They are basically the same as the lanterns over there in [Liujia Village at Night]. Is there some connection between this place and that space?

Thinking like this, Gao Hai observed the constantly shaking perspective and watched the clone summoned by Goto Ichiri climb out of the well and stand on the ground. Amidst the sound of ticking water, the courtyard that was no different from the Li family courtyard on Gaohai came into view. At first glance, it looked like the clone had returned to Gaohai, but in fact it was completely different. That's not the case.

{The clone... is a little out of control. This clone can only move within ten meters of the wellhead at most...}

Yili's voice became a little difficult. After passing through the well, the [distance] between the clone and the girl seemed to have lengthened to an astonishing distance, so much so that the power of blessing could no longer maintain its control over the clone.

{It’s just a preliminary exploration. You don’t need to go too far. Just let the avatar move within the controllable limit distance and confirm whether it is dangerous or safe over there.}

Gao Hai quickly said to Yili, while not forgetting to take a look at [Water Ghost Lake].

At this time, [Teacher] had already made tentative contact with the lake water. Under Gao Hai's instructions, it first threw a stone into the lake. As a result, the stone passed directly through the lake and sank without splashing any water waves. Then, [Teacher] broke another branch and tried to use the branch to stir the water. As soon as the branch was extended into the water, an extremely strong force came from the water. Even with [Teacher]'s physical fitness, he could not He grabbed the branch and was pulled down in one breath, almost dragging [Teacher] in with him.

This situation made Gao Hai realize that there might be something terrible in [Water Ghost Lake], so he asked Lao Guo, who had already cooled down and was waiting aside early, to rush forward and jump in first. Into the water.


The rescue team members were pulled down by some invisible force the moment their bodies came into contact with the water, and the connection with Gao Hai was instantly interrupted, and they re-entered the cooling stage.

Although he had expected such an unfolding, the rescue team members couldn't hold on for even a second, and Gao Hai still felt really uncomfortable.

I'm afraid it's impossible to break through forcefully. According to the currently known rules, [Water] is divided into two states in this instance: [Flowing Water] and [Still Water]. The Water Ghost Lake currently seems to be divided into It's inside [Still Water], which means that you may need to get something from [Fox Queen] before you can get in and out smoothly, otherwise you will be dragged away by that incorporeal thing.

Maybe try driving a fire truck in... No, that would be meaningless, and it would be too conspicuous. The fire truck is a surprise trick for me, so try not to expose it in advance unless necessary.

So, there is nothing that can be found in the two directions of [Paper Man] and [Water Ghost Lake] for the time being?

This result was not unexpected, but it still made Gao Hai feel helpless. He couldn't help but worry that his action of destroying all the signboards would mean that this week's game would completely cut off the way to Liujiacun under the night, and he could only put this exploration mission to the next week's game. .

A shadow enveloped Gao Hai at this moment.

He raised his head and saw a huge roof generated and covered by the cooperation of multiple players' obsessions, enveloping the entire yard.

There are walls growing all around, like rows of small squares growing out of the classic pixel game "Minecraft".

Although it is very crude and ugly, at this moment, the [Li Family Courtyard] has indeed become the [Li Family Courtyard] in a physical sense, and the entire building area is completely enveloped by the huge roof and thick walls.

{More than 70% of the village houses have been connected, and about 40% of the houses have also built underground passages. Well... However, due to time constraints, the passages are now relatively narrow, and larger people may not be able to use the underground passages. channel access}

Hayasaka's voice was transmitted through the temporarily established spiritual link, and he reported the work results of those dark night players to Gao Hai very seriously.

{How long is it estimated to take to connect all the houses? }

Gao Hai asked seriously in the spiritual link.

{An hour at most. If you hurry up, it should be done within forty minutes. However, this is the result of simply and crudely forcibly connecting different buildings with walls and roofs. It may lead to many more obstacles in the village, which is not conducive. FastPass}

The person who answered this time was Kaguya, who was monitoring the actions in the village with Hayasaka.

{I can’t worry about so much for the moment. It’s best to start repairing it as soon as possible. After all, we don’t know when the second round of [Dark Night] will come.}

As Gao Hai replied, he shifted his mind back to the perspective of Gotou Isri's clone. At this time, the clone had walked around the well several times. Although the clone was unable to leave the well due to poor signal, it had gained some intelligence after a period of investigation.

The first thing that can be determined is that in this village with red lanterns, there are likely to be activities of villagers. The clone clearly captured the laughter and talking of many villagers, as well as the sounds of clinking bowls, chopsticks and porcelain cups. It sounded like some kind of banquet was being held.

Not only that, there are also occasional sounds like suona playing and drums, which sound like a drama or a grand ceremony.

But this is not the most important point.


Accompanied by a clear sound, the main door of the Li family compound was slowly pushed open.

Li Ziyong, who was dressed exquisitely, supported a gray-haired old man and walked out of the house, talking and laughing.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the guitar clone who happened to be looking over, with his limbs twisted due to poor signal, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

Chapter 58: Not normal village, not normal villagers

To be honest, Gao Hai was still very nervous when he saw this Li Ziyong appear just now.

