First of all, let’s compare the two rule sheets collected so far.

The "Day Management Regulations" and the "Napping Room Rules" are the only rule sheets found so far, and both rule sheets can be confirmed to be rule sheets for Zaoli Elementary School that are still in operation, which means that they were created before the copy was formed. The previous one was a serious rule sheet written by a living person for living people to read.

Both of these rule sheets clearly contain extremely deliberate weirdness.

First of all, one thing both codes have in common is that they emphasize that students must always be in the teacher's sight and are never allowed to leave the teacher's observation range. As long as there is a student out of the teacher's sight, he must mobilize his strength to find it. The class may even have to be stopped for this, and the students in the nap room will also be restricted and not allowed to leave. This emphasis gave Gao Hai a very strange feeling, as if the rule itself was implying that "there will be danger if you leave the teacher's sight."

Secondly, the second common point between the two codes is that they emphasize that no ghost stories and rumors about ghosts and ghosts are allowed to be spread. Among them, the day management regulations state that no rumors are allowed to be spread, while the nap room deliberately emphasizes that no rumors are allowed to be spread. Nap Room Rumors.

The more you emphasize it, the more it seems like you are trying to hide something. It stands to reason that these two codes were used when Zaoli Elementary School was still in operation. So, can it be considered that the rules themselves are deliberately inductive?

What is the characteristic of a child? Isn’t it rebellious?

The more you don't let me do anything, the more you don't allow me to do anything. Even here at Zaoli Elementary School, there are even meanings that I can't even think about. So when I see the children who have heard such rules, it's really... Will you obey the instructions honestly?

Gao Hai vaguely felt that the two codes were actually cooperating to induce students to believe that "people who escape the teacher's sight will encounter incredible things" and "some strange rumors in Zaoli Elementary School are likely to happen" It’s true] these two things.

Then, the third thing the two rules have in common is the emphasis on [punishment]. Teachers can use corporal punishment for disobedient children. In Gao Hai's view, corporal punishment has completely different effects depending on the intensity of execution. of. Too harsh and cruel corporal punishment will cause the child's personality to be almost broken. Punishment that is too light will not achieve effective results and may even have counterproductive effects. As the executors, how will the teachers of Zaoli Primary School implement this so-called corporal punishment? What about corporal punishment?

Considering how bad teachers like Touka Middle School who were researchers were, Gao Hai felt that it was best not to have too high expectations about Hayachi Elementary School.

Then, after talking about the commonalities, it’s time to talk about the differences.

In other words, the two completely unrelated contents of these two rules should be the most sinister in Gao Hai's opinion.

The last rule of the "Day Management Regulations" requires children to identify their parents' eyes, nose and mouth in order before they can go home with their parents. Then there is an inexplicable reference to the strange requirement of waiting 10 minutes after a child cries. The "Napping Room Rules" mention that when the time exceeds 13:50, teachers who fail to leave the nap room must stay in it. In this case, the school must find another teacher to replace the teacher's work.

These two rules respectively point to the two identities of [parent] and [teacher]. Although there are not many clues collected so far, Gao Hai has no way to tell which direction it is pointing to, but he can be sure that it is definitely not a good direction.


What role does the darkness in the children's mouth play in these two rules?

A monster that captures children who break the rules? A wizard who turns people into puppies? Or something else? The graffiti depicting [darkness] are all human shapes composed of chaotic black lines. The children I saw in the nap room all turned into something similar to blackness. This monster... this is probably... What the heck is this thing created by researchers at Zaori Elementary School?

And most importantly, why does the Zaoli Elementary School dungeon have such an extremely frequent reset and lookback mechanism? It can almost be said that players will be backtracked if they are not careful, and once they are backtracked, they will immediately lose their previous memories. If there is no way to immediately recall lost memories, mental harm is inevitable when these memories are restored.

