There are still not enough clues. There are still too many things that cannot be confirmed.

{That, there is another clue...}

Goto Ichiri suddenly spoke again, interrupting Gao Hai's thinking.

At this time, Gao Hai noticed that because of his over-concentration, he had somewhat ignored the awkward expression of Ichiri in his arms. Maybe she had called him several times just now, but she only spoke through the mental link because he didn't respond.

{Are there any other clues?}

Looking at Ichiri's light blue eyes, Gao Hai asked very seriously.

{It's a stage}

Goto Ichiri nodded, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

{That... Let's just show it directly...}

After thinking for about 5 seconds, the girl's head came up again.

Gao Hai closed his eyes, feeling the feeling of Ichiri's forehead touching his forehead, and feeling the touch of the two people's mental power entangled with each other.

Beside these two people, Kita Ikuyo showed a complicated expression, wanting to say something but stopping, wanting to say something again, and finally just sighed helplessly, turned around and continued to observe the surroundings.

Pochi-chan, I have really been conquered by this man.

Kita thought silently in his heart.

Although he would not say so, and Mr. Gao kept shouting about an innocent relationship, the atmosphere between these two people was really not that of normal teammates.

This kind of operation of communicating mental power through physical contact, Pochi-chan never did it to me or Sister Aoyama. After all, this is a very delicate mental power control technique, and if you are not careful, some not-so-good memories will be transmitted to the other party. And in essence, this is equivalent to the mental power of two people touching each other in an almost unprepared state, trying to transmit information in such direct communication. To describe it in a more discordant way, it is like two people with all O leaning against each other and writing on each other's skin.

Ah, no, no, it can't reach that level. And if we really want to use this kind of thing as an analogy, what about me now that my mental power is completely wrapped up by Mr. Gao and I can't leave? Could it be that I have been eaten by Mr. Gao?

Kita Ikuyo felt that her mind was a little confused again.

It was not easy to get out of the dangerous situation at this moment, and finally had a chance to relax a little and exchange information, but because the state of the two people next to her was a little bit unharmonious, her thoughts kept going astray. This kind of thing is really too bad...

Patting her cheeks, Kita took a few deep breaths (although she didn't need to breathe now), and then turned her attention to the abandoned village outside the cardboard box, continuing to observe and monitor the surrounding situation. But in fact, she didn't need to do this, because Ichiri placed three clones patrolling around, and if there was any problem, she would have discovered it long ago.

While Kita was uneasy on this side, Gao Hai had seen a brand new picture in the cardboard box.

There was a small square there.

At a glance, Gao Hai immediately recognized that this place was the small square in Lijia Village, the square that must be passed to the top of Xiaohei Mountain.

But unlike the square where the welcoming ceremony was held before, the small square shown by Goto Ichiri was different in many details. For example, there were no trees on the small square here, and the weeds were overgrown and obviously not carefully taken care of. In the middle of the square, the original high platform was replaced by a relatively low wooden platform, and this platform was narrower than the previous high platform, and it looked quite shabby.

In front of this low platform, there were dozens of wooden stools scattered around, and on the sides of some stools, you could see the dried melon and fruit peels and seed shells. On one side of the platform, there was also a tattered-looking carriage and some simple costumes and other props.

Did a wandering troupe come to this village and perform opera for the villagers?

Gao Hai stared at these scenes in Ichiri's memory and thought silently in his heart.

{This stage has sound}

Then, Goto Ichiri spoke again in a low voice, and after she finished speaking, Gao Hai really heard a vague sound from the picture.

What was that?

It was as if there was some kind of barrier between them. Even though Gao Hai had listened to the sound very seriously, he could only hear a burst of noise, and mixed in the noise, it seemed like the sound of music and voices intertwined.

It seemed that someone was clapping, someone was cheering.

It seemed that someone was chatting, and someone was casually cracking melon seeds.

All kinds of sounds were mixed together, and it was difficult to identify any useful information from them.

However, Gao Hai was not discouraged by this. He just continued to concentrate and focus, trying to extract meaningful fragments from these sounds.

And Goto Ichiri also obviously noticed this, so she began to repeat the sound in the memory transmitted by the clone, playing it for Gao Hai over and over again, cooperating with him to repeatedly identify these sounds.

Bit by bit, Gao Hai heard some of the sounds clearly.

He heard the sound of opera singing, a man's voice singing in a rhythmic manner.

[Tears welled up before he spoke]

[My dear master, listen carefully]

[I live in Taiping Village, Nanyang]

[My surname is Liu, my name is...]

What is this song?

