Just like the last scene in the Red Nut Grey Cave, the original intact copy scene is collapsing violently and is collapsing step by step.

However, the Red Nut Grey Cave collapsed because Andres, one of the core obsessions, fulfilled his last wish and rested in peace. The reason why this place has changed is apparently due to the changes in the victims.

Gao Hai can see the victims who are gradually disappearing, those who cannot rest in peace and are hurt by Alice, and the students of Fujika Middle School. These figures have lost their original constraints with the judgment set by the court under the control of the players, and gradually broke free from this copy and gained real rest.

[Impossible... Impossible... Alice is not wrong... Alice is not wrong...]

The voice screamed and wailed in Gao Hai's body.

Such a posture is really ugly and miserable.

However, rather than saying that this thing is throwing a tantrum after failure, it is better to say that it has been shattered by its own cognition.

For Alice, she truly believed that the torture and killing she was doing was making friends, and was the right, beautiful, and reasonable behavior. Even though there had always been voices opposing and refuting it in the past, because there were always supporters and people who told her that it was right to do so, her cognition had never changed, and she had always been moving in a more determined and stubborn direction.

But now, all her cognitions were shattered.

This was the first time for her to experience such a thorough and complete destruction of everything. No... Actually, it was the second time, but the first time it felt so frustrated, it was only one person. But this time, it found that the whole world was standing against it, countless voices drowned it, turning it and its supporters into a minority, and completely shattering everything it had built. Such a thing, such a failure, was something it had never experienced before, and it could not accept it anyway.

[Alice... Obviously she was a good child...]

[Alice has always been very good... Alice has always listened to the teacher...]

[Alice has always been doing what everyone expected... Why was Alice wrong...]

The fall had stopped.

Gao Hai stood up from the broken ruins, from the ruins filled with foul smells, consisting of building fragments and human corpses, and Alice's pitiful voice was still in his ears.

"Shut up, what's the point of saying so much nonsense?"

Gao Hai, who was scolded by a blunt word, just took a step forward, and then he couldn't help but sit on the ground.

The ruins were still shaking violently.

As the collapse of the copy itself continued to accelerate, [Fujika Middle School] was heading towards destruction little by little.

The shadow was enlarging.

Gao Hai looked up and saw that the teaching building of Fujika Middle School was falling towards him.


Boom! ! !

In the sound of the explosion, Gao Hai, who had activated the blessing, accelerated suddenly and dodged before the building fell.

[Alice wants friends... Alice just wants friends...]

The voice of the weird creature in his mind was gradually getting smaller.

Gao Hai was slightly stunned. He found that the breath of this thing was getting weaker. Its power was far less powerful than before. Even if he no longer focused on suppressing it with willpower, Alice could no longer break through Gao Hai's body, control him or escape from him.

This is... So that's it. This thing is the type of [cognition is existence].

After a short thought, Gao Hai finally knew the essence of [Alice] and the characteristics of this thing.

Alice, who is neither human nor weird, has the characteristics of both. It is like a complex information body. It can have human wisdom and sensibility, and it can also have the terrible power and rule characteristics of weird things, but in contrast, this thing must have the [cognition] of others to survive.

The students who died before, the victims, can provide cognition of [Alice] and ensure its existence. But now the copy itself has been destroyed, and more and more weird things have left the copy and found peace. They can recognize the gradual reduction of Alice, and this thing has begun to become weak and lose its original power.

What is certain is that when the core obsession rests, when this copy completely collapses, Gao Hai will absorb those researchers, those who cannot rest in peace and support Alice or those who created Alice into the watch. Alice, who has completely lost the source of cognition, will basically disappear, which is equivalent to death.

However, there are still players who remember it, and those netizens from all over the world know a modified and deleted Alice. However, judging from the changes in this thing, it seems that the cognition of living people can provide limited existence, or it cannot be as fanatical as fans or as extreme as victims. There is no way to maintain Alice's distorted existence. So even if someone can still remember its existence in the future, it cannot change the fact that it is about to die now.

[Alice... What did she do wrong... Alice has been doing what everyone said... Always trying to make friends...]

The voice of nagging continued.

Gao Hai sighed again, and finally felt impatient.

"Stop pretending, okay? Do you think I don't know? In fact, you have always known what you are doing. You know your true nature very well. What's the point of continuing to pretend here? This is the ending you deserve."

With that said, Gao Hai stepped forward and quickly found the unconscious Miko lying in a pile of rubble.

It seems that this girl must have sensed something when the world was shattered, otherwise she would not be in this state. Speaking of which, he fell from a considerable height this time, equivalent to falling to the ground from more than ten floors, but Gao Hai was still unscathed even if he didn't activate the blessing. At this moment, Mianzi, who he finally found, was not injured either. It seemed that he was injured. Some force protected them?

[Alice...is it wrong to want friends? 】

Alice, who finally realized that Gao Hai was talking to her, said confusedly at this moment.

"Do you want to make friends by torturing others and making others' lives worse than death? Do the people you 'make friends' with regard you as your friends? Don't you know the answer to this question? Go there honestly. Damn it, I'm tired of this shit."

Gao Hai, who checked Miko to make sure she was fine, answered Alice and planned to pick up Miko and take her away.

But it was also at this moment that a strong hallucination suddenly covered everything.

Gao Hai found that the surroundings had changed back to the teaching building of Tenghua Middle School, and he found that he was back in the classroom of Class 015, the second grade of junior high school. In the seats around him, students were still sleeping, and the flames of candles were still burning.

It's like everything is back to how it was at the beginning, like nothing has happened yet.

But Gao Hai just sneered at this, and then all the illusions collapsed instantly.

"You can no longer cover my senses."