This mechanism can be said to be extremely torture for players, and Gao Hai can't think of any good way to deal with this mechanism. At present, the only self-checking method he can use is to check pistol bullets. After all, Hirano Sosuke's pistol bullets are limited. By judging the number of bullets, he can confirm whether he has been backtracked. This is Very effective.

But, what does this mechanism have to do with Zaoli Elementary School?

How did a school where a group of elementary school students live create such perverted things? Are the researchers at Zaoli Elementary School conducting experiments on memory function at the same time? Where exactly will the contact point be?

Gao Hai thought hard.

Gao Hai failed to draw a conclusion.

Regardless, too little information was obtained.

On the first day of exploring the dungeon, most of it was wasted on repetitive meaningless exploration. Even if he was not as embarrassed as Kaguya and was directly stuck in an infinite loop, the actual places he explored were only a few rooms. That’s all.

We still need to investigate further. Tsk... With the existence of the backtracking mechanism, it is too difficult to avoid meaningless actions that waste time.

At present, Gao Hai can only confirm that in the small bedroom of Ji Gang where he first woke up, [Hide under the bed] and [Check the closet] will trigger backtracking, and the backtracking generated by these two behaviors has a certain degree of lag. In Kaguya's bedroom, [Hide under the bed] and [Open the window] will cause backtracking. The former has a delay, while the latter takes effect immediately.

Gao Hai is not sure about the mechanisms of other areas at present, but it can be confirmed that if you just pass through the room or just conduct a relatively superficial investigation, it will generally not trigger backtracking. But if you want to conduct a careful investigation of the room, it is possible that a certain behavior has violated a hidden rule, and then it will cause backtracking and all explorations will fail.

So, what should we do?


While Gao Hai was thinking silently, the girl lying on him made a low sound and slowly opened her eyes.

That pair of crimson eyes just stared at Gao Hai.

Silence lasted for a moment, and then the pair of ruby-like eyes moved slightly, roughly confirming the current situation.

"Hey, did you sleep well?"

Gao Hai waved his hand and asked with a smile.

"Um... Um hey hey hey?!"

And Kaguya's wailing finally woke up completely, and then resounded throughout the small room the next moment.

Chapter 13: Shinomiya Kaguya's idiot mode and self-examination method

Kaguya's expression was very embarrassed.

At this moment, she couldn't even look at Gao Hai. As long as the other party's eyes looked over a little bit, she would become restless.

How could she do such a shameless behavior?

As long as Kaguya recalled that she opened her eyes a few minutes ago and found herself lying on Gao Hai's chest, she felt that her brain seemed to have turned into a ball of paste, and even the basic thinking ability was about to be unable to maintain.

I just wanted to lean on him at first, but how come I woke up and lay on him?

This kind of thing... This kind of thing... Throwing myself into his arms is like a shameless and vulgar woman. Gao Jun won't think I'm a frivolous girl, right? Shouldn't I?

Shinomiya Kaguya was a little panicked.

Even though Gao Hai didn't express any opinions now and didn't seem to care about this matter, Kaguya herself couldn't calm down and look at what happened just now with her usual calm and indifferent attitude.

In her opinion, love is essentially no different from war. Therefore, if you don't have a firm grasp, you can't act easily; if you decide to act, you must let the other party fall; if you want to let the other party fall, you can't let yourself sink into it first.

It is precisely because of this awkward idea that although Kaguya had planned to intervene in Gao Hai's emotional life and deepen her connection with him a long time ago, she did almost nothing in action. She just made plans with the help of Hayasaka Ai (causing Hayasaka Ai to work 2 hours a day), and then overturned all these plans (Hayasaka Ai's blood pressure +1), and stayed in the precursor of preparing for action.

Kaguya thought that the best situation should be that Gao Hai fell in love with her and completely immersed in her charm (Hayasaka Ai's blood pressure +2), but this idea was persuaded many times by her maid Hayasaka Ai, and now Kaguya has almost given up this possibility. Therefore, taking a step back, it should be that both she and Gao Hai fell for each other, but she must be later (Hayasaka Ai's blood pressure +3). Anyway, it must not be that Gao Hai was indifferent, but she herself had already completely fallen.

