Wicked Soldier King

Chapter 3656: trap

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Qiushan ordered his men to find someone to bring a computer still on the tea table: "You slowly discuss the transfer, I don't have so much time to accompany you, Mr. Carlos, I brought you to you, I will wait After you receive the money, give me everything that belongs to me, and it will not work for less than one hundred million. "

In fact, 30% of the 1.9 billion is 570 million, but the 300,000% of the 18K is charged more than 600 million. This is also the rule of the 18K.

Inside the 18K, it is called three rounds and seven rounds, and the middle becomes five.

That is to say, fractions below three can be erased, even if it is 30 million, you can erase them, but more than seven should be rounded up. This is a rule of 18K, I want to find Eighteen K do things in accordance with the rules of eighteen K.

Intermediate conversion to five means that when fractions appear in four or five, all are counted as 50 million.

The 18K rule is to make your business more flexible and multi-faceted. Some people feel that they are making a profit. Next time they like to find an 18K cooperation. Some people feel that they are losing money. .

In this way, it is conducive to the continued business of 18K debt, which can be regarded as a means.

As for the fact that there are fractions in addition to the 600 million this time, this fraction is not indispensable in accordance with normal rules. This fraction is also a reward based on the percentage of the amount of the account, and the consumption of the brethren who do things this time.

Although this fraction is not much, but on the base of such a large sum of money this time, there are millions.

The legend didn't pay attention to Qiushan, he certainly wouldn't lose their money! who is he! Is he so stingy?

When Qiushan left, Anliu was also taken away, and everyone was taken away, because this place is now part of Xu Yun, and Xu Yun is going to teach the legend well here.

"The computer has given you, transfer money." Legend looked at Xu Yun politely.

Xu Yun took the laptop, opened it, closed it, and smiled slightly: "Brother, don't you really think you can still go back with this money?"

"Do you think I'm joking with you again?" The face of the legend flashed with fierce light: "You also saw that I can find a person of 18K to bring you here, there will be a way to make 18 K's killing you. "

Xu Yun smiled bitterly, he thought this was brought by 18K people? Or did he decide to come by himself, and then the 18K people invited him to come?

Although the result is the same, the motivation of the whole thing is different.

"I advise you to think about it, some things are really not as simple as you think." Xu Yun smiled: "Being exquisite in your life, people who don't pay attention will eventually pit yourself."

"I should have given you these words. You won me 1.9 billion. What kind of details do you want to say to me?" Legend said.

"I'm not persuading you, but what you said, only the losers are qualified to say no, and those who win money must accompany them." Xu Yun said: "Do you think I want to win so much, I don't want to win so It ’s a lot of headaches to win so much. ”

The legend gritted his teeth and frowned: "You are not talking nonsense to me! I will ask you now, what do you want!"

"I don't want to do anything. Since the money is mine, I won't give it to you unless you can win it back." Xu Yun said: "But for now, you have no capital to play with me, so you There is no chance to turn over. "

"Who said I didn't!"

Xu Yun shrugged: "The casino no longer lends you, so I said you didn't, isn't it too much?"

"Okay, then don't blame me for not giving you a choice. Heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no door, you have to enter. I will let the 18K people kill you now!" The legend yelled, watching Liu Benliu said: "Call me their people, ready to give him some color to see."

When the two were talking, Liu Benliu looked at his cell phone for a while, because he received a message from Anliu.

An Liu said that people arrived, but they were not responsible for the transfer and payment of money, and the killing of goods was not within the scope of the 18K business.

Liu Benliu didn't understand what it meant. When the legend made this request, Liu Benliu suddenly realized.

"Eighteen K is not responsible for killing more goods ..." Liu Benliu whispered.

"What do you mean?" The legend glared: "When people come, they don't even have to pay the money? Did they do it at 18K!"

"If you want money, you probably want to do it yourself." Xu Yun finished, and suddenly picked up the rope he had prepared before on the ground.

The legend instantly stood up: "What do you want to do!"

"People of 18K brought me over, you have to give 600 million yuan of work money to others. I'm afraid if I leave, if you see no one here, you plan to run without giving money." Xu Yun He smiled and said, "So I will tie you up first so that they don't need them to bother you again."

The legend instantly dumbfounded, he has a feeling of being tricked into the trap!

Liu Benliu was also angry and scolded and stepped forward to grab the rope in Xu Yun's hand, but Liu Benliu's body was not enough for Xu Yun to kick!

Xu Yun kicked out, Liu Benliu directly broke two ribs and howled on the ground, the whole person was like a slain pig, and the broken ribs could easily poke his own flesh, so Liu Benliu even if it was just Breathing also felt intense pains, which made him very miserable.

"Brother, do you want to cooperate with yourself, or do you want to be like him?" Xu Yun said: "But you lost to me with so much money, I don't want to do anything to you."

"You ... you ... you dare to yell at me?" The legendary body trembles: "You and the 18K collude with me ?!"

"You can't say that." Xu Yun said: "You have to remember, the 18K people you found, not me, they also told me to explain things to me, saying that you want to recover ten. Nine hundred million, want me to come over and transfer the money to you. "

Xu Yun smiled and didn't wait for the legend to turn his head and wanted to run. Xu Yun strangled him directly with a rope, slaps on the chair with a slap, and tied it up without saying a word.

When the legend could not move, Xu Yun picked up the prepared banknotes on the table and began to write.

He wrote while reading: "Today, 1.9 billion has been received, the signer, Carlos."

After writing, Xu Yun took the legendary hand and pressed the red mud, directly pressed the fingerprint, then Xu Yun threw the "receipt" on the desktop, and then looked at the legend with a smile: "Brother, I still have something to do , Take a step first. The 18K people will be back soon. "

"You **** let me go! I'll tell you! If you were to overcast me today, I would even seek revenge on you even if I die !!" The legendary heart-wrenching howl.

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