Just like I always like Lafite, Yukifu, Akashi, Amiya, Rosemary, Skadi, Altria, Rin Tosaka, Illya, Kurosa, Kafu, Chino, Rem, Emilia, Nagisa Furukawa, Mai Sakurajima, Kato Meei, Riri, Hakurei, Reimu, Kanna, Goko Ruri, Tokisaki, Kurumi, Misaka, Mikoto... Ah, it seems like there are too many to read.

"Ahem, this is just my personal good wish. Let's consider the problem of survival first."

Gao Hai coughed lightly, which was considered to be a temporary release of this topic.

"Is that so..."

And Kaguya also fell silent without knowing what she was thinking, so the whole room became quiet.

It should have been quiet like this.


A violent explosion suddenly sounded in the corridor on the second floor.

In the sound of violent shaking, Gao Hai was shaken to the ground, and Shinomiya Kaguya was also startled and stood up suddenly by holding the wall.

And then, before the two could react, a series of fierce "bang bang bang bang" gunshots rang out in the corridor, accompanied by the sound of someone running quickly.

And a gloomy and cold atmosphere spread to the entire second floor.

Chapter 38: Fangs don't just attack from the front

It's Lao Guo.

The moment Gao Hai heard the explosion, he realized what happened.

The old player who had accelerated the first day in the previous reincarnation and forced everyone into the most critical state, the guy who was killed by the abnormality that replaced Shinomiya Kaguya's identity on the third floor, and there was a big explosion before his death. In this reincarnation, he actually lived to the second night? And there were explosions and gun battles, could it be that he was planning to lead all the abnormalities in the entire building to the second floor?


The wall made a shattering sound at this moment.

Gao Hai turned around and saw cracks appearing on the wall in the living room in the same direction as the door.

Outside, there were the screams of Zhenfei and the heart-wrenching screams of Green.

The door was blown down? !

Gao Hai had already heard the footsteps in the corridor, approaching the living room door quickly, one after another, and it sounded like there were at least seven or eight people.


The dull sound was accompanied by the tremor of the ground, and it sounded continuously from all directions.

The corpses in each room were in fierce conflict with something.

There was no doubt that the countless monsters that Gao Hai heard on the third floor on the first night of the last reincarnation had moved to the second floor this time.

If that was the case, this door would be impossible to block.


In these fleeting seconds, Gao Hai shouted at the girl in the room without hesitation.

No more dialogue was needed.

After just this one word, Kaguya immediately understood what Gao Hai wanted to express.

Reach out.

Grab the pointer of the wall clock.

Kaguya turned the pointer without hesitation.


Gao Hai opened his eyes with a crisp sound and saw that the light outside the window had almost disappeared, and the surroundings had fallen into darkness to a certain extent.

The time was retraced to about six o'clock in the evening.

At this time, the pale Kaguya dodged the wall clock on the ground. It seemed that the clock had become a very scary thing in her sight.

Gao Hai didn't have time to care so much, and hurriedly opened the living room door, rushed through the corridor, and then opened the door to look at the corridor outside.

Then he saw Lao Guo, with a gloomy expression, walking slowly through the corridor. When he saw him come out, he just glanced at him coldly, and didn't even bother to say a word. He just walked all the way to the end of the corridor and went downstairs along the stairs.


Gao Hai stood there without saying anything, just watching the other person's back disappear.

Just now, when he was about to say something, he saw something like a doll sticking out of Lao Guo's coat pocket.

At that moment, when Gao Hai felt the sight of the doll, he realized that if he had really said something just now, as long as it was something that made Lao Guo feel uncomfortable, he might have died on the spot in the corridor.

So that's it. His previous actions of throwing bombs and shooting were to involve us and force us to turn the pointer back so that he could escape from danger in advance.

His exploration on the 3rd floor must have suffered a failure like the previous reincarnation, but this time, since Kaguya was not turned into an abnormality, he should not be in danger, but the situation was unfavorable and his actions were frustrated.

So this guy said don't get in the way, but if something really happens, he will come back to mess with other players?

At this moment, Gao Hai had countless dirty words coming out of his throat, but he had neither a powerful obsession object nor an extraordinary prop, nor an offensive weapon such as a pistol bomb, and now it was getting later and the light was getting dimmer, he could only look at the direction where Lao Guo disappeared and take a deep breath, then close the door and return to the living room.

This revenge must be avenged.

If Lao Guo was just a nuisance to Gao Hai before, and he was a fool who wanted to show off in the rule-based weird dungeon, then now Lao Guo has become the most dangerous factor in the entire dungeon. He has no doubt that this man will do more tormenting things to the survivors. If this kind of person lives one more day in the dungeon, the possibility of all of them encountering danger will increase by one level.

"We are being used, right?"

When Kaguya in the living room saw Gao Hai coming back, she asked softly.