Not to mention how much blood pressure and fatigue these childish and unrealistic plans increased Hayasaka Ai's, at least Kaguya's own thoughts were still very obvious, that is, she did not want to be in a passive and weak position in her relationship. In a sense, this is why she did nothing after she decided to deepen her relationship with Gao Hai, even though such a long time had passed. She was almost a complete outsider watching the show.

But now, after suddenly losing her most trusted maid Hayasaka Ai, and reaching her extreme fatigue and fear, the girl still instinctively made an intimate move towards Gao Hai, the only person she could rely on now.

Leaning against the other person, after accidentally knocking Gao Hai to the ground, she continued to stick to him, and directly shrank into Gao Hai's arms.

Such a thing must be an accident. Yes, I am not the kind of person who would do such a thing when I am not conscious!


Gao Hai's voice came into Kaguya's ears at this time, temporarily freeing her from her chaotic thoughts.

She turned her head and looked at Gao Hai, whose expression did not change at all. The corners of her mouth trembled slightly. After a short pause, Kaguya... couldn't say anything.

What should I say now?

Why did Gao Jun suddenly call my name?

Was he talking about something before but I didn't notice it?

Wait, have I been in a daze for so long? Oh, no, I have no idea how long I was in a daze?

Is it possible that Mr. Gao has been staring at me just now, watching me showing this embarrassing look the whole time?

No, no, no, what on earth am I thinking?

"...Ahem, are you awake, Kaguya? It's almost time to discuss the next action. This safe house can still exist for about 40 minutes. After this time is over, we will return to the dungeon, and directly Go back to the living room where we were besieged just now, and we need to confirm how to act before going back. "

Gao Hai's voice sounded again at this time, pulling Kaguya out of his random thoughts again.

"Ah? I, I know, well, it's best to use something that we can detect immediately, which is completely different from the state when we enter the instance? In this way, even if we are backtracked, we can still realize that there is something wrong with us. I found the problem and realized that I probably didn’t just enter the dungeon state.”

Seeing Gao Hai's increasingly serious expression, Kaguya coughed lightly at this moment, and finally became serious, and did not let herself continue to fall into an idiotic state.

By the way, the state Kaguya was in just now felt completely like the sand sculpture style in the original work. Hmm... I suddenly wanted to know what she was thinking about in that state, but now was not a good time, so she might as well focus on business.

Gao Hai, who felt a little regretful in his heart, had to admit that it was actually quite fun to watch Kaguya's continuous face changes. Before, he had never realized that this cold-faced girl could make so many funny and cute expressions. It was almost like It's like changing the operating system.

"In my case, I would use [pistol bullets] to remind me that this thing is the most suitable for me."

As Gao Hai spoke, he summoned Hirano Sosuke's obsession pistol and ejected the magazine inside.

At this moment, there are a total of 10 bullets in the magazine, which are all full.

Because Gao Hai's first shot was before entering the dungeon, and more than 24 hours have passed since then, and his gun is now full of bullets. So Gao Hai only had to check his pistol to realize that he had been in the dungeon for more than a day.

And in order to remind himself to check the bullets, Gao Hai also wrote the words "Check the bullets and rewrite each time" on his hand. He can be sure that he will understand the problem after seeing this line of text, realize that this is his previous self hinting at the backtracking mechanism in the copy, and remember to rewrite this line of text on his hand every time he backtracks. , so as not to forget to check because the handwriting disappears due to multiple backtracking.

However, although she could confirm this problem, Kaguya did not have such a convenient blessing mechanism to remind herself, so she had to use other methods.

"Maybe I can also write on my hand to remind me that, well, I just need to think carefully about what I write."

After listening to Gao Hai's self-examination method, Kaguya nodded slightly and started thinking.

This won't be easy.

