As long as you actually stay in this place, you will never have such thoughts. After all, even if Gao Hai couldn't perceive those scary things like Mianzi, he could still strongly sense the danger of the hospital itself. Even if the "abnormality" hidden under the surface of normality has not yet appeared, it is enough to arouse people's instinctive discomfort and fear. And as long as this feeling persists, Gao Hai will never misunderstand the essence of this place.

[I am responsible for opening the road. Be careful not to step on the green facilities, as this may trigger the caregiver rules]

After Xiong Mi casually said something in the spiritual link, he took the lead and walked forward.

It was already past 4:30 in the afternoon, and all the patients were taken to the outdoor ventilation area. Therefore, the hospital was empty, but there was nothing at the window that continued to spy on their actions.

However, even these people must move as carefully as possible, because along the way they have seen many people wearing nursing clothes and doctor's clothes walking past in a hurry. In order not to be discovered, they had to stop and hide frequently. He even had to back off the way he came from to avoid running into the other party.

This process is more dangerous than Gao Hai imagined. Those seemingly normal nurses and doctors seem to be more or less aware of their existence and aware that something is wrong around them. They often talk and see. He seemed to be walking forward smoothly, but then his footsteps suddenly turned and walked directly around them. Sometimes these nurses and doctors would even behave like they were clearly moving forward, but their bodies would slide smoothly toward the back or side. If it weren't for Xiong Mi's obsession to immobilize strange objects, Gao Hai could be sure that no matter how well he hid, he would be discovered by those things within three minutes at most.

[Is this because the rules of "arranging work" come into play? These things are outrageous enough]

Hiding with Miko all the way, it took Gao Hai more than half an hour to cross the green area around the men's cafeteria of the hospital, and he couldn't help but sigh in the spiritual connection.

[It seems that that kind of perception should have a distance limit. As long as they are not too close, they will only vaguely feel that there is someone here. Fortunately, I can only say that it's okay at this level. At least if you operate it properly, you can find a solution. It's not the kind of hide-and-seek that will kill you]

Xiong Mi seemed to be remembering some of his previous experiences, and there was a hint of reminiscence in his spiritual link voice.

【oh? What is the situation of mortal hide and seek? If you have time, let me tell you.]

Gao Hai secretly looked up from the small clearing behind the bushes and asked casually in the spiritual link. Yotsuya Miko carefully hid beside Gao Hai, like a little follower who never left her. At this time, she became curious after hearing Gao Hai's words in the spiritual link.

[This is a situation encountered in the Dark Night level dungeon. The dungeon was held in a mansion, and the underground was full of works of art that had been skinned and made into "dolls". We wake up in the mansion according to the rules and are forced to play a game of hide and seek with the monsters. But in fact, there are cameras hidden in the lights in every room in the dungeon, and as soon as we woke up, something like a signal transmitter was secretly stuffed somewhere on our body, so our actions were inconsistent from the beginning. Known]

[The monster seemed to be a madman who liked to torture his victims. Those cameras and signal transmitters are almost never found by the victims, so unless the player has strong perception ability or some kind of auxiliary obsession blessing, even if The eyes have seen the hidden cameras and signal transmitters, and the mind will subconsciously ignore them. The result was a hide-and-seek game. Before we even figured out what was going on, we had already lost more than half of our staff.]

[Of course, the people who are attriting are basically those players who spend all day in the dusk level dungeon, and only come to the night level dungeon when they have no choice. These people are not strong enough and have been paralyzed by the low difficulty of the dusk level dungeon for too long, so there is nothing they can do. I actually wanted to save a few of them at the time, but these guys were not even as obedient as the pure newcomers...]

Xiong Mi, who was lying down, crawled forward cautiously while sighing casually in the spiritual link.

Although it was just a few words, Gao Hai was sure that the experience of this old man at that time was probably quite dangerous. Being able to forcefully ignore the perception of most players is already a very outrageous ability, although it is not as powerful as Alice's direct manipulation of illusions to deceive people and monsters.

