Gao Hai, who didn't show any emotional flaws, crossed his arms and stared at the so-called "faceless man" and continued to ask.

He had vaguely felt a subtle sense of familiarity from this KP, as if he had seen this guy somewhere before. Hmm... It's probably not an illusion. Could this guy be the KP of Red Nut Gray Cave? It seemed that only that KP had contacted me outside of hallucinations. Although he borrowed Susan's body as a medium, he was the only one who could have left any impression on me.

[Of course, of course, Mr. Gao, you are so smart, you naturally know it very well. Rules are very important. Rules are very important. Without rules, where would the weird stories come from? We are KP, we are the ones responsible for compiling stories and shaping scenes for players like you to come and face challenges. In the words of the human world, we are like the organizers of a performance venue. We provide a stage for the actors' performances. Therefore, we also have rules that need to be followed. Unfortunately, the "writer" made a mistake in this matter. Principled error]

The faceless man who said this turned around and faced the man who fell on the ground, the man who could not get up until now, the man called the writer.

[It’s so embarrassing, writer, you’re like this, it’s really embarrassing]

Gao Hai could hear some emotion in the faceless man's voice.

[As a KP, as a staff member who sets the stage, and as a screenwriter behind the story, you actually ended up doing it yourself? You secretly modified the established rules, and modified them repeatedly more than once, so that the original normal rules began to collapse, and even led to the advent of "disordered chaos". Don't you think about the consequences when you do something? Your existence has really lowered our standards. You have lost the qualifications of KP. Unfortunately, writer, you have been removed]

The Faceless Man shook his head slightly as he spoke. The tone of voice is ups and downs, like performing an opera

To be honest, if this guy hadn't been wearing a hat, Gao Hai wouldn't have been able to tell that he was shaking his head. This guy didn't even move his shoulders when he shook his head.

But having said that, should I be removed?

It seems that in the [Sacrifice Game], the KP is probably not from the highest position. There may be something higher above these weird guys. I don’t know what kind of guy they are, and what purpose they have in starting this game.

[I was...expelled? 】

The writer, who had been lying on the ground for a while, seemed to have finally regained some consciousness. He struggled to get up from the ground, knelt on the ground and asked in an unbelievable tone.

[How is it possible...that I was...expelled? How is this possible... is it my fault? This is my fault? How is this's my fault! ? 】

Even though his condition was still very bad and he still hadn't fully recovered from Gao Hai's torture just now, the writer became uncontrollably furious and pointed at Gao Hai, who was standing next to him, as indifferent as if he were watching a play.

[Obviously he is the cheater! He is the violator! 】

[Using power that is impossible for normal players to obtain, come back again and again, challenge again and again, and even have various abilities blessed on him. Such behavior is obviously the greatest blasphemy against the script! 】

[The exquisite and wonderful story I designed cannot be challenged by garbage at his level! He should have died when he entered Touka Middle School! But using the power of constant repetition, he was able to break through impossible obstacles and forcibly destroy my story. Cheaters like him are clearly the ones who should be removed and destroyed! I was just defending my story, why should I be removed! ? I'm not wrong! ! ! 】

The writer roared at the top of his lungs, and the unwillingness in his voice made Gao Hai shake his head.

The faceless man couldn't help but lower his head and let out a long sigh.

[Seriously, writer, you really don’t even think about asking me to help you]

While speaking regretfully, the Faceless Man stretched out his hand to hold his hat.

[Is this all your excuse for your illegal behavior? Stupid, really stupid, why don't you use your brain to think about it, writer. If this is really a violation, if Mr. Gao is really the violator, how could he have come all the way here, in front of you? 】

[Do you think I haven’t seen his ability? Do you think we don’t know the power of that gift? Power comes at a price, and power needs to be paid to have it, and I have been fortunate enough to witness the dark fate that Mr. Gao touched after gaining that power, and the hard work he made to break through that curse]

As he spoke, the faceless man's voice had become yearning, even a bit fanatical.

[Physical pain, mental torture, the people you care about are killed. Each of his comebacks is based on loss, and each of his starts is after experiencing unimaginable torture.]

[He paid his own blood, like a brave man bearing a curse, challenging the misfortune that befell him again and again. Writer, Mr. Gao is far greater than you think. Why do you think he entered your story despite his lack of strength? This was the price for his gift, and the results are before your eyes now. He really overcame what should have been an insurmountable obstacle for him. Even without your trouble, he would only have to pay the price two or three times at most to end it all]

[In the final analysis, your ridiculous and ridiculous cheating behavior with no limit is what in turn made Mr. Gao great and made this hero's journey another victory filled with blood and pain. . And with your low level, I’m afraid you will never be able to understand this kind of thing]

The words of the faceless man made the writer's body tremble. It is certain that these words are heart-breaking for the writer, and they are a mental blow of the same level as Gao Hai's physical torture.

But at the same time, Gao Hai himself felt uncomfortable after listening to these words.

What a faceless person you are, why do you sound like Nantong when you talk? Are you KPs really okay? What kind of organization is this?

