"Very powerful, Miss Xiong Mi has always been a very famous and powerful existence among the Red Moon-level players. She has been the deputy captain of the [Moyu Gang] in China. She has many powerful obsessions and very practical Dark Night-level blessings. Moreover, she is tough and friendly, and often takes the initiative to help newcomers and take risks. Many people have been grateful to her. I have also worked with her and have been helped by her several times."

Qingshan Nanami adjusted her glasses and answered Fujiwara Chika very seriously.

In addition, she is a terrifying existence who can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk. At several parties held by players, she drank a lot of people. Even in the battles between Red Moon-level players, it is difficult for anyone to beat her. It is said that her highest record is to drink a ton of 100% pure industrial alcohol. I don’t know what is wrong with these players with superhuman physical fitness that they have to drink that thing.

And because she has integrated a powerful obsession [Bronze Eyes] that can freeze the movement of strange things into her body, Xiong Mi has a wonderful nickname [Blue-eyed Xiong Mi]. By the way, Nanami Aoyama knows a few players who like to play card games. For some reason, every time they hear Xiongmi's nickname, they show a very complicated expression, as if they have heard something that makes people want to complain but is difficult to share with others outside the circle.

However, there is no need to share such interesting stories between players here. Let's wait until Gao Hai and others can return safely.

But... can they really return safely?

Nanami Aoyama, who has seen many separations of life and death over the years, couldn't help but think in her heart.

[School Ghost Talk]

It has four explored partitions and one unconfirmed partition. It is believed to have eight core obsessions. It is also the most complex, difficult and dangerous dangerous place in the Red Moon-level dungeon.

Trapped in such a dangerous situation, and it was trapped in such a place at the stage when the dungeon has not been opened and cannot be normally entered and exited.

If you can really come out alive, it is not an exaggeration to call it a miracle.

Nanami Aoyama thinks that miracles are probably impossible. But she knew a little about the experience of Gao Hai's team, but she didn't dare to really draw this conclusion. After all, [Shirakawa Apartment] defeated two old players, and [Red Nut Gray Cave] was directly broken in the fixed stage. These two things were actually equivalent to miracles.

Therefore, she just told Zhenfei and Qianhua about some of Xiongmi's powerful performance in the dungeon very seriously, so that they could put their minds at ease. Nanami swallowed all the rest of the words into her stomach and didn't show any.

Maybe miracles will really happen.

However, or maybe Gao Hai is very special. After all, according to Mr. Xiaoheshu's investigation, the dungeons he participated in along the way were very abnormal. Now the third dungeon was directly involved in the Red Moon level difficulty, as if... as if something was deliberately taking care of him.

It was at this time that Zhenfei suddenly frowned, as if she had communicated with Gao Hai, and then turned her eyes to Goto Ichiri on the side.

"Ms. Goto, is it okay?"

Takahashi in the copy just asked if he could pull Kuma and Yotsuya Miko into a spiritual connection. Goto Ichiri was also in the connection, so she also knew what Shinki meant by asking her this question. The girl nodded slightly and took out a music box with some stains and blood in her hand.

As the key was turned, a small person in a dance dress popped out of the music box, but there was no music.

But Shinki, Chika, and Takahashi, Kuma and Yotsuya Miko who were in the copy at this time, all heard a pleasant music sound. And this music sounded not from any direction around, but directly played in the mind.

Kumami, who was not unfamiliar with this obsession, knew that it was Goto Ichiri who was taking action, so she didn't react. Yotsuya Miko was startled, because in addition to the music, she heard the sound of a girl crying, which made her creepy and at a loss.

【Very good, now you can say what you didn't dare to say before, Yotsuya, right? 】

Gao Hai, who had received the team's telepathic communication, immediately turned his attention to Yotsuya Miko.

And at this time, Xiong Mi, who had sensed something, frowned, walked to the window of the dilapidated room, and looked in the direction of the hospital.

