Slowly, Gao Hai stuck his head out of the door.

Those tiny whispers quickly rang in Gao Hai's ears, and he immediately felt the sound gradually amplified.

"Not in the room."

Gao Hai gave a conclusion after a brief thought.

"Not in the room?"

Hayasaka blinked, not quite understanding what Gao Hai was talking about.

"Those sounds did not come from the room, but in the corridor. As long as you are in the corridor, you will hear those sounds, and then you will be pulled closer by those sounds, but you will not hear them in the room, and you will not come into contact with the things that make the sounds. Hmm... It should be some kind of strange story that will gradually approach over time, and the manifestation is the amplification of sound..."

After a rough guess, Gao Hai used the dice again, and the number of sides turned out this time was 19, proving that Gao Hai's guess was basically completely correct.

This should also be a derivative weird thing, but how did such a thing form? And, how did Hayasaka, an ordinary person, successfully bring herself to this utility room under such circumstances, and it happened to be such a room that appeared in the memory image before, which is theoretically very likely to be a safe area?

According to the monitoring results of Zhufu, she is still human, but considering the precedent of Lixer, could her behavior be guided by something? Some force acted in her subconscious, causing her to make such a choice unintentionally?

If so, who guided her?


The 20-sided dice spun again.

Gao Hai lowered his head and silently stared at the number displayed on it, then threw the dice again. After determining the second number, he put the dice back into the watch space, and then looked at the quiet and dark corridor outside the door again.

Because it has been used 7 times, the numbers on the eight sides of this dice from 1 to 8 have all become 1, which means that the next time the dice is thrown, the possibility of throwing 1 point will be close to half.

It doesn't sound good, but Gao Hai doesn't think it matters now.

In the shared perception, the police officer had drilled deep into the pipe and began to vaguely see the light ahead. Because of the discomfort of the claustrophobic environment, Gao Hai only slightly empathized with the other party's vision and hearing, and while keeping an eye on the situation on the police side, he stepped out of the room.

"Let's go."

Gao Hai said this, and there was no abnormality on his face.


Although he felt that Gao Hai's performance was a little unusual, Hayasaka still nodded honestly and followed Gao Hai very carefully.

After arriving in the corridor, those faint sounds appeared again.

However, this time Gao Hai did not pay attention to those sounds at all, but quickly walked in the corridor and soon walked to a classroom closest to him.

The door of this classroom was almost covered by a black substance like silt, and the window on the door was full of dirt, so there was no way to see the situation in the classroom. After arriving at this place, Gao Hai could clearly feel that the sounds in his ears became clearer, and the direction of one of the sounds seemed to come from this classroom.

But no, it wasn't like that. The sound only "seemed" to come from the classroom, but in fact it was in an unknown direction and was getting closer, so that it sounded like the sound in the classroom was getting louder.

It was difficult for ordinary people to perceive the subtle difference, but Gao Hai was able to judge it. However, even though he was sure that the sound did not come from the classroom, it did not mean that the classroom was safe. After all, he had experienced similar situations before. But at the moment, I am afraid that I don't have many choices. With such a strange sound in the corridor, it is basically impossible to carry out exploration and investigation normally. I must find a room where I can hide in the middle.


After signaling Hayasaka to step back a little, Gao Hai opened the classroom door.


At that moment, I seemed to see something.

The tables and chairs that were dumped on the ground and written with dirty words and vicious curses.

The cut hair, the cabinets stuffed with garbage, the girl covering her face, and the children laughing around.

The world outside the window was a blood-red color.

The girl outside the window put down her hands that were covering her face and smiled.

Outside the window were children lying on the ground, fingers pierced by nails, teeth pulled out, and figures struggling and wailing.

But all these scenes were not in this classroom. This was just an empty small classroom with nothing left.

Although the black mud had completely submerged the ground and covered the walls, and even the ceiling was constantly "dripping" with black dirty liquid, at least for Gao Hai, who had stepped into the classroom first, he only felt [nothingness] here.

"Come in, hurry up."

After roughly confirming that nothing would jump out here to kill him, Gao Hai turned around and motioned Hayasaka to come in quickly.

Those loud voices had disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Amidst the stinky smell, Gao Hai slowly walked to the classroom window. He stared at the darkness outside the window glass silently, then reached out and tried to open the window, but failed. The window seemed to have been fixed in place. It was stuck on the wall, and no matter how hard Gao Hai pulled it, there was no movement at all.

This place seems to be close to a distorted state of [Chiyo Haeiya]'s own spiritual world.

If this is the case, then why is there such nothingness and emptiness here?

It's like a small classroom has been expanded into an endless wilderness, with no way to see the boundaries.

No, this is just my illusion.

The classroom is still a classroom, but it is empty. There is nothing here, no desks, no blackboards, no teachers giving lectures, and no students listening. Or... this is actually still an illusion. There are actually people sitting here, and they are listening to the teacher's lectures and turning a blind eye to me. Or am I turning a blind eye to them? In this seemingly empty place, there are actually many people who have turned their heads and are looking at me?


For a moment, I seemed to see a classroom full of headless students.

