This man's voice seemed to be quite different from the others. After he spoke, all other noisy voices immediately disappeared and fell silent under this voice. It seems like this guy is a leader or something?

[Of course, although the situation at Zaoli Elementary School is beyond expectations, I still have some backup plans. According to my speculation, there is still a way to recover the project by sending troops in now. Of course, you have to make some sacrifices. After all, the little girl who was personally guided to this point by me is now very powerful]

Sato laughed softly.

He seemed very confident. Even though the situation had become quite bad, he still didn't think he would lose.

However, considering what Gao Hai heard before about this guy's bad appearance after breaking through the defense, he felt that it was more likely that this guy's confidence was just fake.

[No matter what, prepare Gao Tianyuan first. We lost this time due to lack of preparation. If it fails in the end, at least we can use Takamagahara to continue the experiment, and then one day we can make a comeback]

[Don’t expose the research materials. Those materials will definitely attract attention, and there will be more or less things in those materials that point to Takamagahara. Our secret way to obtain eternal life cannot be exposed. Take them all away and bring them to Takamagahara.]

[Sato, don’t let us down again, let’s start taking action tomorrow]

As the voice of the man who seemed to be the leader fell, the room fell silent again.

After Gao Hai waited for a while, he found that there was a sound in the room again, the voice of the person who first appeared saying "It has been determined that contact with Zaoli Elementary School has been lost", followed by the repeated conversations of those people. .

It seems that what is left here is just something like an afterimage, and there will be nothing other than repetition.

However, it was this place that left traces of memories, and coupled with the information about Sato on the radio... Someone who had the qualifications to enter Takamagahara died in the rampage at Hayatachi Elementary School, and could not enter it? And that person should know Sato very well, so he could leave so many clues related to Sato. No, not necessarily. According to what Miko saw, Sato and other people who entered Takamagahara have become neither human nor ghosts. Maybe they have been transformed to a certain extent, so the traces of Sato himself are Will stay in Zaoli Elementary School. But even so, Gao Hai is still quite concerned about such a place that frequently mentions [Gao Tianyuan].

In the process of falling back into the inner area, I saw the process of Chiyo Hachiya cutting the umbilical cord. In other words, the girl should know the existence of Takamagahara to a certain extent, or have contact with the foundation of Takamamahara. Also, the copy of Fujika Middle School can be observed by Takamagahara in some way. Hayatachi Elementary School seems to have shown no signs of this until now, and has not seen any interference from external forces except KP. Maybe I can find entry or exit in this copy. Is it the way to destroy Takamagahara?

While thinking, Gao Hai raised his head and looked at a small window above.

If he wanted to, he should be able to climb in through the window before those weird things noticed him. Hmm... forget it. Although he has decided to be reckless, his plan is to find a deeper area that may exist, rather than collapse in this place. Although Gao Tianyuan's clues are also very important, they are not his primary target at the moment, so he will put them aside for now.

With this thought, Gao Hai looked back in the direction of Hayasaka and found that the girl was looking at him very anxiously, as if she wanted to remind him of something but was afraid of disturbing those strange things. Judging from the big stone she was holding in her hand, if Gao Hai didn't look back, she might just throw the thing at him.

What's going on? What happened?

Gao Hai, who noticed Hayasaka's abnormal reaction, became vigilant.

Then, following Hayasaka's gesture, he squinted his eyes slightly and looked at a window on the side of the building with the corner of his eye.

At this moment, there was a pale figure sticking his head out of the window, staring at Gao Hai.

Tsk, here you go again?

Without any hesitation, a pistol appeared in Gao Hai's hand.

The next moment, the bursting rain of bullets knocked all the headless monsters to the ground. The thing that was looking at him from the window was also hit by more than a dozen bullets and was knocked back.

Gao Hai didn't get up immediately, but rolled away from the window and then got up. Almost as soon as he got up, the window he had just eavesdropped on shattered with a bang, and then several bloody figures fell out of it.

More than a dozen headless soldiers had already rushed out of the surrounding marching tents.

