He didn't even care if he destroyed an entire village.

This so-called [Little Black Mountain Mountain God] seemed to be really a high-altitude god, and Gao Hai never had a chance to truly communicate with it from beginning to end.

But even so, Gao Hai finally discovered what this thing really cares about and what it really values.

Through the shared perception of the rescue team's badge, Gao Hai was able to clearly see the death of [Teacher].

After eliminating a large number of villagers, this rescue team member with the power of nihilization quickly found the players imprisoned in different houses. Most of the Dark Night players have suffered mental breakdown or even brain death. It can only be said that they are nothing more than a lump of breathing flesh. For these poor players who lack strength, Gao Hai directed [Teacher] to bring out as many players as possible who were still awake and gathered them outside the village. Those who could not be saved were marked and destroyed directly by Hirano Sosuke. Give these players a good time while completely destroying their flesh and blood to avoid being exploited by villagers.

It is worth mentioning that not one of the ten Red Moon-level players that Gao Hai found in the square was imprisoned, and all of them have disappeared.

It seems that these Red Moon-level players are somewhat capable, but with the extremely overbearing favor rules of [Lijiacun], Gao Hai is still not very optimistic about these escaped Red Moon-level players, and does not think they have a chance of surviving in the end. .

In the final analysis, this time's malicious copy is essentially an "artificially defined rule trap". For players who cannot get the news in advance, it is impossible to successfully find the loopholes in this rule when they first meet. Even Gao Hai had to sacrifice almost all his teammates to die, and he had to do it himself to prevent his teammates from suffering. Therefore, for those unknown Red Moon-level players, Gao Hai estimated that even if they could escape for a while, the final outcome would be I'm afraid it won't be much better.

Of course, this is another aspect of the problem and is not something that Gao Hai needs to pay attention to now.

Compared to the players who are doomed to tragedy in the first game, this so-called mountain god needs more attention.

Through [Teacher]'s observations before his death, Gao Hai has confirmed that what [Little Black Mountain God] really needs is the vitality and souls of the players.

All the flesh and blood of the sacrificed players will undergo some kind of qualitative change. [Teacher] does not understand the specific principle of this transformation, but through observation it can be determined that not only is the player's soul forcibly sealed in these special flesh and blood, unable to escape, but the activity of the flesh and blood is also forcibly retained by strange forces. It can be said that It has become some kind of special obsession. During the process of the idol absorbing flesh and blood through the sacrificial ceremony, [Teacher] can also hear the process of the players' souls being sucked away, and can feel the players' consciousness and thoughts pouring into the idol bit by bit through [Teacher]'s perspective. Among them, he was sucked into an unknown area together with the vitality in his flesh and blood.

Judging from the miserable howls before the consciousness finally disappeared, Gao Hai estimated that the opposite side was not a good place.

After the sacrifice, most of the flesh and blood will be absorbed by the statue on the altar and sucked into an unknown place. The remaining flesh and blood no longer remains to seal the player's soul, but only retains a certain vitality. Gao Hai estimated that the villagers relied on these flesh and blood to be resurrected.

Life and soul, this is what [Little Black Mountain Mountain God] values ​​most.

So no matter how Gao Hai destroyed the village and wiped out the villagers, the thing didn't react at all.

But after [Teacher] rescued a considerable number of players, the thing couldn't help but take action. The specific attack method cannot be confirmed. It can only be confirmed that [Teacher] was attacked in a state of emptiness, and the attack intensity was extremely strong. The rescue team member was eliminated almost instantly.

The only strange thing is that although the power easily destroyed [Teacher], the players who were rescued and hid on the outskirts of the village were not killed. They were not even attacked. The villagers did not bother them during the confrontation with the rescue team. The abnormal animals in the village completely ignored their existence. This most mysterious [Mountain God] had no intention of taking action.

Is it because this thing doesn't bother to attack living people?

No, that's impossible. If that were the case, Yili and I wouldn't be attacked by mudslides.

So, is it because [Mountain God] cannot directly kill people?

Even though this thing has unimaginable power, it still has rules that cannot be violated. So it must accept sacrifices, must the villagers offer flesh and blood through a certain sacrificial process, and then can it absorb the life force and soul?

Gao Hai guessed at the possible reasons, but he didn't know much information at the moment, and he couldn't directly draw a firm conclusion.

Therefore, it is better to act directly, which is more direct.


Gao Hai's footsteps have already entered [Lijia Village], or the ruins of [Lijia Village].

This time, no villagers came to greet them, and no space transfer occurred. The ruins destroyed by the rescue team just remained silent, quietly waiting for Gao Hai's arrival.

Goto Kazuri followed beside him, holding the guitar carefully. Although it is not yet clear what Gao Hai wants to do, this socially fearful girl has always done a good job of being obedient and obeying orders. She has already entered a state of alert without Gao Hai saying anything.

