Tang Li was about to faint: "Wait-wait..."

The button was held in Chu Chisi's mouth, and was fiddled with by Yin Hong's tongue. It was like a crystal clear fruit candy, and it looked extremely attractive.

"Tang Li, why?"

Chu Chisi bit and grabbed her collar, but she refused to let go and became more and more aggrieved: "Why don't you kiss me?"

How could Tang Li refuse to kiss her? The key is that the wife in front of her seems to be a little strange, not the same as usual.

But the wife is still cute.

"Tang Li, Tang Li." Chu Chisi called softly, then leaned up and kissed her eyes, the long black hair fell from her shoulders and slipped softly along the front of her clothes.

Her lips were so soft, and when they landed on her eyes, a trace of heat would overflow from the corners of her lips and flow wantonly on her cheeks.

"Chi Si, wait-wait."

Tang Li suppressed her intense heartbeat, raised her arm to block her, and slightly separated the distance between the two.

Chu Chisi was stunned, and the water mist spread up from the lower eye sockets, covering his eyes in an instant.

She was hoarse and her voice was shaking: "Tang Li, you don't like me anymore."

Tang Li: "..."

Wife is like this, who can hold back? !

Tang Li still resisted abruptly. She raised her hand and stroked Chu Chisi's cheek.

"What are you talking about," Tang Li leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose, "I don't dislike you."

Chu Chisi obediently closed his eyes.

It's just that compared to her, Tang Li's kisses are very light, and they leave like a touch of water, and they don't want to stay for a long time.

"This is... Area 2, right?" Tang Li glanced around and mentioned it unintentionally, "Weren't we still in the Mirare-In building at No. 5 yesterday?"

Chu Chisi smiled, sweetly, with crescent eyebrows and eyes: "Well, yes."

His fingertips stroked Tang Li's shoulder, fiddled with her collar, and said softly, "I brought you back after I knocked you out. This is our home."

Tang Li: "…"

She didn't even hide it, she just said it so generously. The wife is surprisingly honest.

The system screen flickered in the peripheral vision.

After meeting two Chu Chisi respectively, the original gray [Strategy Character] interface was also unlocked, but Tang Li didn't have time to look at it, so dealing with the wife in front of him was the key.

"Then... Chi Si, are you hungry?"

Tang Li racked his brains and began to change the subject again: "What do you want to eat? I'll go to the kitchen to make it for you."

Chu Chisi straightened up, she picked up a strand of Tang Li's long brown-blond hair, rolled it between her knuckles a few times, and then put it on her lips.

"Tang Li, my Tang Li."

Her long hair hangs loose like a golden chain that binds her neck, like a canary's feathers, so she cut it off and clenched it tightly in the palm of her hand.

Inch after inch, circle after circle, the long hair that had been hanging down to her waist was rolled up by her, all of which were gathered in the palm of her hand.

"Tang Li," the warmth on his lips pressed against his neck, quietly pouring into his skin, "I want..."

Fingertips pressed against his chest, the thin pajamas were pressed down a little, and the fragrance of the snow rushed into his chest.

Reverent and humble, she kissed along the veins of her neck little by little, and kissed Tang Li's chin: "Can I have you?"

The metal ring collided, and the chain that imprisoned the ankle was suddenly pulled and smashed from the bed to the ground.

Of course, Tang Li was also smashed down together.

Tang Li didn't dare to push the opponent hard, so he had to be cruel to himself, and his back hit the ground with a bang, but because of the cashmere carpet, it didn't hurt very much.

Chu Chisi was still sitting on the bed, she tilted her head, those dark eyes stared at Tang Li, trying to stare her out of a hole.

She asked, "Tang Li, why?"

"Hey," Tang Li sat on the ground, barely propped up, "Chi Si, wait a minute."

Chu Chisi couldn't wait any longer.

"You say you like me, but you won't kiss me or hug me, would you rather throw yourself down than avoid me?"

There was a fire in the depths of those eyes, using herself as fuel, burning quietly and faintly, melting the flesh into coke and tearing the bones into pieces.

Tang Li frowned and clenched his fists.

She has seen this look, reflected in the smooth and clean mirror, penetrating the thin air, and looking at the person outside the mirror.

The long brown-blond hair hangs down on his shoulders, the light-colored eyes are empty, only death and desolation are left, the corners of his eyes and lips are full of smiles, but it only makes people feel bone-chilling.

