[Lee's ancestral teachings]

At the beginning of the side of this page full of text are these four large characters.

This thing can be regarded as a rule sheet, but it can also be regarded as a document. Compared with the contents of the notices outside the village, this document obviously has no concealment or deception. It seems that the writer is quite serious about passing this thing on to future generations.

[Every descendant of my head, the Li family, must remember this instruction and follow it in everything. Only in this way can we lead the Li family to take root and grow in this bad soil]

[One: I will worship the Xiaoheishan Mountain God forever. Only the protection of the Mountain God can keep my Li family prosperous. I offer sacrifices to him, pray to him, and offer my young and energetic flesh and blood to him. At any time, we must never question the Mountain God, we must unconditionally accept everything the Mountain God has given us, and thank Him sincerely]

[Second: Don’t leave the village easily unless necessary. Fields, rivers and dirt roads are the refuges given by the mountain gods to us to walk and survive in the outside world, but the things in the dense forest are different from us. We can hunt them when the mountain god allows us to hunt, but we cannot disturb them at any other time, and we must not disturb them. They are also the people of the Mountain God, but they are destined to not understand each other, including the things raised in the village]

[Third: The water has been cursed. All water has been cursed, but the flowing water has been blessed by the mountain god, so it can be drank. The stagnant water has been polluted by the evil fox, so it must not be drunk. Remember, our Li family will always believe in the Xiaohei Mountain God, so we can only use running water. The bottom line here must not be confused. If you don’t respect God, God will not protect you, and the curse in the water will be fulfilled on you]

[Fourth: Work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Do not leave the house after nightfall. If you must leave the house at night, please try not to leave the village. The power of the mountain god protects us all the time, but sometimes, some dangerous things will appear in and outside the village. At this time, as long as you stay indoors, you will be able to survive safely. Don’t stay in the open space for too long at this time, and don’t look up at the sky]

[Fifth: The Welcoming God Festival must continue to be held. No matter what the situation of the Li family is, this Welcoming God Festival must not stop. As long as the Welcome Festival continues, we will still be us, and the Li family will continue to prosper. But if the Welcome Festival is gone, the Li family will be no different from other people, and there will be no way to survive. We can only take this path. This was chosen by our Li family, so we must complete this path]

[Sixth: All rituals, no matter how unreasonable or bizarre the content, must not be violated and must be continued. Whether it is a wedding, a funeral, or the sacrifices chosen, all must be done according to the rules. This is the only road left for us by the mountain god]

[Seventh: All villagers who disappear without complying with the rules are not allowed to be searched for, and their names must be removed from the ancestral hall. Lord Mountain God has given us a way to survive. Those who cannot even grasp the chance of survival are no longer qualified to be members of the Li family. If these people return to the village, kill them and throw the bodies out of the village. If there are any villagers who dare to sympathize with or try to communicate with these people, they will also be killed together, and then their houses and women will be divided among them. The others, the son, will be used in the next round of sacrifices]

[Eighth: The dead are not worthy of being remembered by the Li family. Our only mission is to continue our clan. All the prices we pay for this are acceptable, and all the sacrifices we make for this are forgivable. As the leader of the Li clan, this is the noble mission we need to remember. All sacrifices and beliefs other than those of the mountain god are evil things that must be eradicated, and we must never be lenient in this matter]

[I am the 74th head of the Li family, Li Ziyong]

[Although I have received favor from the gods now, in case I forget my true intentions one day, or something unexpected happens to me, this is what my successor should keep in mind. Remember, never forget, unlike the outside world that is doomed to perish, as long as I, the Li family, are still protected by the Mountain God, and as long as I, the Li family, still believe in the Mountain God, we will continue forever and will never perish.】

If we are just talking about fonts, I have to say that Li Ziyong's handwriting is quite good, and he can definitely become a calligraphy master.

As for the content of this thing, Gao Hai can only say that it is still somewhat interesting.

