Tang Li fell forward, but instead of hitting the cold ground, she also fell into a soft embrace.

The long brown-gold hair was scattered between the arms, and the faint fragrance of pear overflowed, like silk and thread, tangled in strands and woven into a net, wrapping her like a silkworm chrysalis.

"Tang Li, why are you so careless?"

He wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged Tang Li gently in his arms. Chu Chisi raised his eyebrows and said softly, "That's how I got caught."

Tang Li didn't answer her.

Tang Li couldn't speak.

"That person lied to me, she said as long as you wait on the 2nd, you will definitely go there and we will be together."

Chu Chisi hugged her, her voice was soft and glutinous, as if she was extremely aggrieved: "But I really waited for a long time, and I didn't wait for you."

Tang Li leaned on her shoulders, her wrists fell weakly to the ground, and the leather gloves loosened, revealing a small section of her delicate wrist.

She was wearing a sturdy black dress with tight buttons, which outlined a tight waistline. She was thin and thin without losing a sense of strength, and her curves were beautiful.

"You said, is that person a liar?"

His fingertips stroked the black clothes, and there was a rustling sound when the fabric was rubbed. A belt was looped around Tang Li's waist, with a metal on it. Chu Chisi unbuttoned the bag and put it in his hand. weighed.

Lightweight, not her type.

Chu Chisi prefers a slightly heavier model, so that the center of gravity is more stable and the aiming is better. Even if it can't hit the key point, he can make up a few more shots and completely kill the opponent's life.

"Tang Li, only you can lie to me."

Chu Chisi lowered her head, her lips touched her forehead, and she dropped a soft, possessive kiss: "No one else can."

Tang Li's breathing was steady, her light-colored eyelashes drooped down, her cheeks were soft and translucent, and when she poked her fingertips, it would fall down like a cloud, and fit her intimately.

"Tang Li, Tang Li."

Chu Chisi lowered her head, traced her outline with her fingertips, slid across her closed eyes, and narrowed the bridge of her nose, then pressed against her reddish lips and rubbed lightly.

Her Tang Li, her Tang Li.

Her puppy, her porcelain doll.

Chu Chisi raised his eyebrows and murmured in Tang Li's ear, even though he knew that the man would not respond to him in a deep sleep, he still kept saying it.

"Tang Li, did you see the gift I prepared?"

Chu Chisi picked up a strand of long blond hair and kissed it against his lips, his breath blowing through the ends of his hair, and his voice was very soft: "Do you think it's beautiful?"

The strand of blond hair was held in the palm of his hand, and it flowed down like a stream. Chu Chisi clenched quietly, and was unwilling to let go.

"You are mine, don't leave me."

It was quiet in the office, only the breathing of the two could be heard, intertwined and overlapping, and gradually they could not distinguish each other. .

The night seemed extraordinarily long, so long that it felt unreal when the sun hung over the treetops and the sun streamed in along the hotel windows.

Chu Chisi's throat was hoarse, and she was too tired.

She slept soundly for a long time, and when she opened her eyes, it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning, and it was already bright outside the window, indicating the arrival of a new day in the tattoo mirror.

"Um... so thirsty..."

The hotel room was very quiet, unusually quiet. Chu Chisi sat on the big bed in a daze, all his black hair was messed up, and a few strands were raised.

His head hurt, Chu Chisi rubbed the corners of his eyes and reached out to his side inadvertently, but only touched a cold hand.

There was no one around.

Tang Li was not here, and she had even been gone for a long time. The faint scent of pears on her body could not even be smelled in the air. All that was left to Chu Chi Si was the coldness in the room.

"Tang Li, Tang Li?"

Chu Chisi shouted tentatively twice, she looked out, the room was empty, and the bathroom door was open.

When her toes hit the ground, her knees were still soft, and she almost lost her footing. Chu Chisi put on a coat and looked around the room slowly.

There was a small box prominently placed on the table with a pretty pink bow and a small card beside it.

It's really Tang Li's style.

Chu Chisi is not interested in clothes, and only has a requirement of "wearing". The wardrobe is either black or white, and it is basically white lab coats.

On the contrary, her golden retriever wife is very interested in clothes and is keen to buy back all kinds of clothes and skirts, including Tang Li's own and some for Chu Chi Si, which literally fills the other three wardrobes .

