Chapter 43: The violent start in the third round

{Ahai, why is Jianzi missing?}

Qianhua was the first to notice the fact that a teammate was missing, and immediately turned to look at Gao Hai and asked in the mental link.

{Hey, Jianzi is missing? ! Haijun, what's going on?}

Mahi heard the voice in the mental link and immediately realized that something was wrong. After looking around twice, she quickly looked at Gao Hai.

Ichiri immediately took out the guitar, and the three clones were released to stand around for vigilance. Kaguya and Hayasaka, because they did not have the link of the black watch and had not taken out the obsession that could be used for mental connection at the beginning, kept quiet and alert with Ichiri. Among them, Kaguya took out the Soul Reaper Bow and stood back to back with Ichiri, taking the initiative to guard Ichiri's blind spot, while Hayasaka quickly moved to the outside of the team to observe the surroundings, using the characteristics of her presence perception abnormality and usually not being attacked by the weird first to defend the team.

From the beginning to the discovery of the problem to the alert of all members, and the formation of a basic defense network, it took less than 3 seconds in total. As a player team, this is already quite skilled and tacit. Unfortunately, the enemy faced this time is too supermodel, and this kind of advance precautions can't play any role.


Gao Hai did not answer Qianhua and Zhenfei's questions immediately.

At this time, his consciousness was focused on the mental connection, the connection between him and Yotsuya Miko, which was built by the power of the black watch.

The connection... is still there!

He could clearly feel that the mental connection between himself and Miko was not broken.

Yotsuya Miko's consciousness still exists, and has not dissipated and died.

It seems that although the power of the blood flower took Miko out of the blood city, it even took Miko away and disappeared at the beginning of the new round. But this is because the operation of bringing people into the blood city is equivalent to a bug. If the power connection is established directly by the black watch, the power of the blood flower cannot be cut off. Because of this, Gao Hai can still sense the other person's existence, even though she has no way to respond to Gao Hai at this time.

It seems... that she has entered a state of unconsciousness.

Gao Hai tried to sense for a long time before he was able to confirm this fact.

Unfortunately, there is no way to judge the condition of the body. Considering the insoluble corrosive power of blood flowers on the flesh and blood body, Gao Hai does not think that Jianzi's body is likely to be saved. However, since her consciousness is still there, it is not the worst case yet. At least there is a possibility that she will become like Kita, so there is still hope.

The spirit seems to relax a little.

After confirming that Jianzi is not in a situation where he must die, Gao Hai can't help but relax a little.

The fear that had accumulated when Jianzi disappeared from the blood city was relieved at this moment. The feeling that he would lose something forever was completely suppressed at this time. Gao Hai, who clearly felt this, felt a little emotional in his heart. He realized that he might not be as strong as he originally thought. Although the black watch gave him painful trials again and again, this plug-in still gave Gao Hai a bottom line again and again, making him always believe that no matter how he tried to kill himself, it would be difficult for him to really lose anything.

But now, as the difficulty of the dungeons he experienced became more and more exaggerated, and closer and closer to the deep secrets of the [Sacrifice Game], some things were no longer what he originally thought. He must realize that the opponents he will face next will only become more and more powerful and more and more terrifying. And this mysterious black watch may not always guarantee his safety.

Alas, can't I just use an unreasonable invincible sign-in plug-in like the protagonists of those Xiaobai Shuangwen? Like what kind of sign-in for three days to achieve the great success of the Jindan stage, how great it would be if there was such a mechanical deity plug-in that didn't need to consider the reason...

Gao Hai sighed in his heart, and the expression on his face was as firm as ever, without revealing any flaws.

In any case, it can be confirmed that the situation has not yet reached the worst point.

However, without Yotsuya Miko, the teammate with the strongest perception, it is certain that there will be a lot of troubles coming, and the difficulty of investigating clues will become much greater. Although Miko has never been short of troubles due to her strong perception, the clues she brought to Gao Hai and the breakthroughs achieved through her ability must be acknowledged. Now without her help, I don’t know what will happen next...

{There was a problem in the last round. The opponents in this copy are more terrible than I expected. Maybe they will go deeper into the secret truth of gods than the Bydos Institute. But don’t panic, the situation is not the worst yet. Miko is not dead yet. She is imprisoned by the power of some weird thing. All we need is to find her and rescue her.}

As Gao Hai said this, a pistol appeared in his hand.

Even if the muzzle of the gun was not aimed at any target, Gao Hai already knew where the things he needed to destroy were.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

The continuous roar of gunfire spread in all directions.

Through the preliminary investigation completed by the police in the second round, Gao Hai destroyed all the notice boards in the dungeon at the beginning.

Something has changed.

In the dark, Gao Hai felt some indescribable subtle changes, as if something that existed in this space, which had been stable and unchanged, began to change at this time.


The consciousness suddenly focused and projected towards the direction of the village.

Originally, Asamoto Eriko's blessing only gave Gao Hai auditory perception within a range of five kilometers, but now with the change in Gao Hai's willpower, the power of this blessing combined with the spirit is enough to project a distance of tens of kilometers, and bring visual, auditory, olfactory and even tactile feedback.