Chu Chisi's current state is similar to No. 63, who was picked up a long time ago, and perhaps, is also somewhat similar to the current self.

How did Chu Chisi treat him back then?

Tang Li thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt a little guilty, because when she thought about it for a long time, it seemed that she only had four big characters: [Suffering]

His knuckles covered his long hair, and he rubbed it in distress. Tang Li sat on the ground and silently began to explain: "I like you, it doesn't mean I have to do... that kind of thing, right?"

Chu Chisi bit her lip and didn't speak.

"Like can also mean wanting to stay with you, wanting to make you all kinds of delicious food every day, and take you to fun places."

Tang Li snapped her fingers and felt a little guilty: "There are so many things that can be done, there is no need to ask for this, right?"

Chu Chisi was hoarse and looked like he was about to cry: "But I only want this, but you won't touch me."

Tang Li: "…"

"I'm just... I'm just not ready," Tang Li continued to explain, "Chi Si, can I make a cake for you?"

Of course Tang Li was lying.

In terms of her usual behavior of wanting to become a pendant and hanging on her wife's waist, there is no such thing as "not ready" at all.

However, Tang Li is always a little worried about Chu Chisi's current state. It's okay if his wife is a little wrong, but he must not go crazy with her.

Tang Li knew all too well how terrifying and terrifying she was when she was completely "out of control".

So she absolutely can't, she can't let her instinct surpass her reason, lose her sense of proportion in a trance, and hurt Chu Chisi instead.

Chu Chisi pursed his lips, and the corners of his eyes were red.

"Forget it, I know," Chu Chisi lowered his head and muttered, "You just like young little Omegas, and you're no longer interested in me."

Tang Li was stunned: "What, I don't have it?"

"I haven't said it yet," Chu Chisi held on to the sheets, her voice hoarse. "Take her to play around, ride the roller coaster three times, and buy oversized strawberry marshmallows. She is so cold to me that she refuses to hug me."

Tang Li: "??????"

Tang Li never expected that the "old account" from the last cycle would be turned over like this again. She felt guilty and guilty, so she quickly got up and took her wife in her arms.

She wrapped her arms around Chu Chisi's neck, hugged him tightly, touched her long black hair, and coaxed softly, "Yes, it's all my fault."

The long brown-gold hair brushed across his cheeks, and the familiar aroma infiltrated the tip of his nose. The embrace was too soft. Chu Chisi narrowed his long eyelashes slightly, and his eyes were deep.

[She seems to realize something. 】

[Is this... Tang Li's "weakness"? ].

Chu Chisi, who was stubborn and stubborn before, suddenly seemed to have figured it out. She untied the chain on her ankle and said she wanted to eat cake coquettishly.

What is the wife planning?

Tang Li was a little confused, but even if his wife was a little strange, she was also his lovely wife. Tang Li decided not to think too much.

The system panel is beating and has a strong sense of presence.

After entering the tattoo mirror again, the panel of "Strategic Characters" was locked, and it was finally unlocked after Tang Li and Chu Chisi's two conscious bodies met.

Unlike before, Paipai has completely cracked the so-called "system panel", and many hidden information and panels are displayed in front of Tang Li.

There's a lot of information and it's messy.

Tang Li thought for a while, and decided to open the [Strategy Target] panel first to see what was updated inside.

According to Paipai, this system panel was originally a control panel arranged by Chu Chisi, but it was changed into a strategy panel by the SAARC side.

Therefore, as long as the content following the "#" symbol is the comment left by SAARC.

Raiders character No. 1:

Name: Chu Chisi

Status: Mirare-In R&D Director

#1: Identity does not matter, let the tattoo mirror be generated by itself, the point is to use the so-called "marriage contract" to force Chu Chisi to meet the Raiders.

#2: The guide "background" successfully entered the tattoo mirror, but there were many bugs. The 8th and 9th areas are garbled, which is extremely dangerous~

#1: Got it, you asked the raiders to avoid these two places as much as possible and move in other areas.

#2: Okay~

Differentiation: Omega

#1: Can you adjust Chuchisi's pheromone value in the background? Can she get out of control?

#2: No, Chu Chisi has locked his own stats, I can only adjust the Raiders stats~

#1: Enough, give me the permissions.

There are a lot of comments on the strategy panel. From the way the two talked and the tone of voice, the so-called No. 1 is probably silver, and No. 2 is responsible for helping her modify the program, which is the so-called fourth person— Ni Xitong.

