And the trembling sound of "rumbling" also came quickly, accompanied by increasingly intense tremors.

What is this, a mudslide? !

The unexpected situation made Gao Hai stunned, but Goto Ichiri had quickly put away the obsessive cardboard box, causing the two of them to return to the alley between the two houses.

The will to die that filled the entire abandoned village had disappeared at this moment.

What was visible to the naked eye was that the gravel and mud that occupied almost the entire hillside and tore countless trees into pieces were almost reaching the abandoned village.

"What the hell is this?"

Gao Hai only had time to say this sentence, and the next second the raging mud completely covered the village, directly submerging the abandoned village.

Chapter 24: Inhuman things that despise mortals and the village that returns again

To be honest, Gao Hai felt that after experiencing so many dungeons until now, he felt that he was pretty bad at any job.

However, he must admit that this was the first time he had seen a mudslide flood his copy.

Rumble, rumble, rumble——

Violent explosions sounded one after another, and the roaring mud and water destroyed the entire village with unstoppable violence, completely covering it in just a few seconds. Only a handful of buildings with more than two floors were left. The roof structure can barely be seen.

I have to say that natural disasters like mudslides are quite powerful when experienced head-on at close range.

However, it is still a bit unrealistic to rely on this kind of thing to deal with Gao Hai.

"In terms of visual effects, it's quite impressive, and it doesn't seem to be just an ordinary mudslide, but the speed is still a bit slow. This kind of explosive speed cannot catch me."

Gao Hai, who was talking to himself like this, reached out and grabbed Gotou Issato's arm, and suspended it directly in mid-air.

By driving the blessing of emptiness and transferring part of his body into a different space, Gao Hai grabbed Little Boqi and took off on the spot, appearing hundreds of meters in the air in the blink of an eye.

Even though the mudslide was extremely violent, Gao Hai, who was now a serious Hongyue-level player in terms of physical fitness, could still react easily with the powerful blessing power.

In fact, if it weren't for the worry that something might happen if something was added to the mudslide, Gao Hai could even rush up against the mudslide. With the blessing of the violent blessing, it is entirely possible for Gao Hai to break through the mudslide forcefully.

"Well... why is there such a thing..."

Goto Ichiri was still a little unable to react at the moment, and he didn't quite understand why something like a mudslide occurred inexplicably.

And at this time, accompanied by a more violent roar, from the tall mountains above the village, a torrent more violent than the initial mudslide was suddenly released. A large amount of gravel, silt and various vegetation debris were released here. In an instant, the surge swept down, completely covering the villages below, and rushed into the valley at one go, completely filling up the rivers and lakes.

It seemed like I felt something.

Something that is difficult to describe in words, full of oppression, and does not seem to be human, but it cannot be completely regarded as a strange thing.

He was being watched by that thing.

At the same time as he felt the other person, his eyes were already turned towards him.

There is no humanity at all, things that cannot understand each other, and can only feel a strong sense of alienation.

This feeling seems quite familiar.

It seemed that I had just experienced it not long ago.

"Are you coming?"

Gao Hai already vaguely knew what was coming.


Goto Ichiri was still stunned. Because Gao Hai hadn't shared the information from him yet, the girl didn't know what Gao Hai had encountered, so Ichiri felt quite confused at the moment. , completely unaware of what will happen next.


Some kind of weird tremor had already sounded in the minds of the two of them.

Then, at the same time, they clearly saw a human face emerging from the mud and gravel below. In other words, it looks like a human face, made up of three deep whirlpools, two small and one large, that is constantly squirming.

Is that a human face?

The first time they saw that thing, both Gao Hai and Goto Kazuri subconsciously had such an idea.

The two smaller whirlpools look like eyes, while the large whirlpool is obviously a mouth. And with the basic components of eyes and mouth, there is no doubt that it can be judged as a human face, right?

Is that so?


The surging mud was still making violent trembling sounds.

Gao Hai frowned slightly. He suddenly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't explain what it was. Something in my thinking seems to have become sluggish, like a program running incorrectly, and I can't draw a clear conclusion.

That's a human face...

human face……

No...that's not right...

What is that thing...what does it have to do with me...

A human face...yes...that's a human face...

That's a person... that's my face... no...


The sharp cone constructed of mental power pierced into Gao Hai's mind in an instant, forcibly interrupting the spreading pollution.

Gotou took a deep breath and turned his head slightly later than Gao Hai, no longer looking at the surging mud below or thinking about the whirlpool in the mud.

The skin of both people secreted a little muddy water at this moment. That was when the blood, muscles, and fat tissue in their bodies were transformed by strange forces, turning into mud bit by bit, and then seeping out from the dissolved pores.

Is this the same routine again?

Gao Hai spit out a mouthful of muddy water and felt the power gradually spreading in his body, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

The power of the curse has taken root in his body.

Just like the paper man curse before, these twisted dirt invaded the body silently and spread like crazy, causing more and more serious damage to the body.

But this time it was still better than the time when the paper man cursed. The previous time Gao Hai couldn't remember where he was hit, and he didn't realize that something was wrong until the power of the curse took effect. But this time, he fully felt the process of the curse invading his body and consciousness, and clearly found the source of the curse.