So, Gao Hai saw Li Ziyong and Li Duosun, whose faces suddenly changed and realized that something unexpected had happened, and the uneasy villagers around them.

Ordinary villagers can vaguely feel that something is wrong but cannot realize the key to the problem, but can Li Ziyong and Li Duosun detect where the problem is? Perhaps we can consider conducting an in-depth investigation of the house of the patriarch of this Lijia Village to see if we can find any useful clues.

Speaking of which, this feeling is really good.

Gao Hai smiled as he felt the extraordinary power being controlled after his will broke through its limits. Then, he focused his consciousness further and looked at Li Ziyong, who was opening his mouth to issue some orders with a serious expression.

The distance was quite far, but there was no problem. As long as the mental power could reach the place, the conditions would be met.

So the next moment, Gao Hai gave Li Ziyong Urian's [Blessing].


A certain power in Gao Hai's body disappeared by one third.

In an instant, a strong induction came from the rescue team badge worn by Gao Hai. The four rescue team members who had not yet been summoned all turned their attention to Li Ziyong at the entrance of the village. They were all affected by the blessing at a distance of more than 20 kilometers.

Li Ziyong, who was about to say something, also had a drastic change in his expression. He had already noticed the changes in his body and had clearly felt the power of the "blessing" given to his body and soul, which came from the person who was about to rest.

Even more exaggerated than Li Ziyong's reaction were the villagers around him who didn't know the truth.

They were confused just now, but they turned their heads almost immediately and looked at their own clan leader. Then, everyone's expression was filled with hatred, and they all had a strong hatred at that moment. It was as if the person standing here was not their clan leader, but their father's murderer, and everyone became gnashing their teeth.

It started.

[Clan leader... You ate two and a half chickens of mine last year, and I felt very distressed... Why did you eat my chicken? ]

[All these years, you and your brother have done all the good things, why can't we do it... Is it because you are more noble than us? ! ]

[The last time, the rebels were obviously introduced by you, clan leader, why did all of us have to pay the price in the end? My son died because of this... I don't understand, clan leader, are you really doing good for us? Do you have any other purpose? ! ]

The voices of the villagers rose and fell.

The expressions of each of them looking at Li Ziyong were extremely ferocious. Many people began to dig up the past, telling stories one by one from who knows how many years ago, and began to accuse Li Ziyong. Some people were getting more and more excited, ready to attack Li Ziyong.

[What's going on? How dare you disrespect the clan leader... Uh, no, this is not right, Li Ziyong, you... you piece of shit... I'm going to kill you! The position of the clan leader should have been mine, and I should have been the heir. You bastard must have done something to deceive my father back then, you... you...]

Even the clan leader's younger brother, Li Duosun, had an abnormal change at this moment, and he could not help but feel a strong hatred for his own brother. His eyes were full of anger, and his body trembled constantly, as if he wanted to eat Li Ziyong alive to calm down.

[What's going on with this power? 】

Li Ziyong's expression changed further, and he retreated without understanding the current situation

It was just the beginning of the God-Welcoming Festival, and everyone was just happily discussing how to kill those outsiders and how to offer sacrifices to the mountain god. Why did everyone suddenly change and become like this?

There must be a bad guy who wants to harm me!

[Is this some kind of magic? Why would I do this for no reason... Wait a minute, calm down, calm down! There is a demon making trouble, don't let your mind be confused, we are all believers of the mountain god, and we must not fight among ourselves! Mountain god, please save us! Mountain god, please save me! ! ! 】

After discovering the changes in the people around him, Li Ziyong's first reaction was to run away.

But at this time, he was surrounded by villagers in front, behind, and on both sides, and when he took action, the villagers who were originally just swearing followed suit and began to surround Li Ziyong, including his younger brother Li Duosun.

[Lord Mountain God, please save me!!!]

So Li Ziyong turned around and knelt without hesitation, and immediately kowtowed several times in the direction of the village square, making a series of buzzing and exploding sounds.

The villagers had already surrounded him.

These villagers who lost their minds under the stimulation of the blessing power seem to have some special inhuman power, but their mental strength and will are far inferior to the players, and are completely at the level of ordinary people. Therefore, there is no way to resist the blessing imposed on Li Ziyong.

If there is no power to interfere with the actions of these villagers, then the next scene may be bloody.

Considering that this is the first time to use this wonderful ability and the impression of Li Ziyong, Gao Hai is still very interested in seeing what will happen to that guy.

However, as Gao Hai expected, after Li Ziyong kowtowed and shouted, some kind of power spread rapidly. A line of sight fell silently, fell in the village, and through Gao Hai's mental power that spread to the edge of the village, it looked directly at him.

A strong chill enveloped Gao Hai again.

No matter how many times he was stared at by the mountain god, he seemed to find it difficult to get used to the feeling of a herbivore being stared at by a carnivore.

But this time, Gao Hai would no longer stand still and let this thing stare at him.