Well, if there is no space transfer, does it mean that the previous dispersion of the team was actually a secret operation by humans, and not just because of breaking the rules?

Or, these villagers have already mastered the rules of this dungeon, so after the player violates a certain rule, whether to trigger a certain corresponding effect needs to be confirmed by the villagers?

While thinking, Gao Hai has walked to the only intact building in [Lijia Village].

It is a small building that looks like a small temple, and a little like a family ancestral hall in a traditional house.

In the bombing by the police just now, only this building did not suffer any damage from beginning to end. No matter how many bullets were fired, it would not have any effect and could not really destroy this building.

Through the open wooden door, Gao Hai can see the mountain god statue on the altar in the center of the ancestral hall.

I have to say that this thing really looks like the Guanyin of Childbirth. The image of a kind-looking woman with a slightly lowered head, plus the image of a sleeping child in her arms, really looks like the traditional Guanyin of Childbirth.

But if you look closely, you will find that although this thing imitates the statue of a deity, there are considerable anomalies in the specific details. Yes, rather than saying "different", Gao Hai thinks it is more accurate to describe it as "abnormal".

For example, the expression of this woman with her head down, looking at the child in her arms, is a slightly open mouth posture, looking like she wants to say something... or want to eat something. In addition, according to Gao Hai's impression, the children held in the statue of Guanyin are generally awake, either sitting quietly in the arms of Guanyin, or in a very lively posture. And this child... It's okay to close his eyes, but one of his hands is obviously hanging down, and it's really hard to say whether he is asleep or dead.

Ordinary people who have little knowledge and don't keep staring at the statue of a deity to observe the details carefully will definitely not notice this difference at a glance, and will definitely really regard this thing as the statue of Guanyin. It is possible that this mountain statue is deliberately made into this shape just to deceive ordinary people who don't understand these things.

Gao Hai paid special attention to the appearance of the statue from the moment he saw it, and thus quickly discovered these abnormalities.

However, the reason why he paid attention to the statue was not because of caution, but because of familiarity.

Yes, Gao Hai was sure that he had seen this statue.

When in [Baichuan Apartment].

In his first mission, the sacrifice game copy that was at dusk level on the surface but dark night level in reality, Gao Hai had already seen this statue.

At that time, he saw this statue when he was exploring the first floor and found that the statue was worshipped in the living room.

Considering that the [Baichuan Apartment] in the copy was actually constructed based on the memory of the poor girl Li Zhaodi, if the statue was not brought into the apartment by the previous victim, it could only appear under the premise that Li Zhaodi had seen it with her own eyes.

Lin Xusheng said in the message that he found that there was an unknown thing in [Baichuan Apartment], which was the thing that witnessed Li Zhaodi's family tragedy and made some very obscure guidance to ensure that this copy could really take shape.

Until Xusheng rested in peace, Gao Hai was unable to find out what this unknown thing was. At first, he thought it was KP. After all, as far as he knew, KP's mission was to guide the establishment of the copy. But now it seems that this may not be the case. After all, KP is an existence beyond the real dimension. Unless they actively show up, Xusheng should not be aware of the existence of KP. In other words, Xusheng at that time might have discovered something else.

And the answer to the mystery may be in front of Gao Hai now.


Gao Hai's footsteps stepped into the ancestral hall.

The kind-looking statue just continued to lower its head and gently looked at the sleeping child in its arms.

On the altar in front of the statue, incense and candles burned silently. In the smoke and mist, neatly cut human structures were placed on plates, and the bright red blood seeped out and merged into the dark red altar, extending all the way until it dripped on the ground.

Until Gao Hai arrived at this place, the statue remained silent.

Gao Hai just looked up at the other party silently, looking at the statue with a gentle expression, then pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the statue.

Still no response.

I couldn't even feel any gazes coming at me.

It seemed to be just an empty statue, and it wouldn't produce any abnormal reaction.

But Gao Hai still raised his gun and aimed at the other party expressionlessly.

{What is this big brother doing? Is he trying to threaten the stone statue? }

{Hmm... I can't see it, or I can't see it. No matter how I look at it, the result is only one way to die. We are dead, we are all dead...}

{That little black mountain statue looks a little familiar. Which of you two has seen the captain's summary report of the Dusk level dungeon? Are there similar statues in other Chinese dungeons? }

{Ah this? Brother Cat, who would care about the Dusk level dungeon? Generally speaking, isn't it a very despised behavior to enter the Dusk level after reaching the Red Moon level? }

{I have read that booklet, but that was when I was writing the "Newcomer's Manual" with the captain a year ago. This statue... indeed, is a bit familiar. There should be at least three... No, there are at least five dusk-level copies. , there is a similar statue. The difference in the appearance and posture of the statue in different copies will not exceed 10%}

{You have to be a fake Taoist priest, but this way you can be sure that we really entered a quite heavyweight copy this time. This time, this Red Moon level dungeon, no, after all, is this really a Red Moon level dungeon? In short, this thing might be something that can be traced back to the early history of [Sacrifice Game]}

Not far away, in a place in the gap in space that Gao Hai couldn't see, there were three figures observing Gao Hai in the ancestral hall and having a discussion.