She saw Toyama Akira, who had already put on a hospital gown, and the other party was standing behind a window, looking up and looking in her direction.

Chapter 72: The beginning of further enhanced perception and action

Link each other's spirits and establish a dialogue that can communicate with each other in the mind.

No need to speak, no need to make any reaction, just a dialogue in the mind.

For players, this is a very safe method that can avoid information exposure, avoid interaction with strange things, and increase the speed of communication.

But there are also risks. That is, once a player with the ability to link spirits has a problem, all players on this link may be contaminated. For example, a player obtains information about the core obsession and is therefore mentally polluted, so he directly shares this information in the mental link, which results in all players being polluted. This is a classic case of team annihilation that has occurred many times.

Of course, there are corresponding preventive measures. For example, Xiong Mi can directly make herself [know the polluted information] disappear through personality overwriting. Therefore, she is never afraid of mental communication. At most, she can just wash her personality. As for whether overwriting personality is a suicide, Xiong Mi herself has never cared about this problem. In her opinion, as long as she thinks she is still herself and as long as she can continue to fight as a player, it is enough.

Not to mention Gao Hai, the mental link he has is the top link provided by the black watch. The mental links of other players can easily lead to the phenomenon of reading each other's minds, and it is impossible to distinguish which is the information they want to communicate and which is the inner words that cannot be said. Gao Hai's link has no such omissions at all. The user can choose the content he wants to convey independently. And after using this mental link for quite a while, Gao Hai himself has a high proficiency in it. Therefore, after the link was established at this time, he quickly adapted to the situation here, and it can be said that he is handy to use it.

As for Yotsuya Miko, the feeling she felt at this moment cannot be explained in a few words.

What is going on...?

After the music and crying, the girl felt that her spirit seemed to have changed in an instant.

佡Her perception seemed to be enhanced at this moment.

In the spiritual connection established through the obsession, it seemed that with the transmission of the spirits of Gao Hai, Kuma, and the five people outside the field, Zhenfei, Qianhua, and Goto Ichiri, her own spirit and perception seemed to have been amplified, and became clearer at this moment.

No mistake, this feeling...

Because the spiritual connection connects each other's spirits, in a sense, it also forms a sharing of spiritual power. However, for most players, this degree of sharing will not bring any changes, but Yotsuya Miko can be sure that her perception has indeed been amplified, and it has indeed become stronger under the blessing of this spiritual power channel. After touching the spirits of two Red Moon-level players, Kuma and Goto Ichiri, and further touching the spirit of Gao Hai himself, it is like breaking through a barrier and entering a higher level.

So she directly saw the things in the room.

There is no illusion.

Incredibly real.

It directly covered other things.

It was like a physical thing that existed in reality, so real that it was frightening, and clear enough to see every detail of the body.

Is that... a student?

The clothes on his body had become messy, with holes everywhere and stained with blood.

The skin on the exposed arm was completely ulcerated, one eye was gone, and the other eye had lost its eyelid, exposing the eyeball directly.

It had no hair, the skull had been opened, sharp steel needles pierced the pink brain structure, and steel nails were nailed directly into the flesh as a fixed support.

All the teeth had been pulled out, and the rotten flesh spread in the lips and mouth, the tongue hung out, and the saliva also fell.

That thing stood in the middle of the room.

Neither Gao Hai nor Xiong Mi could see it, only the girl's own eyes could observe it, this deformed and twisted thing.


Jizi had already looked away.

Her gaze just now had already attracted the other party's attention, causing the thing to turn its head.

With just this turn of head, the girl noticed that there was something like an umbilical cord connected to the thing, extending from its body all the way to the outside of the room, through the door, and it was unknown where it went.

[What did you see? ]

Gao Hai's voice sounded directly in the girl's mind.

[In front of me, there is a thing... a very scary thing, very similar to the bad students who were tortured in Fujika Middle School...]

Although she was quite frightened, Jianzi recovered quickly and carefully explained the situation on her side through mental communication.