Gao Hai, who had no knowledge of opera, was a little confused.

Let's ignore the sound for now. The key lies in the audience and the villagers who are listening to the opera. Their voices may contain clues and things that I need to pay attention to.

Concentrate again and try to find clues from the chaotic sounds again.

What surprised Gao Hai was that this time he found that his speed in distinguishing these noises suddenly became much faster, as if there was some kind of power helping him to operate faster.

No, not as if, there is indeed a power helping me.

It was the blessing of Dean Jonathan. This blessing can help users find clues faster or judge that there are no valuable clues in places such as libraries where information is gathered. So that's it. Since I tried to identify the most obvious singing voice from these mixed and difficult-to-distinguish voices at the beginning, did this blessing judge these sounds as [gathered information] and start?

The unexpected surprise made Gao Hai happy for a while, and then he continued to focus on these voices. Soon, under the urging of blessings, Gao Hai began to hear the voices of the villagers watching the show.

[Alas, this year's harvest is not very good again]

[It hasn't rained for a long time. If it weren't for the river irrigation, I'm afraid all the seedlings would die]

[The river is also drying up. This won't work]

[It can hold on for a while. Anyway, it's been like this for so many years]

[Okay, okay, watch the show, don't think too much]

It seems that two villagers with a good relationship are chatting, and they start to sigh while chatting.

[Mom, I want that big beard]

[Your head, that's Bao Zheng, the beard of the King of Hell in the Fifth Palace. That's a fairy's thing. Is it for you to play with? ]

[Yes, yes, yes, I think you want a club! 】

【Woo wah aaaaa——】

This is a conversation between a middle-aged woman and a child. The woman seemed to start beating the child halfway through the conversation, making the child scream non-stop.

【This troupe is too amateurish. I heard that the ghost singers can't move their heads. It's not good to move them around】

【Hey, in our remote and poor village, which troupe with talent would come here? Only those who can't make a living would come here to try their luck】

【That's right. I don't know where the clan leader found these singers. It would be great if they could stay in our village】

【What the hell, these people are in the village, eating our food, drinking our food, and living our lives. If you really want to keep them, you will support them? 】

【Hey, why are you arguing here? I just said this. I'm not really excited.】

【I think you deserve a beating. It seems that the harvest this year is probably not going to be good】

【Oh, is there going to be a show? 】

These are a few young and energetic villagers, who seem to be ready to fight. The villagers who were watching the show nearby have turned their attention to them.

It seems that none of them are important information.

Gao Hai frowned and continued to listen to the stories one by one.

What is certain is that this troupe was invited by the village chief during the New Year. The troupe itself is very unprofessional, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is third-rate. But for this village deep in the mountains, this is the best troupe they can invite. And this also means that the village at this time actually has connections with the outside world, and this connection should not be too loose, otherwise it is impossible for young villagers to see that the troupe is unprofessional.

Then, the villagers at this time did not seem to have a very good life. Even with the irrigation of the river water from Xiaohei Mountain, problems were still likely to occur once the weather was bad. However, since these villagers can discuss the harvest problem casually, and even if they think it is not good, they just say "we have been through it for so many years", it proves that even if the harvest is bad, this village can at least survive it, and it is not the kind of small village that will disappear directly after a disaster.

And one thing that can be confirmed is that there is no strange power in the village at this time, and... it seems that there is no belief in the Little Black Mountain God? At least from the words of the middle-aged woman who beat the bear child, it can be heard that this villager believes in the folk heaven and hell, not some mountain god. No, maybe the Little Black Mountain God already existed at this time, but the villagers just worshipped it as an ordinary mountain god, and no one would mention it deliberately at ordinary times.

In other words, this [Lijia Village] has existed for a period of [normal], is that right?

So, where is the problem?

Gao Hai, thinking like this, continued to listen, and then suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and his mind was completely focused.

Heard a familiar voice.

Although it was a voice of someone he had only heard today, Gao Hai was sure that he would not make a mistake.

He heard the voice of [Li Ziyong].

Is that person from the same period as this troupe?

[Thanks to you, Brother Du, this time. Based on my understanding of the outside world, it is basically impossible to find a troupe willing to come into the mountains.]

Compared with the voice of Li Ziyong during the Welcoming God Festival, this voice is obviously younger and more energetic. However, the cheerful and gentle tone is the same, making Gao Hai feel like a tiger smiling at you with narrowed eyes.

[You can’t say that. After all, your Li family has taken care of our business for so long, so we should help you with a little bit of help.]

