[No matter what, take them away first. The flood peak should not reach the third floor. If it doesn't work, we will come back again... Take these two people away first and keep them under strict supervision]

[What beasts, they actually did such a thing. Are these two guys still human? I heard that their son was taken to his hometown four days ago? Did they know that this day would come and prepare in advance?]

[It's been so many days... Why didn't anyone call the police when there was such a strong smell? It's impossible that the people in the whole building have lost their sense of smell, right?]

[Don't talk about this for now, take the people away, the police are waiting in the safe area, take them away first]

The voices of the rescue team members, mixed with the angry curses of men and women, seemed to be stuffed directly into Gao Hai's head.

In the waves of stabbing pain, Gao Hai, who stood there unable to move, just watched the rescue team members who were walking forward and towards him, as well as Li Youcai and Xu Jiazhen who were held by them, and...

Behind them, a small figure that was not noticed by anyone.

That is...

That is...that is a child...

That...that is...I...here...no...

All thinking abilities were almost disconnected at this moment, so that even the senses of the whole body began to be confused.

Gao Hai couldn't hear the sound, see the object, or sense anything. He just felt more and more pain, extremely intense, and continuous pain.

It was like someone took a needle and thread...

and sewed his mouth up little by little...


Because...he was...not listening...



Gao Hai opened his eyes and saw Green sitting on the side of the kitchen with a deathly pale face, the wall clock lying on the ground, Zhenfei who helped him up with a worried look, and Kaguya and Sun Dajun who were also paying attention to him.

He returned to 206.

Back to the moment before the second exploration was about to start.

"How is it, what did you find?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Gao Hai closely and asked immediately.

Gao Hai didn't say anything, but just reached out and touched his pocket first.

Then, he showed a somewhat surprised expression.

The key to room 304 is still there, and so is the old tape.

How could this happen? Why haven't these two items been traced back? Is it because they have some special features that they won't be traced back?

"There are indeed many discoveries, I..."

Gao Hai breathed a sigh of relief that he had returned to a safe area, and then prepared to talk about his experience down there.

But he just opened his mouth and raised his head again, and the words in his mouth could not help but stop.

He saw the little figure standing in the living room, watching him.

She was here.

She was watching him silently.

She was waiting for his gaze to come over and let him understand the facts at the moment.

[The biggest taboo in Shirakawa Apartment is children]

This key information from the outdated rule sheet suddenly flashed through Gao Hai's mind.

He thought he had understood what the taboo meant.

But now it seems that he has just touched this taboo.

Chapter 37: The kind of love that makes you want to marry and make her your wife

Almost as soon as Gao Hai's expression changed, Kaguya immediately turned her head and looked in the direction Gao Hai's sight was facing.

Mahi's reaction was a little slower, but she also realized that something was wrong immediately, and immediately picked up the wall clock, ready to dial the clock at any time.

"Don't, that's useless."

But then Gao Hai waved his hand, signaling Mahi not to waste the opportunity to go back.

Since the last time he went back, he couldn't get rid of that thing, and it was certain that even if he went back again, the situation would not improve.

In the final analysis, the wall clock's backtracking is essentially the power of the strange place of Shirakawa Apartment, and this thing is definitely the real core of Shirakawa Apartment. There is no reason for the younger brother to suppress the older brother, so for Gao Hai who has already [understood the taboo], it is useless no matter how many times he goes back.

I don't know if the backtracking can work. In theory, the priority of the backtracking should be the highest, but the power of this thing lies in [understanding]. Tsk, now is not the time to think about this kind of problem. This thing is just standing here, not taking any action. You can't do anything that will stimulate this thing. I finally got the clue props, at least I have to hold on until I get more information.

"Is it something that can't be lifted?"

At this time, Kaguya stepped forward and looked at Gao Hai and asked calmly.

Gao Hai nodded slightly.

"Right here?"

Kaguya asked again.

Gao Hai blinked, and then he noticed that the figure standing in the room just now disappeared. He thought that the other party might have left temporarily, but when he turned his head again, he found that the other party was standing on the ceiling, just above his head, staring at him with a completely broken neck.


So he nodded again.

"Is it safe?"

Kaguya continued to ask.

Gao Hai knew that she wanted to ask him whether his current state was dangerous and whether it would endanger others. He lowered his head and thought for a while, thinking that he saw this thing because he saw a key scene, so as long as he didn't say it, this thing should not produce any further changes. Although this weird existence is theoretically the scariest thing in Shirakawa Apartment, it still has to abide by the rules of [information interaction]. It has accepted the information but has not interacted with it yet. In this case, it will Able to maintain a temporary balance.

If you think about it this way, the outdated first edition rules are not completely useless. Unfortunately, it is too late to find out.

"Don't ask, don't mention, don't think."

Gao Hai spoke slowly and solemnly addressed the people in the room.

There seemed to be yellow-red blood mixed with pus dripping on Gao Hai's body, but if you look closely, you will find that there is nothing.

And then, before Kaguya and Zhen Fei could think more, Gao Hai took out the key and tape of 304.

He roughly recounted his experience in 109, and avoided any content involving [children]. Green had already dialed the clock once. At this time, his face was ashen, and he just huddled in the corner and didn't listen to anything. However, Sun Dajun was unable to listen too carefully because of his old age and poor brain response. Only Kaguya and Zhen Fei could quickly understand what Gao Hai said and think deeply about it.

"The keys and tapes of 304... Sanchez of 109 has investigated quite deeply. Following his footsteps, we will learn the deepest truth of the entire apartment step by step... However, I don't see how such a truth can help us leave the apartment. , I feel that the more I know, the harder it will be to leave here.”