Chu Chi folded his jacket, reached out and picked up the small card, his eyebrows twitched, and he read the words on it:

[Kiss Chi Si wife, I will go to Mirare-In to take control, if you are hungry at night, you can eat chocolate (love) by your wife]

The handwriting is sharp, but the words are soft.

When I read it, I can even imagine someone's watery light-colored eyes and a pitiful expression.

The act of taking control of Mirare-In while he was sleeping... It was really something Tang Li could do.

But Chu Chisi knew that her wife was very powerful, so she didn't worry too much. She continued to read the card, her expression suddenly froze:

[PS: You don’t need to order the hotel’s breakfast, I checked the reviews and it’s not delicious at all. I’ll buy it for you when I come back (love) (love)]

It's eleven o'clock now, breakfast?

In other words, Tang Li should have left after falling asleep last night. With her skills, even if the other party has a debugging menu, it is not a problem to come back before breakfast.

However, Tang Li still did not come back.

Chu Chisi put down the card, and put her knuckles on the box of chocolates. She disassembled the ribbon, her heart beating fast.

But it wasn't because of panic, it was more like the train on the wrong track returned to the right track, and the dazzling clock struck again on the hour.

The "right" person meets the "right" object and goes to the "right" place. The disturbed plan is finally back on track and everything is going according to plan.

It developed as Chu Chisi expected.

【…Really? 】

【Are you really willing? 】

The hand that unwrapped the ribbon trembled a little. It was obviously the easiest bow to untie, but it took Chu Chisi a long time to untie it.

The chocolate ball was stuffed into the mouth, and the familiar coffee smell diffused out, quietly melting in the lips and teeth, occupying all cells in an instant.

Tang Li knew her preferences the most, and remembered everything clearly. She would be very persistent in many details that Chu Chi thought she didn't care about.

More and more irritable and anxious.

Chu Chisi sorted out her thoughts and dismantled herself line by line, but when she browsed through the neat words, she couldn't find the source of her unease.

Knuckles clenched slowly, clenched into fists.

Chocolate should be sweet, but she inexplicably tasted a bit of bitterness. The feeling was familiar and unfamiliar. It rose from the memory of a long time ago and immersed her chest.

Chu Chisi, you should not be shaken.

Chu Chisi said to herself over and over again, but the strange feeling lingered, like a misty mist, which wetted her collar and cuffs, and pushed the cold into the depths of her bones.

Those inexplicable emotions, those weird thoughts, those unspeakable thoughts, empty but heavy, fell to her, clearly existed, but could not be touched.

That's what it feels like to "lose" something. .

The door of Mirare-In was completely closed, and it is said that it was closed for a week because of the internal structure adjustment.

This is what the nearby NPC replied.

Chu Chisi was carrying a black backpack and looked at the locked door with some annoyance. Several security NPCs were walking back and forth around to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

It seems that the other one has not only taken Tang Li away, but has also obtained the authority to debug the menu (DebugMenu), not only "rationalizing" the plot, but also giving instructions to the NPCs within the company.

If Tang Li was there, she wouldn't take this security into consideration at all, and she would break in casually.

But she is not here.

The debugging menu was originally used to test the stability of the mirror and actively repair the existence of bugs.

As long as the debugging menu is obtained, all the "resources" in the entire Mirare-In company, including property, NPCs, laboratories, inventions, stocks, etc., can all be at the disposal of the controller.

Of course, the things that can be manipulated are limited to the Mirare-In company. In other words, other buildings or interactable NPCs in the mirror cannot be [directly] affected by the debugging menu, but can only be [indirectly] affected at most. .

Chu Chisi knew that Mirare-In had a side door that led directly to the [Reset Point] office on the fourth floor, but the other one was also familiar with this.

As a result, several security guards were arranged at the side door, all of them tall and big Alphas with walkie-talkies in their hands, opening them from time to time to say something.

Chu Chisi: "..."

The entire Mirare-In building was strictly guarded, even though Chu Chisi had some guns. branch. bomb. It is also difficult to break into medicine equipment.

Not to mention that she likes to stay in the lab and doesn't go out. Even if she goes shopping, Tang Li has to kiss and hug her for a long time before she is willing to go out.

Chu Chisi suddenly regretted it.

Before Tang Li asked her if she wanted to get up and run, Chu Chisi agreed, but only lasted for a day, and then she was completely defeated.

