She couldn't understand why she continued to hear the command from the command room after throwing away her headphones.

She also couldn't understand why her first reaction after hearing the command from the command room would be how to execute the command and how to complete the two orders issued by the command room.

Gao Hai's forward steps suddenly stopped.

It wasn't that something happened in front of the cave.

But he suddenly couldn't feel the strange sight staring at him again.

Did the other party shift his attention again?

Gao Hai originally thought so.

But then, through the perspective of the doll on Zhenfei, Gao Hai ran to the first floor with the girl on the other side, passed through a silent research area where no area seemed to be in use, and then passed through the isolation door into the corridor of the observation area, and then saw something like a white skirt flashing at the end of the corridor.

That sight also flashed by.

It flashed in the senses of the doll.

"So it was my fault?"

Gao Hai's steps could not move forward.

He already knew the source of the problem he was facing at the moment.

That sight, that thing that was watching him, established a certain connection with him.

Then, the moment he stepped into the research base, the thing's attention moved to the base and began to pay attention to the base. It was just that the other party seemed to be under some kind of restriction at that time, so there was no big problem.

Until he entered the isolation area as an explorer and began to enter the red nut gray cave of this timeline.

At that moment, Gao Hai found that the distance between the thing that was watching him and himself began to weaken, and the barrier between them seemed to have almost disappeared.

But in his perception, there was still a certain distance between the source of that sight and him.

And the reason why that distance existed was because... that thing entered the research base with the help of the connection between him.

At a moment he didn't realize, an extremely dangerous and weird thing that was not on the rule list of the research base had already mixed into the base.

"The blood-stained skirt... its roots exist in the timeline of the research base, and the obsession of that thing is..."

Gao Hai didn't have time to say the rest of the words.

Because gravity had reversed in an instant.

Unprepared, he flew up fiercely and hit the top of the cave.


Chapter 28: Hehehe, I caught you, hehehe

"Cough... uh..."

Pain spread throughout his body.

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the sharp stalactite that pierced his abdomen.

The direction of gravity reversed in an instant, and Gao Hai, who was unprepared, fell towards the top full of spikes.

However, it was impossible to adjust his body shape and find a normal foothold at this height of falling for a distance of two or three meters. Moreover, there was no safe place in the direction of the fall, all of which were extremely sharp stalactites.

In the end, with his reaction power and physical explosive power that had exceeded the upper limit of human beings, Gao Hai barely twisted his body and supported himself with his hands in the gap between the tips of several stalactites, but even so, a stalactite still pierced his abdomen. No, not just the abdomen, but also two stalactites on his legs, but they were not pierced very deeply.


A mouthful of dirty blood oozed out from the corner of Gao Hai's mouth.

His head felt like it was about to explode at this moment.

The doll carried by Zhen Fei had lost its vision at this time and could no longer perceive the specific situation on the other side.

After the flash of the white dress appeared and disappeared, Gao Hai broke the connection with the obsession. The backlash at that moment almost destroyed Gao Hai's nerves, but after taking a deep breath, he still gritted his teeth and stood up, without going crazy or dying on the spot.

If the obsession that established a sensory connection is disconnected rashly, will there be such a serious backlash effect?

This is another lesson.


With a little force, Gao Hai propped himself up and pulled the stalactite spike out of his abdomen.

Lying on these sharp stone spikes is not a good experience, but at the moment, Gao Hai, who has realized that the situation has reached the worst moment, can't care so much. He had to struggle hard, and before he lost his life, he had to find a way to get more information, and go to a place that might accelerate his death to try to get more information that he couldn't get under normal circumstances.

He didn't look at Chika Fujiwara who fell on the spikes with him.

Gao Hai didn't hear the other person's breathing, probably just died directly, which was good, it was much less painful.

Zhenfei, and Kaguya, the two of them have also...

In the end, this time the problem actually appeared on himself.

After the ground in the world where the security guard was watched, Gao Hai could no longer go to the research base area. The thing that was watching him, its body was in the red nut gray cave in the world of the research base. Gao Hai couldn't be sure where in the cave it was, but the other party seemed to be subject to certain restrictions and could not directly enter the research base, and his identity as an [explorer] gave that thing a medium to remove its own restrictions.

The weirdness in the command room can only identify two explorers. Maybe it's because I have been [watched], so my existence has caused identity confusion for those things.

Stumbling, Gao Hai advanced among the stalactites that were tens of centimeters to one meter long, carefully stepping on the gaps between the spikes, and then walked step by step towards the direction of the [Plain].

He had already put on the rescue team's badge, but for some reason, Gao Hai was unable to summon a complete rescue suit this time, nor could he summon the rescue team members. He could only use the power of this badge to recover from his injuries.

The effect of obsession is suppressed.

If it were another obsession, it would probably get out of control quickly if used now. This badge has been transformed by the power of blessing, and the out-of-control rate has been reduced to the limit, so it appears to be suppressed.

Then, the thing that can suppress the effect of the obsession and make the obsession lose control. This thing that looks at oneself should be the core obsession of the copy.

Although the badge I hold is still slightly different from the real core obsession, with the blessing of blessing, it can be regarded as the core obsession of the dusk level copy. The one who can suppress the effect of this obsession is either Red Moon. The obsession of level dungeon is either the core obsession of Dark Night level dungeon. No matter how hard the Dusk level copy is fixed, it is impossible to reach the Red Moon level, so the most serious possibility that I face now is the core obsession of the Dark Night level.

These are the experiences summed up by the players. This is the only possibility that Gao Hai can think of. But... maybe it's more than that. The information I learned from Gao Hai as an explorer and rescue team member has nothing to do with this research base. And according to the various rules collected, something should be happening in the area between the big slide and the big space. There is a core obsession here.

