely dark. There are no lights here. Only the dim light projected through the cracks in the ceiling can be barely seen outside the half-open kitchen door, the dark and gloomy living room, and the tables and chairs placed on one side of the living room. , something like some kind of sacrificial platform.

Gao Hai didn't see the window.

Although the layout of the houses here is similar to that of 206, there are no windows.

The floor of the living room was also flooded, the sofa and bed were covered with moss, and the cabinets placed on one side of the room were in a state of decay.


Gao Hai slowly stepped into the living room area.


After the splashing sound of falling water behind her, Shijou Zhenfei had jumped down. First she shivered because of the low temperature of the stagnant water, and then followed her carefully.

"It's like it was abandoned after a flood."

Zhen Fei, who walked to Gao Hai's side, whispered.

"It looks like this. I'll go to the front and take a look. You stay here. If I don't come back within 5 minutes, you can prepare for Miss Shinomiya to set the clock."

Gao Hai nodded and said, and then set off.

The real concubine behind her opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't speak.

She actually wanted to know if anything else happened before the flashback that Gao Haikou mentioned that she had no memory of.

Because when she walked out of 208, when she saw Gao Hai without any memory, she could clearly feel the complex emotions projected from the other person's eyes.

Even when she and her aunt later suspected Gao Hai, it was obvious that he hoped to gain his trust.

He believes in himself and trusts himself.

But she knew nothing about him, and had no idea what the reason for such trust was.

It's really concerning...but yes, now is not the time to dwell on such things.


While Zhen Fei was trying to calm down, Gao Hai on the other side had already opened the door from the living room to the corridor.

The corridor outside the door has the same layout as the second floor, but there is no wall clock on this floor. Instead, there is a small table next to the door, with a yellowed old copy on it. The old newspaper looked like it had been eroded by the humid air.

"I found a newspaper, but I can't see the content clearly."

Gao Hai whispered to the real concubine not far away, and then carefully looked at the extension of the corridor.

too dark.

He couldn't see anything in front of the corridor at all.

This house is basically completely surrounded by darkness, and according to this trend, I am afraid that the entire floor is like this, in absolute darkness without any light, and every room is flooded to the ground.

"I understand, I don't see anything unusual here, please be careful."

Concubine Zhen, who was guarding the kitchen door not far away, whispered.

Gao Hai turned his head and looked towards the living room.

Someone was sitting on the damp sofa, with his head lowered as if he was asleep.

Gao Hai's eyes moved quickly, but he only saw an empty and shabby sofa.


He took steps in silence and walked towards the true concubine.


In the water behind him, something seemed to slowly emerge from the water, like the outline of a person.

Gao Hai turned his head again, but saw nothing.

"What happened?"

Zhen Fei, who was not far away, noticed Gao Hai's unusual movement and asked immediately.

"No... I didn't see anything, but it was very uncomfortable. Maybe there are some friends who are more shy here?"

Gao Hai, who made a joke that was not funny, quickly returned to the kitchen door.

Taking advantage of the bright light here, he picked up the tattered old newspaper and looked at the content on it.

The headline on the newspaper is:

[Evacuation notice for residents of old apartments in the suburbs during the xx major flood]

Chapter 26: The second hidden rule sheet

[Evacuation notice for residents of old apartments in the suburbs during the xx major flood]

[Recently ■■■■■ (indistinct handwriting) the pressure of flood control is ■ great ■■■■■■■■ announcement related■■]

[■■■■■ suburban old apartment area, Qingquan Apartment, Dongshan Apartment, Shirakawa Apartment and other 7 apartment areas ■■■■ evacuated ■■■■■■ personnel security ■■■■■]

[All residents in the area will be organized to evacuate ■■■■■■■ on ■ day ■■■■■■■ private return is strictly prohibited ■■■■■]

[x year x month x day]

The humid environment made the handwriting on the newspaper blurred and difficult to recognize.

However, even so, Gao Hai and Zhenfei also confirmed after careful investigation that this was an evacuation notice during the flood.

Shirakawa Apartment

This dilapidated apartment, which has now become a strange place, reveals its more ancient history at this moment.

"This kind of announcement... That is to say, this apartment should have existed in at least three different periods. One is the earliest, when nothing abnormal happened. At that time, this apartment could interact normally with the outside world. When disasters such as floods occurred, the local government would come here to organize people to evacuate. The second period that followed was a period of abnormality but relative stability. The team of survivors led by Xu Sheng developed and stabilized at this time, until the man named Sanchez and some survivors jointly caused destruction..."

Looking at the damp old newspaper, Zhenfei spoke in a low voice, her expression seemed very solemn.

"And the last period is where we are now, this extremely dangerous period full of all kinds of weird and strange things."

Gao Hai, who was standing aside, spoke last, supplementing what Zhenfei did not have time to say.

"Are there any other clues in that newspaper?"

Kaguya, who was sitting next to the hole in the ceiling, asked at this time.

"The handwriting on it is basically blurred. Gao Hai and I can only barely find some useful information from it. Moreover, he and I have already read a lot of the content in this newspaper. If there is information pollution, we may be infected if we continue to read. Auntie, come and look for it."

Said Zhenfei and threw the stack of old newspapers up. Kaguya above reached out and caught it and put it beside her.

More clues?

Carefully open the old newspapers that are almost stuck together and cannot be turned.

Taka Hai and Zhenfei, who are still downstairs, did not rashly open the newspapers to avoid tearing them because of the dim light and the difficulty of standing in the puddle. Therefore, one person read the front of the newspaper and the other read the back of the newspaper.

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