Seeing that Kaguya had guessed the truth, Gao Hai could only smile bitterly, sit down against the wall and continue to rest.

Green, who is unreliable at critical moments, Sun Dajun, who can only do some logistics work, Miwa Maeda, a pure waste, the black guy who ran away with Lao Guo after being fooled, and this most unworthy so-called person who causes trouble. Old player Lao Guo...

After careful calculation, all the teammates in this so-called game, except for Kaguya and Zhenfei, two two-dimensional beautiful girls, actually have problems. And except for Sun Dajun, who is at least an honest person who can communicate well and provide help, the others are all complete trolls and troublemakers.

Please, it’s already very difficult to find clues and deduce information from this terrible rule nonsense. Can you please stop making it more difficult for us?

Gao Hai really wanted to ask this question, but in the end he just sighed silently and closed his eyes to rest as night fell.

This night, Gao Hai did not play someone from the past in his sleep and experience something that happened in the past.

Because in his dream, there was a little girl blocking the door of the living room, crying softly.

Her cries were muffled, as if her mouth had been blocked, and all she could hear was muffled sobbing.

Gao Hai stood in front of the living room door... No, is this the living room door? This seemed to be a strange door, a door he had never seen before. And she was right outside the door, as if she was waiting for him to open the door. She was waiting for him to open the door and bring her in.

Why would you dream of such a thing?

When Gao Hai opened his eyes, the sky was already bright.

Everyone gathered again, in Room 206 of Sun Dajun just like yesterday. This time it happened that Sun Dajun was in charge of cooking noodles and

Several people in the living room had a general discussion, or to be more precise, the three of them, Kaguya Kaguya and Princess Gao Hai, discussed the situation and then prepared for the next exploration of the third floor.

"This time, Concubine Zhen and I will go to the third floor to explore. Mr. Gao Hai, please stay on the second floor."

Kaguya decided on a strategy for this time.

"I think I can continue to be responsible for the exploration mission. After all, I already explored twice yesterday, and I have been to the third floor, so I have some experience."

Gao Hai was somewhat hesitant, feeling that he should still be responsible for the exploration and investigation.

"It's because you have already investigated twice that you need a good rest today, and you must be keeping an eye on this place."

Kaguya shook her head, directly denying Gao Hai's words, and looked at Miwa Maeda, who was sitting on the side of the room and smelled bad.

This insane woman was pulled out again, and the reason for bringing her out was simple, just to let her ring the bell. Sun Dajun and Green had already set the clock. Gao Hai claimed that he had gone back once, so he was treated as someone who had set the clock. In this case, Maeda Miwa was the only woman who could be used as a bell ringer, so after some consideration, they asked Green to open the door and bring this woman out.

I don’t know if she was a little stupid after being locked up in the house for two days. Maeda Miwa was much quieter when she came out this time, and she no longer yelled randomly. She was even a little sober and could barely communicate. Seeing Kaguya looking at her at this time, she stood up unsteadily, muttering "I'm not useless, I'm useful, I'm useful", waving her hands nervously and jumping twice, and then Laughed again.

"To be honest, I actually think there are a lot of things wrong with releasing this woman."

Gao Hai looked at this guy whose brain was completely broken and shook his head.

There were only two corpses in room 205, and it was unknown whether there was something inside behind the sealed kitchen door. Because they were aware of the difference in room 205, Gao Hai and others have not investigated and explored it. Gao Hai has always been somewhat suspicious of the woman Maeda Miwa who came out of this room.

What is the point of such a pure waste being thrown into this copy? Is the sacrifice game completely non-picky?

"Of course I know something is wrong, but this is the only way I can do it right now. Without taking her into consideration, we only have the true concubine left to go back to. So even if she has many suspicious things, we must make use of her. Let her dial the clock at least once and use the role she can play.”

Kaguya obviously knew the problem Gao Hai was referring to, and she was very helpless about it, and she couldn't hide a bit of worry in her expression.

If Lao Guo hadn't appeared last night, and on the premise that both Kaguya and Zhenbi could go back, the original activation of Maeda Miwa could have been postponed later.

But now only Concubine Zhen is able to go back. Considering Concubine Zhen's excellent abilities, it would be inappropriate for her to stay on the second floor and set the clock. Therefore, we can only use Maeda Miwa in this round and let her play the role she can.

"I'm useful. I'm useful. It's really true. If you don't believe me, try it. Hehehe, I'm very powerful."

Maeda Miwa came over at this moment, walked in front of Gao Hai and Kaguya, and then directly lifted up her clothes.

Faced with such a scene, Gao Hai took some steps away from the crazy woman without any hesitation. While motioning Green to come over and take the woman away, he reached out and took out the 304 key from his pocket and handed it to Kaguya.

"No matter what, you must act carefully. You are the backbone of our team."

In order to avoid the atmosphere being too serious before the action, Gao Hai made a little joke to Kaguya.