The next day, she clinged to the bed and refused to move. She held her ground and picked up Tang Li, who was packed and ready to go out. Then the two of them slept beautifully for a few more hours.

The running plan was completely ruined.

Chu Chisi raised his head and glanced at the top floor of Mirare-In. The fire last night had been completely extinguished, and it was quiet, as if the majestic enthusiasm last night was just an illusion.

The sparse wind swept through the ends of the hair, and handed a leaf to the palm of the hand, like a letter sent by someone, the words are a bit naughty, and I always like to draw a few hearts behind the signature.


The voice stuck in my throat, "I" for a long time, but didn't say why. She doesn't even know what happened to her.

She can't get in,

Chu Chisi is very clear about this.

No matter how long he wanders, no matter how long he thinks, it is useless. Staying in Area 5 is just a waste of time. Chu Chisi took a last look at the building and returned to his car.

She flipped through the pile of equipment she had brought out. In fact, there were many military equipment that she didn't even know how to use. The actual data was automatically read by the tattoo mirror and generated in Villa No. 2.

Go ahead as planned, don't get distracted.

【Stop being distracted】

Chu Chi thought about what Tang Li said yesterday, and adjusted her guy a little. She opened the map on the car and set the destination to another area.

The car started and left area 5. .

Today's "weather function" randomly came to "sunny day", the sky was clear in the mirror, the sun was shining on the sea, a sparkling scene.

After a long day of waiting in the No. 3 area, with the wet sea breeze blowing and picking up garbage for a long time, Xi Bianbao finally welcomed her.

Seeing the black car stop and a familiar figure appearing in sight, Xi Bian was so moved that he almost cried: "Chi, Sister Chi Si!"

Chu Chisi was wearing a gray-white coat with long hair draped over his shoulders, and walked towards him with a smile.

Her voice was very gentle: "Bian Yan, are you okay?"

The tip of Xi Bian's nose instantly turned red.

She trotted over, tears rolling in her eyes, drop by drop down her cheeks: "Chi, Sister Chi Si, I..."

"Why are you crying?" Chu Chisi rubbed her hair and handed over a few tissues, "Aren't I here well?"

Xi Bianxi cried even more and couldn't cry.

Chu Chisi patted her on the back. She couldn't say anything comforting, so she had to hand over the whole package of tissues: "Don't cry, don't cry."

"We really tried it for a long time. Pai has been changing search methods. We know that you are alive, but you just can't connect to the mirror fan."

Tears soaked through the tissue, Xi Bian choked and said, "The major general is going crazy. He led Team A to search all day and night, but there is no clue."

Chu Chisi comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry."

The current Chu Chisi does not know that after the 5,000th cycle, Yin found that she could not be shaken, so he changed his policy.

Yin found all kinds of information in reality, whether it was photos, videos, recent events, news reports, as long as it was related to Tang Li, all of them were included in the mirror by her.

As long as Chu Chi wants to, she can find any information about Beimeng and Tang Li anytime and anywhere in her own room in Villa 2.

She watched Tang Li go crazy looking for her traces everywhere, and completely forgot about the Beimeng armed affairs, but it was always in vain and found nothing.

She watched her lover become increasingly haggard, and every time she appeared before the media, she would be a little more vulnerable. Right now, Danqing couldn't hide her makeup, so she lost weight a little bit.

Compared to the utter despair, a faint, unreachable hope is more tormenting.

Because as long as there is hope, you will not give up the pursuit, but the probability is so slim that it drags people into the bottomless abyss and tortures them day after day.

Xi Bian cried for a long time, and finally stopped.

"We've been working hard," she said to Chu Chisi, wiping the corners of her eyes, "The positioning has been reduced by two-thirds, and it's still a little bit short."

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment and said, "A third of them suddenly received a lot of data after one of the mirrors was completely destroyed?"

Xi Bian was stunned for a moment: "Yes...Yes."

"Because of the confidentiality agreement, there are many protection mechanisms in the mirror fan to prevent positioning." Chu Chisi sighed.

"In other words, only when the only remaining mirror fan is completely destroyed, and the location data is leaked, can you really locate the mirror fan."

Xi Bian was a little puzzled: "Isn't that very good? As long as this one is also destroyed, we can find you."

Chu Chisi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"You can indeed find me," she said softly, mixed in the sea breeze, "but at that time, I should have been a corpse."

Xibian asked, "Why, why?"

