After thinking for a long time and unable to find a suitable way to remind himself, Gao Hai gave the suggestion to ask Kaguya to take off the inner cover of her upper body, leave it in this small room, and then write on her hand "Remember Me" Something like that is missing from my body. With Kaguya's acuity, even if her memory is cleared by backtracking, she will definitely be able to notice that something is missing from her body, and from the handwriting left behind, she can infer the fact that she has actually gone back more than once. Even if she failed to rewrite the handwriting in time during the many flashbacks, Kaguya could still notice that she was missing a piece of underwear, and realized that this was not the first time she had flashbacked.

This method is very effective in Gao Hai's opinion, and, well, how should I put it, with Kaguya's size, there is actually no problem even if she doesn't wear it. After all, in terms of upper body development, Kaguya, like her relative Zhenfei, is of a less obvious type, so even if the clothes she wears are looser, there will be no problem.

Well, of course Gao Hai would not say such words. He still knew very well how offensive these words were to Kaguya.

However, there is actually no need to care too much about this kind of thing. Aren’t the little ones cute?

While thinking, Gao Hai couldn't help but recall what he said when he was teasing Concubine Zhen. Well, he was teasing her on the bed. As a result, Concubine Zhen, who was extremely ashamed and angry, opened her mouth and bit her. If Gao Hai hadn't been superior in skills, he might have been killed by Concubine Zhen at that time. Knocked down.

Tsk tsk, I subconsciously thought about this matter again. Should I say that there are too many similarities between Kaguya and Zhenfei? But now it seems that Kaguya is still much more awkward than Zhenfei. After all, although the real concubine is very arrogant, she is still very straightforward and honest with others, while Kaguya is the kind of stuffy type who has all kinds of little thoughts in her belly.

Gao Hai's mind was completely relaxed and he was thinking about all kinds of boring things.

Kaguya still stood motionless, her whole body completely stiff and unable to relax at all.

Of course she knew that the plan given by Gao Hai was correct and effective, otherwise she would not have followed it. But reason is one thing, and the shame of being a girl is another issue. This method and action are really shameful. But she couldn't find a better way to confirm, so she could only do it.

Speaking of which, Gao Jun...he didn't see the style of underwear I took off, right?

Kaguya had also noticed whether Gao Hai peeked when he was undressing before. At that time, he seemed very honest, so there should be no problem. It's just that Kaguya is still somewhat uneasy right now, so the suspicion in her heart is difficult to dispel.

"The time is coming, be prepared, we may be attacked as soon as we get out."

Gao Hai suddenly spoke at this moment, his voice restrained from the previous relaxed tone and became very serious.

"...Well, I know, I will be prepared."

After hearing this, Kaguya realized that she had to adjust her mentality immediately, so she took a few deep breaths, slowly suppressed the shame in her heart, and forced herself to return to her usual state.

Regarding the next actions, the two have discussed in detail before. Considering that Gao Hai's ten bullets were only temporarily effective, and would also lead to [Darkness]'s pursuit, the two finally decided not to use bullets to stay awake, or at least not to use bullets first to stay awake throughout the process. , just give yourself a way to remind yourself through different ways, and explore the copy in this case.

Whether such an approach can succeed and whether it can solve the problem, neither Gao Hai nor Kaguya know in their hearts. But in this situation, the two of them can only go ahead and talk about it first. After all, there is no turning back now.

Of course, Gao Hai still kept an eye on it. He asked Kaguya to hide her underwear in this small room. At the same time, he also found a way to leave some records, writing on the side of the bed sheet some of the things he found during previous explorations. Clues and own thoughts. After all, the blessing obtained after breaking through Tenghua Middle School has not been carefully verified. Now Gao Hai is not sure whether the small room given by Alice's blessing has existed for a long time. After it disappeared, the entire room was completely annihilated, and then summoned next time. Is it generated out of thin air, or does it actually still exist somewhere after the room disappears, and the things in the room will not change.

If it's the latter, then this room can be used to store some clues and emergency backup items. However, because the CD time of Zaoli Elementary School's dungeon is too long, Gao Hai may not be able to verify this situation until he leaves the dungeon.

There are only the last few seconds left.

Kaguya had completely adjusted her situation. At this time, she moved her body slightly, took a few deep breaths, and then stared coldly ahead. It seemed that she had completely changed back to the cold Hyouka night.