[Did you see it before, or did you see it now? The establishment of mental links may indeed lead to enhanced perception of some people. Maybe you have encountered a similar situation? ]

Xiong Mi's voice sounded at this time, asking, after all, she is an old player, she is very experienced and immediately realized the possible situation.

[I've seen something similar before, but I could only see it with the help of a mirror or window glass. I saw it directly... just now. I couldn't do it before.]

Jianzi answered honestly and tried to ignore the thing in front of her, but she didn't expect the other party to walk towards her directly.

The head of the strange creature with only one eye left fell down with a click, and was held by the thing with only the palm left, and handed to her.

At the same time, a voice rang out from the body of this thing, passing through the umbilical cord-like thing, with a voice of doubt.

[It's a bit strange, can it really see? ]

The voice was not made by this strange creature.

She was very sure that this monster no longer had a so-called "self", it was just a monster driven by instinct. And she had heard the voice just now. Among the three figures surrounding her in the ward before, one figure's voice was exactly the same as the one she heard now.

This strange thing's actions don't look like it's taking the initiative. Was it controlled by the things he saw in the ward before?

While thinking, Mianzi's expression had completely returned to normal. She just continued to communicate with Gao Hai, Xiong Mi and others from the bottom of her heart. She even had time to yawn.

[Gao Hai: In other words, you noticed something was wrong through the mirror when you were in the ward, tsk... "Gao Tianyuan"? It seems that the masterminds behind these man-made weird plans are still alive and hidden in a hidden area of ​​this copy. However, they are probably not completely alive now, but have taken advantage of certain flaws in the formation of obsessions to turn themselves into a state that is neither human nor cunning]

[Xiong Mi: This situation is indeed more likely, but this group of people seems to have retained some means of interfering with the copy. I think they should be in a space that overlaps with the copy itself, so we can't see them, but they can observe us at any time and use methods when necessary... Tsk, in this case those who were successfully brought out The core obsession of the dungeon needs to be re-checked, maybe there is a pitfall]

[Gao Hai: Let outsiders do this kind of thing. Miss Qingshan should have the communication methods of those Red Moon-level players. Let’s determine the current situation first. Mianzi, are you sure that thing is just a guess as to whether you can see it, right? You try to stand up, pass through the other person’s body and move forward]

[Yotani Miko:...Do you want to do this? I see……】

[Gao Hai: The other party should not be able to have physical contact with you. After all, you two are not actually in the same space. So if you want to dispel any doubts, the best way is to pass through the opponent directly. Don’t worry, if you can’t get through and physical contact occurs, we will take action immediately and won’t put you in danger]

[Yitani Miko: Okay, okay, I believe Mr. Gao...]

After a brief mental communication, Miko stood up, stretched, and then walked forward.

Her steps were steady and her expression was calm.

On the surface, Gao Hai and Xiong Mi continued to communicate and pretended to analyze intelligence, but in fact their attention was completely focused on Miko's side.

The very scary-looking person in school uniform, who seemed to have been a female student in life, continued to stand motionless in front of her. He just raised his head and stared at the girl, just standing still.

The girl took steps.

One step forward, another step forward, just passing through that thing.

Feel nothing.

That thing did not seem to be in the same space as her, so there was no physical contact.

However, this may not be absolute. If I were really discovered by these things and could see them, I'm afraid things would be completely different.

【Can’t you see? Is it really strange, or is it that I have some sense and vaguely discovered it? 】

The manipulator was muttering in a low voice, manipulating the student to get closer, but the thing fell apart directly behind Miko and turned into rotten meat on the ground. No matter how the umbilical cord connected to the rotten flesh squirmed, there was no way to get this thing up again.

[Damn it, no more, these bodies are really bad! 】

The vicious curses disappeared as the umbilical cord shrank.

But Jianzi still didn't show any abnormality on his face. He was still standing among Gao Hai and Xiong Mi, and his behavior was no different from before.

