Speaking of which, the group of high school students are also in the dungeon now. Although they have been asked to take care of them by the [Market], it is definitely impossible to take care of everyone. It is estimated that there will still be many people entering the Dark Night dungeon as pure ordinary people. It is really a desperate thing to think about it. I can only wish that as many of them as possible can survive.

"If you don't mind, let us help as well."

A player stood up at this time and said in a very friendly manner.

This is a bald white male with a height of about 1.7 meters and a shiny head without a single hair. He calls himself "Jackta" and comes from a Red Moon-level player organization called [Bald Squad].

Brother Mao has vaguely heard of this player organization. It seems that in recent months, a player team has just passed a Red Moon-level dungeon and reached the level of Red Moon-level players. The name is this Bald Squad. As for the specific situation of this team, he is not very clear. Although Red Moon-level players usually move in a circle, there are still people who are out of the circle occasionally, especially some teams that have just reached this level and don't understand the situation.

【Bald Team】This player organization consists of three people, which is considered a small team. It is worth mentioning that although the captain Jackta is indeed 100% bald, his two team members have beautiful hair, which is the type that has nothing to do with baldness. Gao Hai doesn't know much about these two members, but he noticed that they look almost exactly the same, regardless of height, hair color, body shape, etc., and they look like a pair of twin sisters.

No, wait, it seems that they are not twin sisters.

One of the older or younger sister of the two obviously has an Adam's apple!

Men dressed as women? Or is it more androgyny? !

Gao Hai was a little shocked. It was the first time he saw such a situation in reality.

In short, this player named Jackta and his two companions are relatively kind, unlike Chen Qiucai, who seemed to have the word [suspicious] written on his face. Therefore, everyone can still chat with each other and try to cooperate.

The people from 【Historian】 did not come.

But it was not because they didn't give Gao Hai face, but because they were being hunted.

Gao Hai had never figured out whether it was an obsession or a blessing power, a power that could force the strange creature to answer questions. Now, it has revealed a significant side effect, that is, after using it for a period of time, it will attract the strong attention of the strange creature and will attract a very intense pursuit. After the cock crowed, Lijia Village entered the [Daytime] stage, causing the knocking strange creature to disappear. But the three players from [Historian] obviously triggered something more extraordinary, so that they couldn't even go back to the room to pack up their things, and could only flee from the village in a panic.

Because the power of the deed only targets the village itself, Gao Hai didn't know where they ran to at this moment.

Unfortunately, without those three people, there are only six Red Moon-level players willing to help here. No, to be precise, there are three. Only the Moyu Gang is a reliable teammate who knows everything. In addition, the specific situation of the bald team has not been actually tested, so it cannot be counted and needs to be observed again.

After all, although these three players said that they had just reached the Red Moon level, they all had the means to block mental detection, and Gao Hai's blessing did not obtain any kind or malicious emotional reactions from them. Although this can also be explained as self-protection and unwillingness to let others detect their inner thoughts, Gao Hai still kept a little more careful about this.

"Then, let's roughly allocate the actions. Don't worry, everyone, the frontal assault task of exploring and investigating intelligence will not be given to you. After all, once an accident really happens, your strength is not enough to deal with the danger. Therefore, what I need you to do is to guard this village that has been transformed into a safe zone, and ensure that when the next [Night] comes, we can unite more effectively, so that we will not have to be scattered in different houses."

Gao Hai, who spoke to the players in this way, quickly said an idea mentioned by Qianhua before.

There is a crucial rule in Lijia Village in the night state, that is, [stay in a building with a roof]. Therefore, connecting the roofs of different buildings in some way, and creating more walls and newly added roof edges to connect them, may be able to broaden the scope of judgment of this rule, so that players can visit each other at night and unite to continue the action. In addition, if this trick doesn't work, trying to dig tunnels from the ground to connect different buildings to create passages is also an idea. Considering that there are dozens of players here who are physically stronger than Captain America and have various superpower props, Gao Hai thinks that it is more appropriate to use both methods together.

"I have an obsession that can make fast-hardening clay, which is dark night level. However, the clay made by this thing is easily destroyed and does not have strange characteristics. Moreover, rotten corpses will slowly grow in the clay, and the smell will be more unpleasant."