"Little Black Mountain God."

Not through a spiritual link, but directly speaking, Gao Hai called out the other person's name to the surging mud below.

no respond.

Although Gao Hai was sure that thing heard his words, he didn't get any response.

Unlike the Alice who was madly chasing him back then, the twisted and weird thing Gao Hai encountered this time had a completely dismissive attitude towards Gao Hai and didn't even intend to look at him. Just by sneering at his self-destruction and casually imposing a fatal curse on him, the thing stopped paying attention to Gao Hai at all, which was equivalent to treating him as nothing.

I haven't experienced this feeling of being looked down upon, ignored or even despised for a while. The last time, well, it should have been when those fanatic believers ambushed me during the first round of the Yeluoshan Middle School dungeon, right? But compared to those guys, it seems that this inhumane thing has a worse attitude. After all, it is not even interested in saying a word and pretending. It really treats me like an ant. .

"Oh, tui~"

Gao Hai spit out another mouthful of muddy water, feeling the power of the curse gradually spreading on his body. He turned his head and looked at Goto Kazuri beside him, and found that the girl's current condition was also quite bad, and her whole body had become... The wetness was obviously caused by flesh and blood being continuously transformed into muddy water and flowing out of the skin.

"Oh...Mr. Hai..."

However, the girl did not give up. On the contrary, she took out a small thing from her pocket while enduring the pain that gradually intensified in her body.

Obviously, it was an obsession, and judging from its aura, it seemed to be at the Red Moon level.

Red Moon Level Obsession. For players who have reached the Red Moon Level, obsessions of this level are very rare and difficult to obtain stably. Even powerful Red Moon-level players usually only have four or five Red Moon-level obsessions, which is great. After all, first of all, it is extremely difficult to conquer the Red Moon level dungeon. Even if you just clear the level and escape from the dungeon, it is very difficult; secondly, the Red Moon level dungeon does not only produce Red Moon level obsession objects, but also produces from There are three levels of obsessions from dusk level to red moon level, so there is a considerable probability of obtaining the red moon level obsessions, which poses another problem.

According to what Gao Hai knew and the intelligence sheet provided by Goto Isato himself, the pink-haired girl had a total of three Red Moon-level obsessions. Of course, there are only two pieces left now. After all, Xiao Boqi's special guitar has become a blessing prop and can no longer be treated as an obsession. As for the second red moon-level obsession, it is a very strange obsession that the girl got by chance. That thing is called a [lucky pendant], which can bring luck to the girl. Bringing misfortune to others doesn't really look like a Red Moon-level obsession in terms of effect intensity, and I don't know what it is about.

And now what the girl took out was her third Red Moon-level obsession.

【Mother's special drink】

This is the name of this obsession, which can be said to be quite simple.

The appearance of this thing is somewhat grassy. It is a bottle of Coca-Cola that costs 3 yuan a bottle, which is common in the market. It contains a full bottle of black liquid.

Of course, this thing is not Coke. Although it looks like a bottle of Coke on the outside, and it's even frozen, and you can feel a chill when you hold it in your hand, it's really not Coke, but... Chinese medicinal soup.

This traditional Chinese medicine soup is so bitter that it can instantly distort the face of anyone who tastes it, and it can almost cause irreversible damage to the taste experience alone.

As long as you take a sip of this thing and swallow it, the drinker can immediately get rid of all abnormal conditions and return to complete health in an instant. The recovery here includes permanent injuries such as broken hands and feet. As long as the person has not burped, he can be resurrected with full blood after drinking this thing.

But on the contrary, this thing has a very targeted side effect, that is, if the drinker's family has passed away, and the relationship between the drinker and the deceased is very good, then this obsession will evoke the desire to drink it. The memory of the family. This kind of longing may sound very ordinary, but its actual effect is very drastic. The drinker will constantly recall the close and beautiful life between himself and his family, and will think of every bit of happiness, and because of the current situation Having lost the other person in life and feeling an extremely strong sense of frustration, the person will become increasingly depressed and depressed, leading to a very extreme state.

Before Ichiri Goto, four players had this obsession, and the first three of them had experienced the death of close relatives. And these three players, without any exception, chose to commit suicide after using this obsession many times, and none of them survived.

The third player with this obsession has a happy family and has collaborated with Goto Kazuri several times. But before the player's last mission, her grandfather died in a car accident. As a result, the player collapsed almost instantly. In the end, he committed suicide during the mission and left this obsession to Goto Kazuri, who he was working with at the time. The team was in the hands of little Boqi.

And this also reveals another scary thing about this Red Moon-level obsession, that is, although players with happy families will not trigger side effects after drinking this thing, in fact, every sip of the potion that the player drinks will bring with it The side effects are still there, accumulating in the body and consciousness. Therefore, once this kind of player's family encounters misfortune, they will be immediately crushed, with no possibility of getting back up.

