Sun Dajun in the living room stood up after being silent for a while, not knowing what he was doing. However, Green, who was guarding the kitchen door and monitoring the activities in the living room, told her that there was no problem, so Kaguya did not pay attention to what Sun Dajun was doing for the time being.

This newspaper... well, indeed, it was too damp. The outer layer was just barely there, but the inner layers were completely stuck together, making it impossible to read.

Although she was as careful as possible, Kaguya still tore the newspaper, unable to open it smoothly without damaging the pages stuck together.

However, during the process, she quickly noticed that there was actually a small plastic shell wrapped in the middle of the newspaper. Then she opened the small plastic shell, and what was revealed was a piece of white printing paper. .

The same printing paper as the rule sheet left by Xu Sheng at the beginning.

Wrapping this up is equivalent to spreading out waterproofed paper.

The first thing Kaguya saw was the line at the top:

[Temporary survival rules on the first floor of Shirakawa Apartment]

A new rules sheet.

"Green, call Mr. Sun over."

Gao Hai and Zhen Fei downstairs have already read the information in the newspaper. For safety reasons, they cannot be allowed to read any more text in a short period of time. Although they can read part of it, there is a lot written on this letter paper, and it may not be possible. Problem-prone. After much thought, Kaguya decided to let Sun Dajun, who seemed relatively honest, participate in reading the rule sheet.

When Sun Dajun cautiously walked into the house, Huiye noticed that this middle-aged man who was almost fifty years old dug out a small tool box from somewhere and found a few screwdrivers, pliers and other small tools hanging on the body.

"I'm not in good health and can't run around like you young people, but I have done some technical work before and know a little bit about repairs. I can repair broken circuits and some simple mechanical structures. I can repair them in a while. After the two young men come up, I can help you take a look at the door of 204. Didn't you say that the door lock is broken and the lock cylinder cannot come out? I can go over and have a look later, maybe it can be repaired. one time."

After fully realizing the environmental situation he was in and waking up, this man has now completely changed.

Kaguya didn't say much about this. She just handed the rule sheet to the other party and asked Sun Dajun to read the first half. Then he was responsible for reading the second half. Then the two of them exchanged and confirmed the parts they had read. In the end, Kaguya dictated the contents of the rule sheet to Takakai and Shijou Maifei who were waiting below.

Sun Dajun completed this process with some stumbling. His memory and reading speed were not as good as those of young people. In addition, because of his nervousness, he read the half-page rule sheet several times before finishing it, so that Kaguya They were all a little nervous, worried that if he looked at it repeatedly like this, it would trigger contamination or something. But fortunately, nothing happened in the end. Maybe it’s because the documents left by Xu Sheng will not trigger pollution. Maybe it’s also possible that the problem will only occur after reading the entire document, right?

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Sun. You can go back to the living room and rest first. We can explore here. In addition, Mr. Green, your focus is not on us right now. Confirming Miss Maeda's situation is your current priority. The best thing to do.”

Because the other party was indeed an elder, and had shown skills worthy of cooperation, Kaguya's attitude towards Sun Dajun was much lower, and he adopted the polite attitude of a neon man when a junior faces his elders. However, Green, who was distracted and did not keep a close eye on Maeda Miwa, did not receive this kind of treatment. She reprimanded the other person mercilessly, causing the man to lower his head and apologize hurriedly, and then continued to stare at Maeda Miwa who was huddled on the side of the room.

[Damn it, are these yellow-skinned monkeys trying to form a color alliance and engage in racial discrimination to exclude me, who is white-skinned? 】

Secretly, Green couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

As a gangster at the lowest level in America, Green has committed many thefts, been in jail many times, and has done countless bad things. However, due to his relatively timid and cautious style, Green has never killed anyone. Cut a man's hamstring.