The two sat beside the railing, and behind them was the endless sea, the waves rolled gently and burst into their ears.

Chu Chisi folded his fingers, and his voice was very soft:

"After this cycle is over, go back and tell Tang Li to let her give up on me completely."

"Don't look for it anymore, and don't chase after it."

When the plane lost contact, there was enough fuel, the search area was extremely wide, and the intricate protection mechanism in the mirror made it extremely difficult to locate.

It took Tang Li three months to find Jingfan. The long-distance connection is extremely harmful to the body. Ordinary people can only bear it two or three times, and Tang Li is already the fifth time.

"My consciousness is bound to the mirror fan. When the mirror fan is completely destroyed, I will also die. There is no way to restore it."

Chu Chisi's voice was calm: "Bian Yan, do me a favor - help me completely destroy Jingfan and kill me directly."

Xi Bian was stunned, unable to speak.

The sun shines on the surging waves, and even the sea breeze blowing past her ears is warm, but she is like falling into an ice cellar, as stiff as a rock.

"Yes, but..."

Xi Bian's eyes turned red again, and the tears that were finally stopped started ticking down again: "Is there really no other way?"

Chu Chisi shook his head: "No more."

After more than 30,000 cycles, Chu Chi has tried every method and method, not only his mind, but his body has long been on the verge of collapse.

Who would give up their life so decisively if it were not for the end, and if there was any hope?

Chu Chisi also wanted to live, and she also knew that Tang Li was constantly looking for herself, but she couldn't, she had no hope.

Entropy increases irreversibly and decreases, and there is only a barren future. .

Xi Bian's eyes were red with tears, but she finally nodded and agreed with Chu Chisi's plan.

"Major General asked me to wait in Area 3. I stayed here all the time, searching for information everywhere, and found that the protection mechanism of the tattoo mirror seemed to be partially destroyed."

Xi Bian snorted and said, "The banana peel mechanism (banana_peel) is not so complete and rigorous. When I asked about the sailboat, there was an NPC willing to rent it to me."

Chu Chisi sighed: "I am 17 years old, my destructive power is amazing."

She rubbed her forehead and briefly explained the memory cutting with Xi Bian.

Xibian heard what Tang Li said, but it was definitely not as complete as Chu Chisi. She listened carefully and asked, "In this case, how do we destroy this mirror fan?"

"If you only blow up No. 8, it will not be completely destroyed, and some data and programs will remain."

Chu Chisi clicked on the map and pointed to the most square in the lower right corner: "We must completely destroy Jingfan's self-cleaning/maintenance system, which is Area 9."

As a virtual world built on a computer, the tattoo mirror exists as a conscious body, and all kinds of data can be adjusted at will, so naturally there is no need for the "hospital" in the traditional concept.

Therefore, in the hospital located in the No. 9 area, the "healing" is actually the entire tattoo mirror.

Compared with the debugging menu (No. 5 area) that requires manual operation and actively affects variables to find bugs and fix them, the hospital (No. 9 area) is more like a self-cleaning system.

"Is that the original function of No. 9?"

Xibian was a little surprised and asked, "Does the self-cleaning system scan the entire mirror regularly, or does it only fix the error after an error is reported?"

Chu Chisi said: "Both."

"As long as the self-cleaning system detects the danger of memory overflow, it will automatically repair it, preventing a large number of calculations from blocking the entire mirror."

The two walked along the beach, blowing the sea breeze while discussing the next plan.

The No. 3 area is actually very lively. It is similar to the No. 5 city center. There are many buildings and shops, and tourists and NPCs can be seen everywhere.

They passed a flower shop. In the second cycle, Chu Chisi and Tang Li also came here, but this memory is currently on Mad Chu's body, and Chu Chisi is currently unaware of it.

"Let me give a simple example:"

"Look, there's a big bunch of hydrangeas here."

Chu Chisi stroked the petals and said, "When you touch a large number of hydrangea flowers, the maintenance system will temporarily close the "haptic" program because the amount of computation generated by the collision of the petals is too large."

Xi Bianyuan came over curiously, imitating Chu Chisi's movements, and fiddling with a huge clump of hydrangeas with his hands.

When the sea breeze blows the petals, and she not only fiddles with her hands, for a moment, Xi Bianyan's hands will "penetrate" the modeling of the petals and touch a piece of nothingness.

This is the specific role of the hospital.