Gao Hai, who originally planned to turn around and join Hayasaka, was blocked by the monsters that surrounded him. He could only use his eyes to try to remind Hayasaka, and then he had to turn around and run away, chased by more and more soldiers. Charge towards the gate of the military camp.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--】

The heart-rending roar spread through the night.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and one after another strange creatures walked out of the tent and out of the house. They are all broken, with scars of torture everywhere on their bodies. Most of their heads have been chopped off, and some of them are still connected to the body, and clear fracture surfaces can be seen.

In just a breath, the number of these things exceeded one hundred, and they were still gathering at an even more terrifying scale.

Boom boom boom --

The next moment there was a thunderous sound.

Blood-colored light surged in his pupils, and nearly endless bullets spread out from around Gao Hai's body, densely covering all directions.

The strange things these soldiers turned into were not absolutely immune to physical properties like other strange stories, so under the repulsive effect of bullets, they would still stagger, be knocked down, or even be blown away. Although they were still not actually hurt and could get up immediately after being knocked over, this was enough for Gao Hai to buy time to escape.

Then he saw some soldiers standing in the distance holding up their guns.

"Fuck, are you serious?"


Gao Hai dodged suddenly, and while running faster, he pointed his pistol at the direction of the strange soldiers and shot, knocking them to the ground and knocking the guns out of their hands.

Bang, bang, bang---

The next second, there were more gunshots. The knocked-down monster stood up again in an anti-gravity posture, and then a gun appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he raised it and aimed at Gao Hai.

The dense rain of bullets intertwined with each other. Although Gao Hai's suppression force was stronger, he was still hit several times in the face of the rain of bullets flying from all directions, and his body was severely hit with several bruises and bloodstains.

Yes, with the blessing of rampage activated to strengthen his body, these rifle bullets could no longer penetrate Gao Hai's body, and could not even leave a hole for him.

In this case, maybe he could rush out directly against the firepower net? Anyway, just protect your eyes.

Finding that he was not shot to death as expected, Gao Hai was a little excited for a while.

Then he saw that the soldiers on the sentry tower at the gate of the military camp turned the direction of the heavy machine gun over. Not only that, those strange creatures who had been shooting with guns for a while and found that there was no effect, now had grenades in their hands, and some of them even took out grenade launchers, rifle grenades, flamethrowers and other things, and even soldiers pushed out several infantry guns from the camp.

No, did the Japanese soldiers of that era have so many equipment? And am I really on a supernatural film set instead of a Call of Duty film set? !

More than one or two thousand strange creature soldiers have emerged densely, holding guns, throwing grenades, firing cannons, etc. in a crowded and even overlapping situation.

These things seem to have no ammunition restrictions, and they all fire at Gao Hai like crazy as if they had turned on unlimited ammunition plug-ins. If the entire military camp was not formed by the power of ghost stories and could not be destroyed, it is estimated that this place would have been razed to the ground by continuous close-range artillery fire.

For this reason, Gao Hai had to use the power of the pistol to the limit of what he could bear, and forcibly bombarded with the same dense rain of bullets, and constantly dodged the artillery fire. Under such circumstances, he forced his way forward, step by step, approaching the direction of the military camp gate.


A gunshot was drowned in the dense rain of bullets.

A strange creature with a head operating the heavy machine gun was hit and fell to the ground, and then it struggled twice as if it was really dead and then stopped moving.


The second and third shots that followed knocked down the two strange creatures pushing the gun.

Hayasaka, who had climbed onto the roof of the building at some point, knocked down several enemy units that posed the greatest threat to Gao Hai, and then put away his gun at the gesture of Gao Hai, turned around and ran to the edge of the roof, jumped down without hesitation, reached out to grab the water pipe on one side, and slid down directly from the height of the fifth floor.

At this moment, the attention of those monsters was still all on Gao Hai, and they did not notice Hayasaka's existence.

Calm down, be calm, there is only one chance, you must persevere no matter what.