In addition, according to previous tests by players who have held this item, orphan players without family members will still have the same effect after drinking this item. They will treat the people they like and care about as relatives, cherish their friends more, and then cherish them. Many people fall into despair after an accident. By the way, players who love nothing and only care about themselves will die immediately after drinking this stuff, and it is said that the way of death is very miserable, as if they were beaten to death with some kind of blunt instrument.

By the way, there is another very interesting thing about this strange obsession, that is, if the drinker uses this thing continuously in a short period of time, or immediately after drinking it, he will show off garbage such as potato chips and donuts. As for food, the drinker will be slapped hard in the face by something invisible for no apparent reason. If they don't stop, they will be slapped continuously for a long time, and the force of each slap is just enough not to hurt the player but extremely painful, regardless of the player's physical strength level.

From the time he got this obsession until now, Goto Ichiri has never used this thing. At first, it was because the previous owner of this obsession had a bad ending, and later because Ikuyo Kita, whom she regarded as a companion, disappeared. Although she had a happy family, Ichiri was still worried about the effects of this obsession. Will it happen, so she has been useless. In fact, during the dungeon period of Yeluoshan Middle School, the girl could use this obsession to remove the seeds of Gao Tianyuan's psychological suggestion. However, unfortunately, Yili had already entered a state of mind deflection at that time, and there was no way to actively use this item. ideas, and others were unaware of the extent of her problem, with tragic consequences.

As for now, there is no room for hesitation. The power of the curse is very important and must not be underestimated. It must be dealt with immediately!

Goto Kazuri unscrewed the bottle cap with one hand and took a sip without hesitation.

For a moment, the girl showed a very painful and twisted expression, not as if she had taken a sip of Chinese medicine, but as if the Chinese medicine was eating her. But soon, Yili swallowed the thing with difficulty, and then her body's dissolution was immediately restored, and the lost blood and body tissues were completely restored.

"This...can you drink it?"

Then, she looked at Gao Hai cautiously and asked him.

"Well, there's nothing to fault now."

Gao Hai was naturally aware of the side effects of this stuff, but he didn't hesitate and took it directly and drank it in one gulp. Anyway, after the sacrifice of Zhenfei and others, he no longer planned to live. Even if this thing would bring serious backlash to him, as long as he could hold on for a while, he would accept it.

Tsk, these fanatical believers are really rubbish. They don’t even have a Red Moon-level curse-removing item. Even if this thing is extremely rare, the entire Red Moon-level player class only knows about three or four items. You should try to give it a try. I want to get SSR level gold coins.

Gao Hai, who was sighing in his heart, drank this thing, feeling the changes in his body, and then looked at each other with Goto Kazuri. The two people first turned their heads and stopped looking at each other, and then disappeared into the air together. .

Takami used the second teleportation of Eriko's blessing, while Ichiri used the first teleportation. Both of them set up teleportation points not far from the notice board. Among them, Goto Kazuri set up a place slightly further than Gao Hai, so Gao Hai waited in place for about ten seconds before she rushed over.

{Um...Mr. Hai, is it okay? }

Although Gao Hai hadn't made it clear yet, he had almost guessed the situation of Zhen Fei and others at this moment, and still looked at Gao Hai with some worry.

{I’m okay, probably because I’m already prepared, so I don’t react much}

Gao Hai's tone and demeanor were no different from usual, and he looked quite calm.

The two of them took steps together and moved quickly towards the village ahead. From a distance, Gao Hai could already see the smoke rising up.

The battle of the four rescue team members was basically over.

Howard, who was driving the vehicle, had died. He was bitten and dismembered by a dog that rushed into the car. Although the villagers of [Lijia Village] did not have strong combat capabilities, the animals in the village were incredibly strong, and they were as fierce as if they had turned on cheats.

The police officer was still standing. Although he had lost an arm, he was still there, and in fact, he destroyed the entire village with his unlimited bullets.

Yes, the village had been destroyed.

With the police officer's super bullets that fired hundreds of rounds per second, the police officer successfully swept the entire village. Now there were only pieces of ruins left in the village, and even the ruins were not higher than one meter.

As for [Teacher], it was a pity that this rescue team member was not saved and had returned to the watch to enter the cooling and repair stage.

The reason why the teacher, who obviously had the strongest ability to save his life, left the stage was very simple. Because Gao Hai tried to let the teacher go to rescue the trapped players, and he really succeeded in rescuing some players.

Such an action angered something, something that didn't care even if the village was razed to the ground, and was angered because of this matter.

"I thought you wouldn't be angry, how come you are as anxious as a human?"

So Gao Hai, who strode forward, said a mocking sentence as soon as he opened his mouth.

Chapter 25: The connection between the mountain god and Shirakawa Apartment and the smile of the mocker


Gao Hai's mockery was only answered with silence.

Just like the attitude of this thing all the time, it didn't care about Gao Hai's existence at all, and didn't care what Gao Hai said or expressed. For any of his reactions and performances, this thing's answer was only silence, nothing more.

It seems a bit inappropriate to describe it with words such as contempt and disdain. Such a reaction should perhaps be described as ignoring, right?

It doesn't matter how many villagers are killed.

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