[So, Mr. Gao and Miss Xiong Mi will experience something like this every other month]

Jianzi also sighed softly in her heart. Because she didn't understand what sneaking was, she could only imitate Gao Hai's actions at the moment. But because of some of Gao Hai's experiences when he was young, he was quite experienced in how to sneak into investigations, so there was no problem with Mianzi, an obedient newcomer.

[Then how did Sister Xiong Mi crack the copy in the end? 】

Gao Hai looked around again, and after making sure there were no nurses or doctors around, he continued to move forward cautiously while continuing to chat with Xiong Mi in the spiritual link.

[My team encountered two attacks at that time, and we resolved them with the help of the obsession. Then two of the random players from the wild team fell. We thought about it for a while and found that we could not find a reasonable reason to be discovered, so we directly assumed that the strange creature could see our actions, and then we chose to rush to his house. Finally, we broke a monitor while trying to suppress the strange creature, and only after seeing the fragments of the thing did we remove the cognitive shield.]

Xiong Mi answered leisurely, as if a hero did not mention his past achievements.

And it was at this time that the voice of Goto Ichiri himself, who was responsible for the rear guard of the team, timidly sounded in the mental link.

[That, everyone... there seems to be something coming from behind]

It was not a patient, a nurse, or a doctor.

On the path in the green area, a person wearing a white uniform appeared. According to the rules in the patient record sheet that Jianzi got before, it should be a strange creature of the hospital management staff, and it was approaching the people here at a very fast speed.

The thing had obviously locked onto the position of Gao Hai and the others, and was moving straight ahead without turning. No... the thing was floating directly over, Goto Ichiri was very sure of this, because the legs of the thing didn't even move. And it actually passed through the bushes and trees directly, as if it was just a phantom that didn't exist, and moved straight towards the few people.

In the instant of coldness, Goto Ichiri was slightly startled, and found that blood-red marks appeared on the wall of his room at some point, and then realized that the power of the strange thing had begun to act on the real world.

Aoyama Nanami, who was guarding Goto Ichiri, reached out and gently tapped the table, and the power of the strange thing in the copy extending to the real world was forcibly terminated, and the blood marks on the wall disappeared.

But in the copy, the thing had already approached a considerable distance in the blink of an eye, and was about to come into face-to-face contact with Gao Hai and the others.

[Run! ]

Xiong Mi shouted in the mental link.

Gao Hai and Jianzi sped up and ran forward.

Xiong Mi, who was following behind, activated the power of blessing, so after a while, a nurse in the hospital smashed the window and fell from the upstairs, landing in the grass of the green area, then stood up and began to trample left and right to destroy the green.

The thing that was chasing straight up stopped for a short time at this moment, and more than a dozen nurses and doctors suddenly appeared around the originally empty green area, all of them gathered towards the nurse who destroyed the green.

After using a personality fragment buried in advance, Xiong Mi did not take it lightly, and walked a considerable distance with Gao Hai and others, and only slowed down a little after making sure that they were away from those things.

And behind the few people, when the nurse was torn to pieces by other weird things, a figure in a nurse's uniform did not participate in this meaningless carnival, but just passed by them silently, always looking at the direction where the players fled.

Chapter 74: Nursing Management Regulations and the World Seen by the Girl

Under the warm sunshine, the bushes and grass swayed gently in the breeze.

Gao Hai's footsteps moved forward quickly along the path in the green area, and he was surrounded by Xiong Mi Jianzi and others who followed him.

If he didn't know the nature of this place clearly, he might be deceived by the surface conditions of this place.

Looking at the flowers and plants around him, Gao Hai thought in his heart while carefully avoiding one or two small grasses that occasionally appeared on the road, making sure that he would pass through this area without stepping on anything.

The reason for doing this is very simple, because the caregiver management regulations brought by Jianzi clearly stated that "caregivers cannot destroy green areas". And just now, one of the rules has been verified, and the result is that the monster controlled by Xiong Mi with personality fragments was directly torn into French fries. It is obvious that the measures for dealing with violators here are quite primitive and radical, so it is better not to violate the rules.

As for the rules themselves, although Gao Hai only read them once, he has firmly remembered them in his heart.

