His mind was still reverberating with the scene of Chiyo Hachiya who had discovered the secret passage of the research base in Hayate Elementary School and sneaked into it.

Gao Hai did not see the detailed cause and effect of how she did it. But it is certain that Chiyo Hachiya had already known the truth of this school to a certain extent before becoming the core obsession of Hayate Elementary School, and understood that everyone was just a sacrifice of the military and a consumable prop used to create weapons.

She even knew the existence of [Takamagahara], so after becoming a weird thing, she was able to cut off the connection between Hayate Elementary School and Takamagahara. Perhaps it was because Takamagahara could not exert influence on Hayate Elementary School that this copy retained so many clues related to Takamagahara.

How could a malnourished little girl of about ten years old know these things? Was it deliberately leaked by the upper level? No, it was unlikely. If it was just the information related to Hayate Elementary School that was deliberately leaked, it might make sense, but no one dared to leak the crucial project [Takamagahara], not even Sato. In that case... we can only consider KP.

Just like a teacher and a student miraculously escaped from Fujika Middle School when it was about to be destroyed, in Zao Li Elementary School, a young girl who was originally destined to die in ignorance unexpectedly learned the dark truth that could subvert everything.

After understanding her situation, what will she do?

After knowing all the inside stories, what can she do?

The enemy is absolutely violent and impossible to fight against, and she is helpless, not even a peer who supports her, not even an adult who can rely on. To be honest, Gao Hai only felt extremely bad taste when he discovered the truth in this situation. He could almost imagine that when KP induced this plot, the smile on his mouth and the words of praise for the plot he designed were convincing.

It's really disgusting.

Gao Hai slowly got up from the ground.

There was a dead silence and darkness around him. There seemed to be nothing else except the cold rain.

No, it's not like that...

Gao Hai's sight gradually adapted to the dark environment.

He began to see the surroundings clearly and found that he was actually in a small garden. The grass had withered, and the bushes and trees looked like they were about to die.

The rainstorm was washing the earth non-stop, and these plants seemed unable to survive.

Looking up and forward, Gao Hai saw a dilapidated building in the rainstorm, a two-story building that looked very old.


The cold wind seemed even more miserable in the rain.

Gao Hai took a step and walked towards the building.

He noticed the graffiti on the wall, which showed a few small figures and three taller people. They seemed to be playing games with each other, with a smile on everyone's face, and flowers, trees, clouds and the sun were painted next to them as decorations.


Amid the harsh sound, Gao Hai had already pushed open the door.

The lights suddenly lit up, flickered, then went out, lit up again, went out again, and finally flickered with an extremely dim, almost invisible light.

Gao Hai saw the tables and chairs that had fallen to the ground, and the toys that had been trampled on the ground.

The dirty footprints went back and forth, leaving black stains all over the floor that had been cleaned very clean.


There seemed to be a sound in his ears, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

Gao Hai walked to the small table in the middle of the room and saw the note on it.

[Chiyo, dinner is in the kitchen. We took Riko outside. If you see Nana when you come back, remember to remind her not to run around.]

The person who wrote the note should be a very gentle person, so Gao Hai could feel the remaining warmth from the handwriting.

That should be someone who built this orphanage and took in many children.

It was a difficult time when many people could not protect themselves, but the person who had some spare energy decided to do something, so he took the initiative to adopt those children who had lost their families, tried to teach them, and found a way out and livelihood for them.

But that person is gone now.

After school that day, she was bullied again, her textbooks and notebooks were torn up, and she was kicked several times.

She sorted out her emotions, wiped off the stains on her body, tried hard to imagine happy things, and made sure she would not reveal any flaws when she returned home. However, she found that the door of her house was open, and she saw the neighbors who lived nearby coming and going, and the expressionless police officers and soldiers.

The reason given by the soldiers was poisoning, and what she saw was that everyone except her was covered with white cloth.

Her home, the home where those who had lost their families gathered here, had become an empty house. The neighbors came in one after another when the house was unattended and moved almost everything in the house. Only some handmade toys were thrown on the ground and trampled because no one wanted them. As for the tables and chairs, if they were not smashed during the fight, they would probably have been taken away. Of course, if she came back later, these rotten tables and chairs would have been taken away and used as firewood.

[Since there are no more people in the orphanage, you can live on campus next. The accommodation conditions of Zaoli Elementary School are still very good. There is no problem in taking in a little girl]

A calm voice sounded from behind.