{Xiao Ai, Zhen Fei stays by my side. Kaguya, Ichiri, Chika, you guys go to the village immediately and act accordingly. Next, I will try to modify our identities to ensure that the power of that shitty mountain god will not easily affect us again}

Takahashi said this and took out a yellowed page from his black watch.

[Lee Village Land Deed]

This is the obsession that Takahashi got from the last self-detonation in the first round. Because he didn't know the nature of this thing and was afraid of the mountain god, Takahashi didn't take it out immediately in the second round. In the end, he still got into trouble because of the mountain god's gaze.

Collapse, fear of this and that, and in the end, it's still a dead end.

In that case, just be straightforward and go straight ahead!


Takahashi shouted to Hayasaka Ai in the mental link.


Two blood-colored fields bloomed from Takahashi and Hayasaka Ai the next moment, overlapping each other to form a defense.

The suffocating terrifying gaze, with an irresistible invisible force coming the next moment, immediately caused cracks to appear in the superimposed blood-colored domain.

The direct confrontation of just a breath announced the absolute gap. No matter what the nature of the mountain god of Xiaoheishan standing behind Lijia Village is, its strength is undoubtedly greater than any core obsession Gao Hai has seen in the first three copies. Perhaps only the blood pool can be compared with this thing. But the problem is that the blood pool has no independent consciousness. That thing only exists in the copy and will not actively attack anything, while this mountain god has the ability to act independently.

However, although the gap in power is absolute, it is not really powerless to fight back.

The first bomb, start.

The flames of the explosion passed through the blood-colored domain in an instant and released violently.

The suppression bomb, start.

Five bullets disappeared into thin air, arrived at a location that Gao Hai did not know, and hit something.

All this is just to gain an extremely short moment of time.

In order to clearly understand the power of this obsession and complete the time to activate and manipulate it, Gao Hai made the most intense resistance he could to the interference of the mountain god, and once again created a large-scale movement.

Perhaps there are more cautious means that can not trigger the power of the mountain god. But for Gao Hai at this time, this is the most convenient, fastest and most effective way he can think of. Of course, he also admitted that he more or less relied on this method to relieve his emotions in his heart as a means of venting.

Rumble rumble--

In the hot flames, the terrifying thing that was watching, at this moment, appeared a moment of delay.

So a certain power quickly spread to the entire copy space, and the rules were modified.


The next moment, at the moment when the light of the bloody field shattered and dissipated, Zhenfei and Hayasaka, Kaguya and Chika and Ichiri had already evacuated in two teams, and the four rescue team members who were summoned also dispersed and disappeared in the woods.

As for Gao Hai himself, he had already closed the door of [Alice's Cabin] and entered the gap between the copy and the real world, not in this copy.


Thunder fell from the sky, fire burned fiercely, mountains collapsed, and the earth trembled.

The invisible force swept across the entire primeval forest, but there was no way to find the target that needed to be erased.

The power of the rule has taken effect.

Although the power connection of the obsession could not continue after entering Alice's cabin. But through the short delay, Gao Hai finally completed the operation before entering the cabin. Therefore, for the changes that have occurred, he can continue to use them without any restrictions.

"In this way, things are finally on the right track."

Gao Hai, who was sitting on the ground in the cabin, said while looking at Zhenfei and Qianhua through the spiritual connection of the black watch, and commanded the actions of the four rescue team members summoned in advance through the rescue team badge that had become a blessing prop... No, it was the actions of three rescue team members. Old Guo was already dead, having been gored to death by a deer that rushed out of the woods. Was that thing really a deer? Wasn't the impact force a bit too terrifying?

And in the old deed that he was holding in his hand, the name "Li Ziyong" written in the "Landlord" column had changed to "Gao Hai".

Chapter 44: From now on, this place is called Gaojia Village!

This feeling is really magical.

Holding this yellowed title deed in his hand, Gao Hai closed his eyes and could vaguely feel the illusory shadow of a village. He felt like he was standing in the village at this moment, and even had a certain degree of integration with the village itself.

As long as he wanted, Gao Hai could now see every corner of the village very casually, and observe every house, every piece of furniture, even every brick and every weed in the village from all angles.

After modifying the identity of the owner of the village land through the obsession object [title deed], Gao Hai can now use the connection with Zhenfei Qianhua and others through the black watch to obtain the ability to observe the village and a certain degree of control.

That's right.

Although this feeling is difficult to describe, Gao Hai now seems to be able to control the village to a certain extent. Although only the [Lijia Village] in the initial space can be controlled, he does have control over this place.

Not only that, he can now officially confirm the entrance to other spaces that can be reached from this place.

"The key... got it..."

Closing his eyes, Gao Hai saw more things through his perception of the village itself.

[Not holding an invitation and failing to establish a favor relationship with the villagers of Lijia Village means that this person is not a guest of the Li family, so this person is not allowed to enter Lijia Village without permission. Such people will be treated as enemies who must be killed, just like those garbage in Zhangjia Village who want to please both sides at the same time and refuse to choose sides, so they will be sent to the "end" of Zhangjia Village, and will be sent to ■■■■"■■\

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