In the past, Green liked to steal from people who immigrated from East Asia, because these people rarely had the courage to resist. Even if he was caught, he could walk away in a swagger, and he could even rob valuables in front of his face and then run away. Of course, except for the Universe Kingdom, that group of guys are very united and crazy, and they are a different kind of group. For this reason, he once looked down upon these people and ridiculed them as "clean insects" (a racial slur) who came to send money to America. As a result, after entering the death stage of the sacrifice game, he had to rely on flattery to several Chinese players who entered the twilight level game to investigate the situation, and won the final survival by being a subordinate and a dog. The situation was completely reversed. .

As a result, now he has to do this again in the second round of the game, and I have to say that Green is really helpless about this. However, as long as he lives, he will not frown even if he licks the toilet, so he will not be unable to hide his emotions and thoughts because of this kind of thing.

But unlike Gao Hai's first round of actions, this time, because of Sun Dajun's cooperation, Green is no longer responsible for suppression as a thug. In contrast, he is more of a caretaker of Maeda Miwa, who seems to be in a bad mood, and the attention he receives from Gao Hai and others has naturally decreased a lot. In addition, his tattoos make him look like a gangster who doesn't look like a good person. He looks like he has not been to school for a few days and has no reading and expression ability. Compared with Sun Dajun, he is even worse. Therefore, Kaguya asked Sun Dajun to read the rules instead of asking Green. This difference in treatment of Green can be perceived.

Of course, even so, as a younger brother who can read faces and has some skills (lock picking), as long as Green does not do stupid things, neither Gao Hai Zhenfei nor Kaguya will treat him as an enemy or consumable. It's just that Green, who feels that he is not valued, is somewhat uneasy. He judges others by himself. He always feels that after Gao Hai and Kaguya unite, will they discriminate against him like he discriminates against blacks and Asians? For this reason, the uneasiness in his heart is getting worse.

Green carefully concealed all these thoughts, and no one noticed them at all.

"So that's it, so this rule was made after Sanchez's action..."

At only 17 years old, Kaguya still couldn't see through the mind of Green, a gangster who had been hanging around at the bottom of society for many years. At this time, she was still focused on the rule sheet she had just obtained, and began to relay the information she got to Gao Hai and Zhenfei who were waiting in the kitchen downstairs.

[Temporary survival rules for the first floor of Shirakawa Apartment]

[All residents on the first floor who received this form please don't panic, things haven't reached the worst step yet]

[I am Xu Sheng, although I am still trapped in 309 and can't leave, the third and second floors have stabilized again, and now you who have received the form and are on the first floor, what you have to do is to follow the instructions of the form, try to avoid danger and find a way out. The exit of the first floor should not be completely blocked now, you still have hope, don't give up]

[The following is the situation on the first floor that I confirmed. Because of the urgency of time, I can't verify many things repeatedly, but at least I can confirm that most of the rules are valid. Please act quickly after reading this. The rules in Shirakawa Apartment are changing dramatically. None of us can determine when the contents of this rule sheet will become invalid.]

[1. Do not use any lights, please act in the dark]

[Based on the current changes on the first floor, it can be judged that it seems to have a time disorder. The first floor of the entire Shirakawa Apartment has returned to the state of a flood decades ago. We don't know why such a change has occurred, but along with the water flow, there are some things hidden in the water. They are very sensitive to light, so when you decide to leave the room and explore outside, do not use any lights and act in the dark. I know it's difficult, but you must not use any lighting props, never!]

[2. Ignore everything unusual you see, do not touch, do not talk, and do not show any interactive tendencies]

[The changes that occurred on the first floor are not just as simple as being submerged in water. Some... I'm not sure if it's an illusion or something else appeared on the first floor. I think you should have seen those things, right? The second person who appeared in the room, the thing floating out of the water, the voice talking next to you. Most of these things are harmless, just some pictures and sounds. But this change is very abnormal. I can't predict the next change, but I think the appearance of this situation itself is dangerous. Don't interact with these things, don't listen, don't watch, don't care]

[3. Don't trust any survivors except you, keep acting alone, if you meet someone who is too enthusiastic to go with you, retreat to your room]

[There are strange changes spreading among the survivors. Some people are becoming more enthusiastic and hospitable, just like playing a good neighbor. They began to feel that they really belonged to Shirakawa Apartment and didn't want to leave here, and didn't want anyone to leave here. Whether this change is consistent with the corpses in 304 is still unknown, but it seems that as long as you return to your room, these changed survivors will not follow you in.]

