"I! Today! God! I have to! Follow! You! Explode! No! But!!!"

Chapter 69: What the cheater deserves and the secret of the initial contact

Gao Hai actually didn't know how he gained the ability to act under such circumstances.

What he felt at this moment was actually similar to the last situation he experienced when clearing the dungeon, that is, like watching a movie when he was unable to operate it, he saw the KP left behind who secretly operated before the dungeon was born. A few clues, nothing more.

But this time the situation is obviously different.

In the process of hearing that bastard talking nonsense and even planning to kill himself.

Gao Hai's originally immobile body gradually regained consciousness for some reason.

He began to be able to feel where he was, the abnormal stagnation around him, and began to be able to control his hands, feet and breathing. At the same time, he also discovered that KP's fingers that were almost crushing his neck seemed to be It's not as powerful as it was at the beginning.

If it were said that originally these KP seemed to be at a higher level than him, in a high position that he could not touch. Well, as the kp of [Campus Rumor] came into contact with him, and as he took the initiative to engage in these cheap behaviors, Gao Hai began to adapt to this guy's power little by little, and began to be able to understand what this guy was doing. position, and... I started to be able to take the initiative to contact him, and I was able to actually touch him.

Gao Hai has never forgotten any of the "special care" he received before.

So now, it's his turn.


While breathing, his fists were already clenched.

【Why are you——? ! 】

Before the man who had dressed himself so gorgeously could react, Gao Hai grabbed his head and lifted it up.

Then, the heavy punch that had been prepared penetrated straight through his face that seemed to have been carefully maintained.

Bang! Click——

In the heavy blow, the entire nose bone was the first to be completely shattered.

Then, the facial bones of the face were sunken, collapsing from the middle with a cracking sound.

The eyeballs exploded directly, exploding filthy juice.

The teeth were flying wildly at this moment, scattering in all directions.

The effect of Gao Hai's punch was like an exaggerated effect in a comic. He forcefully smashed the man's entire face, and the fist fiercely penetrated into the head and stirred into the inside of the skull, almost to the point of breaking. Punctured through the back of the head.

【Uh uh uh uh——】

The man's figure flew out at this moment and hit the ground, twitching several times like a dog that had fallen to death.

Gao Hai moved his shoulders, moved his hands and feet, and then took steps towards the man.

[You...uh...why can you move? It should be impossible for you to move in this place! ? impossible! Absolutely impossible! 】

The wounds on his face recovered quickly, leaving only some blood stains. The man struggled to get up from the ground and looked at Gao Hai with a surprised look. He could not believe that such a thing would happen.

"I don't know how it moved. Why don't I lead you to analyze it? Anyway, I have a lot of things to talk about and a lot of things to analyze with you? Hehehe, how about it, are you ready? ?"

Buzz buzz——

The bloody chainsaw roared in Gao Hai's hand.

And the smile on his face that has completely reached the level of Yan Yi looks more terrifying than the blood-red chain saw in his hand.

Is this... fear?

Looking at Gao Hai's running figure dragging a chainsaw, the man's figure trembled.

【impossible! This is impossible! You are just a piece of garbage living in the lower world. You have no right to say anything to me, the noble me! ! ! 】

The man's frantic shouting had just begun when the chainsaw penetrated his chest, strung him up in the air, and then smashed him to the ground. The force was so great that after the man hit the ground, he bounced up again before falling.

In the flying blood, the man who was mad with pain screamed and reached out to grab the chainsaw. He stopped the blood-red saw blade with his hand and forcibly pulled himself out of the chainsaw.

Don't be scared by this lowly creature. I won't be scared by this kind of garbage. My existence is nobler than him and much more powerful than him, so——


Gao Hai, who had caught up, stretched out his leg and kicked out, knocking the man who didn't know how to defend himself to the ground on the spot. He then slammed the chain saw down again, and penetrated the man again with a loud tearing sound. A very cool feeling.

Buzz buzz——

The sharp saw blade continued to rotate. Gao Hai pushed the man to the ground and used the chain saw to tear open his flesh and blood like a plow.

【Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! 】

The crazy scream was enough to illustrate the man's pain, but compared to the pain of the innocent people he secretly induced and killed, and the torture Gao Hai himself suffered at the hands of this guy, he could only say that the scream was too pleasant. .


With a muffled sound, the man broke free again, rolled and crawled away from Gao Hai, then tried to get up from the ground in a panic, and then rolled down again because the pain in his body did not subside, and stumbled again. Get up.

Although he suffered injuries that were fatal to humans, it was obvious that this man was not a real human being. He had just transformed into a "similar image" that could be understood by humans. Therefore, the injuries Gao Hai had just caused to him have completely disappeared, no trace can be seen, and even his clothes have been restored to their integrity.

[You...how did you do it? It is impossible for humans to have such power. You shameful cheater, what other cheating methods did you use? ! 】

The man didn't know that his voice was trembling, and it was filled with fear that he was not even aware of.

Gao Hai just smiled and continued to move forward.

【do not come! You trash, don't come near me again, damn you cheating bastard! 】

He roared and backed away, trying to distance himself from Gao Hai.

As for Gao Hai, who was wielding a blood saw, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. Then he strode forward to catch up, catching up with the man in front of him in a few seconds.

"How did I do that, why don't you think about it with that atrophied brain of yours?"

Buzz buzz——

The saw blade swung, but the man dodged it sideways.

Realizing that the current situation was completely out of control, the man as KP finally no longer just used lip service, but began to try to resist and fight back, trying to attack Gao Hai while dodging the attack.

He pumped out a powerful fist.

But his hands were not long enough, and Gao Hai, who was holding a chainsaw, was still far behind him and couldn't hit him.


