Xiong Mi stabbed the seemingly incomparably hard bone staff into his body, and then with the roar of the instrument, the bone staff quickly disappeared, and Gao Hai felt that the thing in his body became more complete at this moment, like a gradually perfected puzzle, becoming more and more powerful.


Gao Hai's voice did not fluctuate at all, but he spoke calmly.

The third obsession was a bowl of broth.

It was called broth, but in fact, after being released, this obsession quickly expanded, and the flesh and blood inside kept surging and flowing out, and it seemed that all the flesh and blood of the idol Alice were inside.

Xiong Mi was calm and stabbed the needle into the twisted filth.

And Gao Hai closed his eyes, feeling the increasingly perfect monster trapped in his body, and took a deep breath.


The last obsession was a necklace made of Alice's eyes.

Skin, flesh, bones, the first three obsessions correspond to Alice's own body level, but the fourth obsession is just eyes. Gao Hai guessed that Alice's ability may rely on her vision, so [eyes] occupy a very important position in Alice's composition structure.

However, compared with what he is doing now, this kind of trivial matter does not need to be too concerned.

There is no need to use the instrument anymore. After Gao Hai has absorbed the three obsessions that store Alice, he swallowed the fourth obsession directly and swallowed the necklace into his stomach. Then the four obsessions completely merged into one and restored to a complete Alice.

Every muscle and every pore in the body seemed to be spasming violently.

The strange thing that merged into the body was trying to control Gao Hai's consciousness and completely destroy his self.

Hirano Sosuke's figure has appeared behind Gao Hai, wearing a dirty police uniform, holding a pistol and standing silently in place, but he did not kill Gao Hai like he did in the previous three rounds, but just stood there motionless.

Xiong Mi took a step back silently, watching Gao Hai standing still at this time with vigilance. Although she was extremely worried in her heart and had been cheering for him silently, she had to be prepared for the possibility that Gao Hai's action would fail and everything would return to the original state. As the only Red Moon-level player in the dungeon area now, if an accident really happened, she must be the one at the forefront, and the only one who could stand at the forefront.

But this time, perhaps it was indeed the God of Luck who was protecting him. Gao Hai stood there trembling for a long time, and finally opened his eyes, let out a long breath, and looked up at the court not far away.

"Hu... Let's go..."

He is still Gao Hai.

Even though Alice's voice almost drowned out his perception, even though the endless distorted illusion almost tore his nerves apart, even though his whole body was sending an increasingly strong sense of confusion that something had taken control of his body, he still persisted, continued to stay awake, and maintained absolute control over his body.

He took a step forward and moved forward.

Hirano Sosuke followed on one side, silently following behind Gao Hai.

The victims in this chaotic area also appeared at this time and followed in silence.

There were also those students in school uniforms whose bodies had been distorted to the point that their original appearance could not be seen. They also walked among the victims and moved forward together.

Xiong Mi put a small ornament on Gao Hai's body. This was a small gadget that Goto Ichiri brought in with the power of the obsession. With this thing, other players would regard Gao Hai as "Goto No. 1" and not pay too much attention to him unless they were in the dungeon to conduct a careful investigation on Gao Hai.


Gao Hai pushed open the door of the court.

And behind him, those teachers, those researchers, those nurses and managers of the mental hospital, all the weird creatures who were the perpetrators, had already caught up at a very fast speed, accompanied by an increasingly fierce cold breath.

[Guilty! ]

The voice of the verdict has already sounded at this moment.

[Alice created by Fujika Middle School]

[The researchers who created the hell of Fujika Middle School]

[And all those who aided the evil, helped the tiger, assisted Alice in doing evil, and coveted Alice's power and did evil, all are guilty! ]

The players who had received Xiong Mi's notice before and had made preparations early had started the trial again.

And this time, everyone clearly felt the movement of the entire copy and realized that they were on the right path.

[Alice did nothing wrong, Alice just wanted to make friends]

Gao Hai could hear the voice of that thing, and heard it speak leisurely in his body.

[Injury and death are facts visible to the naked eye. No matter what reasons are used to modify them, the nature of evil deeds cannot be changed.]

[Evil deeds are evil deeds. No matter who commits evil deeds, it will not change the harm that evil deeds themselves cause to others.]

[You are guilty.]

It was difficult for Gao Hai to tell whether it was the voices of the players or the sounds of something else mixed in.

He could only feel that more and more voices were mixed together, and more and more people were speaking together, refuting the arguments of the monster sealed in his body.

[Alice knows nothing~]

And that thing just continued to speak in a playful tone.

[Alice will not make mistakes, Alice just wants to make friends]

[Everyone knows that Alice has not done anything bad, and everything has nothing to do with Alice]

[So Alice is of course innocent~]

The girl's voice and those responding voices did not seem to be exactly the same as the court process in sight.

In a trance, Gao Hai realized that his gathering and imprisoning of Alice, and the players' opening of the court, essentially gathered the forces existing in two different locations in the Fujika Middle School copy. In a sense, it can be said that the voices of the players he heard were actually the victims, the students who died tragically, and Hirano Sosuke's voices. And Alice's voice represents Alice herself, as well as her assistants and creators, those who caused one tragedy after another.