At this time, Gao Hai secretly glanced at Kaguya's movements and changes on her body.

Hmm... the physics engine isn't very good, or should I say it doesn't exist at all. No matter what physics engine is used, it will be useless?

Gao Hai sighed with emotion in his heart, and at the same time silently counted down the final countdown. After he counted "3, 2, 1" in his heart, the little girl's room, which looked very warm, suddenly changed. Disappeared without a trace, and followed the surrounding area back to the small living room where Gao Hai and Kaguya were surrounded at the beginning.

More than a dozen messy lines, the so-called [black], are wandering in this side hall. At this time, with the appearance of the two people, the eyes of these things also moved over, and those twisted and weird faces with smiles locked onto Gao Hai and Kaguya at an extremely fast speed.

"This is..."

The effect of the suppression bomb has long disappeared.

After leaving the hidden safe zone in Alice's room, Kaguya's consciousness has returned to the original state, so she has no idea why she suddenly came to this place from the previous small bedroom, and was besieged by these terrible things.

Why did she appear in this strange place?

What are these things...

"Be careful!"

Takahashi's shout suddenly sounded from the side.

The next moment, Kaguya only felt a strong big hand around her waist, and then she was held by Gao Hai with one hand and clamped around her waist. Then he rushed forward suddenly, facing a monster made of twisted lines, no, facing the table with a vase in the living room next to the monster.

The harsh sound accompanied by a deep chill enveloped Kaguya at this moment.

Even though her vision was poor, she could feel that thing approaching her quickly, whispering something to her, wanting to do something to her.


But before that, Gao Hai had kicked the vase on the table away, kicked it to the ground and broke it on the spot, making a huge cracking sound.

Open your eyes.

The next moment, Gao Hai woke up from the bed in the small bedroom.

There was a sound of rain outside the window, and at the same time, there seemed to be a sound of something knocking on the window.

The small bedroom was dark, with only a pale yellow light flashing from time to time.

It was night time now.

In Gao Hai's opinion, this was the start time of his entry into the dungeon.

But when he raised his hand, he saw a line of words written on his hand, so his expression quickly became solemn.

Sitting up from the bed, Gao Hai then summoned the pistol, removed the magazine and carefully counted the number of bullets in it.

The answer is 10.

All the bullets that had been consumed have now been fully restored.

At this moment, Gao Hai also understood that he had not just entered the dungeon, but had been in this place for at least 24 hours.

Chapter 15: The [Friend] who began to change and the abnormality of perception

In the sound of rain that seemed to never stop, Gao Hai took a step and slowly moved forward in the dark corridor, while carefully observing the surrounding environment.

In his memory, this was the first time he entered this corridor, and he had never been to this place before.

But after checking his pistol and finding that the bullets had been fully restored, Gao Hai realized that this dungeon might have some special mechanism for memory, causing him to forget his previous exploration results. Therefore, although he felt that he had just arrived at this place, he had actually been in this dungeon for more than a day, and he might have erased the memory of exploration countless times during the process.

This is enough to be explained by the words [Check the bullets and rewrite each time] on his hand, so Gao Hai immediately rewrote the words on his hand with the pen he got at some unknown time after seeing that line of words.

He didn't know how many times he had come to this corridor, and he didn't know if he could leave any marks on the wall, so that he could verify whether he had come in before.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai drew a sweaty soybean emoticon with his own blood at the place where he came in, and then continued to move forward.


The hollow wooden floor made a clear sound as Gao Hai's footsteps fell.

In the interweaving of rain and footsteps, this dark corridor seemed to show a bit of tranquility.


Gao Hai frowned slightly and looked at the mirror on one side of the corridor.

After stepping into this dark corridor full of stale smell, the thing that brought him the most obvious discomfort was this mirror. The mirror itself was covered with stains and there were some cracks on it, and it looked quite old. As Gao Hai walked forward, the mirror also projected a slightly blurry figure, but the basic outline showed that it was Gao Hai himself, and his pace was basically the same.

At first glance, there seemed to be nothing wrong, but Gao Hai always felt that there might be something wrong with this mirror.

[What's wrong? Is there something wrong? ]

A curious voice came from the side.

It was a rough, unclear figure.

Gao Hai knew that he was his companion. Although he couldn't remember the name of the man or the appearance of the man, he knew that this was his companion, and the other person's current appearance was completely normal and didn't need to be too concerned.

