The first entrance that was determined was the intersection of Lijia Village and the land outside the village. The trigger point of this entrance was the outermost wall of all the buildings outside the village, and the invisible line connecting the outermost walls of all the buildings on both sides of the road entering Lijia Village near the outer corner of the road. As long as someone crossed this judgment point from outside the village, the person who met the corresponding conditions would be teleported to the village in the time and space of [The End of Zhangjia Village], which was the dead village that Goto Ichiri saw in the first round.

Then the village where the name of the village was not found, only many unburied corpses and invisible dead things existed, was named [The End of Zhangjia Village]. Gao Hai didn't know where this name came from, but it was certain that the place must have a close connection with [Zhangjia], a family that had no trace in the copy.

[Those who have seen the notice and know the rules and encounter paper people, and fail to avoid the paper people in the right way, mean that this person may not be a rule-abiding person, or a stupid person. Such people are very dangerous. They may anger the mountain god or come into contact with the fox demon, so they will be sent to the "rumor" of Liujia Village. As the territory seized by the mountain god from the fox demon, the paper monsters wandering around there can serve as a buffer to help deal with people who may cause trouble. Even if someone encounters a fox demon here, it will not threaten us. At most, we can just give these blood foods to the greedy fox demon. 】

The second entrance is located anywhere outside Lijia Village. Anyone who knows the content of the Lijia Village notice may find this entrance. The entry condition to meet this entrance is very simple, that is, to make the [paper man] you meet realize that you have been discovered and make any interactive behavior of [realizing the existence of the paper man].

This entrance is strictly not controlled by Lijia Village. Its source is another village, that [Liujia Village]. It is the power of Liujia Village that has infiltrated the space where Lijia Village is located. However, this infiltration was used in reverse and was used by these villagers as a screening measure.

These two entrances to villages in other time and space are the entrances discovered by Gao Hai and others in the first round. This time, by sensing some residual information in the village, Gao Hai was able to understand the relevant information of the two entrances more deeply, but at the same time, he also had some doubts in his heart.

The dead village full of corpses was called "the end", and the village with paper people wandering under the night was called "rumors". Do these two different titles reveal the nature of the two spaces to a certain extent? If so, then what is the village inhabited by living villagers that the players arrived at the initial stage called?

Gao Hai's thoughts were soon answered, and some information from the village itself appeared under his mind.

[We can't let others know where we are, and we can't let everyone understand where we are now]

[That abandoned existence can only be "the end of Zhangjia Village", it can only be like that, all other definitions are wrong and are not allowed]

[You will live forever, our Li family will live forever, our family will continue here from generation to generation, this is our "now", this is our "present", not some "end" that has ended, not the final "end\

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