After just thinking for a moment, Kaguya thought of the biggest difference between herself and Gao Hai, that is, she was very suspicious.

After her own cognition was given the idea of ​​"normal" by the strange power of Hayatachi Elementary School, even if she saw the message on her hand and found that it was her own handwriting, Kaguya's character might not necessarily believe it immediately , but it is very possible to suspect that this is some strange force trying to mislead itself.

Although I will definitely be able to react to what the handwriting prompts in the end, the delay in the middle will definitely be much longer than that of Gao Hai.

You have to leave an impressive record that allows you to be stimulated and react immediately, so that you can judge the real situation faster.

So, what kind of record can bring you particularly deep stimulation?

How about writing the sentence "This is not the first time I woke up"?

Kaguya first thought of the most basic recording method.

This record is simple and straightforward, but she will definitely doubt whether it is the influence of strange power, and most likely will not rewrite this sentence after each backtracking, so she can only deny it.

[Rewrite this sentence every time I wake up] What about this?

Kaguya thought of the second sentence.

This record... No, such a record would only make her more suspicious, and there was basically no possibility of following it. Thinking of Kaguya here, I must say that this was the first time that she felt helpless towards herself, and she felt tired of herself.

So, how about the record of [I Like Gao Hai]?

Kaguya finally thought of the third sentence.

No, no, no, I don’t like Gao Jun at all. I don’t have such impulsive thoughts that only naive teenagers and girls can have. I just want to maintain a stable relationship with the team and hope to improve the relationship between myself and Gao Jun. relationship between each other, thereby strategically enhancing the combat effectiveness of the entire team. I am thinking rationally and do not have any emotional impulses. This false record cannot have any effect!

Without any hesitation, Kaguya rejected the idea the moment it came up.

"I do have an idea. I think if it were you, you should be able to find something wrong right away using this method. I mean, you might not like this method very much, and you might feel very embarrassed or something like that."

Gao Hai saw Kaguya frowning and hesitating, as if she couldn't think of any good ideas for a while, so he tried to make his own suggestions.

"Now is the time to fight for survival and rescue, a little shame is not important, Gao Jun, you can just say it directly, I can understand it."

Seeing Gao Hai say this, Kaguya frowned slightly and spoke to him very seriously.

"Okay, then I said, don't be angry..."

"I won't be angry, just say it directly, as long as it works, I can accept any proposal that is shameful."

So Gao Hai thought for a while and told what he wanted to say to the seemingly righteous and generous Shinomiya Kaguya in front of him.


1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...

The network was reconnected successfully!

"You, you, you-what shameless words are you talking about?!"

Kaguya, with a horrified expression, subconsciously protected her chest with both hands at this moment, shrank back a few steps and leaned against the wall, looking at Gao Hai with eyes like a kitten seeing a big bad wolf.

"You said it yourself. No matter how shameful the proposal is, as long as it works, you can accept it. So, Miss Shinomiya, do you think my proposal just now can produce any effect?"

And Gao Hai just smiled and waved his hand. His calm attitude actually had a bit of a perverted big devil filter in Kaguya's eyes.

Chapter 14: Shameful verification methods and the continuation of the copy exploration

Shinomiya Kaguya's mentality is a bit explosive.

At this moment, her face was full of blush, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly. Her hands were tightly hugging her chest, and she didn't dare to let go.

Now she really felt what [lack of security] specifically meant.

"Ahem, there's no need to react so much. Aren't you wearing clothes outside?"

Takahashi, who was standing aside with his back to Kaguya, turned his head and glanced at her. Noticing that Kaguya's expression and movements were unnatural, he coughed lightly and said in a low voice.

"No... I'm fine, don't talk about this anymore, um... Anyway, anyway, this room will disappear in 3 minutes, right?"

Kaguya couldn't even look at Gao Hai, her face was flushed, and she just wanted to get through this difficult time quickly.

The reason was very simple, she was not wearing any underwear now.

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