"Humph, this kind of little flattery is useless to my aunt."

Not far away, Zhenfei, who was stretching her body and preparing to leave, looked over and snorted at Gao Hai.

Green grabbed the shoulder of Maeda Miwa who was still trying to move forward. His eyes unconsciously looked at the skin under the other's lifted clothes. He swallowed his saliva and his eyes began to have some evil thoughts.

"Don't worry, as the eldest daughter of the Shinomiya family, I won't fall in such a place."

Shinomiya Kaguya ignored the words "I'm really useful" that Maeda Miwa, who was being held aside, was still shouting, and faced Gao Hai with a faint smile on her lips. While speaking with a somewhat arrogant tone, she raised her hand and prepared to catch the key handed over by Gao Hai.

But what she finally caught was not the key in Gao Hai's hand.

But Gao Hai's falling hand.


Flying blood gushed out from the broken wrist.

The sharp knife in Maeda Miwa's hand turned a circle, cut the neck of Green who walked to her side, and then directly cut off Gao Hai's right hand.

This woman rushed forward at an astonishing speed. At the moment of cutting off Gao Hai's right hand, her left hand had already grasped the second slender knife and stabbed it straight into Kaguya's face.

At the moment of danger, Kaguya's eyes widened in emergency response, and she stretched out her hand to block her face. Then her palm was pierced, and the blade cut her side face, leaving a bloody wound.


A heavy kick landed on Kaguya's stomach the next moment.

Gao Hai had reacted at this moment, and rushed forward despite the severe pain of the broken hand, but was dodged by the woman with a snake-like movement, stretched out her hand to take the broken hand, and grabbed the key held in the broken hand.

The next moment, Kaguya kicked the woman's back with a horizontal kick. The opponent was unable to completely avoid this heavy blow, and immediately rolled on the ground in embarrassment, but immediately turned over and jumped up, and then retreated to one side of the house.

This retreat did not succeed immediately.

Because the other side reacted to the real concubine rushed forward, grabbed the thin rope connected to the key, and at this moment pulled and stopped the woman's movement.

And Kaguya, who didn't care about the injury on her palm, had already rushed up again to launch an attack.

"Oh, what a great group of newcomers. This is clearly not a mission that newcomers can survive."

With a teasing voice, the woman swung her knife to cut the thin rope, and moved again, dodging Kaguya's attack with an agility that was almost impossible for a normal person to achieve, and suddenly shrank to the direction of the living room door. At the same time, she threw a knife and nailed it directly to the wall clock on the side of the room, cutting off the clock's hands.

At this moment, Maeda Miwa's appearance and temperament had changed drastically.

"You are the same as Lao Guo... an old player who ran in illegally? You are not Maeda Miwa at all..."

Sun Dajun was so scared that he almost collapsed on the ground, and Gao Hai, who was half-kneeling on the ground with his hand covering his bleeding broken hand, looked at the woman's appearance and understood everything at this moment.

The two bodies of 205, the fresh suffocated body, were actually the original players of 205. This woman, like Lao Guo, used some method to force her way into the dungeon that she was not qualified to enter, and killed the new player in the room. She also used some means, perhaps the power of the obsession, to replace the other party's identity. The reason why the corpse in Room 205 left the room during the day may be because this woman's behavior caused problems with the rules of Room 205, which led to this abnormal situation!

"So, you are really a group of very powerful newcomers. If you are given time to grow and improve through normal dungeons, you may become the top Red Moon players. Although it is a pity that you probably don't have this opportunity anymore."

The woman grinned, with a full of malice in her tone.

Kaguya has rushed forward to attack again, but her fist went straight through the woman's body and hit nothing.

In the eyes of everyone in the room, Maeda Miwa, who had been a crazy and useless person for the past three days, gradually dissolved like mud and dissipated on the floor.

"As for me, I don't have any special abilities. I was just lucky enough to get two obsessions that are suitable for saving my life. So, I like to reap the fruits of others' labor. The first floor of Shirakawa Apartment has been difficult to enter and explore since it deteriorated. This time, thanks to you, thank you very much. In return, I will tell you the original method of clearing this dungeon, which is to find a way to get the clothes of the Debtor. As long as you put on the clothes of the Debtor and walk out of the first floor door before being assimilated by your mind, you can leave this dungeon."

"This is the truth, I'm not lying to you. Of course, this was the method used before. Now the [Debt Collector] has lost his form and has become invisible. This copy is being [fixed]. Perhaps it has swallowed enough lives, or perhaps it has been stimulated by something. The original clearance strategy has completely failed, but on the other hand, the core obsession that was originally untouchable now has a real chance to be touched."

"It's a pity that you have encountered such a thing. The changes in the copy and the forced intervention of two non-new players have made this apartment more dangerous than ever before. But even so, you can still help me get the key to 304. I am really very grateful. Hehehe, I hope you can survive, newcomers~"

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