Instinctively raised his head and looked in the direction of his sight.

Gao Hai saw several tourists talking and laughing.

It seemed that something disappeared in his blink of an eye.

Gao Hai was silent, turned his head, looked at the front of the road, looked at C1 who was continuing to move forward under the bright lights, and a tourist who was walking towards C1.


The shoulders of both parties collided at this moment, and C1 and the tourist staggered at the same time.

Physical contact occurred? !

Are these tourists touchable? Are they physical?

Gao Hai, who realized this, immediately became alert, but the tourist just glanced at C1, then cursed in a low voice and walked away.

And C1, who would report the situation to the command room from time to time, remained silent this time, as if the collision just now did not exist, and continued to walk forward.

The sight became stronger again.

Gao Hai felt that the other party seemed to be right next to him, as if he had just passed by him.

But this time he didn't go to see it, just kept moving forward without saying a word.

[This place is really nice]

The tourists passing by Gao Hai were discussing excitedly.

[Indeed, this cave is really big, and the road is easy to walk on, unlike the cave attractions I visited before, which were bumpy and very troublesome to walk on]

The tourist's companion nodded and said.

[Really? I think this place has too many artificial traces, and the natural cave is more interesting to look at]

[What's interesting? Do you think you are an explorer? If you want to see the natural cave, you can get an exploration certificate and go to the big slide. It seems that two teams have entered today. I heard that the Explorers' League has made that place a teaching point for beginners.]

[Ahaha, forget it. I just want to see the attractions. Trekking through mountains and rivers is not my strong point.]

[So, I have never understood those who do cave exploration. If they are scientific researchers, it's fine. But just thinking about going into those caves that can only be passed by lying down for the sake of excitement, without fear of getting stuck in them, makes me feel uncomfortable.]

The two tourists walked to Gao Hai's side as they talked, almost walking side by side with him.

A child holding a toy robot ran over with a laugh at this time. Gao Hai saw from the corner of his eye that the toy robot in the child's hand was Bumblebee.

The prying sight became stronger again in an instant, and this time the sight came from the front. Gao Hai, who didn't have time to look away, saw a flash of white shadow passing in front of a fat tourist walking in front. some kind of light gauze...skirt?

Subconsciously making some judgments about what he saw, Gao Hai then stopped sensing that gaze, as if the other party temporarily diverted his attention and no longer paid attention to Gao Hai's existence.

At this time, the three had already passed through the stone forest road and arrived at the plain.

[C1 report, we have arrived at the plain, and have found the "sentry box". The "sentry box" is closed and there is no light. A hole was found on the wall blocking the big slide. Please give instructions]

The leading explorer said to the command room in a dull voice.

Fujiwara Chika looked at the place where the security booth was located and frowned slightly.

Gao Hai, who also stopped, twitched his mouth slightly.

He did not see the sentry box.

At this moment, in Gao Hai's sight, there was no sentry box. Under the bright light, the place where the sentry box was originally standing was empty.

Not only that, he did not see the wall blocking the big slide, but only saw a high railing blocking it, and a passage was deliberately opened. There was a person wearing a light blue striped uniform, who seemed to be a staff member standing there, leaning against the railing with a bored expression.

What period of the Red Nut Gray Cave was he seeing now?

While he was thinking about this, new instructions came from the command room.

[Exploration team, all members enter the big slide area, at least explore the "big cliff" area]

This instruction...

Entering the big slide is definitely not a wise move.

Having collected so many clues and intelligence along the way, Gao Hai knew very well that the big slide was not a place that could be entered and exited casually. With the strange situation in his sight now, once he stepped into the big slide, who knows what strange situation might happen.

It's almost time to act.

Gao Hai decided to find a way to create an accident to destroy the communication equipment he was carrying, so as to get rid of the restrictions he was under.

That strong sight came again.

This time, Gao Hai felt that the sight seemed to be behind him.

There was a faint smell of blood in his nose.

C1 in front had already taken a step, and took a step towards the big slide.