It is difficult to combine the information from both sides. If there is only one core obsession, it would be too fragmented.

That is to say...

"Dual-core obsession, top level dark night copy."

Gao Hai slowly thought, he understood his situation at this moment, and understood how crazy the level this so-called [Two-Hour Speed ​​Run Dusk Level Dungeon] had been upgraded to after it was fixed.

And, vaguely, he also understood why, although the ground in the security world was an exit, there was no way to leave.

"One of the core obsessions is related to escape, so as long as you escape to the ground area of ​​the world where [no abnormality occurs] or [no abnormality is exposed], you can meet the clearance conditions."

"The other core obsession is to kill all living people, so all those who escape will become targets. No matter what identity you play, as long as you enter a place [where you can pass the level], you will be recognized by this obsession Come out and kill. Even if you try to avoid the triggering conditions of death, you will be watched until you are killed."

"So there is actually no way to clear this dungeon?"

Gao Hai was slightly startled when he thought about this, and he froze on the spot.

If you want to escape from the Red Nut Ash Cave, you have to reach the [real] ground.

Once you reach the [real] ground, you will be killed directly by another weirdo.

If you don't want to be killed by this weirdness, you have to stay in the red nut gray hole.

How could there be such a core obsession that blocks the way to life? Why does such obsession exist? Did this research base do something that everyone resented?

Gao Hai suddenly thought of the dungeon information he had obtained before. One of them mentioned that one of the four prompts for the unfixed Red Nut Gray Cave dungeon was [The actors for the curtain call have not yet arrived], and this prompt has now been replaced by a new one. Prompt replaced.

Maybe, a specific target of revenge? We need to find someone related to this research base and let him die at the hands of this core obsession, so that we can break the situation?

Wait a minute, if you think about it this way, the [The memory of the lost guides the unquenchable rage] in the new prompt may be related to this core obsession, because Gao Hai has indeed vaguely felt that this is related to Shirakawa Apartment The core obsession here is completely different, it is almost crazy to release the strange desire to kill, and its obsession is indeed related to emotions such as "anger".

if it is like this……

Gao Hai looked at the tourists' clothes that fell down due to gravity.

Could [Lost] be talking about these tourists?

Gao Hai had already arrived near the entrance of the big slide. He originally planned to choose between the big slide and the gentle slope. He stopped here and thought about whether to change into tourist clothes and try to use this identity to get new clues.

But before he did so, that cold gaze had already locked onto him from behind.


There was no way to react.

In a moment of biting chill, Gao Hai lost the ability to control his body.

Then, something seemed to hold Gao Hai's ankle.

His body flew up in the next moment, being pulled and dragged violently towards the gentle slope.

At the critical moment, Gao Hai could only protect his face and the back of his head with his hands, and then his body hit a rock wall on one side, breaking one of his ribs. He was then dragged all the way into the depths of the gentle slope. His body was covered with injuries scratched by stalactites, and there were blood stains all over his body.

Big crack.

This is a narrow crack area located in the gentle slope, which is said to be hundreds of meters deep. However, because the crack is very narrow, even if a person falls in, he will not fall too deep and will be stuck in the crack halfway.

At this moment, Gao Hai was suddenly pulled up by an irresistible force and dragged into the narrow crack above. The whole person was dragged into the crack all the way.

The smell, an extremely strong smell.

Gao Hai turned his head and saw one figure after another stuck in the crack.

White coats, black soldiers' uniforms, and yellow and white striped explorer uniforms.

There are no tourists, explorers or anyone else here. They are all people from the research base. One by one, they are stuck in this narrow crack. The bodies have either rotted long ago or only bones are left. They are densely packed and the number is chilling.

More than 90% of them are the bodies of explorers wearing yellow and white stripes.

Gao Hai realized something from this number. With the power of the rescue team badge, he finally regained some mobility, but was then dragged deeper by a greater force. The rock walls in front and behind tightly clamped his body, making it almost impossible for Gao Hai to breathe.

"Uh woo..."

Gao Hai, who was still being dragged, opened his mouth, stretched out his hands to support the rock wall, and struggled hard.

The force that was pulling him continued to exert force, dragging him deeper little by little.

The nails turned over, and his hands were bleeding.

The elbows were worn out, the clothes were scratched by the rock wall, and then the skin was worn out, and the front and back of the body became a bloody mess.

Gao Hai's feet pressed against a gap the next moment.

This is one of the narrowest places in the big crack. The gap is less than 5 cm high. With Gao Hai's body, there is no way to squeeze through here.


Gao Hai, panting hard, struggled to climb out of the crack, but was dragged by the thing that was holding him tightly and could not move.

The lighting fixtures had been destroyed halfway through the dragging.

It was pitch black all around, and there was no way to see anything.

Gao Hai could only feel the indescribable pressure of the rocks coming from the front and back, the difficult breathing, and...


And the seemingly neurotic laughter coming from below.


[Got you, got you, hehehe, got you, hehehe——]

Nervous, as if talking to someone, or as if he was talking to himself in a low voice.

That thing was right behind his feet.

It was deeper in the crack.

Gao Hai could feel the gloomy sight, the surging malice of that thing, and the presence of that strange thing that was definitely not human.

So he slowly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sight with difficulty.

In the darkness, he should not be able to see anything.

But at this moment, after Gao Hai made the action of "looking", he did see it, saw that thing.

He saw that thing smiling at him.

He saw that thing opening its mouth and laughing.

He saw the pale face of that thing, the dirty white dress stained with black and red stains, and the hand reaching out to him and grabbing his ankle.

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