She bit her tongue a little harder.

Feeling the sweet and fishy smell and the tingling sensation spreading in her mouth, Hayasaka took a deep breath, and her mind became focused at this moment.

She crouched down slightly, and then suddenly accelerated her running. Her starting and acceleration were undoubtedly at the level of Olympic athletes.

Running out of the alley on the side of the house, Hayasaka took two steps and jumped directly to a height of more than one meter. She stepped on the wall on one side and rolled over, directly passing several soldiers running in front of her. Then, at the moment of falling, she supported the ground with one hand and jumped again. While passing another soldier, she landed directly on the top of a tent.

The fire and roar spread in the camp, and the girl accelerated forward, taking advantage of the fact that she did not receive much attention and moving forward quickly.

Close, the distance is very close!

Gao Hai, who approached the gate first, continued to move forward under the suppression of the firepower network. With the artillery and machine guns all lit up, the blockade of those weird soldiers could not delay Gao Hai's actions too much.

If I continue like this, my speed will be slower. I can't let Mr. Gao wait for me. If I wait for one more second, something bad might happen.

Hayasaka looked forward and noticed a dim street lamp. So she accelerated again, burst out with all her strength and jumped up suddenly, hooked her hands and feet on the lamp post, and then used the power of the jump to spin twice on the lamp post and flew out directly. Then, Gao Hai, who had already seen the situation here and jumped in the air, reached out and caught her. The two of them jumped over the gate of the military camp in mid-air and directly crossed the blockade.

Then he fell towards the endless darkness outside the military camp where nothing existed.

Chapter 48: The warmth and darkness hidden in the deep memories

Seems to see something.

It was a blurry, distorted picture that seemed to be covered by something.

Dark, as if lurking in a corner, creeping forward little by little.

Then, a faint light was discovered, as well as a figure walking in it.

Where is this?

Those people, what are they doing?

[Looking at you, you must be new here, right? Do you know why these children are used as test subjects? 】

The man was sorting out the notes in his hand and suddenly turned his head to look at a subordinate next to him.

Under the pale light, what was placed on the test bench was a corpse whose original appearance could no longer be seen... No, it was not a corpse, but something that was still trembling and not completely dead. Strange, yet somewhat familiar, it makes people think of some very bad possibility.

The subordinate was looking at the thing on the test table at this time. It could be seen that his expression was not good, and he seemed to be unable to stand the thing on it.

[Because...they are easier to control and cannot resist? 】

The subordinate with an ugly expression frowned and tried to give an answer after thinking for a while.

[No, no, no, how could it be for such a superficial reason? If it was just for the convenience of control, why would it be so troublesome? With the capabilities of the military department, wouldn’t it be easy to control whoever we want? These children were chosen because they are ignorant, they are naive, and they are easier to guide. Just like those religions that train believers from childhood and guide people step by step into fanatic believers, we choose these young children because they are more likely to be influenced by external forces to achieve our plans]

The man shook his finger and grinned slightly.

[Although I say that, I heard from the seniors who came here before that this research has been progressing for more than two years. In the end, it only produced a few monsters that were unable to expand outward, right? Those "dark" will lose all effects and even dissipate on the spot once they encounter people who don't understand them at all and don't believe in their existence. The same goes for the butcher. Children who don't know him will not turn into a dog even if they meet him at night. What you have come up with after a long time of research cannot be used on the battlefield]

The subordinate sighed, with a hint of complaint and confusion in his words.

[In the face of unknown territory, taking detours and sidetracks is just a matter of course. But in the end, we will definitely reach our destination, as long as we understand this truth, it is enough. Two years of accumulation is enough for us to understand a lot of things. As long as we stabilize the pace of testing, we will definitely be able to achieve the results we want]

[Just like this little guy now, haha, this is the first time that an unrelated person has been transformed by "rumors", right? Our experiments have gone into new territory, into unprecedented places, haven't we? Moreover, one of our research projects has already been successful. Maybe one day you will be eligible to be invited to "Takamagahara\

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