[No...this is too ridiculous...I don't admit it, I don't admit it, I can't admit it...]

The writer's body was trembling, but his voice didn't sound like he was about to give in.


It was also at this moment that Gao Hai felt a tremor. The stagnant time seemed to be flowing again. It seemed that it had reached a point where it could no longer maintain this state.

The black watch gave off a little warmth.

Gao Hai lowered his head and saw a gap suddenly cracked on the watch.

Then, before he could realize what happened, the writer's body suddenly floated into the air, and then flew directly towards Gao Hai and towards his watch.

【No no no! impossible! It is impossible for a noble being like me to be judged! Save me, save me quickly! Faceless One, save me! ! ! 】

When the writer finally realized what had happened, it was his wails that were obscured by the cracks in the watch, and then disappeared without a trace.

[In this way, things can finally get back on track, and it’s time for me to say goodbye to you. Dear Mr. Gao, I hope you will move forward without any difficulties.]

The faceless man nodded slightly, then turned around and said goodbye to Gao Hai, and the things around him that were originally stationary began to move at an extremely slow speed at this moment, and it seemed that they were really about to completely recover.

"Did anyone else get this before me?"

Gao Hai looked at the faceless man and asked directly.

[For this kind of question, you already have the answer, why bother to confirm it with me again. Of course, if you want to know more, I can only say that among those who have received this gift, you are the furthest and the strongest. Except for you, no one has successfully withstood the corresponding disaster after receiving the gift]

The faceless man's reply was very respectful, even a little disgusting.

【...This thing, what is it? 】

Gao Hai actually wanted to ask a lot.

What exactly is the Sacrifice Game? Where did the strange stories come from? What exactly do KP and the things above KP want to do? What are those black shadows in the real world...etc. A series of questions, a lot of questions that Gao Hai couldn't get answers to, he wanted to get answers from the KP in front of him who called himself the Faceless Man.

But in the end, he did not choose to ask this kind of question, because he knew that if he asked this kind of question, the other party would probably not answer it at all.

So after a moment of silence, he just asked such a seemingly insignificant and meaningless question.

[That is a great gift that we cannot touch and are not qualified to touch. I don’t know how it chooses its host. But you can become a user of this generation, I think it must be because of the greatness you possess, and only you can use such power in your hands]

The faceless man bowed again, his voice becoming more humble, but also filled with an imperceptible emotion, as if he was looking forward to the future with ecstatic emotions.

Then, his last voice gradually became ethereal as he disappeared, flowing through Gao Hai's ears like an auditory hallucination and disappearing without a trace.

The stopped time began to flow again, the rested obsession dissipated without a trace, the colors of chaos disappeared, and the remains of the copy began to break at an accelerated rate, heading towards destruction amidst bursts of roars.

[As for the name of that great gift, I have indeed been fortunate enough to hear it. Although it is ever-changing and no one knows its appearance except the host, its name has never changed, and that name is——]

[The key to the unity of all things]

Chapter 70: Rest and Restless Souls and the Ending Moment

It seemed that I saw a small closed room.

I saw a little girl sitting in this room, curled up and with empty eyes.

Empty houses, empty schools, the empty world stretching as far as the eye can see, as vast as it has always been.

But for the child who lost everything, she only felt that she was locked in a closed room from which she could not escape. No matter how much she cried, no one would pay attention to her. No matter where she went, she could not find rest. of harbor.

So in the end, she could only choose to close her heart, go crazy, and even take the initiative to hurt others.

She even used some abandoned research materials she found when she sneaked into the underground base, and began to actively induce her classmates to believe that she could communicate with Heihuhu and summon a very scary monster. However, her imagination was not very good, and at most she could only imagine a big-mouthed monster with teeth.

But she didn't know at the time that her attempts had been watched secretly by someone, admiring her step by step into the abyss. Until one day, the butcher heard something by chance and relayed it to her, she realized that her struggle with all her might might still be a joke.

The time to close the net was coming soon. After knowing something she shouldn't know, the only butcher who cared about her quickly disappeared without a trace. She really had no one who cared about her anymore.

So in the end, she chose to end everything completely and destroy everything in the most cruel way.

Anyway, no one can escape, no one can escape, so it's better to let her end it. Maybe it's better, isn't it?


It's like a dream that I've had for a long, long time.

The little girl opened her eyes, got up from the quilt, and yawned.

The mother's voice came from the corridor. She was calling Liangping, who loved to sleep in, to get up, scolding the lazy idiot not to stay in bed all the time.

The chef uncle downstairs had already prepared breakfast, and the girl could smell the fragrance by the bedroom window.

Today's breakfast was prepared earlier than usual. The girl thought, it must be because of the help of the new butcher uncle, so he could move so quickly?

Thinking of this, the girl changed her clothes, opened the bedroom door and came out, and then saw that her brothers and sisters were already running downstairs.

[Everyone move slowly, be careful not to fall, Chiyo, you get up, go wash up first]

The mother standing in the corridor smiled and spoke. She was not Chiyo's biological mother, but the one who opened this orphanage and adopted many children. But in Chiyo's eyes, she was her mother, no worse than anyone else, the best mother.