"Is the outside world destined to perish? This Li Ziyong, what does he know..."

Gao Hai frowned and thought for a while while muttering to himself, and then suddenly felt something strange. Following this abnormal perception, his gaze shifted from the Li family courtyard to the outskirts of the village. Gao Hai saw players arriving in the village one after another, and saw these confused or wary people stepping in. The scope of [Lijiacun].

Chapter 46: Next Action Direction and Visiting Players

The total number of players who successfully arrived at [Lijiacun] was forty-three.

According to Gao Hai's estimation, apart from his own team, there should be about fifty players entering this dungeon. At least they got the invitation, and there should be at least this many players in the [Lijiacun] space at the beginning. As a result, there are now more than forty people in total, which means that at least ten or more players have gone deep into the forest and did not listen to Gao Hai's warning to turn back, but directly came into contact with the animals.

I guess most people are almost dead by now. Gao Hai still feels a little regretful about this. After all, even a Dark Night-level player is definitely much better at exploring than the twenty or so JKs of Tenghua Middle School.

However, even Gao Hai has no way to prevent this kind of thing. The range he can control now is only within the range of [Lijia Village]. Although it is not impossible to forcibly control those people and save them through the mental power that has now greatly grown, it will consume a lot of mental power. Gao Hai has just obtained super powers in terms of mental power. He is not very clear about his upper limit, so he dare not squander it recklessly. Secondly, he has already warned others, but they still go against him. It’s none of my business whether you live or die.

After all, Gao Hai doesn’t plan to be a newbie babysitter. Although generally speaking, players who can enter the Dark Night-level dungeon are not considered newbies, in such a high-difficulty dungeon, they can’t show any skills and are unwilling to listen to the command of powerful players, so they can go wherever they want.

{The rough rule sheet has been given to them. Although it is not certain what these players can do, most people have been saved.}

Standing in the courtyard of the Li family compound, Gao Hai looked up at the huge and gloomy banyan tree and said in the mental connection.

{At least most players will not turn into monsters and attack us. As for what they can do specifically, this kind of thing can only be roughly determined after the next contact. After all, we can't be sure what is under the well now.}

Zhen Fei, who was sitting next to Gao Hai, also said it, and looked outside the gate and the direction of the ancestral hall from time to time, carefully guarding against any unexpected situations.

It was already the second hour after the dungeon started, and half an hour ago, Gao Hai took the initiative to leave Alice's hut after confirming that the mountain god of Xiaohei Mountain had stopped searching and returned to a stable state, and then he accelerated all the way to the scope of [Lijia Village].

This time, Gao Hai was not stared at by the mountain god even once. The other party seemed to be completely unaware of his existence, or... didn't care about him.

At this point, Gao Hai can be sure that the existence with the name of [Little Black Mountain God] is definitely much more complicated in nature than he originally expected. This is definitely not just an extraordinary existence with "autonomous consciousness". Its way of thinking and existence may not be measured by common sense at all. For a while, he had many guesses, such as the mountain god may be a situation where multiple different personalities and split personalities coexist, or the mountain god is a product that changes constantly according to the thinking of believers and people who know it. He even thought about whether this thing might be something like AI, which belongs to the kind of thing that shows the characteristics of the operator.

But these are just guesses after all. Unless they can be truly verified, they are castles in the air. But with the current gap in strength between himself and the mountain god, Gao Hai really can't think of how to save his life while verifying the situation of this thing. After all, this thing can really kill him at will. Once the two sides really confront each other, Gao Hai has no way to deal with this thing.

Fortunately, he is not clueless now. On the one hand, the entrance to the well leading to another space inside the [Li Family Courtyard] can be used as a new direction for investigation. On the other hand, in this new round, Gao Hai has consumed three rewind grids to activate the power of the black watch to find a new target direction. Now he can sense the direction of that thing at any time.

[Water Ghost Lake]

This is the name of the lake located in the valley surrounded by mountains downstream of Lijia Village.