【Guangben Psychiatric Hospital Nursing Management Regulations】

【Nursing staff of this hospital must strictly abide by the various management systems of the hospital, be responsible for patients, let patients feel at ease, and provide patients with meticulous care and help】

【1. Nursing staff of this hospital must undergo strict training before they can take up their posts. Nursing staff who have not completed training are not allowed to participate in the work of this hospital and are not allowed to enter the work area of ​​this hospital】

【2. Nursing staff of this hospital must strictly manage the daily life schedule of patients and must not disrupt the schedule of patients. If patients do not appear at the specified time and place to engage in the specified activities, it will be deemed that the corresponding nurses have dereliction of duty】

【3. Nursing staff of this hospital must do their best to complete the work assigned to them, and nursing staff can only enter the hospital area during work. During non-working hours, nursing staff can only be active in the employee cafeteria, employee lounge or public areas outside the city, and are not allowed to enter the work area】

【4. Nursing staff of this hospital have the responsibility to question any suspicious persons. All areas of this hospital except the outpatient building are not open to the public, and no unrelated personnel are allowed to enter. Once a suspicious person is found, he must be controlled immediately and reported to the management for management personnel to deal with it】

[5. The nursing staff of this hospital has the responsibility to take care of all public facilities in the hospital and shall not damage them, including various infrastructure and green areas within the hospital. They shall not damage them.]

[6. The nursing staff of this hospital has the responsibility to take appropriate protective measures for patients. In order to prevent patients from engaging in extreme behaviors such as self-harm and suicide, the nursing staff has the responsibility to take unlimited security measures to ensure the safety of patients’ lives.]

[7. The nursing staff of this hospital shall not communicate too much with patients who have not completed the treatment process. Only patients who have completed the treatment process and are about to recover can communicate normally. For patients receiving psychiatric treatment, too much external communication often has an adverse effect on the condition, and such influences need to be eliminated.]

[8. The nurses of this hospital are not allowed to leave their posts or be absent from work, and are not allowed to leave their posts for any reason. All nurses have the responsibility to supervise and check each other. For those who violate the rules, other nurses have the right to take measures to control them]

[9. All nurses who are confirmed to have violated the rules must receive lectures and retraining under the leadership of management personnel. The nurses who enter this hospital are nurses who agree with the working principles of this hospital. We will not give up on you easily, and we will definitely train you to be a serious and responsible good nurse]

It has to be said that compared with the rules of Alice's game, which are mixed with true and false, and full of pitfalls, Gao Hai thinks that this kind of rules is more friendly, even if the information is hidden, it can be quickly seen.

For now, the rules of this hospital still abide by the characteristics of [not being seen is not a violation], which is not bad.

"The building is in front, and it seems that there are not many people around now."

Xiong Mi, who was walking in the front, stopped and stood behind a tree to cover his body. He carefully observed the situation in front and spoke.

"It seems that the thing behind us has stopped chasing us. Yotsuya, are you okay?"

Takahashi, who was following behind, looked behind and observed for a while. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he looked at the girl beside him and asked.

"Yeah... it's okay..."

Jizi tried to keep her tone calm.

In her sight, this team was not just herself, Xiongmi, Takahashi and the "Goto No. 1", but a full eight people.

Of course, the four behind were not people, but deformed and distorted, very scary things.

They were originally wandering around in various places in this hospital. I don't know if it was because a few people passed by and attracted them, these things actually followed one by one, resulting in more and more things hanging behind the team.

And the key problem is not this.

The girl's eyes swept across the umbilical cords on those things.

That thing... is it an umbilical cord?

Those things that Gao Hai and others could not see, and only she could see, all had umbilical cords on them, and the umbilical cords were all connected to the sky, and no one knew where they were going.

Not only these things that could not be seen.

Those caregivers, those patients, and all the strange things that existed in this place.

Yotsuya Miko saw countless umbilical cords, one after another, connecting from those things to the sky, scattered on the ground, coiled on the buildings, crawling on the ground, and slowly moving among the bushes, turning the world in her sight into a hellish scene.