[4. When there are huge noises in the corridor, women screaming, glass breaking, and many people pushing each other, find any room you can enter and hide in it. Never stay in the corridor at this time]

[This flooded corridor is repeating what happened at a certain moment. Don't touch it. That is the moment when the biggest secret is revealed. It is impossible for the living to survive after touching these things. You must avoid them at all costs. Fortunately, when this scene happens, the only dangerous thing is the corridor. As long as you are outside the corridor, you are safe. However, don't listen, don't look, don't care, and never try to contact and collect this information]

[5. When the child's cry starts and the sound gets louder, pierce your eardrum as fast as you can to stop the sound from reaching your ears. If you can't do it, please kill yourself. It would be better to die now]

[It would be better to die, you don't want to know, it would be better to die, it would be better to die]

[6. All those who ask you where a man named Li lives, tell them that he lives in 304]

[If they can't find a place, just take them there. Anyway, they can only smash the door and don't dare to do anything too outrageous. Remember to stay away, maybe the door of 304 will open, and there will be danger inside at this time? 】

[6. Ignore all children who knock on your door and do not open the door for her]

[No one will open the door for her. Everyone who lives here knows it. Everyone knows it. Don’t cause trouble. Good intentions are not rewarded. Don’t cause trouble.]

[7. Don’t blame Sanchez, don’t go to 109. In fact, we all know that this day will come sooner or later]

[Maybe I’m going to die, and I don’t recognize some of the things I wrote down, but I still remember the process of us all coming together to survive. We found a way to survive here, we adapted. We used to be very enthusiastic and believed that we would win one day, but gradually more and more people began to go to extremes. In fact, we all understand that in this high-pressure environment where you may die at any time, or you may not die at all, no one can persist forever, and no one can always stay sane. Even if Sanchez and those who support him fail to act this time, something similar will happen again next time. Even if it is not him, someone else will definitely come forward]

[Don’t blame him. It’s meaningless. Don’t go to 109. There is a lot of information there and a lot of words there. The words have begun to become abnormal. Words, together with sounds and images, will become a medium of communication. Escape as soon as possible. Escape, the apartment should now have lost the power that used to imprison us. As long as you can leave the apartment, you will never be teleported back. Run away, you must run away, otherwise you die, die in the room, so at least you can protect the subsequent victims. Who are they? 】

[10. Don’t go out when the door is open. If you can’t get out, I can’t see clearly]

[I have no way to leave 309, it keeps knocking on my door, keeps knocking on my door, isn’t the important thing there? My mind and my body are approaching the limit, but I have to fulfill my final responsibility. Do you receive it? I hope this code helps you. Did you get it? Please survive and escape. Do you receive it? Did you get it? 】

【Did you receive it? Did you receive it? Did you receive it? Did you receive it? Did you receive it? Did you receive it? You received it? Did you receive it? You received it. Did you receive it? You received it. Did you receive it? Have you received it? Have you received it? Mom, have you received it? Have you received it?

The content of the code that continues below becomes meaningless gibberish.

This rule sheet, which is also signed "Kyusei" as the "Shirakawa Apartment Life Rules", has this content in total.

Whether it successfully reached the hands of the survivors on the first floor is no longer known.

But now, it has seen the light of day again, and it has fallen into the hands of Gao Hai, a group of people trapped in the apartment, trying to survive and escape.

Chapter 27: Who is waiting for you to fall asleep?



After a crisp sound, the lock cylinder of the door of Room 204 popped out and returned to the point where it could be used from its original stuck state.