Go down along the main road of Lijia Village, through terraces, and then through the fields in the valley. Follow the river flowing through the village on the snow-capped mountains to the end, and you will reach the location of this lake.

The direction given by the black watch is in this lake, or to be more precise, it is the bottom of this lake.

To be honest, Gao Hai is still a little hesitant about whether to go in this direction. After all, according to the currently known clues, there is a special curse on the water in the [Infant Crying Village] copy, in which the mountain god and the fox lady seem to bless the flowing water and the stopped water respectively. Therefore, the [Water Ghost Lake] that Gao Hai discovered in the first round, which was completely [still] and without any fluctuations, may represent some kind of power of the Fox Lady. Or it may be a third kind that Gao Hai has not yet encountered, anyway, it is also not a good thing.

However, since the black watch can give such guidance, it means that there is indeed something at the bottom of the lake, and we still have to find a way to go down. Well... If I go down directly, I will probably have to find a way to get some kind of [Fox Lady's mark] before I can enter and exit the lake safely? But if I do this, will it conflict with my current control of Lijia Village? After all, the mountain god and the Fox Lady seem to be quite at odds with each other at present.

{We have completed the search of all buildings in the Li Family Courtyard except the ancestral hall. Well, there is nothing particularly valuable, but we found a lot of things that seem to come from different times and regions, from various countries. It seems that this village has been running for a long, long time}

The voice of Fujiwara Chika sounded from the mental link. She and Kaguya walked out of a small house together. Chika looked at a revolver from the cowboy era, and Kaguya dragged out a small internal combustion engine that seemed to be disassembled from something.

Gao Hai, who felt a little curious, came to the hut and found that the house was full of various things, from ancient times to modern times. The largest number of them were various clothes and small personal items, which were thrown into the house very casually, filling up half of the house.

Although I already knew the situation here, it was still quite emotional after seeing it with my own eyes. When will the copy of this [Sacrifice Game] be more earthly?

{A player is coming towards us}

In the temporary mental link established through the obsession, Hayasaka suddenly spoke.

{Aren’t they the three from the Moyu Gang? Are they coming specifically for us or what? Can you recognize who they are? }

Gao Hai asked in the mental link while walking towards the door, the pistol materialized silently, and Kaguya who followed him also took out the bow and arrow.

{They are not players from the Moyu Gang. There are four of them. They are coming directly to us. They seem to have confirmed something through some means. According to the memory fragments shared by the master, the leader is the only one who stood alone among the ten players who did not fall to the ground in the square riot in the first round}

Hayasaka answered very quickly. Although he did not retain the memory of the first and second rounds, through the blessing of Chiyoko Bee House and the greatly enhanced mental power, Gao Hai can accurately pass his memory to others, so Hayasaka can directly recognize the person approaching from outside at this time.

"Friends inside, we have no ill intentions. We are just a team of victims who got the invitation and had to come here. Do you mind chatting? We have no ill intentions. I am Chen Qiucai, a player in the Huaxia district."

The leading man stopped about 30 meters away from the gate and spoke in a calm voice.

{I'll go and contact them, Chika, Kaguya, you guys watch from the side}

Gao Hai thought for a moment and decided to push the door open. He stood at the door and looked outside, and his eyes met those of the four people.

"Good morning."

Then, the man who called himself Chen Qiucai smiled, his eyes focused on Gao Hai.

Chapter 47: Testing between players and gamblers

Gao Hai was actually a little hesitant about whether to contact strange players.

So far, Gao Hai's impression of other players has not been very good. After all, whether it was the Shirakawa Apartment or the Red Nut Gray Cave, the players he met were not particularly good in terms of ability level and trustworthiness. Although he later saw a reliable Red Moon-level player in the Campus Tales dungeon, he also encountered Yuan Shanming and the group of fanatics who were possessed by a strange power and almost killed him.