Gao Hai couldn’t recognize the other person’s voice. He was sure that he had never heard this voice before. But as soon as this person’s voice sounded, Gao Hai felt uncomfortable for some reason, as if this person’s existence itself was extremely disgusting.

But no matter how Gao Hai felt, this conversation would not end. Li Ziyong continued to communicate with this “Mr. Du”, drinking and talking happily, like two confidants.

[What are you talking about? Brother Du, you have helped our Lijia Village so much. Without you, our small village can’t survive.]

[Haha, it’s mutual benefit. I get the benefit, you get the benefit, and everyone drinks and eats meat together. This is the right way.]

[Okay, the right way, yes, this is the right way. Brother Du’s knowledge is indeed better than that of a mountain man like me, and his eloquence is far better than mine.]

[Brother Li, don’t say that. Although he is in this mountain, he still inherits the tradition of reading from generation to generation. This is really admirable. As for me, I had just learned to read when my father forced me to learn arithmetic. After I finished, he asked me to help with the business. It's a pity, I still want to study]

[Hey, if Brother Du still wants to read now, I can lend you a few books]

[Hahaha, forget it, even if I want to read now, I don't have the time and energy. Okay, this time I brought seven goods along, most of which were stolen from the city, and they are definitely good quality. You pick the good ones first, and give the rest to the bachelors in the village.]

[Okay, okay, let’s not talk about business now, let’s continue to listen to the opera, Brother Du (accompanied by the sound of metal collision)]

[Hey, Brother Li is a straightforward person, and it’s really good to do business with Brother Li, so let’s continue to listen to the opera (subtle metal collision sound, like screening and counting)]

[Okay, okay, let’s also experience the life of those upper-class people in the city today]

[That’s right, we are all upper-class people today, haha]

In the sound of laughter, the two people seemed to have really become some kind of close buddies, praising each other for a while, drinking a little wine together for a while, chatting about jokes with or without color, and laughing non-stop for a while. Those who don’t know may really think they are two cultured people.

But Gao Hai has understood some things, some things that he actually realized that he should have thought of a long time ago.

Is this Du a human trafficker?

That's true... Lijia Village is deep in the mountains. This closed environment is not conducive to population reproduction. In addition, due to the ancient background, the villagers must only want to have boys and not girls. After all, men can undertake heavy physical farm work and support a large family under the productivity conditions at that time. But if this trend continues to develop, the closed environment of the village will definitely lead to a higher proportion of men than women, and the increase in bachelors will bring more problems. The environment of Lijia Village is destined to make people from other villages unwilling to marry here, so human traffickers come in handy at this time.

Considering the background of the times, although it is a normal development, this kind of thing is really disgusting.

However, these are all things that have passed and ended, and they should have nothing to do with the current Lijia Village. Apart from anything else, judging from the reactions of the villagers that Gao Hai contacted, they seem to have lost the intention to reproduce. After all, whether it was the women among the Dark Night-level players or when Zhen Fei and others were trapped, the attitude of these villagers was to chop them to death and cut them into pieces, which was completely inconsistent with Li Ziyong's performance in this past information.

Maybe it's because after the dungeon was formed, these villagers were all transformed into something else because of the symbiosis with the weird things? So, why did I hear this piece of information?

Jonathan's information screening blessing can ensure that Gao Hai quickly obtains valuable information. The villagers' chats before sounded meaningless, but at least a little thought can be analyzed from them. So what kind of special information does this exchange between the patriarch and the traffickers contain?

[Speaking of which, I heard that someone in your village found a treasure? ]

The man surnamed Du suddenly asked at this time.

[Oh, you also know about this matter. It seems that it has spread in the village. I clearly told Qi Gou not to talk about it. Young people just can't keep their temper, but it's not an important matter. I'm afraid the facts will disappoint Brother Du.]

Li Ziyong sighed, but his tone did not seem unexpected.


Qi Gou?

Is this Qi Gou the name of someone? Li Qi Gou?

Gao Hai frowned, realizing that he might have obtained a very critical clue.

But before he could listen more carefully, Goto Ichiri, who had been quiet all the time, suddenly turned his head, and Kita's voice reached Takami's ears.

{Stop talking, it's time to go, it's time to go, there's danger! There's danger outside!!!}

Amid Kita's anxious shouts, Goto Ichiri struggled to take out his guitar, barely played a few times, and then looked at Takami with a serious expression.

{What happened outside?}

Takami asked in the mental link, and before he got an answer, he felt a vibration like an earthquake.

{It's a mudslide}

{The mountain collapsed, the mountain collapsed!}

Ichiri's answer sounded together with Kita's shouting.

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