She did not look up.

The girl never looked up, and did not try to see what those umbilical cords were connected to.

Miko had a hunch.

If she looked up now, she would definitely be able to see clearly.

See what even Red Moon-level players could not see, and what everyone who had entered this dungeon had not been able to see so far.

But she also had another hunch.

That was if she really saw that thing clearly.

If she really understood that thing and knew its existence.

She will never be able to leave this place again.

That thing... is definitely not from [Tenghua Middle School]. It covers the entire world, the dungeon world of [campus ghost talk] mentioned by Mr. Gao. It is more terrifying and horrible than anything she has seen so far.

What exactly is it?

The girl secretly warned herself many times in her heart not to think about it.

But the more she emphasized this in her heart, the more she inevitably thought about it in her heart, thinking about the appearance and essence of that thing.

She didn't tell Gao Hai about this.

Because in her vague intuition, Jianzi always felt that if she said this, it might not solve the problem at all, but would cause new problems.

Even if she said it in the mental connection, it would definitely not work.

Even if she didn't know why, Jianzi just felt that. After saying this, something bad would definitely happen. As long as Gao Hai realized that all these weird things were connected to something and made him aware of the existence of that thing, something very bad would definitely happen, and it might even be irreversible.

So, Jianzi just kept silent, didn't say a word, pretended not to see anything, and continued to follow the team.

But even though he said that...

The girl looked at the building in front of her, at the one, two, three... she couldn't count them at all, but there were at least more than a hundred of them, densely sticking out from every corner of the building, stretching towards the blood-red umbilical cord in the sky, and she felt a little bad about the next exploration.

There are quite a lot of weird things in that building, why are there so many? It looks like just a very low building.

When thinking about this, the girl followed the other people and took a step forward, and was about to move forward from behind the bushes where they were hiding.

At this time, a light voice suddenly sounded behind Jianzi.


The voice of a classmate calling her was very familiar.

At this moment, Jianzi felt terrified and almost completely stiffened.

A small hand was already on her shoulder.

Chapter 75: The girls who could not survive and the difficult stealth process

The voice that sounded from behind was the voice of Iyano Rika.

It sounded like the same as usual, the voice of my classmate Kenno Rika.

However, it shouldn't be heard at this time and in this place.

Obviously, the other party should still be in the hospital, and should still be locked in the ward. It should be impossible for her to appear here.

At that moment, Jianzi almost subconsciously turned her head, and then suddenly woke up and stopped her movements.

But the "Goto No. 1" who followed her, who seemed to have nothing special except for being funny since his debut, suddenly stopped at this time, and Goto Ichiri in the real world took a deep breath, and a glimmer appeared in his pupils at this moment. Then the "Goto No. 1" in the copy picked up a stone from the ground and threw it in a certain direction. Those who found Jianzi immediately changed their targets and chased in the direction of the stone.

This is Goto Ichiri's blessing from a shrine maiden in a shrine dungeon. It is also an extremely rare blessing. It is a dusk-level blessing, but it can be used without much suppression in a red moon-level dungeon.

The power of this blessing is very simple. It is to select an item that you can find and replace it with a person you have set.

For example, if a player accidentally triggers a strange rule and is about to be wiped out, Ichiri can use a blessing on this player to replace the player with an object next to him, such as a cabinet, a stone, or even a spider web. In this way, when the strange triggers the rule to kill, it will attack the cabinet, stone, or spider web, and the player who actually violated the rule will be ignored, thus getting a chance to survive.

The reason why this blessing can work regardless of the difficulty of the dungeon is very simple, because its target is not the strange, but the person. No matter how the difficulty of the dungeon changes, the attributes of the players participating in the dungeon are always stable, and generally no one will resist Ichiri's use of blessings, so her blessing often works wonders.

At this moment, she used the stone she picked up and Yotsuya Miko's identity to call out, so that the things chasing Miko would mistake the stone for Miko herself, thus interrupting the pursuit of Miko.

"Be careful!"

Xiong Mi had turned around suddenly and aimed his bronze eyes at the thing that appeared.


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