[Alice is guilty]

[The researcher who created Alice and completely lost his humanity is guilty, and the person who assisted Alice in committing evil acts is guilty]

[You are all guilty and must pay the price for your actions! ]

[Alice is innocent~]

[We have not done anything wrong, everyone will like us, no one will blame us, everyone is like this, but you few people insist on being different, it is you who are wrong]

[All of us are innocent, and you slanderers are the ones who made mistakes and should be punished~]

The voices are intertwined.

Gao Hai, who felt that his eardrums were almost torn, could hear that the sounds on both sides were becoming more and more harsh and sharp. At this moment, it was like an earthquake and tsunami that continuously impacted his nerves and thinking.

The voices belonging to the players and the victims were gradually becoming weaker.

The victims basically remained silent.

The people who are speaking out now are basically players, and those players are not in the dungeon area after all. They are not as powerful as Alice here, and they are not as powerful as the weird creatures that have already entered the court and made noisy noises.

[Guilty... guilty... innocent... innocent...]

Things are turning around step by step, returning to the original development in history step by step.

Alice, who is imprisoned in Gao Hai's body, is breaking free from her shackles little by little, and is using the trial ceremony of this court to escape from the [cage] imposed on her by Gao Hai.

Is she going to lose because her voice is not loud enough?

Gao Hai, who did not expect that the ceremony would go wrong at this point, widened his eyes, tried to resist Alice's will, opened his mouth, and wanted to shout at this moment, and join the camp formed by the players to attack Alice.

But before that, Gao Hai had already sensed the emergence of another force.

[What a joke, it's really disgusting! ]

[Fans who like such idols are all mentally ill guys, right? These people should all be shot.]

[No matter what, this is impossible to be innocent, right? Even if we compare it to the Ayase case, it won’t work, right? The parties in this case are already adults. What kind of judge would do such a thing!?]

The voices of the players are getting louder and louder.

What’s going on?

The number of those players has not increased.

There is no sense of using any particularly powerful obsessions.

What on earth is this…

[Haijun, we have modified the supernatural elements of the Alice case in Fujika Junior High School and exposed the relevant information of these cases. Now the exposure is increasing, and it will soon form a consensus recognized by the vast majority of people. Are you okay? Hold on for a while!]

The voice of the real princess sounded at this time through the mental link.

The power of the players, which was originally suppressed little by little, began to expand little by little, and more voices began to emerge, gradually overshadowing the voices on the other side, and completely overwhelmed the so-called "mainstream" voices that had appeared in the court decades ago.


More and more people are answering and expressing their inclinations.


More and more cognitions are beginning to converge. Under the operation of the players, with the help of the manipulation of the network platform and the influence of the obsession, a huge cognitive force is gathered, crushing the voices lingering here step by step.


Finally, Alice's voice can no longer be heard. Finally, those noisy voices, those defending Alice's voices, and those self-defense voices are completely overwhelmed, and there is no sound at all.

The trial, which was originally more or less formal, seems to have become a game of two people arguing and competing for who is louder, but it is precisely this simple and crude method that actually achieved the effect. Perhaps, it is because the trial that year was actually in this situation in essence, that is, those supporters of Alice used a louder voice to cover the victim, leaving those people with only silence.

[…I don’t accept the verdict, I don’t accept it]

There was a faint voice mixed in with the voices of the players.

As Alice's movements were suppressed, Gao Hai, who gradually felt relieved, turned his head and saw the shadows of the victims. He saw that among the silent figures, there was a figure whose mouth was gently moving.

[Mr. Hirano is not a sinner, he is a hero, he is a real hero...]

A new voice mixed in, and Gao Hai saw another originally silent voice speak.

[Alice killed my daughter. No matter what her reason was, killing is killing. She is guilty and there is no reason to escape punishment]

[The real guilty people are you, you bastards who indulged Alice! ]

[Nonsense, the evidence is clearly in front of you, you are the criminals who should go to hell! ! ! ]

More and more voices sounded.

All the silent figures raised their heads at this moment, and made sounds at this moment, making a roaring vibration, shaking the entire court, causing violent vibrations in this broken and twisted world.

Alice's movements can still be felt.

She should still be saying something, whether it was an excuse or something else, she should still be saying something.

But Gao Hai could no longer hear the sound of this thing.

The voices of her supporters, and the voices of all the weird things in the position of the perpetrators, were completely inaudible at this moment.

The positions were completely reversed at this moment.

These evil things became the silent party at this moment.

The conditions have been met.

Gao Hai knew that it was time for changes to occur next.


A small crack appeared on the ground at this moment.


A large number of cracks began to spread in various places.


All things were covered by cracks at this moment, until nothing could remain intact, until nothing could remain unscathed.

Broken, at this moment, covered the entire world, and destroyed everything with the terrifying roar.

Chapter 89: The Judgement of the Dark Twisted Thing

A shrill howl sounded in his ears.

In the seemingly endless fall, Gao Hai could feel the monster still trapped in his body, howling miserably.

"Ah, ah, this is a big break."

He couldn't help but sigh softly.

[Impossible... Impossible Impossible... Alice is not wrong, Alice just wants to make friends, Alice just wants friends, Alice is not wrong, Alice is not wrong, not wrong, not wrong, not wrong——]

Gao Hai felt that his eardrums were about to burst in the noisy sound, but how to say it, he was only in a happy mood now, only extremely happy, so happy that the expression on his face was completely distorted, and turned into a facial expression that only people in the second dimension would have.

Everything around him was becoming more and more broken.

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