Tang Li's eyes sank slightly, she quickly browsed the conversation between the two, and then looked down, and soon came to the things that Chu Chisi "loves and hates".


1: [to be unlocked]

2: A very large plush doll

3: Coffee-flavored snacks and desserts

4: [to be unlocked]


1: A dark place

2: Abandoned by someone you like

3: Painful, bleeding wounds

#1: Haven't any Raiders unlocked any of the favorites and hats yet?

#2: No~

#2: Raiders NM9034 is a bit powerful. She unlocked two "favorites" of Chu Chisi at once. Is that person really just an ordinary reporter~?

#1: Don't ask unnecessary questions, keep watching her words and deeds, and report any abnormality to me immediately.

#2: Well, listen to you~

No wonder the previous panels were locked. It seems that Jingfan detected that Chu Chisi had modified the "memory segmentation node" and automatically updated the data.

If Tang Li remembered correctly, Chu Chisi's "hate" should have been locked, but after the update, it merged with the "hate thing" that was unlocked on "Xiao Chu" before.

Although it was divided into different memory segments and appeared in the mirror fan with different consciousness bodies, in the final analysis, it was actually [Chu Chisi] alone.

The fingertips continued to slide down, and there was no change in the "Mission Objective" panel. 1-5 were the same as the previous cycle. Tang Li hurriedly glanced at it and came to the "Notes".



1: Trust her

2-3: [read error]

4: Don't trust other people

5: Remember that you have always loved her


1: Don't arouse her suspicion

2: Never trust your target

3: This world can only exist for sixty days

#1: Only the Raiders with the code name NS are our people, and the Raiders with the code name NM are all recruited from the civilians. Please keep an eye on them, don’t let them trust Chu Chisi, and don’t let Chu Chisi use them to destroy Mirror Fan.

#2: Received~

The "Notes" is divided into two parts, among which the numbers 1-5 hidden by "###" are secretly implanted into the system panel by Pai Pai and exist as Tang Li's [anchor point].

The world in the mirror will completely disrupt the memory and turn it into a disordered state, and the [Anchor] is like a needle, which will quickly connect the memories together, helping Tang Li recall his identity and purpose.

This part is hidden from Ni Xitong and Yin.

Therefore, in the second-layer pattern mirror (fake time-travel bureau), the stack of documents Ni Xitong handed to Tang Li only contained numbers 1-3, and there were no numbers 1-5 implanted by Pai.

This also led to Tang Li's memory confusion, not remembering his identity and name, and it took a little trick to recall his "anchor" and real purpose.

4: Don't trust other people

#tangli, except for Chu Chisi, you can't trust other people, including the system that speaks in your ear and gives you "strategic guidance".

5: Remember that you have always loved her

#tangli, you can forget anything, you can forget your identity, purpose, and even your name, but you must never forget that you have always loved her.

These are Tang Li's messages to himself.

The original No. 1-3 "Precautions" were set by Yin. Judging from the dialogue between the two, Yin must have used the person he trusted first, that is, the person with the NS code name to deal with Chu Chisi.

Ordinary people can only withstand 1-3 long-distance connections. After finding that there are not enough people, Yincai released the so-called "recruitment notice", which is distinguished by the NM code.

For example, Tang Li is "NM9034".

Yin asked Ni Xitong to change the second floor into a "traversing bureau", attracting ordinary SAARC residents with large bonuses, and tricking them that this is just a scripted world, this is just a game.

She let countless people enter the carrier of "Tang Li" to get close to Chu Chisi, torment her over and over again, wear down her will little by little, and shake her faith.

Fingertips continued to swipe down.

To Tang Li's surprise, the "monitoring panel" that Ni Xitong hesitated to show her before was completely unlocked in this cycle.

In the "monitoring panel", [Chu Chisi's physical state in reality] is monitored all the time, including the average heart rate, blood oxygen concentration, respiratory rate, and pheromone concentration.

Tang Li frowned.

Chu Chisi's physical condition is very bad, whether it is heart rate or blood oxygen is not normal, he must find her as soon as possible and bring her back.

After flipping through a few pages, Tang Li finally got a good look at the system panel, but there was a red dot that kept flashing, and she never dared to open it because of her guilty conscience.