"It's repaired. Although it can only be dealt with barely, it should be no problem for a few days."

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Sun Dajun raised his head, smiled at Gao Hai and said.

"Thank you very much. In this case, I should feel a little more at ease at night."

Gao Hai tried to pull the door handle and found that this thing was indeed just barely manageable. There was still an obvious lag when the door handle was pulled. But compared to the previous situation where it couldn't be pulled at all, at least it could be done now. It only takes a few moves to prevent it from being completely stuck.

"Are you really sure that the man named Lao Guo may ring the bell at any time?"

Not far away, the real concubine looked around nervously, and after thinking about it, she asked again.

"I'm pretty sure that the reason why we were annihilated last time had a lot to do with that bastard thing dialing the clock."

Gao Hai shook his head, looked at the other people in the corridor, and then looked at the wall clock held by Shinomiya Kaguya aside, always feeling a little nervous in his heart.

The exploration of the 206 kitchen crack did not last long.

After Kaguya confirmed the contents of the second rule book, Gao Hai just tried to explore again, and this time he didn't even walk out of the living room, but closed the living room door. Then he decided to retreat. He first closed the kitchen door on the first floor. After returning to the second floor, he carefully covered the hole and closed the kitchen door. Then he asked everyone to prepare to go back to their respective rooms.

Lao Guo may use the black guy to dial the clock at any time. Once he does this, the time in the entire apartment will quickly enter a dark state.

So until then, everyone must return to their houses.

Sun Dajun left 206 and used the tools he found in the house to repair the door of 204, helping Gao Hai and Kaguya solve the troublesome problem of damaged door locks. It is worth mentioning that not long after Sun Dajun left the room, Green, who was asked by the true concubine to guard the door of Room 206, discovered that the burnt corpse had appeared in the corridor of Room 206 at some point. He was so frightened that he almost died. Collapsed on the ground.

But then, after Sun Dajun returned to 206, or more precisely, the moment Sun Dajun himself stepped into the door of 206, the charred body disappeared from the corridor, and then everyone found it in the charred closet where the body was originally lying.

During the day, when the residents leave the room, the body in the room may or may not react, but as long as the residents return to the room, the body will calm down and return to its original state.

After that, Gao Hai also went to Green's room 209 to take a look, and quickly found a dried corpse hidden in the broken ceiling. This corpse, like the refrigerator brother in 208, did not react to Green's going out, but when Green was outside the door of 209, and Gao Hai stepped into the door of 209. He just entered and heard footsteps coming from the room, and quickly dragged Green in, and then the two found the dried corpse that had walked into the living room.

Green's face was very green at that time, especially when he knew that he had to stay in the same room with the corpse at night, otherwise he would be killed by the ghost story. His face was as green as a frog, and he almost trembled as he walked into the house.

He was very afraid of death.

This person called Green was very, very afraid of death.

Perhaps because he had experienced a ghost story, Green's fear of ghost stories and weirdness was far greater than that of others. He knew clearly that in this death game full of dangers, he might die suddenly if he took a wrong step, so he was so eager to hug his thigh.

This is actually a very troublesome guy.

Gao Hai couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.

Now he is willing to obey because he believes that this group of people can bring him safety and believe that he can get hope of survival through this.

But if the situation is critical, when no one can bring him a sense of security and he needs to take risks himself, can he still be so obedient?

We have to take precautions.

On the other side, Maeda Miwa in 205 was basically carried into 205.

When she learned that she had to stay with a female corpse in that dark, stinking room for a night, the woman screamed like crazy, struggled desperately, cried so hard that her tears, snot and saliva flowed everywhere, and finally she simply lost control of her bladder, and it was useless for Gao Hai and others to say anything.

Finally, Green came up and clamped his arm around Maeda Miwa's neck, knocked the woman unconscious on the spot, and then threw her into the living room of 205, and then locked the door of the living room from the outside, which solved this troublesome problem.