When Gao Hai turned around, he could see an illusory man's figure appearing and disappearing in the hall of the house.

He didn't see the other person's face clearly, but he already remembered the voice firmly.



The voice ringing in my ears seemed to become clearer, but I still couldn't make out what was being said.

Gao Hai continued to walk to the dining room, where a large table should have been placed.

The children's laughter, swallowing sounds, and the adults' somewhat helpless voices telling them not to eat too quickly were heard.

There are playful children who refuse to eat seriously, so they are held in the arms of adults and fed one bite at a time.

Some children wanted to finish eating quickly and then go play, but they choked themselves and had to burp while looking for water, and were laughed at by other children.

And she was sitting among these children, smiling happily, and helping the adults to control those children who were too naughty.

【■...Out■...! 】

The voice in his ears became clearer, and it seemed that he could vaguely feel the intense emotions hidden in the voice.

Gao Hai stepped up the stairs to the second floor and saw the small bedrooms separated for boys and girls.

He heard the voices of adults coaxing children to sleep, the voices of children whispering at night, and the voices of adults on night watch scolding children who were not sleeping.

The timid child walked out of the room cautiously, begging the adult to take him to the toilet, and he must hold the adult's hand on the way.

As the older one among the children, she would occasionally be shaken awake, and then take the younger children to the toilet. They would hold hands along the way and chat casually about what they wanted to do in the future. Practical dreams.


The sound in my ears seemed to gradually become harsher.

She actually knew that her parents were in the town.

She secretly listened to the adults' chatter and knew that she was sent to the door of the orphanage. She knew that many people actually knew the identity of her parents. She might even have met them on the street, but she didn't know it. .

She also envied those children who had parents to rely on, and also thought about whether one day she would be able to return to her parents.

But she also knew that the adults who adopted her and raised her were no different to her as her father and mother. Therefore, in the beautiful dream she described, and in the future she hoped for, she must have repaid this nurturing grace, so that everyone who worked hard can live a happy and beautiful life, and no longer need to work hard.

But now, such a dream can no longer be had.

【Get out——】

The harsh sound finally turned into a furious roar.

From appearing to being almost face to face, it was all in an instant, and there was no time to react.

Gao Hai felt as if he had been hit hard by a high-speed train. In the blink of an eye, he flew out of the dilapidated small building in the dark and fell into a deeper and darker place.

Before the house completely disappeared from Gao Hai's sight, he saw a small figure sitting alone on the ground, holding a trampled toy, and just staying in the house silently, except for her. There was no one in the empty house.

When he opened his eyes again, the darkness had disappeared, replaced by the dim light of incandescent lamps, and Hayasaka Ai's little face looking anxiously at him.

"Great, Mr. Gao...you finally woke up..."

The girl let out a long breath, and there were not obvious tears shining in the corners of her eyes.

Gao Hai sat up from the ground and found that he was now in a shabby utility room. The small room was piled with desks, chairs, blackboards and other classroom supplies, cleaning props such as brooms and mops, and several large pieces of garbage. bucket.

The surrounding walls were in tatters, covered with disgusting traces like rotten meat. The ceiling and floor were also dark, and you could feel an obvious roughness to the touch, as rough as human skin. Same.

"After we fell, we first appeared in a school corridor or something like that, and then Mr. Gao, you fell to the ground unconscious. I...I heard noises in those classrooms, and I was worried about what was inside. There might be some danger, so I hid everywhere with you on my back, and finally hid in this room."

Seeing that Gao Hai was a little confused, Hayasaka quickly explained the situation to him.

Was I in a coma during the previous vision? Hayasaka was able to take me into hiding. Was it because the deep area was not very dangerous, or was it because the dangerous things had not been really triggered when we first came in?

And this room...

"Thank you for your hard work. It's really not easy to have everything go smoothly. But can this situation be regarded as a coincidence?"

Gao Hai stood up and looked around.

The details in all aspects match up, and it is certain that it is not an illusion.

The temporary shelter room that Hayasaka found was the utility room where Chiyo Haeya sneaked into the ventilation duct that he saw in his hallucination.

Chapter 49: Exploration and digestion of the deep world

In the corner of this dark room, Gao Hai quickly found what he was looking for.

A very hidden ventilation duct located at the edge of the wall, blocked by debris.