In order to maintain the stability of the entire system, the hospital will regularly clear the cache, automatically detect errors in the mirror, and process and repair them.

Therefore, even if Jingfan is overwhelmed with a large amount of data and recursive code (such as the bombed Mirare-In building in Tang Li's second cycle, and the fire at the research institute ruins in the third cycle), the self-cleaning/maintenance system will be When the mirror restarts, it automatically cleans up the overflow data, repairs and resets the damaged part.

"So, we must close the No. 9 area and stop the self-purification system to completely destroy the mirror fan."

Chu Chisi picked off a hydrangea, and the petite petals lay on her fingertips, fragile and incomparably soft.

She twisted it a little, and it became a delicate flower mud.

This is the [Fourth Law]: In the mirror range, there is a "limit" that is closely guarded by the self-purification/maintenance system (area 9).

Chu Chisi's plan is to forcefully close the No. 9 area, and push Jingfan to the "limit" and completely destroy it.

along with her life.

Totally destroyed, leaving no room.

The sea breeze kept coming, and it seemed that it would never stop. A small pebble was blown into her eyes, causing her a little pain, and some physiological tears overflowed.

Chu Chisi suddenly felt a little sad, she raised her hand to cover her eyes, and also covered her red eyes, and the mist that gradually stained her palms.

She is sure to die,

Fortunately, her Tang Li is alive.

When Tang Li woke up, her whole head was dizzy, and there was a mess in her head, with several chaotic dreams piled up.

She pressed her forehead and slowly straightened up.

Underneath was a soft bed, with a thin quilt covering his shoulders, which slid down along with his movements and was stacked on his waist.

Where am I and what happened?

"Hey." Tang Li frowned, pressing her forehead more than ever. The weak pain came and made her a little awake.

After she "stunned" her wife last night, she rushed to the Mirare-In building with a bunch of equipment, intending to grab control of the debugging menu.

As a result, neither Yin nor Ni Xitong met, but inexplicably met Chu Chisi, who was asleep.

Since she had no defense against her wife at all, her mind was full of "how can a wife who has just fallen asleep be teleported", and she hadn't figured it out yet. As a result, she was dazed by the other party's acupuncture, and then nothing happened.

Now that I think about it, the little madman I met—it should be Chu Chisi who is at the other end of the "memory cutting node", who has an unknown number of recurring memories.

"Chi Si, Chi Si," Tang Li really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sighed inwardly, "What the **** are you doing?"

The surrounding decoration is very familiar. In the previous cycles, Chu Chisi had let her live in this room in the villa, and it seemed that this time was no exception.

The black clothes he was wearing before were replaced by loose and comfortable pajamas. Tang Li glanced at the little yellow flowers at the corners of his clothes and pinched them with his hands.

Soft and cute.

That Chu Chisi, who is either dressed in black or white, thinks that "clothing is just a product formed under social norms", when did he have such good taste?

The pain in his head gradually subsided, Tang Li muttered, and as soon as he rolled over and got out of bed, he heard a small "ding" sound from a metal percussion, very close to him.

What's going on, where's the sound coming from?

Tang Li looked down and found that there was a shackle around his ankle, and a short iron chain was stacked beside his feet, which was connected to a pillar not far away.

Her complexion is white, her skin is firm, and the dark metal ring is in the ankle, which makes her muscles and bones translucent, and has a beauty of being imprisoned.

Tang Li: "??????"

Wait a minute, what's going on here?

The brain that just woke up from the coma became even more dizzy at this moment. Tang Li picked up the chain and weighed it in his hand.

It's quite heavy and hard to break with brute force.

The long brown-blond hair was neatly combed and fell softly on her shoulders, but it was all messed up when Tang Li rubbed it hard.

She seemed to be worried about her escaping, and the shackles were tightly fastened. Tang Li was thinking about how to make a gap when the door was pushed open.

"Squeak" a small sound.

Chu Chisi stuck out half of his head, his knuckles pressed against the edge of the door, and he looked at himself timidly with his **** eyes.

She called softly, "Tang Li, Tang Li."

At this time, it may be less than five minutes before Tang Li wakes up, which shows how fast Chu Chisi's movements are.

Tang Li shook the chain in her hand, the metal slammed into it, and she asked helplessly, "What is this?"

Chu Chisi did not answer her question, but lowered her eyelashes and scratched her heart like a kitten: "Can I come in?"