Blood was gushing out.

The bright red color sprayed out from the broken necks, like blooming fountains.

They turned their heads.

Every student turned their head.

In the sunny classroom, everyone was looking at him, smiling at him, standing up, and slowly moving towards him.


There is absolutely nothing here.

Even if there might have been something at one time, it is now nothing. Things that enter this place after this will also be unable to stay, because in this twisted space, only nothingness is allowed to exist.

"We should go."

Gao Hai opened the classroom door and quickly returned to the corridor.

His fingers had begun to turn black.

Hayasaka, who hurriedly ran out behind him, let out a cry of pain and found that his nails were cracked and dark red blood was flowing out.

"What just happened?"

Hayasaka, who was completely unaware of anything unusual in the classroom, asked nervously.

"This place is digesting us."

As Gao Hai spoke, he raised his arm and looked at the faint black mark on it.

It's like something is dissolving little by little, and the color changes from light to dark.

A few seconds later, a small piece of skin on Gao Hai's arm turned black, and black liquid seeped out from the pores, dripping down and falling to the ground.

That was a small part of Gao Hai's skin and muscles that had been transformed into black sludge, dripping down as if it had turned into digested waste.

No wonder there is black mud everywhere.

Chapter 50: Investigation, search and speculation on the other side

Gao Hai and Hayasaka have returned to the utility room where they started.

Although the door of the utility room is open and can be entered and exited at any time, neither Gao Hai nor Hayasaka has any intention of going out. Instead, they just stay in the room without any intention of going out.

After all, as long as you return to the corridor and leave the small room, this dark and twisted teaching building will generate an invisible force, turning their bodies into black stains little by little, as if digesting them. . This transformation process is difficult to detect at the beginning, with almost no traces. However, when the transformation process reaches a level sufficient to be perceived, the transformation speed will increase to a very terrifying level in a very short period of time. Once they reach the If you are too far away from the utility room, you will die before you can return in time.

In fact, if Gao Hai hadn't been cautious enough to make a prompt decision after discovering the abnormality and immediately returned to the utility room where he started, he and Hayasaka would have turned into two piles of black mud in the corridor by now.

"How could such a thing happen..."

Hayasaka looked at his bleeding fingers with all the nails split, his voice trembled slightly, full of confusion and fear.

She didn't notice any abnormality at all when she was outside before. Until Gao Hai said to leave, she didn't realize that her nails were cracked and part of her finger skin was turned into black juice. Even until now, she has not felt any strong pain. People with injured fingers should be very sensitive, but she only has a weak tingling sensation, as if her perception of pain has been weakened.

"Maybe it's the effect of some kind of out-of-control rules. After all, according to the information collected so far, Zaoli Elementary School is already in a state of pure chaos."

Gao Hai was not surprised, he just shook his head slightly and said calmly.

Assemble a number of students that exceed the controllable limit and launch an uncontrollable and extremely dangerous experiment.

Once a class was wiped out due to a strange force that went out of control, the relevant class was immediately blocked and prohibited from entering. Later, the old teaching building had too many blocked classes, which caused a chain crisis, so all the students were simply moved to the new teaching building.

To be honest, Gao Hai didn't know how to comment on this kind of behavior. Although the experiment of the Red Nut Gray Hole was equally crazy, the final loss of control was basically caused by the intentional indulgence of the leader. Before the suicidal behavior of pulling the power switch, at least the experiment itself had been under strict restrictions and had basic order. But in the copy of [School Tales], whether it was Fujika Middle School or Hayate Elementary School, it was full of a strong sense of wanting to die without a bottom line. Obviously, the things being studied were extremely uncontrollable and dangerous things, but the researchers didn't seem to have considered any effective safety precautions at all. It felt like their brains were being gnawed by zombies, which made people speechless.

Are all the so-called Akehuka men so brain-dead? In the case of Hayate Elementary School, it is probably impossible to summarize a set of useful rules, right? God knows how many blocked classes there are, and how many unknown strange talk rules that cannot be recorded and will be doomed if encountered. Gao Hai really can't understand what these researchers are thinking. Do they really not care about their own lives? But according to the information he found before the researcher died, when it comes time to send it, won't these grandsons be panicked and regretful?

Maybe this is the boundary between normal people and madmen. After all, you can't use common sense to measure those things.

However, fortunately, he has a backup plan to use.

Closing his eyes, Gao Hai began to turn his attention to the police officer he summoned.


The door of the ventilation duct was pushed open and then fell to the ground.

The police officer with a blurred face crawled out of the duct. The compressed and deformed body shook twice and quickly recovered, and then pulled out a pistol.

Under the pale light, what appeared in front of the police officer at this time, and was also shared in Gao Hai's sight, was a room that looked somewhat familiar. Rows of cabinets were stacked on each other, and there was a constant sound of something colliding with each other. There was blood on the table like a dissection table, and there was yellow grease that seemed to smell bad scattered everywhere. However, because the police officers as strange creatures have gaps in their senses, Gao Hai, who has synchronized senses, did not smell any odor.