He spoke in a low voice, and Alice's increasingly hysterical voice followed.

[No... No, no, no... Teacher, teacher, come and be Alice’s friend. Teacher knows Alice so well, he will definitely be Alice’s friend, it’s definitely possible! Certainly possible! 】


A drop of water fell on Gao Hai's forehead.

The light disappears at this moment.

He returned to the narrow crevices of the Red Nut Ash Cave, and returned to the nightmare of being stuck in a rock crevice and unable to escape for more than a month.

But this scene also disappeared in the next moment.

"Okay, what you did just now was really scary. If you used this as the first move, maybe I might actually be deceived."

Gao Hai sighed, and then he saw scary-looking porcelain dolls surrounding him from all directions, and saw the boiling water falling from his head.

Of course, such a scene still could not be maintained.

The Alice sealed in his body seems to have merged with the Alice parasitic in his mind in some way, so it can create various nightmare scenes based on Gao Hai's experience. I have to say that this thing is quite good at struggling to the death. However, Gao Hai already knew that this thing was at the end of its rope and would not be fooled by it at all.


There were footsteps approaching from behind.

Gao Hai turned around and saw Hirano Sosuke who was loading his pistol and walking towards him step by step.

Alice's scream became particularly harsh at this moment.

Countless images and sounds came at each other at this moment, almost tearing Gao Hai's senses to pieces.

But he just stood up, faced Hirano Sosuke, stood motionless, and waited calmly.

Gun raised.

Pull the trigger.


The bullet penetrated Gao Hai's body.

And he was still standing there, with no wounds on his body.

Alice, who had long, silky golden hair, stumbled back, clutching her chest that had been shot through by a bullet, and fell to her knees. She raised her head with a dull expression and looked at Gao Hai, who turned around to look at him, and walked away. Arriving next to Takami, Hirano Sosuke continued to aim his gun.

Chapter 90: The moment of destruction that the evil thing will surely usher in

Dark red blood gradually seeped out.


Pain is nothing but something that doesn't matter. For her who was born in endless blood and death, no matter how cruel the pain is, she will not be moved.

She just couldn't understand such a thing, couldn't understand that person.

When that figure stepped over the ardent fans, knocked down the security guards, and arrived in front of her, all she could imagine was that another fan with extreme violent tendencies was pursuing her fanatically.

But what the figure did next was to pull out a pistol and pull the trigger on himself.


After the gunfire rang out, Alice took a moment to realize what was happening and took a step back. Then two more bullets penetrated her body, and she fell to the stage with her eyes wide open.

And the figure had already passed over her body and ran towards the back of the stage, with no intention of looking at her again.

The roars and screams of the fans, the sounds of chasing footsteps and gunshots, and the chaotic sounds of the person and her fans were engaged in a fierce chase, but for Alice, her consciousness was still there. The three bullets that penetrated his body stayed at the moment when the other party pointed the gun at him.


Alice couldn't understand it.

Obviously everyone likes her so much.

Obviously everyone is deeply infatuated with her.

Obviously no one has ever shown any disgust or rejection towards her.

She has always had such a smooth journey, never encountered any trouble, and no one had any ill will towards her. Even the family members and friends of the victim, those who no longer like her because they lost their loved ones, cannot have too strong a bad feeling towards her. This is her talent, this is her power, it is something she has had since birth, and is equivalent to instinct for her.

But why do such different people exist?


Totally incomprehensible...

She still remembered that night. After losing her [living body], her uncanny side began to strengthen and she had to return to Touka Middle School and the place where she was born.

In order to ensure that she could regain full control over Fujika Middle School, she controlled the selected fans to cut herself into pieces and hide them in four different areas of the school. And in the process, she recalled the identity of the assassin and learned that he was actually a survivor of the experiment at Fujika Middle School.

Then, the man caught up and chased him into the school.

He tracked four fans separately and entered four research areas underground at Fujika Middle School.

As for the strange creatures that began to come alive with Alice's return, Hirano Sosuke had basically had contact with them when he was a student, so he had no difficulty in dealing with them. At most, he would only be blocked for a while.

He killed the first fan, the second, the third...

It wasn't until he faced the last fan that some abnormal power began to appear. At this time, he realized that Alice's power was affecting his cognition, and was eroding his spirit step by step in a subtle way.


But he still pulled the trigger without any hindrance.

【Why don't you like Alice? 】

She finally asked out of curiosity.

Compared with the pain of physical death and the casualties of fans, this incident is what puzzles Alice the most.

[I will never like you, and I will never be your friend. The only thing I want to do when I stand here is to eliminate you here, so that you will never have the possibility of hurting others, except There is no other possibility]

Hirano Sosuke just answered in a cold tone.

[Hehehe, but Alice wants to be friends with you, let’s be friends together]

At that time, she was not aware of the other person's specialness. She just used her own power to erode his spirit more violently, hoping to completely defeat him and transform him into a person no different from those fans.

But she failed.

Even if the survivors who came out of Fujika Middle School had a certain degree of resistance, they should not continue to maintain their sanity after she was so cautiously eroded.

But her actions were indeed unsuccessful. The man still stood tall, his spirit was like steel, so that no matter how hard she exerted her strength, she could not defeat him or transform him.

[Why can’t you be Alice’s friend? 】

She asked again.


And he didn't talk to her at all. He just shot two more shots to confirm the last fan's complete death.

[Everyone wants to be friends with Alice, and Alice wants to be friends with everyone, so why can’t you? 】

Her voice was accompanied by strong hallucinations, constantly destroying his senses.

But he still just stood there indifferently, without even the slightest wavering from beginning to end.

【The only thing I can do is to destroy you】

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