After all, he was tricked by this thing once in the first round, and now he finally found a way to send the other party away in the third round, but now he is running out again like a ghost. When I think about this thing, it may have some tricks that haven't been used yet, it's impossible not to be nervous. There was even a moment when Gao Hai suspected that this might be a trap set by the other party, and that this guy was waiting here to attack him on purpose.

But then, Gao Hai found that the other party seemed to be more nervous than himself.


Li Ziyong's face showed a look of extreme fear. While screaming, he subconsciously protected the old man and retreated into the house.

At this moment, the expression on the man's face was exactly the same as that of an ordinary person after seeing a terrifying monster, so that Gao Hai, who was already nervous and ready to fight, was stunned on the spot, and couldn't understand what was going on.

What's going on?

Why does it seem like I'm the one who's the monster?

You're the head of a Red Moon-level monster village, what are you doing here?


From the perspective of Yili's clone, the main building's door had been shut hard.

And it was quite confusing to see the other party's appearance that didn't look like an act at all. Could it be that... space and time were divided together in this copy? So there would be different images of the same person in villages in different spaces?

With this in mind, Gao Hai used the clone's perspective to look around again. After confirming that there was no more new information, he sent a mental communication to Yili.

{Cancel this clone, it's almost enough}

Maintaining this clone obviously consumes a lot of energy for Yili. Originally, Yili and Gao Hai thought that this was because there was a certain gap between the two different spaces, which caused Yili to consume more energy and it was difficult to maintain. But now it seems that the difference between the two spaces may not be just what it seems on the surface. There may be other reasons for Yili's consumption. We still have to go in and find out.

It is no longer meaningful to continue to maintain the clone. After all, this thing can't go far and can only stay around the well. And until now, Gao Hai is still a little wary of the three players of the [Bald Team], so Yili, as a Red Moon-level player, can't consume too much energy. After all, if a confrontation really comes, Yili, who has a powerful prop such as a guitar, is a crucial teammate. Only with her can casualties be minimized.

Unfortunately, there are still no clues on the paper man side, and there is no way to get into the Water Ghost Lake for the time being, so we can only focus on this line first.

"How is it, what's the situation over there?"

Brother Cat noticed the change in Gao Hai's expression, and knew that his attention had returned to this side, so he asked.

"It's hard to say the specific situation. Generally speaking, there seems to be no danger over there at present, but there are some problems that are not clear and cannot be solved by relying solely on the perspective of the clone. I think we can go down and try to explore. How about one person from each of our three teams?"

Gao Hai thought for a while and replied, and looked at Jackta who had been waiting beside him.

"It seems that it's finally my turn to play. It's boring to keep watching from the side."

The man named Jackta reached out and touched his bald head, then rubbed his hands, and showed a very happy smile on his face, looking quite positive. The two companions behind him didn't react much, and it seemed that they had already gotten used to the high enthusiasm of their teammates to explore outside.

After hearing this, Brother Mao nodded, thought for a moment, turned to look at the Taoist priest who was silently pinching his hands, signaled him to come over with his eyes, and made a more obscure gesture to Xiao Guo.

"The Taoist priest's ability is more suitable for early warning when exploring new areas. Xiao Guo and I will stay here and go down to the well to support immediately if anything happens. After all, this is just a preliminary exploration operation. It is best to focus on establishing a [temporary safety point] or ensuring a [stable and safe passage]. "

Before the operation, Brother Mao reminded Gao Hai and others very seriously. At this time, the passages in the entire [Lijia Village] have been basically completed. All buildings are forcibly connected through crude walls and roofs, and underground passages have been built in most areas. It can be said that the original Lijia Village no longer exists and has completely become a maze with many connections.

Mahi and Kaguya stayed in the ground area of ​​the square, accompanying Ichiri who was unable to move because he needed to control his clone. Hayasaka continued to stay on the high building next to the yard to observe the situation in the yard below, and was responsible for warning and remote support if any problems occurred. Chika stayed beside Hayasaka, and stayed indoors instead of on the edge of the rooftop. She was mainly responsible for communicating with Mahi and Takami at any time as a spiritual link member of the Black Watch, and at the same time preventing possible attackers from the building.

{The traces of the [Historians]'s actions were found. They seemed to be caught up by some strange creatures. The two sides should have fought. The [Historians] should have been at a disadvantage, but in the end all three of them escaped successfully without any casualties. Well, I have asked the clones to catch up, and several clones around have also been transferred. It seems that there are paper people among the strange creatures chasing these three players}

Before preparing to go down the well, Ichiri finally brought good news. Gao Hai was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the paper man who had been unable to find his whereabouts before would chase the three players. He carefully reminded Yili in his heart not to lose him. Of course, on the surface, he didn't show any change in expression at all, and he still looked serious.

"Then, I'll take the lead."

Jackta, who started first, jumped straight down and fell into the well below and disappeared.

But in fact, the moment he entered the well and touched the water surface, the man had already arrived at the bottom of the well in another space. At this time, he only needed to climb out of the well to reach the space that Goto Yili's clone had arrived at before. As for coming back, it was very convenient. He just had to jump into the well again.