"I have a small rice spoon that can easily dig up the soil. It is an obsession found in a prison copy. But this thing will turn the dug soil into human feces every 10 minutes during the digging process. If you want to use this thing, you have to clean up the dug soil pile in time."

"My, my, my, I have an obsession with a hoe. This thing digs very quickly, but players who use this obsession will have masochistic tendencies and laziness. If they dig for a while, someone will have to dig behind them. A whip or a kick can be used to continue using the obsession. In addition, it seems that the player who uses the obsession can be fed watermelon juice drinks and fried chicken. I don’t know why.”

"I also have an obsession here that can generate bricks and concrete, but to use this thing, a player needs to sign the obsession. You must sign it yourself. After the signature is completed, the obsession can be made out of thin air. Building materials are generated, but the strength of the materials is very low. Buildings with more than three floors are bound to collapse, and players who sign will be unlucky and easily targeted by monsters, so it is best if you do not add lucky obsessions. It’s better not to use this thing lightly.”

"Oh, I also have an obsession here that can generate wooden boards. The generated wooden boards are pretty strong, and there are delicious shipworms growing in them. However, when used, sometimes bloody wooden boards may be generated. At this time, the distance between the wooden boards is quite high. The nearest player will be strangled by an invisible rope, so only players who are not afraid of hanging can touch this thing. Is there anyone who wants to try it?"

The process of organizing the actions of these players was not difficult. Everyone was smart and quickly found a few obsessions that could come in handy. Then everyone automatically divided the work into groups and started taking action.

After these Dark Night players started doing things, Gao Hai also quickly took action and began to prepare for the three different exploration directions.

As the first step, Gao Hai decided to salvage the bodies from the well in the [Li Family Courtyard] and open up this road.

Regarding the two tasks of finding the Paper Man and going to [Water Ghost Lake], in the former, Goto Kazuri created several clones and dispersed them directly to search. In the latter, Gao Hai first asked [Teacher] to go to the lake to investigate. Check to see if you can let the rescue team go directly to salvage, if not, then call in someone else.

So the three players from the Moyu Gang and the three players from the Bald Team gathered and stood in the courtyard. Gao Hai walked to the sealed well and reopened it, revealing the body soaked in the water below. .

"She looks like a girl. This way of death is quite pitiful."

Brother Cat took a look at the situation underground and made a casual comment.

"Mr. Gao, are you sure this is a passage? I always feel that if this body is released, it might become a threat."

The Jack Tower also took a look down the well, and said thoughtfully.

"Whether that thing is a threat or not, we have to go down from here now, at least to open this road. I didn't touch it before because I was afraid that it would survive after being fished out. Now there are so many players here Here, if you catch us all, you will have to consider yourself unlucky. "

Gao Hai shrugged, and while reminding the concubine Zhen and others who were standing behind to observe the situation through the mental link to be careful, he summoned a bundle of red soft ropes. If he threw them away at any time, the rope would fly in as if it had eyes. The well trapped the body.

The obsession has an effect and can confirm that the biological sex of the other party is indeed female.

Gao Hai pulled one end of the rope and saw that the thing had indeed tied the body tightly, so he slowly used force and began to pull the thing up from below.

Xiao Guo from the Moyu Gang took a step back, arched his body slightly and got ready for action. The Taoist priest Li Nianyou took out a copper coin from nowhere, closed his eyes, put it on his forehead and muttered something. Only Brother Cat was still squatting next to Gao Hai in an Asian squatting posture, staring at the body that was gradually being pulled up with very casual movements.

The bald team members on the other side, the twins stood not far away and watched silently without any special action. Jackta stood in front of the well and stared at the mouth of the well. He held a gray-black throwing knife in his hand and looked ready to throw it out at any time.


As the body was pulled toward the well head little by little, everyone could clearly hear the sound of the body rubbing against the well wall.

The surrounding temperature has become much cooler.

Although the tied corpse did not move at all, everyone present could clearly feel the spread of the abnormal aura, which meant that their current behavior of pulling the corpse would inevitably trigger some kind of strange thing.

Could it be the body itself?

Or is something else going to show up around you?

Gao Hai speculated on the possible situation, but the movements of his hands never stopped.


There was a muffled sound as the corpse's head hit a protruding stone on the well wall.