Gao Hai also took a step, then stumbled and fell to the ground. He just turned sideways, and the earphones that were not worn firmly fell down. Gao Hai's arm pressed them hard and crushed them on the spot.

C1 stopped at this moment, turned around and looked at Gao Hai, and no emotion could be seen in his pale eyes.

Qianhua, who didn't know what happened, also stopped. Although she didn't know why Gao Hai suddenly fell, the girl immediately walked up and helped Gao Hai up.

"I'm so sorry, my headphones are damaged."

Gao Hai said apologetically to C1.


C1 did not speak. It seemed that it was unable to understand the current situation and was unable to make a decision.

But at the moment when Gao Hai made a sound, he noticed that all the tourists visiting the cave stopped at this moment. Then, in the blink of an eye, all the tourists disappeared, leaving only clothes on the floor.

what happened? Is the sound of my voice triggering these things in some way?

Realizing that his actions might bring about some unpredictable situations, Gao Hai became a little nervous.

It was also at this moment that he noticed that in the field of view of the doll he was controlling, the real concubine had pulled out a somewhat old and damaged notebook from Professor Fournen's desk.

The name written on the cover of the notebook was "Auston."

When I opened the first page of this notebook, the title written at the beginning was "Preliminary investigation of the Red Nut Gray Cave and the study of the primitive beliefs of the ancient Indian tribe Chitsa Jala".

Chapter 27: The first moment found and the object of gaze

"This note is..."

Concubine Shijo slowly opened the book and looked at the content recorded on it.

Chichadula tribe.

This is the name of the ancient Indian tribe recorded by the explorer named Oston, the author of this notebook.

As an indigenous tribe that once existed in the land of America, the fate of this tribe is not much different from other tribes.

Contact foreign pioneers, give them help, then have conflicts, and then die one by one under gunfire, and then have a bounty on their scalps. However, unlike those tribes that were lucky enough to survive into modern society in the reservation area, the Chichajula tribe eventually disappeared into history, leaving only sparse documents to prove its existence.

If that's all it is, then there's actually nothing special about this tribe.

But the explorer named Auston discovered in the records of some cowboys and scholars that the Chichajula tribe seemed to have had a very unique belief.

According to the investigation, the newly adult males of this tribe will step into a natural cave alone and go through a long climb all the way to the deepest part of the cave, viewing it as their coming-of-age ceremony. The tribe gave names to different areas of the cave, such as "Skin," "Vessels," "Great Vessels," and "Limbs," and the deepest part of the cave was named "Heart" by the tribe. In the eyes of the tribe, only those who can reach the heart alone and come out successfully can be called warriors of the tribe.

From all aspects of the investigation, it seems that the tribe believed that the cave they entered was the body of a god. The process of them going deep into the cave and coming out of it is a devout pilgrimage. Those who can come out alive are the strong ones blessed by the gods. Auston wasn't really interested in this kind of myth and legend, but the cave mentioned in it made him very concerned. Auston instinctively realized that the cave that the tribe regarded as a coming-of-age test was by no means an ordinary place. An ordinary place can definitely become a great adventure venue. And according to the laws of the Ameri Kingdom at the time, as long as he was the first to discover and complete the exploration of the cave, he would be able to obtain the priority development rights of the cave. The benefits were enough to make people tempted.

In the next ten pages or so, the explorer named Auston walked through the uninhabited wilderness and tried hard to find the cave. It can be seen from the change in the date that the search process lasted for a full three months, and was accompanied by various dangers. Alston was even attacked by bears and wolves more than once. Even with a shotgun, he still He was bitten several times and almost had one of his legs bitten off, which was a lot of torture.

He thought about giving up more than once, and kept telling his hardships in his diary, complaining about his temporary enthusiasm, but he couldn't make up his mind to give up.

In the end, with this perseverance, he successfully found what he wanted to find.

[Auston’s notes:]

[I decided to name this cave "Red Nut Gray Cave\

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