Gao Hai followed the bald man and jumped into the well second. The damp and cold air in the well made him feel a little uncomfortable, and the narrow rock walls around him made Gao Hai feel a little unhappy. But he endured the emotional fluctuations very well. After his feet touched the rippling water surface, he immediately exerted force and quickly climbed out of the well.

The next moment, what appeared in front of him was a quiet village under the dusk sky.

Smoke rose from each mud house, a row of birds flew quickly under the clouds, and the cool evening breeze blew Gao Hai's cheeks. If we only talk about the first feeling after entering this place, Gao Hai can only say that he really has no way to connect this quiet and peaceful village with the village of cunning people he saw before.

However, this is not the most important issue now.

Gao Hai's eyes swept around.

Where are the people?

That Jack Tower is not here.

The Jack Tower who entered this place first and should have been waiting for him around, I don't know where he ran.

Something is wrong.

Gao Hai stood by the well and quickly scanned the surroundings.

No red lanterns were seen.

The red lanterns that were discovered by the clone before, Gao Hai did not see them after entering here.

Is this space that I entered different from the space that Yili's clone entered before?

But this is not right. According to the perception of the deed, there is only one space that this well leads to, not a multi-space composite entrance. So what the previous clone saw, I should also see.

Unless, the [time] of my entry has changed.

The time point when I entered this space, and the time point when the previous clone and Jackta came in here, may not be continuous?

Is there such a possibility?

While thinking, Gao Hai turned his head to look at the wellhead behind him, and began to seriously consider whether to return immediately.

"Hey oh..."

But before Gao Hai made a decision, he saw a hand stretched out from the wellhead.

It was Li Nianyou, nicknamed "Taoist", who climbed up from the well.

After roughly confirming that this was the other person, Gao Hai temporarily restrained the idea of ​​leaving, reached out and grabbed the Taoist's hand and pulled him up.

After being pulled up, this weird guy didn't say anything to Gao Hai, but walked out a few steps, roughly observed the surroundings, and then closed his eyes and began to calculate something. As he calculated, the wrinkles on his face began to deepen, and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

"Did you calculate anything? I heard from that cat brother that you can predict the future to a certain extent?"

Gao Hai guessed in his heart the reason why the Taoist priest and himself entered the same space, and asked with some curiosity.

"It's hard to say."

The Taoist priest shook his head, and his expression became more solemn.

"Why is it hard to say?"

Gao Hai didn't quite understand what he meant.

"The calculated result is very vague, there is no specific clear direction, and there is not even a reference. I rarely calculate such a result. This is a very dangerous and troublesome situation. This operation has a big problem..."

After calculating twice more, the Taoist priest finally answered Gao Hai with worry.

"Is it a bad thing if you can't calculate a clear result? I think it's better than calculating that you are dead."

Gao Hai still couldn't understand it.

"My ability is not like that. Although it does look like a prophecy, it is not unchangeable. If you calculate bad results, you can at least find ways to avoid them. If you calculate good things, you can also find ways to promote them. It's getting better, but I can't calculate anything specific, which is a big trouble. This means that either the situation we are facing is too bizarre and complicated, or it means that something terrible is interfering with my ability, then. We can only act without knowing the specific information at all.”

As the Taoist priest explained, he showed a more worried expression.

Gao Hai had no intention of commenting on the negative and pessimistic attitude of the other party. He just confirmed through the spiritual link that there was nothing wrong with Qianhua, the real concubine, and then turned his attention to the door of the main house that slowly opened on the side.

He had already predicted who would come out.

"Old man, walk slowly. Come on, let me help you stop falling. Come on, let's walk in this yard... Who are you? Where did you come from? Are you a thief?!"

As soon as Li Ziyong, who was supporting the old man, walked out of the door, he immediately spotted Gao Hai and Li Nianyou standing in the yard. He immediately shouted, his eyes full of vigilance.

His voice was very high and carried quite a distance, so Gao Hai immediately heard noises from several nearby houses, followed by noises from the main building of the Li clan and several nearby houses.

I didn't feel the breath of something strange.

I didn't feel anything that could be called a threat.

This new space reached through the well seems to have no abnormalities at all in Gao Hai's perception. It is really just an ordinary village.

Of course, just because it looks like this doesn't mean that Gao Hai will think this way.


In just a blink of an eye, Gao Hai came to Li Ziyong, pinched his throat with one hand and lifted him up.

"W-What are you going to do? young man...hiss, you have so much strength..."

Li Ziyong, who was held in mid-air by his neck, started to turn red within a few breaths, kicked his legs wildly, and even punched Gao Hai on the forearm, but the punch was not much different from a tickle.

He has the physical fitness of an ordinary person and has not received any strengthening. Although he has a strong body like a farmer, it is still not good enough in front of Gao Hai.

Could this space be a slice of time from when Lijia Village was still an ordinary village?

Gao Hai thought and seriously considered whether to break Li Ziyong's neck for further verification. But before he could take any actual action, the old man who was supported by Li Ziyong shouted and hit Gao Hai with a cane. Then of course, Gao Hai didn't break through the defense at all, but the old man himself was hit by the backlash and his crutches fell off his hands, and he also fell to the ground.

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