That is [Strategy Object No. 2]:

Name: Chu Chisi

Identity: Your little lunatic


1: Tang Pear

2: Tang Pear

3: Tang Pear

4: Tang Pear

5: Tang Pear

100: Tang Pear

As soon as I clicked on [Like], the densely packed two words "Tang Li" jumped out, extremely terrifying, and jumped 100 times with a strong possessiveness, all of them were small red characters, occupying the entire screen.

Tang Li swiped down for about 5 minutes before finally finishing the whole "like" and came to the second part of "hate".


1: Tang Li doesn't like me

2: Tang Li doesn't kiss me

3: Tang Li doesn't hug me

4: [to be unlocked]

Tang Li: "..."

Looking at the "Strategy Character No. 2" panel full of red letters in front of him, Tang Li didn't feel scared or fearful, but instead, the more he looked, the more uneasy and guilty he became.

Because of this strong possessiveness—

It is very familiar to Tang Li.

The former No. 63 also wanted to do the same thing to Chu Chisi. She thought she was crazy. She wanted to trap her in the room, nail the window, lock the door, and block all escape routes.

Can only look at himself, can only laugh at her.

However, No. 63 soon discovered that she didn't need to lock the other party at all, because Chu Chisi was housebound and afraid of social interaction, so she wanted to live in the laboratory for the rest of her life.

No. 63: "…"

Chu Chisi would go out for a meal anyway, since she brought No. 63 back from the snowy mountains, and someone fed her, she was simply too lazy to go to the door, and even the matter of going to the next laboratory to borrow instruments was thrown to No. 63 on the head.

She would tap No. 63's shoulder with her fingertips, then look at herself with clear eyes, and her voice was soft: "I want to eat strawberry cake."

No. 63: "..."

It always felt like something was wrong.

In the end, it became Tang Li's hard work, and it took a long time to coax her to take his wife out, let the wind out, relax, and don't get moldy in the laboratory. .

Although the chain was undone, the metal ring was still fastened to the ankle, and it seemed to contain some strange instrument, which was glowing red.

The window was also nailed to the iron plate and couldn't be opened. Tang Li knocked on it and found that it was still the kind of thick bulletproof glass that was difficult to smash easily.

Tang Li changed out of the fluffy pajamas, looked at the closet that was stuffed for a while, thought for a moment, and changed into more casual clothes.

Anyway, I won't be able to go out for a while, so it's better to dress casually and comfortably, lie down and let the little madman handle it.

Tang Li thought so.

She opened the door and walked out, and saw the little madman sitting on the sofa, the familiar housekeeper NPC was standing beside her, and the two were whispering something.

After hearing the sound of the door opening, the little madman turned his head suddenly, his eyes were shining, and he ran towards Tang Li in small steps.

"Tang Li, you are wearing the clothes I bought."

Before Tang Li could react, the little madman threw himself into his arms, and the delicate snow was full of fragrance. He raised his head and smiled at her: "Tang Li, you are so beautiful."

Tang Li's ears were all red, and she felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Well, you look so beautiful, like the kind of doll in the cupboard." The little madman smiled sweetly, his fingertips touched Tang Li's eyelashes and stroked a few times.

The little madman got close, she stood on tiptoe and held Tang Li's cheek, her voice was so soft: "My puppy, you can't leave me."

The wife's fingertips were tender, and Tang Li felt a little distracted by her touch. She was patronizing to suppress the alpha pheromone, and she didn't understand what the little madman said.

When she reacted, the little madman had already retreated. She had her hands behind her back and her dimples were sweet: "Tang Li, you said you want to make a cake."

"Ah, cake." The dizzy Tang Li remembered about the cake. She went to the kitchen to prepare, and the little madman opened the door and went to the garden.

The housekeeper NPC floated over, staring at Tang Li's every move, staring at Tang Li a little uncomfortable, thinking that it would be better for his wife to stare, at least the wife is more cute.

Tang Li's wish soon came true.

The little madman picked a lot of hydrangeas in the backyard. She put the flowers on the dining table, waved away the housekeeper NPC, and walked quietly behind her.

"Tang Li, what are you doing?"

With her slender arms wrapped around her waist, she hugged Tang Li in her arms from behind. The little madman stood on tiptoe and pressed his chin on her shoulder: "Tang Li, Tang Li."

That voice was softer than a cake, and poured straight into the auricle, causing Tang Li's hand to stir the cream to tremble: "Chi, Chi Si..."

The soft part is close to the back, the cloth is rubbed finely, and it is scorching hot like a spark, so hot that it will melt into his body immediately.

