But from now on, everything is different.

Because I am no longer a silent bystander, because I have established who I should be and what I should do.


I am a teacher.

I will take on the responsibilities that no adult is willing to take on.

I will believe in my students.

I will do my best to protect my students, their lives, their futures, and their dreams.

I will always stand by my students and guide them to grow.

[Teacher... Are you a teacher too? ]

Yes, I am a teacher.

[Teacher! ]

Yes, I am here.


Don't be afraid, don't be sad, I am always here.


Broken pictures flashed by one after another.

But, little by little, these broken things began to become complete and become clear again.


In one of the pictures, a girl pushed open the door of the rooftop and slowly stepped into this deserted and silent place.

The cool breeze blew gently, blowing the girl's hair that was cut by scissors.

She took a step forward, and her wet clothes smelled bad, which was the result of being splashed with dirty water by classmates in the toilet.

On the playground downstairs, her shredded notebooks and shoes were scattered all over the floor, and the cleaners had already swept some of them away.


Slowly, the girl walked to the edge of the roof step by step.

She pursed her lips slightly, as if she wanted to laugh, or as if she wanted to cry out.

She reached out and grabbed the fence on the edge of the roof, tiptoed slightly, and was about to flip over here and fall down.

Or would it be better to say take off?

Just like this, forever throw away all the constraints of the world, abandon all the painful memories, and fly in the sky like a bird.

Isn't it great in this way?

She exerted a little force on her arms.

Half of her body had already fallen in the air.

She sat on the edge of the roof, humming a song softly, ready to jump down and say goodbye to this world.

[Stop, don't do this]

The teacher's voice sounded behind him.

Accompanied by the sound of the approaching wind, the teacher reached out his hand, grabbed the girl's arm, and stopped her from moving.

[...Teacher, why?]

She turned her head and asked with a bit of confusion in her voice.

The girl was in a mess, with stains and marks of injuries all over her body, and there was only a void in her eyes.

Just like those children and students I had seen before, just like they were at the end, once again, in front of me.

But this time, I want to refuse such a thing to happen again.

[Because you are a child who loves cleanliness and cares about your image. If you jump, you will bleed, you will be covered with mud, and you will become ugly.]

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and gently hugged the other person in his arms.

Just like what he wanted to do countless times before, he gently hugged these injured children.

Then, tell his students again, tell them seriously.

[Don't do it again, Eriko, don't do it again]

[Doing this... won't change anything. You'll end up hurting the only people who really care about you]

[It will be painful if you jump. You'll be sent to the hospital and your body will be cut open with a knife. Your classmates will talk about it for a few days, and then everyone will forget about you, as if your jumping never happened and no one cares anymore]

[Those classmates who bullied you won't be punished. At most, they'll transfer to a new school. Then no one will know that they once forced a child to death. No one will look into their past. They can still live happily as before and look for new prey to bully]

[The teacher who ignored the bullying incident will definitely not be fired. This kind of thing is unlikely to pose a real threat to him. On the contrary, if a few years pass, when the students who know about the incident graduate and leave, he may be rated as an excellent teacher and receive a reward for his hard work]

[If you jump, all the evil people will not be punished, and they will not suffer anything because of your death. There is only one kind of person who will suffer because of this, Eriko, that is the one who really cares about you. If you jump, you will only hurt these people. So, please, don't do this, Eriko, never do this]

I can feel the slight trembling of the girl in my arms.

I can hear her helpless and painful sobs.

Then she raised her head and asked:

[So teacher, is it the one who really cares about me? ]

As if seeking some kind of strength, some kind of support, the girl asked seriously, stretched out her hand and grabbed him tightly, as if she was afraid that he would leave suddenly.

[Yes, that's right]

So he gave a serious answer.

[Because I am a teacher, I am an adult]

[I will shoulder all the responsibilities that those incompetent adults are unwilling to shoulder]

[I will always stand by your side, I will always believe in you, and always be with you]

[So Eriko, don't cry anymore, come on, let's make a promise together]

[Don’t give up your music dreams, don’t give up your future, don’t give up your life. How about this, how about we go out for ice cream together every weekend? Come on, pull the hook, it’s agreed, it’s settled, Eriko]

The fingers, one large and one small, hooked together gently.