This place... yes, it is the same as what I saw in the memory image before. That is to say, Sato and a researcher once dismembered a person with a twisted body, who was suspected to have been transformed into a monster by some kind of pollution. And when the dissection took place, it happened to be when Chiyo Hachiya sneaked in through the ventilation duct. Speaking of which, why would Chiyo Hachiya do this? Under normal circumstances, a primary school student would not want to drill into the duct just because he saw it, right? Especially this kind of duct that is dark, dirty and particularly narrow. Is there any reason for her to come?

While thinking, the police officer had walked to one of the dissection tables and saw a report placed next to the dissection table.

The report itself was completely handwritten, and the handwriting looked very neat, which was the level that would make people who saw the handwriting for the first time mistakenly think that the writer was a serious person. Of course, as long as you read the content, you will no longer have this idea.

[Autopsy report]

[Subject name: Ryohei Hachiya]

[Subject age: 6 years old]

[Subject height: 103cm]

[Subject weight: 558kg]

[Origin: Hachiya Orphanage]

[Confirmed condition: Severe contamination conversion]

[Anatomical analysis: More than 70% of the subject's body tissues and organs have been converted into pure fat, 30% of the bones have softened, and the weight has increased dramatically. When the subject was found, he had lost the ability to move independently, but still had complete vital signs. He did not lose his vitality due to physical mutations and died halfway through the autopsy.]

[Analysis and judgment: The subject is one of the companions of the student "Hachiya Chiyo" in the orphanage. He came to the school several times to visit Hachiya Chiyo. Because Hachiya Chiyo herself was isolated and ridiculed by students, and because the subject's fat body attracted attention, she began to be insulted and abused by a large number of students. Specific insults include "fat pig", "pig head", "disgusting thing with oil all under the skin", etc. It is speculated that after the students reached a consensus, some kind of strange talk rules were triggered or generated, causing the subject to be cursed and contaminated and transformed into this form.]

[Conclusion: This is strong evidence that the research has entered a new stage. A person who does not live in the scope of Hayate Elementary School and is always far away from the environment where strange talks are generated successfully triggered the strange talk rules after being established by the students with a very simple impression. This means that the strange power of Hayate Elementary School has begun to slowly reach outside the school. If we can truly control such power, then perhaps we can successfully defeat the army of Ami Country through the imagination of these students. Everyone in the Bee House Orphanage must always be under strict control. We have to figure out how this rule works. The monitoring of Chiyo Bee House herself must also be increased. Even if her anti-reconnaissance awareness has become stronger and stronger, we must ensure that we can keep track of her whereabouts at all times.]

The content of the report itself is very simple, but it is enough to explain many problems.

So Chiyo Bee House hid in the ventilation duct and saw with her own eyes that the researchers killed her brother by dissecting him alive?

I don’t know if Chiyoko Hachiya recognized the person lying on the dissection table at that time. Well... she should have recognized it, so she became so crazy later and did something like destroying the entire Hayate Elementary School. I have to say that as an elementary school student, this child’s ability to act is really strong. Is it because he was born an orphan that he is so precocious and powerful?

Putting down the report, the police officer walked to a cabinet and opened it.

A body that was almost unrecognizable and had almost turned into pieces of broken frozen meat appeared with bursts of cold air.

There was also a note next to the feet of the corpse, which roughly recorded which class the pile of meat was originally from, and what kind of things it had experienced before it appeared in this dissection room. By the way, although these pieces of meat have lost their vitality, according to the dissection report, as long as this thing is thawed, the student may come back to life. Of course, it will come back to life in the form of a pile of pieces of meat that cannot be aggregated, and live in the pain of being torn apart forever.

Then he opened the second freezer, and this time there was a headless corpse inside, which was completely frozen. But after the freezer was opened and the body was exposed, Gao Hai noticed that it was still trembling slightly, and it seemed that it wanted to come back to life.

The third... the fourth... each of the more than 30 freezers contained a corpse, and each corpse still had the ability to move and was not really dead. The records they left behind showed that these things were all students who had lived in Zaodachi Elementary School, and their experiences were similar. They were all transformed into some strange forms after being rejected by the student group. They could not really die or be considered alive, and they completely became monsters.

As for individuals like Ryohei Hachiya who would be killed by dissection, according to the report, they seemed to be stored somewhere else. It seems that in the eyes of researchers, the objects that can be killed after mutation are more worthy of attention. After all, their goal is always to create destructive weapons that can cause mass casualties, rather than to create a bunch of high-threat things that cannot die.

The autopsy of Ryohei Hachiya... should have taken place after the orphanage was deserted.

The so-called "severe death" of all the people in the orphanage was probably to control the family of Chiyo Hachiya, who was beginning to be transformed by the strange power. Well, according to the current clues, Chiyo Hachiya is likely to have known the whereabouts of her family in some way, so she sneaked in. Then she may have drilled out of the ventilation duct and moved around in this area.

When Gao Hai had this idea, he immediately saw some new traces in the autopsy room through the police's sight.

Small, dirty footprints.

And the blurred handprints on the handles of the refrigerators.

It seems that a small figure can be seen silently staying next to the autopsy table, reaching out to touch the body that has been cut into pieces.

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