Obviously these three people are Mao Ge, Xiao Guo and Taoist priest from the Moyu Gang. Their method of avoiding the crazy villagers after the explosion was very simple, that is, they ran away directly through the red moon-level space obsession and hid in a different space so that the villagers could not find them.

Compared with Gao Hai's Blessing [Alice's House], the safe zone created by this space obsession cannot isolate sounds, nor can it completely isolate the invasion of strange forces. It is just a simple and crude safe house with a certain degree of defense. . But even so, this thing successfully helped the [Moyu Gang] avoid the crisis. In a sense, it can be said that this thing more profoundly reveals the limitations of the power of these villagers.

However, to know and deduce this, Gao Hai has to meet these players and know why they survived.

{Be prepared, if something happens to him, we will go}

The young man known as Brother Cat stared at Gao Hai in the ancestral hall, and after a brief thought, he came to a conclusion.

{Since Sister Xiong has emphasized the specialness of this man, we cannot ignore his existence}

{Even if the whole army may be annihilated, you can't back down when you take action}

{Everybody get ready! }

After giving the brief order, the three people in the space gap were ready for action.

Gao Hai in the ancestral hall, after silently aiming at the statue for more than ten seconds, frowned and slowly put down the gun in his hand.

Then, he lowered his head and looked at the tributes on the table, and at the players' flesh and blood that had been carefully cut and plated.

The Blessing of Nothingness activates.

With just one glance, all the flesh and blood on the table, including the altar itself, disappeared directly, and were thrown to a week later by Gao Hai through the power of blessing.

Then, Gao Hai's eyes turned to the child statue held in the arms of the statue. In the blink of an eye, the child statue disappeared without a trace, and a week later in time, only the empty-handed statue continued to stand here.

Gao Hai raised his head again.

This time, he saw the head of the statue slowly raised, and the kind-hearted gesture had solidified, and his face became expressionless, and he looked straight at Gao Hai.

"What, you're not convinced?"

Gao Hai turned the pistol casually and grinned at the statue.

"If you are not convinced, you can pick it up by yourself. Can't you do it? No, no, no, a mountain god, the tribute is robbed, you can’t get it back, you will not be so garbage so garbage, you will not be so garbage. Bar?"

In a mocking tone, the pistol was thrown up by Gao Hai, spinning twice and a half in mid-air, and then fell back into Gao Hai's raised fingers. The muzzle of the gun was once again aimed at the statue.

Without any hesitation, Gao Hai directly pulled the trigger.


Chapter 26: The so-called divine thing and the unchangeable result

Bang bang bang!

Three consecutive gunshots fell, heading towards the strange aura that locked Gao Hai at this moment.

Gao Hai was certain that the aura that locked onto him at this time was that of the mountain god. After all, the extremely strong and creepy senses that hit his body at that moment were exactly the same as the aura he felt from the mountain god statue during the previous God's Festival ceremony.

Therefore, he can be sure that the [suppression bomb] he used at this moment can definitely hit the opponent.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Gao Hai knocked out all ten suppressive bullets, and they all faced the line of sight that was looking at him.

There was light and sound from the muzzle.

The bullet exits the chamber and disappears.

Then, no other traces can be seen.

After these ten consecutive gunshots fell, Gao Hai could not see any hit effect.

The tall mountain god statue continued to remain silent and did not react in any way to these gunshots.

The dilapidated village, which had been almost completely razed to the ground, had not undergone any changes and was still as silent as before.

Gao Hai's attack with the Red Moon-level blessing seemed to be the same as the previous aerial bomb explosion. It could not cause any harm to the mountain god at all, and could not even produce any feedback from it.

Is the gap already so wide?

Or maybe it just needs to wait a little longer?

Gao Hai said nothing, just raised his head and stared at the statue in front of him, silently counting the seconds in his heart.

Then he waited for the reaction he wanted.


After six seconds of silence, the ground suddenly shook violently.

The strong chill instantly enveloped Gao Hai's whole body, causing his nerves to almost stiffen, and even the most basic ability to move and perceive was about to be lost.

I felt it.

The sight of that thing had locked onto me.

He could feel that this time, the gaze that was staring at me was probably not going to look away easily.


The strong feeling of suffocation was gradually enveloping the body.

Although he was just being stared at, Gao Hai felt as if his body had lost control, and felt that the muscles, nerves, bones and organs all over his body had betrayed him, and were all dislocated, twisted, and transformed into something else at this moment.

Unable to resist.

Even when the strange feeling enveloped his body, Gao Hai immediately responded and wanted to resist, but the result was that there was no possibility of resistance at all, and his ability to move was completely blocked.


Even breathing was no longer possible.

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