Sun Dajun was somewhat reluctant in the process, but after Gao Hai asked him if he was willing to bear the cost of this woman howling in his room and attracting all kinds of ghosts, the man was silent for a long time, and finally chose to watch.

Kindness needs to be based on the occasion and the object.

In this terrifying apartment where everyone is in danger, no one has the extra love to share with a person who refuses to obey and cooperate and can't show any value. Green even snatched the supply box in room 205, and then happily ran over to present it to Gao Hai and others. However, it was somewhat unethical to snatch supplies while people were still there, and both Zhen Fei and Sun Dajun could not accept such behavior, so the supply box was finally returned to room 205.

"This is the first time I feel that a person is useless and only causes trouble to others to this extent."

After seeing Green use a small wire to fiddle with the door of room 205 and successfully lock the door from the outside, Gao Hai shook his head and said with emotion.

"People who have lived in peace and comfort for too long will become like this once they return to a cruel environment. In the final analysis, the greatest significance of the progress of modern society is to allow more trash to survive. These people can't see the problem at ordinary times, but at the critical moment, all of them will become a burden."

Kaguya, who came from a cold chaebol, no longer regarded Maeda Miwa as a human being. Seeing Gao Hai return the supply box because of Zhenfei's reluctance, she snorted and felt very disdainful of the two people's behavior.

"Hehe, at least you still have to pretend when you are alive. It's better to lick the bag with tears, isn't it?"

Gao Hai was a little embarrassed about this. In fact, he was going to accept the supply box directly when Green took it out, but Zhenfei's reluctance made him hesitate a little. In the end, there was not much food in the supply box, and the ghost stories in Shirakawa Apartment were extremely fierce. Compared with that, the survival pressure of hunger was not great, so he finally chose to return the supply box. After all, for Gao Hai, Zhenfei's opinions were more important.

As for whether he realized that both Maki and Kaguya had seen through his decision, so the former couldn't help but start to have wild thoughts, and the latter began to have the idea of ​​watching the show, it was a pity that he didn't realize it at all. But this kind of thing is not important now, the survival pressure in front of us is the key.


The final fact proved that Gao Hai's idea was not wrong. With a crisp sound, the wall clocks in everyone's room began to accelerate clockwise, and time began to leap quickly.

But this time, because Gao Hai didn't turn the clock, he didn't see any abnormal pictures. In contrast, Sun Dajun was miserable. He huddled in bed, and various pictures flashed in his mind, but he couldn't see or hear anything clearly, and he completely lost consciousness and fainted.

Close the living room door and lock it.

Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the nailed window in the living room.

At this moment, the light outside the window was rapidly dimming, and the time of the entire apartment was rapidly turning from day to night.

"The pointer will finally stop at 8:50, which means that 10 minutes after the pointer stops, we must remain absolutely quiet until the next day."

Gao Hai looked at Kaguya standing on the side of the house and whispered, then took off his shoes and socks, and sat down on the ground against the wall.

Because of exploring the first floor, Gao Hai's shoes and socks were soaked. It might be difficult to dry them overnight, but now he could only make do with it.


Shinomiya Kaguya nodded gently and sat down on the ground without nonsense.

Neither of them chose the dirty bed.

The light outside the window has become very dim.

Gao Hai knew that it was not far from complete darkness.

"According to the layout of the house, this window should actually lead to the corridor of 205."

After thinking about it, Gao Hai decided to say something before he could no longer speak, hoping to improve the relationship a little.

"You said that the distortion of space, you said that the third floor has become an infinite chaotic space."

Kaguya, who was quite a distance away from Gao Hai, said in a cold voice.

"That's right, in addition to this, there is another thing I care about," Gao Hai hesitated for a moment, and then continued, "Shijo Maki, Sun Dajun, Green, each of them has a corpse in their room, and the three of them are alone in a room, forming a common rule that can be traced."

"However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as our room, where two people share a room, which is unprecedented."

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