Gao Hai narrowed his eyes slightly. He noticed that after the body was hit, the body showed some unusual twists, especially the torso, which showed signs of slight bulging and contraction. This made him doubt that this was the case. Is the thing coming to life? But soon, Gao Hai realized that maybe the movement just now was not just the corpse's head hitting the stone. Maybe... there was something hidden under the body, and because of the sudden pause of the pulled body, it also hit it.

Is this possible?

While we were gradually pulling up the body, was there something hiding under it, and quietly crawling up? Because it was blocked by the body, that thing was always in my blind spot. If it hadn't stopped suddenly just now, causing that thing to hit the body and cause it to react, maybe no one would have noticed the existence of that thing until the body was completely pulled up.

Gao Hai's mental power spread in an instant.

After realizing the possible problem, he directly aimed his mind at the body, penetrated it and looked at the darkness below.

Then, the first thing he felt was the suffocating and cold breath, and the bubbles and words mixed in it.


The sobbing voice drowned in the darkness.

[Don't... I don't want this... I don't want...]

One after another, the floating bodies were floating in the water.

[Lord Mountain God, this year's offerings have been made. Please bless us, bless us with good weather and good harvest this year]

[Lord Mountain God, this is your bride this year, the most beautiful girl in the village. You must like such an offering very much, right? Then please bless us, and curse those stupid people who believe in fox demons, curse them to have no children, curse them all to die, so that we can occupy their fields]

[Lord Mountain God, Lord Mountain God, this year's offerings have been made. Please bless us, please bless us who are suffering, and bless us good people to meet a few more caravans passing through the nearby mountain roads, so that we can rob the fat sheep again, and rob a bunch of food and women]

The pious prayer was transmitted across the water, so it seemed unclear, but the desire overflowing in the heart of the praying person could still be felt.

Densely packed corpses piled up in the dark water flow, and those that were filled up from the water and exposed to the surface were white and swollen.

All the wailing, all the wailing, all the crying, were drowned in the water.

All of it was left with silence in the end, all merged into the water.

Water can hold many, many things.

The water submerged all those things.

But the water will eventually be full and overflow.

Water overflowing with pain.

Water overflowing with despair.

Water overflowing with curses.

Evil water that spread from the deep soil under the mountains and rivers and could not be truly cured.

Now, Gao Hai has felt it, felt the things overflowing from the water and trying to climb out of the water.

"The so-called cursed water in the ancestral precepts, in the final analysis, is it self-inflicted?"

Feeling the twisted and crazy breath, Gao Hai couldn't help but whisper to himself, and felt that things had become a little ridiculous.

Chapter 57: Different actions in different directions and unlocking new areas

The body was finally salvaged smoothly, and no abnormal phenomenon occurred.

The Red Moon-level players present were on high alert for a long time. Among them, Brother Cat and that Jack Tower repeatedly tried several times, until the Taoist shook his head and said "it will not pose a threat to us", and everyone stopped being alert to this thing.

It seems that Gao Hai directly noticed the abnormal scene under the body through sensing, which made the thing that originally followed the body disappear. From this point of view, the unknown thing seems to appear only for [being recognized]. So after Gao Hai, who recognized its existence, appeared, it stopped moving.

It's really a very strange weird thing. Is there such an almost harmless weird thing in the Red Moon-level copy? Or is it just because I happened to choose the right way to deal with it, so it showed its harmless side?


The corpse that was taken out of the well kept dripping with foul-smelling dark yellow water droplets. At first, Gao Hai couldn't see the specific size of the thing when it was soaking in the well. After pulling it out, judging from the clothes that had been torn by the strangulation and the size of the bones that pierced the flesh after breaking, the girl should have been only about 1.3 meters tall when she was alive, but now she has swelled to nearly 2 meters.

Considering the possible malnutrition, the girl was probably between 12 and 15 years old when she died.

Was a girl of this age sacrificed to the gods as a bride? This village is really quite beastly in every sense. I always feel that all the distortions and obsessions that have existed in this copy so far are all man-made disasters caused by the villagers themselves.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai retracted the rope and turned over the corpse that had swelled into a giant. Then he saw the eyes, nose and mouth sewn with needle and thread. The black and yellow hemp rope has been slightly disintegrated after a long period of soaking, and an eyeball has squeezed out from the rotten wound on one side of the eyelid. The dead black maggots and rotten meat are stuck together, oozing with yellow-brown semi-solidified fat like pus. In short, both the shape and the smell are quite unique.