"Nothing, I just feel that this place is very uncomfortable."

Gao Hai shook his head, then looked to the side, looking at the other figures following him.

There were a total of six figures following him, each of them was blurry, and the body structure was like a rough basic modeling figure.

They no longer have the facial features of a human being, no fingers and toes, no clothes, no skin, and no internal organs. They are just a mess, barely resembling a human figure.

But this is normal.

Gao Hai did not think he needed to pay attention to anything for this. These were his companions, the same kind that he did not need to doubt or be vigilant about.

[Are you suspicious of anything? If there is anything wrong, you can tell us.]

Another black figure came up and asked Gao Hai in a brisk tone.

"Well, I know, but I have no clue for now. Let's take it one step at a time."

Gao Hai, who said this, finally gave up on moving forward in this corridor, but turned around and opened a door on the side of the corridor.

Behind him, when Gao Hai's sight stopped looking at those things, their figures began to blur and become fainter, but they did not disappear.

It seemed that something was changing with the passage of time.

But Gao Hai, who was now carefully exploring this chaotic area, was completely unaware of such changes.

Behind the door was a small toilet, without lights, so dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

Gao Hai took out the flashlight he had brought with him before entering the dungeon, turned it on, and then shone it into the toilet. He found that the cubicles of the toilet had basically collapsed, as if something fierce had torn the cubicles apart. After a careful investigation, Gao Hai even found dried blood and torn things like children's clothes.

[They were all taken away by Heihuhu]

A child walked out from Gao Hai's side and whispered.


Gao Hai turned his head to look at the child who suddenly appeared, and asked with some confusion.

[They hid in the cubicle, thinking that Hei Huhu couldn't see them, couldn't find them, but Hei Huhu knew they were here all the time, because Hei Huhu was their friend, and Hei Huhu was always by their side]

[They were really too stupid, they were all stupid kids, and they wanted to use this stupid behavior to deceive Hei Huhu, Hei Huhu wouldn't be deceived, only the teacher could stop Hei Huhu. But, but, sometimes the teacher couldn't stop Hei Huhu, especially the teacher who broke the rules]

[Teacher, you didn't follow the rules you should follow~]

The child raised his head and grinned at Gao Hai, but there was no smile on his face.


Gao Hai frowned more and more at the other party's address.

Am I a teacher in this copy?

When did I get this identity, why do I have no impression of this matter at all? No, everything around here is normal, and nothing abnormal should have happened to me.

Looking down, Gao Hai saw the handwriting on his hand at this time.

Realizing something, a pistol appeared in his hand, and then he pulled out the magazine. After seeing the magazine had become full, Gao Hai once again realized his current [abnormal] state and became a little more sober.

[Teacher, you don't have much time]

The figure of the child has disappeared.

And Gao Hai still just lowered his head, just staring at the pistol he was holding.

[There is nothing to investigate here, we should go]

[Okay, don't stay here any longer, we have to act quickly, right? ]

[We still have to find Hayasaka Ai, I don't know how she is now]

A hand, or a rough-outlined arm was placed on Gao Hai's shoulder, and then another arm patted Gao Hai's back. One after another, blurry and distorted things stood on Gao Hai's left and right, and spoke to him with concern.

"... Indeed, there is really nothing worth caring about here."

Close your eyes, then open them again.

Gao Hai put away the gun, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Before walking out of the dim toilet, he glanced at the wall beside the door, where a childish note was left at a low point.

[This is what you deserve!!!]

It looked like a messy handwriting written by a short child.

Just by looking at the words above, Gao Hai could feel a hint of anger and an inexplicable sense of joy.

What's going on?

Gao Hai couldn't understand the current situation.

At the same time, on the other side, in the empty auditorium, Shinomiya Kaguya had slowly stepped into it and walked among the chairs.

You could hear the sound of children talking.

In this auditorium filled with chairs and stools, there were many children chatting and talking.

Kaguya couldn't hear the children's voices clearly, as if something had created an invisible gap between her and the children, separating her from them.

Subconsciously, Kaguya shrank her shoulders slightly, then lowered her head and looked at a notebook on a small stool.

In the vague sound just now, it seemed that the children in this position were discussing some kind of [strange talk] or something like that. I wonder if I can find any clues here.

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