For players, it is not easy to build trust with each other if they do not have contact with each other for a certain period of time and cooperate with each other to overcome difficulties. After all, under the tempering of life and death crises again and again, the player group is generally selfish and distorted. Everyone has various problems to a greater or lesser extent, and it is possible that they will explode at any time. Even Gao Hai, who has a strong willpower, cannot be exempted from this point. Now, when he thinks about going to the [Ghost Crying Cave] later, he feels uncomfortable and irritated.

However, did this player come to him on his own initiative?

Looking at the man named Chen Qiucai looking at him with a smile on his face, Gao Hai frowned slightly.

Because the players participating in the dungeon this time were mixed, the strength gap between them was large and it was difficult to judge the specific situation, Gao Hai decided not to contact these players directly for the time being after discussing with Zhen Fei and others for a while, but to contact other players indirectly through three players from the relatively trustworthy Mo Yu Gang, in this way, to try to coordinate the actions of these players relatively cautiously, so that those players who are willing to participate and can help can work together to crack the dungeon.

Therefore, Gao Hai actually used the authority of [Lijia Village] to conceptually block the [Lijia Courtyard] area. Under normal circumstances, those players who act in the village should not enter the road outside the Lijia Courtyard. Even if there are occasional people who stray in, they have no way to realize the existence of the entrance to [Lijia Courtyard], and will subconsciously leave under the condition of cognitive obstruction.

But this man and his team came in, which means that this guy should be carrying some kind of Red Moon-level obsession that can resist or even break cognitive pollution, or he has some kind of blessing in the spiritual field that can ignore the barrier. No matter which situation it is, it can be said that this man is not simple and needs to be treated with caution.

Gao Hai frowned more tightly.

He could not feel the emotional fluctuations of the man not far away.

There was no feedback from the perceived blessings belonging to Li Zhaodi and Hedar. This was not because the man named Chen Qiucai had no ill intentions towards Gao Hai, nor was it because he had a twisted and anti-social personality, but because of this. Neither blessing detected the existence of Chen Qiucai. According to the perception of the two blessing powers, although there is indeed something there where Chen Qiucai is standing at this time, it is no different from stone and soil. It is the same as a dead thing that does not emit emotional fluctuations at all, rather than something alive. people.

Have you used the power of blessings or obsessions to completely lock your spiritual power in your body? If it was just sensory masking or hallucination, Li Zhaodi's blessing should be able to be broken. Well, if I take the initiative to activate this blessing of perception, and cooperate with the mental power that I can release after growing up, I should be able to break through his mental defense and conduct detection. But doing this would be equivalent to falling out directly. I still want to see what this guy wants to do.

With this thought, Gao Hai did not act rashly, but continued to observe the man in front of him.

Beside him, Qianhua and Kaguya were also silently observing the team. Among the team members currently led by Gao Hai, Qianhua is considered the one with the strongest social skills, while Kaguya has systematically learned some things about people and social interaction, although the latter was taught by Shinomiya's tutor. It's very twisted, but it is very appropriate to use it to identify some villains and mentally twisted people, and it belongs to the ability of a professional counterpart.

{The three people behind Chen Qiucai are in something wrong. Their expressions seemed normal and ordinary, but a little too casual, and it felt a bit like they were deliberately acting to be ordinary. And the strength of those three people may not be up to the level of Red Moon-level players. I think it is a bit unrealistic for them to come together with this Chen Qiucai to form a team}

At the moment when Gao Hai and Chen Qiucai looked at each other, Qianhua had already observed the three unknown co-stars behind them and quickly noticed some disharmony among them.

