Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3655: Have something to say

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Anliu was always at the door of the hotel room. Even when Liu Benliu sent Qiushan brothers out and returned, Anliu was also waiting at the door of the hotel room.

Liu Benliu didn't know what happened when Anliu stayed. He thought he was waiting for himself and invited him to have a cup of coffee.

However, An Liu refused, saying that he was here to wait for Brother Qiushan's news. At this time, Liu Benliu realized that it was easy to invite ghosts and gods, but it was not easy to send ghosts and spirits.

Since the 18K people are invited, it is definitely not so easy to send away.

The sale is not over, even if you want to stop doing it halfway, after all, 18K is also an organization that relies on a tough meal.

Liu Benliu didn't blame Anliu for this. After all, people had to listen to the elder brother's arrangement for the meal. Anliu had no choice as to what the elder brother said.

So Liu Benliu did n’t go in to speak to the legend, but chatted with Anliu for a few days at the door of the hotel room. When the two were chatting, Qiushan ’s phone rang into Anliu ’s mobile phone and ordered Anliu to bring the legendary They went to the teahouse to meet people and said that the guy who was in the middle of the line caught it.

Anliu was happy at the time, but he didn't know that the old guy was being entertained by Qiushan with good water, tea and smoke.

Liu Benliu couldn't help raising his thumbs. He said that these eighteen Ks were not covered. It was really efficient to do things. The blink of an eye caught the people.

An Liu then confidently sounded the legendary room.

The legend ordered the woman to open the door, and the woman reluctantly opened the door of the room. An Liu smiled slightly, saying hello, walking into the room and saying to the legend: "Mr. Carlos, the one who wins you 1.9 billion in chips. Already caught, Brother Qiushan invites you to go now. "

The legendary complexion instantly blossomed: "So fast?"

"Well, yes." An Liu said: "Now I'll wait for you to pass, the other party has promised to return all the money to you, and trouble you to go with me to Qiushan brother. Carlos will also be needed at that time. Mr. liquidate our expenses. "

Legend nodded: "Okay! Of course no problem! I should give you the money, I will not lose you a point!"

"Mr. Carlos, please!" An Liu signaled.

Legend looked back at the woman, her eyes full of confidence: "Don't you always think I can't solve this thing? Hmm ... see? Is this my way, I have solved the problem, so I warn you You do n’t have to say anything cool about my affairs in the future, and do n’t talk to me with your women ’s short-sighted eyes! "

The woman didn't respond and turned back to sit on the sofa.

Is the matter resolved?

Is this a solution? The money hasn't arrived yet, and almost all the money will be thrown out to feed the dog after the money arrives! Give 18K, give casino! How much is left?

The woman really can't understand, can this guy be optimistic in this situation?

This time, a huge sum of 1.5 billion yuan was to be washed. After scattered expenses in all aspects, only 1.14 billion yuan remained in their hands!

The casino has to pay 460 million yuan, 18K to charge 630 million yuan, direct, go directly to 1 billion 90 million!

In other words, in addition to the 300 million they originally brought in, the money they will return this time is only 50 million.

A woman ca n’t imagine how if his father knew that he had taken the risk to get the 1.5 billion in his hand and finally tossed through his son ’s hand, only 50 million left, what would the expression on his face look like? ?

Ha ha ... The woman sneered in her heart, it was already like this, he actually wanted to show off in front of himself, and wanted to put a supreme face in front of himself.

"I'm going to do something now, you are honestly waiting for me here, don't call your house and talk nonsense before I come back!" Legend stared: "I will get all the lost money back, you wait and see ! "

"I look forward to it." The woman threw out a blank expression.

The legend raised his head and followed An Liu out, and Liu Benliu followed behind the legend. He felt that he had made a lot of credit for this matter, so after the event was completed, he would definitely get some reward in front of the president. of.

So Liu Benliu is going to follow it in the end. He will never give up halfway. No one wants to forget about the merits.

Under the leadership of Anliu, Legend and Liu Benliu quickly got on the car and came all the way to the teahouse in Qiushan.

At the moment, Qiushan and Xu Yun are drinking tea in the teahouse, and the two are chatting together.

When the legend came to the teahouse and saw Xu Yun talking and laughing, he felt a little uncomfortable in an instant, and he was very angry when he saw this "out of the thousand" guy.

"Brother, this big gift you gave me is really a bit overwhelming." Xu Yun looked at the legend and smiled: "What does this mean? We can't lose red eyes and we need to find someone to do this." Not kind thing. "

Xu Yun spread out the words directly.

The legend is not polite: "I treat you as a friend, treat you as a brother, what do you treat me? Do you treat me as a monkey?"

"Brother, I don't like to listen to your words. I'll treat you like a monkey at all?" Xu Yun said: "Aren't you a good person."

"You fooled me to lose so much money, you are so kind to call me brother? I really treat you as a friend." The legend said fiercely: "Today I just want you to spit me all the money that cheated me. Come out! Spit it out! "

Xu Yun frowned: "Brother, you must be responsible when you talk, don't be okay to buckle up your hats. You said I'm a thousand, what is the evidence? The dealer is the dealer, I can do everything. There is no movement, but here is the Australian District. How clean are the casinos in the Australian District? You do n’t know? You think these are the small casinos in the outback. They are all traps and scams. I won the fair and bright. "

"I care about whether you are a good man or a good one! You have to give me a happy day today." Legend said: "Give me back all the money that should be given to me!"

With that said, the legend kicked on the tea table!

"Mr. Carlos, if you speak, please don't do it with me. If anything here is damaged, you have to pay compensation." Qiu Shan said uncomfortably.

From the beginning, the legend looked down on people like Qiushan, so he was n’t polite when he heard Qiushan say this: “Oh, how much can you get here? You do n’t think I ca n’t even pay for this kind of garbage here. Get up? "

Qiu Shan's face was a bit ugly: "At least it is like this now."

The legend was stunned for a moment, like a catfish in the throat.

"Brother, since you are not kind, then I really can't continue to be friends with you." Xu Yun shook his head.

"Let's talk to me less about friends or not, and give me all the money! Otherwise, I'm welcome to you." The legend stared, as if everyone in Qiushan and the 18K was his younger brother.

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