Tang Li shrugged: "Of course."

Chu Chisi smiled, and there was a small dimple on his cheek, which was filled with sweet honey: "Tang Li, you are so kind."

The wife smiled so sweetly, the wife is really cute.

It caused Tang Li to feel a little dizzy.

Chu Chisi walked over and sat down next to the bed next to Tang Li. She took Tang Li's arm and leaned herself on her shoulder.

Rumo's long hair fell down, and caressed the back of her hand, leaving a faint coolness and a little bit of itchiness.

The two were very close, their breath intertwined.

As long as Tang Li lowered her head, she could see her reddish nose and lips, like strawberry-flavored cream, softly melting between her lips and teeth.

"Chi Si, this..."

Tang Li deliberately prepared to speak, but just halfway through the words, Chu Chisi raised his head abruptly, those eyes were extremely dark and heavy, like a bottomless pool.

She turned over suddenly, her knees were against the bed, her whole body was on Tang Li's body, and she covered Tang Li's lips with her fingertips.

Pressing his fingertips inward, he poked a tiny depression on his lips. Chu Chisi lowered his eyebrows and said softly, "Don't go, don't go."

Tang Li said, "I didn't..."

The voice was blocked again, Chu Chisi kissed him, pushed Tang Li back, and pressed her whole body against the wall, unable to move for a while.

Her kissing skills were very unfamiliar and incomparably green, her teeth were biting Tang Li's lips, and she was not even good at breathing.

It's not like a kiss, it's more like a small beast nibbling at you, wanting to swallow you, but it doesn't know how to disassemble the flesh and bones.

Even so, Chu Chisi kissed for a long time.

The wet breath spread and wet her eyelashes, where a pair of dark eyes were pressed, no light could penetrate, and only the outline of a person could be reflected.

The soft and gentle person was pressed in his arms, the familiar aroma of Omega wrapped around the tip of his nose, Tang Li fainted for a long time under the offensive of his wife, and finally regained some sense.

She reluctantly pushed Chu Chisi away and said, "Chisi, wait a moment."

The lip was biting a little bit, but the "initiator" looked at her with wet eyes, her little face was pale and pale.

She looked aggrieved and pitiful, the corners of her eyes and the tip of her nose were red, making Tang Li unable to say a serious word.

Chu Chisi leaned over again, covering Tang Li's chest, her knuckles pressing against her collar, slowly sliding down to the position of her heart.

"Tang Li, don't you like me?"

Chu Chisi got so close that it was almost Tang Li's ear tip talking, his voice was so soft that it turned into water: "Do you hate me?"

The small airflow slid across the cheeks, tangled the ends of the hair, and poured into the ears word by word, spreading out some ethereal heat.

Tang Li was going crazy, her throat was dry: "No-no."

One of the buttons was undone, revealing a slender collarbone, and the warm room light fell on her, moistening her already fair skin.

The fingertips stroked the collarbone and traced it lightly and slowly, stirring up a fine itch, which made Tang Li tremble uncontrollably.

Chu Chisi's fingertips were cold, but they were delicate and soft to the touch. They slipped over the skin and slipped onto Tang Li's collar.

She didn't continue to unbutton, but continued to slide down, pressing her hand on her lower abdomen, with a thin layer of pajamas between her fingertips, making a few small circles very lightly and very softly.

Tang Li sucked in a breath of cold air.

She bit her lip and wanted to push the other party away, but was pressed tightly by Chu Chi Si, and was tightly locked in place by the pheromone: "Chi Si, don't..."

The continuous kisses landed on the tip of the nose, lips, and jaw, and walked down slowly, easily disturbing Tang Li's mind.

Warm breath blew across her neck, and before Tang Li could react, she lowered her head and picked up the button that was about to fall on her neckline.

The transparent button was held in her mouth, dyed with a hazy, wet taste, and the tip of her red tongue pressed against the plastic, slurping and licking it twice.

Her voice was soft and waxy, and because she was biting on Tang Li's collar, her words were slurred: "Tang Li, Tang Li."

"Tang Li, why don't you kiss me?"

The author says:

Tang Li: Where is my quick-acting heart-saving pill, help, help, help, help—

The two people with the strongest fighting power are greasy and crooked on No. 2, and the two rookies with the weakest fighting power, dragging their thin and small bodies, are running wildly and diligently destroying Jingfan, which is really outrageous.

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