So the little girl smiled, turned around and took a step, and walked forward excitedly.

The sunlight outside the window is still as gentle as in my memory.

The laughter of everyone has not changed at all.

So, I don’t need to go anywhere, and I don’t need to get anything. I just need to be here. I just need to be here.

As long as I can come back to this place, I don’t need anything.

The resentment has been eliminated.

The obsession has been put to rest.

The broken world is falling towards darkness.

Gao Hai, holding two half-grown puppies, has landed on the first floor of the orphanage in the ruins, which has never been damaged. Even the door that was damaged by the chainsaw has been repaired.

“You go back first, I will catch up soon.”

Hayasaka and Kaguya have not yet fully recovered as humans, but their bodies have gradually begun to change. After the disappearance of the butcher, the rules of the ghost story secretly modified by the KP “writer” of [School Ghost Story] finally began to fail. Gao Hai expected that they would be able to fully recover as adults after they returned to the real world, but, well, the sequelae would only be discussed at that time, and I hope they are not too serious.

The two half-grown puppies entered the gate of the orphanage, and then disappeared without a trace, leaving this copy.

Gao Hai walked through the broken ruins, avoiding those twisted ghosts and the crazy headless man. After spending some time, he found Yuanshan Ming who was crawling hard in the ruins.

The man looked quite embarrassed at this time. The severe mental damage and physical weakness almost turned him into a useless person, but even so, he still did not give up survival and was still struggling in the ruins until Gao Hai came back to find him.

"Hey, how is the situation?"

Gao Hai walked in front of Yuanshan Ming, looked at him and asked.

"You... did it...?"

Yuanshan Ming, who was still unable to organize his words, raised his head with difficulty and looked at Gao Hai and asked vaguely.

He wanted to ask Gao Hai if he really cracked the core obsession of this copy. This kind of thing can be known at a glance, and it is a question that is deliberately asked. It can be seen that the matter of cracking the core obsession of the Red Moon-level copy is so shocking that Yuanshan Ming would ask such a question.

"Let's talk about the past later. By the way, don't expect me to return those obsessions to you. This is the reward for saving your life."

Gao Hai said in a relaxed tone, stretched out his hand to help Yuanshan Ming up, and then moved faster.

After those terrifying colors disappeared, the collapse of the copy had returned to normal and began to gradually collapse into the endless abyss of darkness.

Gao Hai was actually quite curious about what existed at the end of the dark color, but he estimated that if he wanted to figure this out, he would probably have to die once. On this issue, Gao Hai felt that it was not worth wasting a life to verify something that was dispensable, so he suppressed this thought.

Perhaps, when he comes into contact with a certain KP again, he will know the answer to the question.

I hope that I will meet a normal KP at that time, and don't come across such a rubbish as "writer" again.


With the sound of heavy footsteps, Gao Hai easily avoided the pursuit of those strange creatures and returned to the door of the orphanage area again.

Due to the "writer's" blind changes, the underlying rules of the dungeon collapsed. Now, even if the dungeon returns to normal, all the monsters that still remain in the dungeon have become extremely weak, resulting in a very weak chase this time. Gao Hai didn't feel the tension of life-threatening escape in the previous copies at all.

"We're here. Remember to treat me to a meal when you recover."

After arriving at the entrance of the orphanage, which was the exit of the copy of Hayatachi Elementary School, Gao Hai stopped and was ready to throw Toyama Akira in as he spoke.

"Thank you... thank you... and... those... are... yours..."

Reluctantly showing a weak smile to Gao Hai, Yuan Shanming weakly waved his hand, and then Gao Hai threw him into the door and returned to the real world.

Considering that when the player returns to reality from the dungeon, he will inevitably return to the place where he entered the dungeon, well... I wonder if his teammates will be there when he comes out. If so, I hope it won't scare people.

And what the guy said at the end meant that he did hand over those obsessions to me? Are you worried that I might misunderstand something if you want to emphasize this clearly? Or does it have something to do with the people in his team? However, considering that the blood pen is indeed very powerful as an obsession, and it can bring excellent intelligence regardless of positive or negative effects, maybe this guy's other teammates will feel sick.

Of course, no matter how much someone hurts someone, Gao Hai will never take it back.

Just kidding, Miss Xiong Mi has been a good teammate with the gold medal since she was rescued by him, and she even used her life to pave the way for him to pass the level. In Gao Hai's opinion, Miss Xiong Mi doesn't owe him anything. But Toyama Akira has been out of control since he was rescued. Not to mention Touka Middle School, this guy from Hayatachi Elementary School almost tore Gao Hai apart when he came up. In order to solve the pain Gao Hai endured, it was a little bit of torture. Quite a few, and in the end he was kind enough to take him out so that he, who was unable to move, could leave the dungeon alive. So what if he received a few obsessions as reward for this?

"This rescue operation has been successfully completed."

Gao Hai sighed in a low voice.

The goal was obviously to save Hayasaka who accidentally entered the dungeon, but in the end he did something quite extraordinary.

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