Well... it's not that there is no difference at all. At least she is very unhappy and uncomfortable at the moment. It seems to Gao Hai that the emotions in her heart have been completely reflected in her pupils. However, the reason why Gao Hai could see Mianzi's emotional changes was mainly because after he fused Mianzi's flesh and blood spirit last week, it was equivalent to experiencing Mianzi's life, and his understanding of this girl had penetrated deep into his bones.

"Okay, we've almost rested enough, we have to move ahead."

Xiong Mi spoke at this time, and the "Goto No. 1" that had been sitting in the corner of the room, as if it had entered a standby state, also bounced up at this time, stretched out his hand, snapped his fingers, and said in a low voice "I It’s destiny].

"Is there a situation?"

Gao Haicai realized something was wrong in Xiong Mi's expression.

"There's something wrong with that Toyama Akira. He seems to have been assimilated by the hospital, and the same goes for Yotsuya's classmates. We can't stay here any longer. We must act now, otherwise we might not be able to leave in a while. ”

While talking, Xiong Mi looked out the window and towards the buildings in the hospital area.

At this moment, she could see figures in hospital gowns gathering together, raising their heads one after another to look in the direction of the hiding room.

Xiong Mi could feel that some kind of force was locking this place, and she realized that those [people who knew the true identity of her and the other two people] might do unpredictable things based on their memories of being alive after being assimilated by the hospital. action.

"Then let's go."

Gao Hai didn't hesitate, he looked at each other and nodded before opening the door.

Xiong Mi was the first to go out, responsible for confirming whether there were any ambushing monsters outside.

The second person to go out was the body made by the obsession object that had been readjusted to [manual operation mode] by Goto Ichiri, and thus restored to a hunched back state.

Jianzi was the third to go out, and Gao Hai was responsible for the safety of the rear behind her.

After stepping out of the corridor, after seeing the situation in the corridor and seeing those things that she had not seen before, the girl's footsteps more or less paused.

Chapter 73: Players' stealth operations are in progress

Jumping from the window on the third floor of the outpatient building, landing in the green area below.

Xiong Mi, who jumped first, landed silently, stood up lightly like a cat, then carefully looked around, and then signaled the people behind to follow.

The second person to jump was Gao Hai. With the strong control over his body brought by Hedar's blessing power, he also landed on the ground without any sound. Then, he turned around and opened his hands. The next moment, Jianzi, with a nervous expression, jumped down from the building with her eyes closed. Gao Hai caught her steadily and put her on the ground.


The girl's slightly tense body could be felt. It seemed that jumping from the height of the third floor was a bit too exciting for her. Of course, it was also possible that the girl's perception ability was further enhanced and she saw more things that she shouldn't have seen. But even if Gao Hai knew about that, he couldn't help her, after all, he couldn't see those things himself.

Finally, it was Goto Ichiri... or Goto No. 1. Ah, she chose the S-level evaluation of Devil May Cry 5V in the air taunt, that is, after three and a half rotations in the air, she knelt on one knee and opened her hands to praise the sun.

It has to be said that the character created by Pochi-chan based on herself is really interesting, but Gao Hai feels that if it continues like this, Pochi-chan herself is probably not far from complete social death. You have to know that the controllable character she created is actually operated by her, Zhenfei, and Chika at the same time, which means that all the social death operations performed by [Goto No. 1] with her face must have two bystanders at any time. For the sensitive girl Pochi-chan, this can be regarded as an extremely terrifying situation.

[This hospital... If I didn't know that this place is a copy world, I would probably think that this is actually a very normal place, right? ]

Zhenfei's voice came into Gao Hai's mind. He looked around. The heavy clouds in the sky dissipated a little at this time. The sun was shining on the tall buildings of the hospital. The green area planted with various flowers, plants, shrubs and small trees looked pleasing to the eye. There was no garbage on the various roads along the way. Well, how to say it, if you don't know what kind of a hell this place is, it's really a bit confusing at first sight.

Of course, it's only for people who haven't experienced it personally and are not in this place.

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