Then Gao Hai turned the chainsaw sideways and hit him directly in the face, knocking the man over again and falling to the ground.

Buzz buzz——

In the bloody execution that followed, the saw blade cut off the man's hands and feet on the spot, and then immediately cut off the newly grown hands and feet again.

【Uh ah ah ah ah stop! 】

The man was screaming, trying his best to push away the saw blade, and tried to punch Gao Hai. Then he was kicked directly in the throat and kicked over again. Then Gao Hai stepped on the man's chest and turned the saw off. The blade hit this guy's face directly.

Buzz buzz——

The blood-red color instantly covered everything, and the howl of the man whose head was cut open repeatedly reminded Gao Hai of the animals in the slaughterhouse, but he didn't have the slightest sympathy, and just pressed the chain saw in his hand hard. , splitting the man in half vertically from head to tail.

【Uh uh...ahhhh...ah...】

The intense pain caused the man's howl to change its tone.

The body recovers again.

But the pain did not disappear immediately, so the man could not stand up immediately and could only crawl on the ground with difficulty, trying to stay away from Gao Hai, who was as ferocious as a murderous god.

[No...it shouldn't be like this. I am, I am a higher being. How could I be hurt by trash like you. There must be...there must be something wrong...]

He couldn't understand why he was hurt by Gao Hai, why he couldn't use the power he could have used to resolve the situation in front of him, why he had to endure these attacks and feel such intense pain.

The nerve signals of this lower creature were originally unable to act on him. But why... His senses seemed to be forcibly synchronized with humans, and he was forcibly given the ability to feel the pain of being sawed open alive.

This kind of thing is not normal, not normal at all.


There was no way the man could continue crawling.

Because Gao Hai came forward and stepped on him again, this time on his head.

"You know what? I'm very happy. I'm very happy that you are not an ordinary human being. You can continue to heal yourself after suffering trauma, instead of dying after being cut twice."

Gao Hai, who was holding a blood saw in one hand, said with a smile, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Because this way, things won't end too quickly. You bastard has suffered so much that it won't end so easily."


The bloody chain saw was raised high again.

The man with wide eyes felt the emotion called [fear] strongly at this moment.

【No...no...wait, please, not yet...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】


[Oh oh ah ah ah ah ah stop it! Stop it quickly, ahhhhh——】


【No! No! No ah ah ah! Please--please--ah, please forgive me, ah, ah, ah--! ! ! 】

Buzz buzz——

Raise the chainsaw, swing down the chainsaw.

Lift the chain saw again, and then swing the chain saw down hard.

He repeatedly raised the chain saw and then tore it apart as if he was smashing it hard.

Under the continuous swings, the man was almost cut into a ball of meat, but as long as the attack stopped for a while, he could immediately recover to his original state without any injuries.

The only thing accumulated is the pain itself.

【no, do not want……】

In the midst of a weak whine, Gao Hai reached out and grabbed the man's collar, lifted the guy up, then pressed his fingers on his face, pierced him hard, and then violently threw his hands and smashed him. On the wall not far away.

As soon as the wailing man got up, Gao Hai grabbed his hair and slammed him down on the wall again, smashing his entire head in one blow. Then he grabbed his collar and smashed it on the guy's head the moment it recovered, like smashing an egg, repeated more than ten times.

This was a bloody and torturous trial.

There is no formal process, no human compassion and no fair procedure. But at this moment, this kind of thing is not needed in the first place, right?

A man who is not an ordinary human being and cannot die easily suffered continuous torture in Gao Hai's hands for a long time. It was so long that he completely collapsed, so long that he almost lost the strength to howl, and could no longer resist or do anything. Any struggling movement can only lie on the ground like a dead dog, occasionally twitching to prove that he is not dead yet.

Only then did Gao Hai finally stop and throw this guy away like garbage.


Gao Hai breathed out slowly, shook off the blood on his hands, and looked around. The copy world was still as static as if time had been suspended.

"Hey, you've been watching the show for so long, it's time to come out, right?"

Gao Hai asked in a cold tone, without a trace of ripples in his voice.

[What a wonderful torture. Looking at your hands-on process, you seem to have drawn inspiration from some action games]

Then, a man wearing a black top hat and a suit, but without a human body, looking like a transparent person wearing clothes, suddenly appeared next to Gao Hai.

[Please just call me "Faceless One". For me who doesn't need a name, I think this is a very recognizable title. And, I am really happy to meet and communicate with you, dear Mr. Gao Hai. Unfortunately, I really hope that our first formal communication will not be at the scene of such a bad scandal, but something relatively normal. What about the occasion]

The figure in the black top hat who calls himself the Faceless Man takes off his hat and bends down to salute very respectfully, and then puts his hat back on.

"Is it because of something you did that I was able to regain consciousness and mobility in this place and beat him up?"

Gao Hai's tone remained unchanged, he just looked at this weird guy and said calmly.

[That's not entirely true. We did do some tricks to ensure that the guy couldn't resist too much when you taught him a lesson. However, the fact that you are able to move freely in this place is not entirely due to us, but because of yourself, or in other words, relying on the gift you received]

The faceless man stretched out his black-gloved finger and pointed in the direction of the broken black watch Gao Hai was wearing.

Sure enough, was KP able to discover this thing?

Gao Hai was not surprised by this, but he suddenly discovered that the position of the faceless man's finger did not seem to completely correspond to the position of the watch. He seemed... unable to see that thing. He could only guess where the watch was by looking at it from the side?

Gao Hai, who noticed this detail, frowned slightly.

"So you did help me control that trash writer. I thought you KPs were all from the same group and had a pretty good relationship with each other. Why, do you have any kind of competitive relationship? Or did he break it? What rules?"

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