Strange, something is wrong?

Chu Chisi's physique is cold, and the palms of his hands and the tip of his nose are always cool. When the two of them sleep together, they often hug him, saying that Tang Li is warmer here.

However, the little madman's body temperature is very high.

Heart throbbing.

Tang Li turned around abruptly, she grabbed the little madman's wrist, the pulse under her fingertips was intense, her dark eyes were covered with mist, and she looked at herself with a beaming smile.

Several different scents were mixed in the air, a creamy scent, the light scent of fine snow on Omega, and a faint scent of oleander.

It was CY-1875, something that Chu Chisi used to himself in the second cycle. After the war, it was completely banned by the Northern Alliance.

"Chu Chisi, you—"

Tang Li was a little angry, but as soon as he finished speaking, the little madman kissed him.

It wasn't a kiss, but the drowning man clutched at her driftwood and looked up, drawing on the few oxygen available.

The waist suddenly tickled, and the little madman hugged her, his eyes were deep, his movements were gentle, and he kept the temperature of his fingertips inch by inch.

"Tang Li, don't reject me anymore."

The little madman murmured, his fingers wrapped around his waist, and he hugged her tightly, as if to melt into his arms: "Tang Li, do you hate me so much?"

Tang Li's body froze suddenly.

"No matter what I do, you always push me away, leave me, refuse to kiss me or hug me."

She said aggrievedly while poking at each other with her fingertips, both angry and unhappy.

"Tang Li, look at me."

The little madman raised his head, his eyes were very black and white, clean and thorough, every word was very light, and he knocked heavily into Tang Li's most vulnerable place: "Don't ignore me."

"I...I'll be sad too, Tang Li."

Tang Li couldn't hold it steady, the small bowl full of cream in his hand was knocked over by "bang dang", and the porcelain bowl with the small flowers cracked into several pieces on the ground.

Cream poured out from the gap, and was trampled by the toe of the shoe. Tang Li pushed her back slightly, and the two of them collided with the table.

There were also hydrangeas picked by the little madman on the table. The hydrangeas swayed because of the violent movements. The flowers exuded a faint fragrance and surged silently.

The little madman laughed happily.

She sat on the table, her straight and slender legs folded over her waist, and wrapped Tang Li in her arms.

"Tang Li, my Tang Li."

The little madman said softly, stroked Tang Li's cheek, and raised her chin: "You just look at me alone, okay?"

That voice was a spell, or the song of a siren rising to the surface. It was lingering and gentle, and no one could hide from it, and Tang Li was no exception.

The hydrangeas just picked from the backyard are placed on the table, the tiny petals are shaking, and the crystal dewdrops are rolling down one by one.

In reality, hydrangea contains toxins and is a flower for ornamental purposes only.

But in the virtual world, these flowers are just modeling, and even injuries can be fully recovered by reset points, so naturally there is no need to worry about toxins.

For Tang Li, she knew that everything was data, a signal sent by a computer, a virtual image and sound, a lie and deception—

But to the little madman, this is the [truth], and the entire tattoo mirror is everything to her, the place where all her memories are kept.

So what is true and what is false.

Who can tell.

The beautiful hydrangea, the tiny petals that are intertwined in layers, circled, grinded, squeezed, bitten, and crushed into a soft flower mud.

The little madman lowered his head, his knuckles caressed the long brown-blond hair, and the hair was wrapped around his knuckles, which was soft and delicate to the touch.

The flower mud has a quiet aroma, a little salty, melted with some temperature, sticky like a small bubble, and poured out along the corner of the lips.

She always doesn't like to go out, she likes to stay in the laboratory, she can't see the sun all day long, and she can vaguely see light blue veins under her soft milk-colored skin.

The tiny breaths are like clouds, like hydrangea flowers crumpled between the knuckles, scattered in the cool and quiet room, one after another drifting away.

Tang Li, her Tang Li,

Still love her after all.

Some words do not need to be spoken, some facts do not need to be verified, in the sound and color, in the time, thousands of twists and turns, it is quietly engraved in countless memories.

The hands of the clock wiggled every second, and the gears "clicked" and "clicked" until they finally snapped into the right place.

dream hugs,

She longed for a kiss for a long time.

The little madman lay obediently on her shoulder, his long eyelashes drooped densely, and his eyes were full of the splendid blond hair, swaying lightly, lighting up a faint star. .