Kaguya, who stood leaning against the wall, thought for a while and then slowly spoke, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"That's true, but we have no other clues to use now. Maybe 309 is a new investigation direction, but we know nothing about the situation on the third floor. Hmm... But Haijun said that the stairs on the second floor will all lead to the third floor. Floor, then I think we can focus the next stage of investigation on exploring the third floor.”

Knowing that some topics cannot be discussed at the moment, Zhen Fei clapped her hands, and then spoke, which was regarded as shifting the current focus of the topic to the next step.

Then, several people in the room discussed for a while. During the process, both Kaguya and Zhenfei completely avoided the topic of [children]. It was obvious that the two of them had clearly realized what kind of taboo Gao Hai had touched.

The time was getting late, and the light outside the window began to dim.

Both Gao Hai and the injured Zhen Fei, who had explored twice, needed to rest, so today was no longer suitable for exploration.

As for whether to try to carry out operations at night, everyone answered no. After all, it is too dangerous to carry out operations at night in this dangerous and strange apartment. It is better to use this time to rest.

"Haijun, are you sure you are really okay?"

Before night came completely, around 5:30 pm, everyone returned to their respective houses to prepare for the night. Before returning to the house, Zhen Fei, who had gauze wrapped around her head, stopped and looked at Gao Hai on the other side with some worry and asked.

"It's okay. At least it shouldn't be a big problem now, so there's nothing to worry about."

As Gao Hai spoke, he raised his hands, bent his arms and put his fingers on top of his head, making a gesture of love.

"Ha, who is worried about you? If nothing is wrong, don't look sick. We will continue to investigate and explore tomorrow. And can you please stop doing such disgusting actions? Men do this This action is not cute at all.”

Zhen Fei, who frowned almost immediately, snorted, turned around and entered Room 208 with her arms folded.

She is really a pretty standard tsundere.

Facing the other party's reaction, Gao Hai couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Turning around, Gao Hai took steps toward the door of Room 204 where he was. But before he actually walked into the house, a voice sounded from behind him again.

"And... don't force yourself too much. If your condition is really bad, there's nothing wrong with staying behind."

When Gao Hai turned around again, Zhen Fei had already closed the door of 208, and the expression on her face could no longer be seen.

Obviously I want to care about people, but it turns out that I can't say it directly, I have to do it in such an awkward way... But, this is the standard tsundere, right? I always feel that he is the type that is very suitable for bullying.

Gao Hai felt much better when he thought of this. If he hadn't seen that thing standing at the corner of the corridor after returning to the house, he might have been in a better mood.

In addition, the reason why Gao Hai keeps using "that thing" to describe it is not because he is deliberately avoiding certain descriptors, but because in his sight, the other party can only use such words to describe describe. Because he couldn't see the other party's specific appearance clearly.

It looks like a five- or six-year-old child in terms of body shape. It is very short and very small, and the whole body has a vague appearance. There is no way to identify any features. It can only be said that it is barely a human-shaped mosaic. look.

If you observe carefully, you will feel that the other person's image is gradually becoming clearer. However, Gao Hai would not commit suicide, so he always adopted an attitude of ignoring the other party.

Ignore her.

Pretend she doesn't exist.

As long as you adopt this attitude, there will be no problem.

Will there be no problem?

Gao Hai stopped when he thought of something, and subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look at the other person, but in the end he endured it and just continued walking towards the living room.

Is such a thing really possible?

Everyone has an attitude of being indifferent to the cruelty that is happening right in front of them?

Gao Hai wanted to deny such an idea, but in the end he couldn't find a reason to convince himself, so he just continued to remain silent, pretending not to see the thing behind him, and walked into the living room.

Kaguya, holding a wall clock, was already standing in the room.

Seeing Gao Hai come in, she just asked with a cold face whether the front door and the living room door were locked. After receiving a positive reply, she nodded and said nothing more.

It is worth mentioning that the hole in the door of the living room 204 has been repaired by Sun Dajun. Although it was just a piece of wood nailed to block the hole, it completely separated the corridor and the living room door, ensuring that nothing would peek into the living room from the corridor.

The light outside the window was almost gone.

On the wall clock in the room, the time was already close to 19 o'clock.

I always feel that time in the apartment seems to flow a little faster than normal. I don't know if it's my imagination.

Gao Hai glanced at the little figure standing at the door of the kitchen, which looked even more blurry in the dim light, from the corner of his sight. Then he closed his eyes and sat against the wall to rest. You must know that as today's exploration forward, his mental state is not ordinary tired now. Gao Hai estimates that he will be fine even if he sleeps directly from now to eight o'clock the next day.

"Mr. Gao Hai, do you mind asking you a question?"

Kaguya, who was sitting not far from Gao Hai, suddenly spoke at this moment.

"what is the problem?"

Gao Hai first turned to look at Kaguya, and after confirming that it was her who was speaking and that nothing was imitating her voice, he opened his mouth to answer.

"Do you like True Concubine very much and have a good impression of her?"

The next moment, Kaguya's calm voice made Gao Hai stunned.

What kind of strange question is this? Is it sure that this is the set of Rules and Monsters and not the set of Love Game?

Or is she planning to use this kind of question to ease the tension in the past two days?

Gao Hai didn't understand the reason why Kaguya asked.

However, the answer is very simple and easy. Gao Hai's answers to such questions are always simple and straightforward.

"Of course I like her very much. How could I not like such a cute girl?"

"My love for the true concubine is the kind of love that I want to get married and take home as my wife."

Gao Hai's voice was extremely serious, without any hint of joking.

"Really? Is it to this extent?"

Even Kaguya Shinomiya in the Ice Princess state was obviously at a loss for such an answer, so much so that her voice had some twists and turns.

of course it's true.

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