The agreement between adults and children that was made from here has continued like this forever, and it has not been forgotten until many years later.

But, I'm really sorry.

sorry Sorry sorry……

Teacher, I missed my appointment.

I failed to keep the promise and I failed to survive.

I really want to go have ice cream with my teacher again.

I want to continue playing the piano, I want to continue learning music, I don’t want it to end yet, I don’t want to die like this.

I also want to see the teacher again, and see the teacher one last time.




She is crying.

She cried again.

Despair, pain, suffocation, until death.

And he had been adjusted in advance by the researchers, so he could only watch all this happen.


This is not the first time...witnessing something like this happen.

Even if you want to reach out, there is absolutely no way to do it and no way to change it.

How can things be changed that have already happened and are destined?

The broken pieces are still coming together.

The scenes in my memory kept appearing.

The surging blood turned into the strange girl, the dead researchers, and the school that still did not stop and was still circulating.

【So, I decided to continue】

Then, the boy spoke to himself seriously.

[Let me realize the teacher’s dream]

[Hmph, you said you have no dreams? No kidding, weren't you serious about helping me in that shelter in the underground base? That's not just because I have this idea, right? I can see that you always want to save more people, you want to change this school, change everything]

[Nya Nai’s death...well, I won’t give up just because I’m hit]

[Next, there is an abandoned campus in the forest that can be used. Let’s start over there. This time we have to be more careful in screening, so that things like before can’t happen again]

[What do you think about using the club as a disguise? Just like the "Ghost Story Club", will a club like an urban legend be able to operate better? If we don’t show up at all and use strange stories as a cover, we might be able to help others better]

[In that case, maybe we can use pseudonyms? After all, the real name is still easy to reveal]

[Hmm... If you choose a pseudonym casually. Coming up with names is not something I am good at at all. Let me think about it, um... let me think about it, that one, Ebizaka Masaki. Okay, that’s it. Doesn’t it sound like you’re not aware of it? That’s right, this is the feeling you want]

[We won’t fail this time, teacher, let’s work hard together, I will definitely put an end to the distortion and madness in this school]

The boy laid out his plan carelessly and kept talking repeatedly.

As another person who can see him, talk to him, and even come into contact with him after everything is over, this boy is really quite special. Mingming's eyes looked as dead as hers at the beginning, but then they changed step by step, and now they have become such a vivid posture.

Maybe he can do it.

Although I was not able to save the children of the past, if I work together with this child, maybe there is hope in the end to close the school and end all this?

The children were organized again.

The boy changed his initial strategy. He no longer avoided school completely as he did at the beginning, and did not understand all kinds of weird stories. After he led those who were bullied he could trust to build a lounge in the forest ruins, he began to understand the strange rules in the school bit by bit and tried to summarize them.

I don’t know where the boy got the special marker. Unless he uses a special flashlight to illuminate it, the words he writes are completely invisible under normal circumstances and will not be discovered by those monsters and bullies. possible.

He is really capable of action. He was such a world-weary child at the beginning, but now he really works hard to take action and change everything.

Can he succeed?

Regardless of whether he succeeds or not, at least I must be by his side to help him complete this time.

I have failed many, many times.

I was unable to save all the children who asked me for help.

So at least this time.

I wish I could save this child.

I hope to end this cycle in this school and end this ongoing tragedy.

Darkness is spreading.

When the boy truly came into contact with the horror hidden in this school, without blessing and without any extraordinary power, he truly understood what an insurmountable mountain lay ahead of the road.

Someone disappeared in front of those weird things and completely lost their trace.

Some people chose to quit out of fear. Even if the boys said they could stop this dangerous exploration, they were unwilling to come back. As a result, they were poisoned by the bullies again.

A student's parents called the police, and the police and school teachers began to search everywhere. They actually found the ruins area and almost found them.

The team began to split, and all kinds of troubles began to spread.

And he, who had been accompanying the boy, also found that his consciousness seemed to be gradually not as clear as before.

[Hey... What's wrong with you? ]

[Is your body fading? What happened? ]

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