No matter what time period it was in Chu Chisi, she was still the same Chu Chisi after all. She was very meticulous, and she had to do everything in a comprehensive way, so that there was no chance for people to escape.

What's more, she has 30,000 memories.

If the original Chu Chisi had a soft heart after all, then the little madman is pure, dark without any variegated colors.

The little madman knows how to use people's hearts, how to set up a net, and how to track down others most effectively.

Coupled with her familiarity with tattoo mirrors, in this virtual world, the little madman can do anything she wants, the only difference is whether she wants to.

The housekeeper NPC was kicked out of the villa a long time ago. There are only two of them here. It is a bird cage carefully arranged by the little madman, trapping her canary in it, and can no longer escape.

The window was opened, and the afternoon wind came in, blowing through the hydrangea bushes, the small flowers swayed, and even the room could smell a faint fragrance.

The cold water poured into the throat, rolled twice between the lips and teeth, and was spit out by Tang Li.

She rinsed her mouth with water, glanced at the knife in the kitchen, and wanted to give the knife to her impulsive self.

Tang Li, Tang Li, what are you doing? What about patience and self-control? How can I lose my wife when I meet my wife?

As soon as the wife was sad, acted like a spoiled child, and said a few more words, Tang Li was completely soft-hearted, and there was absolutely nothing to do with her, and she was willing to do anything for Chu Chisi.

There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his long brown and blond hair was glued to the side of his face. Tang Li fiddled with the long hair, poured another mouthful of ice water, and sighed silently.

She stayed in the kitchen for a while, but didn't go out for a long time, which caused the people sitting outside to be slightly dissatisfied. She tilted her head and looked through the gap, trying to catch Tang Li's figure.

The little madman was only wearing a coat, and it was empty inside. She sat on the table, dangled her white legs, and kicked the stool beside her, trying to attract Tang Li's attention.

"banging", "banging"

Several times in a row, without stopping.

Tang Li poured her saliva again, and the ice water pressed down the heat on the back of her neck. She poured a glass of milk for the little madman, warmed it, and brought it to the other party.

"Chi Si, would you like something to drink?"

Tang Li handed her the glass. The milk had just been taken out of the hot water, and there was still a wisp of mist. It was warm but not scalding, just the right temperature to drink.

The milk was for Chu Chisi, so Tang Li poured himself a glass of water and mercilessly added a lot of ice cubes.

The ice water poured into the throat, and the chill penetrated into the bone marrow, suppressing the still hot back of the neck and the alpha pheromone that was about to move.

The little madman smiled at her, the corners of his eyes and the tip of his nose were red, he was clearly being bullied, but he smiled happily: "Thank you."

She took the milk, took a sip first, then licked her lips and handed it to Tang Li: "Tang Li, you drink too."

She looks cute, cute, and very obedient.

Tang Li leaned on the edge of the table and continued to fill the ice water silently. Hearing this, he shook his head: "I don't drink milk, and I don't like the taste."

The little madman blinked, and suddenly approached her a little, and his voice fell softly: "You don't like sweets, and you don't like milk, right?"

Tang Li nodded: "Well, what's wrong?"

The little madman frowned, drank milk in small sips, and said in a vague voice: "It's nothing, I just want to talk to you more."

The hydrangeas on the table were messed up, some fell under the table, some were crumpled, and just scattered on the table.

There is still a sticky floral fragrance in the air, dotted on the ends of the hair, quietly climbing up the neck like vines, wrapping people finely, trapped in the light fragrance.

Tang Li shook the water glass in his hand, a little lost.

She slowly adjusted her disordered breathing, her ears and cheeks were a little hot, her heart was still beating very fast, and she had not fully recovered.

The waist was suddenly rubbed by someone, and the force was very light.

The little madman was born very white, and the skin on the back of his feet was thin and transparent. When he rubbed against Tang Li's waist, he could vaguely see the pale veins.

The ankles were thin and dyed a faint red.

Tang Li calmed down, put down the water glass for a while, turned her head and asked, "Chi Si, what's wrong?"

The little madman pursed his lips and smiled, leaned towards her, wrapped Tang Li's neck like this, and hugged her softly.

She was still warm, and her knees were a little red, and the lingering fears had not faded, and she was still shaking slightly.

"Tang Li, where are you looking?"

The little madman called softly, like a coquettish kitten, scratching at the tip of his heart: "Tang Li, will you accompany me to take a bath?"

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