{This man can break the blockade set by you, Mr. Gao, and must be a Red Moon-level player in terms of ability, but such a player is not on the list provided to us by Miss Xiong Mi. We have never seen him before this meeting, which shows that either this person is very good at disguising himself, and even though he has become a top powerhouse like a Red Moon player, he still has no reputation and is not cared about, or he actually has He has a certain reputation, but there is some flaw in his nature that prevents a truly capable person like Miss Xiong Mi from recognizing him as a companion. Well, either way is not a good outcome. Gao Jun, I think this person can use the next thunder to go to dangerous places and cannot really be treated as a companion}

Kaguya carefully observed this Chen Qiucai. Like Gao Hai, she did not notice any problems with her sensory blessings, but Kaguya has always been quite dark-hearted in social terms. Therefore, after being unsure about the quality of this player, she immediately thought of tricking him into venturing into dangerous areas, and told Gao Hai these words through the temporary mental link of the obsession. I have to say that although this girl is a little more cheerful now, deep down she is still greatly affected by the abstract villains of the Shinomiya family.

But under the current situation, Gao Hai feels that Kaguya's idea is very to his liking, but of course he won't actually do it yet. After all, the opponent is a real Hongyue-level player, not the group of JKs from Fujika Middle School. If they are not tricked to death, it will be a problem for this guy to come for revenge and cause trouble. Now, in the third week, we finally have a more stable one. With the opening and safe zone, Gao Hai doesn't plan to make any wild moves for the time being, but now he hopes to be more stable.

While thinking, Gao Hai used his own mental power to protect Kaguya, preventing the other party from spying on the conversation within the temporary link established by the power of the obsession.


Kita Ikuyo floated silently behind Gao Hai. Her attention at this time was not on the four players over there. Instead, she floated up to a certain height and observed the surroundings.

On the roof of a three-story wooden building in the back, Hayasaka was hiding inside and conducting reconnaissance. This was also the reason why she was the first to discover the appearance of Chen Qiucai and the four others just now. At this moment, Hayasaka had quietly taken out a sniper rifle, put a blood-stained bullet into the magazine, and prepared the situation for both sides. Once the disagreement breaks out, be prepared for the next blow.

"What's the matter?"

After Chen Qiucai said "Good morning", Gao Hai asked in a cold tone, not looking like he intended to have a good communication.

The actual communication and thinking between the two of them with Kaguya Chika just now lasted less than a few seconds. During this time period, the man named Chen Qiucai had his eyes fixed on Gao Hai from beginning to end. His serious look even made people feel uncomfortable, and he didn't know what he was observing.

"Don't be nervous, sir. I don't have any ill intentions. I just want to ensure the survival of myself and my team members."

Chen Qiucai opened his mouth and smiled again.

"I have some detection methods. This village should not be like this originally, right? It was your team that managed to change this village, right? There are also those methods that send messages from thousands of miles away to warn everyone not to go deep into the forest, and the method of hiding in the village out of thin air The ability to create rule sheets one after another is really amazing. Being able to do this just after entering the dungeon is quite unbelievable even for a Red Moon level player. I can be considered a player who has cleared the level several times. Red Moon level dungeon players, if possible, I hope I can cooperate with you.”

As he said this, Chen Qiucai lowered his head slightly, and his demeanor and movements looked much more respectful.

The three players standing behind didn't make any movements or show any expressions. They just stood motionless behind them. Gao Hai didn't pay attention to them at first. Now when he transferred his perception, he realized that his two perception blessings also had no response to the three players.

I can't feel anything from the overflowing spiritual power. Could it be that the Neon Man in the Red Nut Gray Cave was the result of distorting the spirit through the power of obsession, right?

"We are still investigating this area. After we find certain results, we will gather players to discuss the next action. You should go back now. If you really want to find someone to cooperate, you can go fishing first. Help over there, they also have a few team members here.”

After Gao Hai thought for a moment, he relaxed his frown and spoke to Chen Qiucai in a calm tone.

"...Is that so? Hmm, Moyu Gang...I understand. Then, I will look forward to formal cooperation with you."

After hearing Gao Hai's words, the man's face showed no unusual expression. He just nodded lightly, turned around and left.

When Chen Qiucai left, the three players with him also took steps at the same time and followed him silently. Although it seems that the actions of these three people are not stiff, they are just expressionless and silent. However, through repeated induction of mental power, Gao Hai has been able to determine that these three players have probably lost their normal thinking ability, which is equivalent to being turned into mindless puppets by this man named Chen Qiucai.