The utility room itself has no windows, only a small room illuminated by a half-broken lamp, and this vent should actually lead to the outer wall area from the direction of the passage. I don’t know what the designer was thinking, but he designed a small opening next to the vent, which just connects to the utility room. Although this place is quite hidden, and two layers of wire mesh fences are installed, and the duct itself is extremely narrow, even children can hardly enter from here, but this design itself still makes Gao Hai have a strong desire to complain.

In addition... ah, it really feels quite uncomfortable...

Just a glance at the dark duct, Gao Hai felt a claustrophobic attack and felt uncomfortable all over. Not to mention that the duct is very narrow and he can’t get in, even if he can get in, Gao Hai is sure that he can’t do it. The psychological trauma of being trapped in the Red Nut Gray Cave seemed to be more serious than he expected. It seemed that even if he had gone through multiple dungeons and became an experienced player, some things were still difficult to overcome.

However, this problem was easy to solve.

"Although I am a little embarrassed, it has been decided that it is you. Please take care of the investigation."

With a wave of his hand, the power of the rescue team badge was activated, and then a figure with a blurred face and dirty police uniform appeared out of thin air beside Gao Hai.

Without saying even a word, the police officer reached out and pulled open the fence net that had been screwed off, and then with a dog-like action, he got into the ventilation duct. Obviously, the duct was so narrow that the police officer could not get in at all, but for some reason, he squeezed in easily and moved forward quickly inside, accompanied by a burst of "dong dong" collision sounds, and soon the police officer's figure could not be seen.

Relying on the ability of sensory sharing, Gao Hai can confirm what the summoned police officer sees and hears at any time. Because the police officer himself is a strange creature, his senses are not as rich as those of humans. Even if Gao Hai shares his senses, he will not feel the discomfort of drilling the pipe, which can be regarded as minimizing the possible problems.

Then, it is time for him to take action.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai turned his head and noticed that there was a bit of curiosity in Hayasaka's eyes. Although it was not the first time that Gao Hai used the rescue team badge, the girl who had never touched this extraordinary prop before obviously still felt that this thing was a bit novel, but she didn't ask more questions out of politeness.


Throwing a 20-sided dice, Gao Hai nodded slightly after seeing the dice turn to the number 11, and then pushed the door open. As expected, as the result of the dice showed, there were no strange creatures wandering in the corridor, so it can be regarded as a safe period.

This is the deeper area of ​​the Hayate Elementary School copy.

Gao Hai's eyes carefully observed the surroundings.

Unlike the chaotic surface and inner areas, the deep areas seemed to be more organized. Coming out of this utility room, Gao Hai could see a straight corridor, classroom doors lined up on one side and windows open on the other wall.

A strong stench spread.

Black stains were like ink dripping on paper, staining the corridor.

Distorted structures like rotten meat were scattered in disorder, and dark red handprints and hideous patterns drawn with crayon lines were also everywhere.

Gao Hai heard the sounds that Hayasaka mentioned, the sounds coming from those classrooms.

At first, it seemed that someone was just whispering, and the murmurs were almost inaudible.

But when Gao Hai began to pay attention to these sounds, he immediately found that these sounds began to become clear. He began to distinguish the laughter of children, the sound of someone crying softly, and the sound that seemed to be calling his name.


The sound seemed to be far away at first, but now it was much closer.


Takahashi realized that something was wrong and closed the door directly, pushing Hayasaka, who wanted to come out with him, into the room. The two returned to the utility room.

Those sounds had disappeared.

It seemed that as long as the door was closed, those tiny sounds would no longer be heard.

But a strong sense of uneasiness had begun to spread in his heart. He realized the possibility of a certain danger, so he immediately turned around and looked at Hayasaka, who didn't know what was going on behind him.

"Did you hear those sounds just now?"

Takahashi asked seriously, looking into the girl's eyes.

"Huh? No… I didn't hear it. When you just opened the door, Mr. Gao, I didn't have time to go out, so I didn't hear anything."

Hayasaka was stunned by Takahashi's question, and then realized from Takahashi's expression that the current situation might be serious, so she thought quickly and gave an answer.

Didn't you hear it?

Takahashi frowned.

After thinking about it, he reopened the door of the utility room and stood at the door without moving. After waiting for about a minute, Gao Hai still didn't hear any sound. There was silence all around, except for the breathing of himself and Hayasaka, there was no other sound.

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