"It's quite delicious."

The cat brother next to him said with emotion.

"It looks like a miserable death, but there is no corpse transformation?"

Xiao Guo, who was originally prepared to deal with the strange thing, was on guard for a while, but found that the thing seemed to be just a corpse, and couldn't help but murmured in confusion.

"At least today, this thing will not threaten us. I won't be able to count it out tomorrow. The thing involved in this corpse is very powerful, and my blessing cannot be counted too far."

The Taoist priest recalculated again and said, looking at the corpse with a somewhat curious expression.

"Well, at least now...there is nothing left on this corpse. This is just a corpse."

Gao Hai frowned and stared at the corpse, and after sensing it carefully for a while, he spoke.

If Jianzi was still here, she should have fished the body out... No, while the body was still stuck underneath, she would have been able to determine whether it was a threat. And I had to pull this thing out to confirm it. Other players were even worse than me. They couldn't completely determine the degree of danger with the corpse in front of them.

Subconsciously, Gao Hai recalled the time when Mianzi was helping him by his side, and his expression became a little gloomy. But he quickly reacted, quickly put aside these distracting thoughts, and focused on the current matter.

{Report, the current search range has been expanded to 20 kilometers, no traces of paper figures have been found, and they have not entered the forest area yet}

At this time, Goto Ichiri's communication came through the temporary spiritual link established by the obsession. The clones she sent had spread to quite a distance, but not a single paper man could be found, and she didn't know. Where did those things go?

[Teacher] has now arrived at the edge of [Water Ghost Lake]. Like the previous two weeks, the lake is in a very abnormal state, almost completely solidified. There is no trace of any fish or insect activity, and the water surface never has any ripples, as still as a mirror.

"To be on the safe side, it's better to seal this thing up."

Brother Cat took out a large black coffin from nowhere, held the female corpse's legs with one hand, stuffed it inside, and then closed the coffin. During the process, the corpse expanded so much that Brother Cat had to use some strength when closing the lid. As a result, Gao Hai heard a sound like exploding pulp in the coffin, and he didn't know what had become inside. What it looks like.

"It seems that we are quite lucky. We did not encounter any danger when opening this passage. So, now that the passage has been successfully opened, which of us will go down to explore first? If this well really leads to another space, we must explore it carefully. Fine?"

Jaketa, who had been watching, smiled and said, showing a somewhat eager expression.

But Gao Hai just looked back at Yili, who gently played the guitar a few times, and a new clone appeared beside the girl out of thin air, then put on the sunglasses he took out from nowhere and rushed all the way. , plunged straight to the bottom of the well.


After a muffled sound, the clone was completely submerged in the water and disappeared.

"The task of exploring a new area still has to be handed over to consumables. Please help keep an eye on the side. If something goes wrong later, something else may climb up along this passage. Our task now is to guard it. This entrance."

Gao Hai gave serious instructions to the players beside him. Brother Cat nodded and continued to squat down to look at the deep water in the well. On the other hand, Jack Tower curled his lips, as if he was a little regretful that he didn't go exploring by himself. It seemed that this guy was very keen on taking the initiative to go deep into unknown areas.


Goto Ichisato suddenly spoke, and then passed the picture he saw through the spiritual link to Gao Hai.

At the beginning, Gao Hai could only see vague phantoms, only various dark and twisted colors randomly pieced together, constantly intertwined and twisted, as if some kind of change was being performed, or a map was being loaded. A few pictures refreshed during the process to prevent players from getting bored.

But soon, the picture began to become clearer, and various details began to appear. Through the perspective of this clone, Gao Hai was able to see what the space he had not successfully reached looked like.

The sky took on a bleak and dark appearance.

It is unclear whether it is day or night. It seems that there are two states of dimness and dazzling at the same time. The two states are confused in this place, making it difficult to distinguish who is who.

Saw the lights.

Dark red, glowing lights under the dim sky.

Outside the open courtyard gate, the long street was lined with bright red lanterns. The shape of this lantern is very simple, and it looks like it was obviously made by the villagers themselves. It has a sense of cheapness and traces of the old times.

Gao Hai saw the big word [囍] written on the lantern.

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