During the previous week, this Chen Qiucai should not have been with these players. Although I didn't deliberately remember the facial features of the Night-level players, the difference can still be directly seen from the style of clothes. In other words, did he find a few players to brainwash after entering the dungeon? I feel like he's a troublesome guy, but Red Moon level players are generally smarter. I hope this guy won't cause any trouble for me.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai motioned to Qianhua and Kaguya to go back with him, and closed the door of the [Li Family Courtyard]. Hayasaka on the roof was aiming at Chen Qiucai's head for a long time. He didn't release his finger from the trigger until the other party completely walked out of the road where the main entrance of the Li family compound was.


The girl quickly unloaded the blood-red bullet and put it into the space obsession backpack.

This bullet is obviously an obsession, and it is one of the three dark night-level obsessions presented by [Market] after the [Yeluoshan Middle School] was breached. Its name is [Instant Kill Bomb].

This obsession is a large-caliber sniper rifle bullet, so if you want to use it, you must find a firearm that matches the model. The extraordinary characteristics of this obsessive object will be revealed after aiming at the enemy and pulling the trigger. First, it will track the target at a super high speed that is more than ten times the normal bullet speed, regardless of space separation or any evasive movement, and will track the target and hit it forcefully. While ensuring physical power, this bullet can forcibly tear the target's soul out of the body and melt it into the bullet, and then the bullet will automatically return to the user's hand.

Combined with some spiritual objects or blessings, this bullet can provide a one-stop service for assassination and torture. And there is only one way for this thing to lose control, and that is if you don’t pull the trigger for more than half an hour after putting it in the magazine, this thing will explode directly, splattering a large amount of fragments and blood mist within a ten-meter radius. . Therefore, if you decide to stop using this thing, you must quickly take it out of the magazine or chamber.

As a completely civil war-type object that targets living people, Gao Hai is not very optimistic about this thing. But considering the possibility of hostile players, he finally accepted this little thing. Just because of the blessed pistol, Gao Hai rarely remembered this obsession.

In short, there was no problem this time, right?

Hayasaka no longer cared about it after seeing Gao Hai send the man away, but continued to discuss the next actions in the spiritual link, so he no longer cared about this matter.

At the same time, Chen Qiucai, who had already walked a considerable distance, suddenly took a deep breath and stopped. Then he took out a blood-red six-sided dice from his pocket, threw it into the sky, and then reached out to grab it.


Spread your hands, and the number on the upward side of the blood die will show 6.

It's really scary. It's really scary.

Chen Qiucai moved forward slowly, but the expression on his face couldn't stop twitching.

Is that some spiritual blessing? It seemed that there was nothing around him, but he clearly felt that there was something invisible surrounding him, and that thing could even move from his side, to his side, to behind him .

Whether it was the man or the two women next to him, the detection obsessions were unable to detect any emotional fluctuations and failed to guide their thinking. That mental power was too strong, so strong that it was impossible to break the opponent's defense without going all out.

This is too powerful, when did such a powerful character appear among the players?

Moreover, he also mentioned the Moyu Gang. That is not good news. If it is the Moyu Gang, they might recognize me.

But this is also great, so I am gambling with my own life again, right? If I win, I can live again, and if I lose, I will die. Is there anything more exciting and fun in the world than this?

Chen Qiucai's expression did not change, but his finger, which was cut off by one-third and shrank in his pocket, was trembling with excitement.

Then, he turned his attention to his mental connection and contacted his real companion who had not appeared just now.

{Clement, this time there are two big fish, this time there are people from the Moyu Gang, and there is also a team led by a very powerful player whose strength is so terrifying that it is impossible to figure out the bottom. How about it, are you interested in a bet, betting on who will win between the Li family who just suffered a big loss and them? I think the chances of winning this time may be hard to say~}

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